#Monitorix CGI generates graphics and HTML files in a directory #( usually /var/lib/monitorix/imgs ) which must belong to the user #running the web server. #If you are using the built-in webserver, default ownership (user monitorix, #group monitorix) is good, but if you access monitorix CGI through another #web server (e.g. Apache) you have to set IMG_UOWNER_OPTS and #IMG_GOWNER_OPTS to the same user and group your web server is using to run. #Example (for apache): #IMG_UOWNER_OPTS="apache" #IMG_GOWNER_OPTS="apache" IMG_UOWNER_OPTS="monitorix" IMG_GOWNER_OPTS="monitorix" #If you edited monitorix.conf and are not using monitorix default paths, #uncomment and edit the IMG_DIR_OPTS option to the directory that monitorix #CGI is now using for its graphics. #IMG_DIR_OPTS="/var/lib/monitorix/imgs"