# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/parted/parted-1.6.10-r2.ebuild,v 1.8 2004/08/21 05:59:23 vapier Exp $ inherit eutils gnuconfig DESCRIPTION="Create, destroy, resize, check, copy partitions and file systems" HOMEPAGE="http://www.gnu.org/software/parted" SRC_URI="mirror://gnu/${PN}/${P}.tar.gz" # mirror://gentoo/${P}.tar.gz # mirror://gentoo/${PF}-gentoo.tar.bz2 # http://dev.gentoo.org/~dholm/distfiles/${PF}-gentoo.tar.bz2" LICENSE="GPL-2" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~x86 ppc ~alpha hppa ~amd64 ~ia64" IUSE="nls static readline debug" DEPEND=">=sys-fs/e2fsprogs-1.27 >=sys-libs/ncurses-5.2 nls? ( sys-devel/gettext ) readline? ( >=sys-libs/readline-4.1-r4 )" PATCHDIR=${WORKDIR}/patches #src_unpack() { # unpack ${A} # cd ${S} # EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" epatch ${PATCHDIR} # gnuconfig_update #} src_compile() { econf \ `use_with readline` \ `use_enable nls` \ `use_enable debug` \ `use_enable static all-static` \ --disable-Werror \ --target=${CHOST} ${myconf} || die "Configure failed" emake || die "Make failed" } src_install() { einstall || die "Install failed" dodoc ABOUT-NLS AUTHORS BUGS COPYING ChangeLog \ INSTALL NEWS README THANKS TODO docinto doc; cd doc dodoc API FAQ FAT USER.jp }