# This file contains CTDB configuration variables that are affect the operation of CTDB. # The default location of this file is /etc/ctdb/ctdbd.conf. # # INITSCRIPT CONFIGURATION # CTDB_PIDFILE=/var/run/ctdb/ctdbd.pid # FILENAME is the name of the file used to contain the process ID (PID) of the # main CTDB daemon when it is running. This is passed from the initscript to ctdbd_wrapper(1). # Default is /var/run/ctdb/ctdbd.pid # # GLOBAL CONFIGURATION # #CTDB_BASE=DIRECTORY # DIRECTORY containing CTDB scripts and configuration files. # Gentoo Default to /etc/ctdb/ #CTDB_VARDIR=DIRECTORY # DIRECTORY containing CTDB files that are modified at runtime. # Defaults to /var/ctdb, unless /var/lib/ctdb already exists in which case it is used. # # DAEMON CONFIGURATION # #CTDB_CAPABILITY_LMASTER=yes # Defaults to yes. Corresponds to --no-lmaster. #CTDB_CAPABILITY_RECMASTER=yes # Defaults to yes. Corresponds to --no-recmaster. #CTDB_DBDIR=DIRECTORY # Defaults to CTDB_VARDIR. Corresponds to --dbdir. #CTDB_DBDIR_PERSISTENT=DIRECTORY # Defaults to CTDB_VARDIR/persistent. Corresponds to --dbdir-persistent. #CTDB_DBDIR_STATE=DIRECTORY # Defaults to CTDB_VARDIR/state. Corresponds to --dbdir-state. #CTDB_DEBUGLEVEL=DEBUGLEVEL # Default is ERR (0). Corresponds to -d or --debug. #CTDB_EVENT_SCRIPT_DIR=/etc/ctdb/events.d # Default is CTDB_BASE/events.d, so usually /etc/ctdb/events.d. Corresponds to --event-script-dir. #CTDB_LOGFILE=/var/log/log.ctdb # Defaults to /var/log/log.ctdb. Corresponds to --logfile. See also CTDB_SYSLOG. #CTDB_LOG_RINGBUF_SIZE=NUM # Default is 0. Corresponds to --log-ringbuf-size. #CTDB_LVS_PUBLIC_IP=IPADDR # No default. Corresponds to "--lvs --single-public-ip IPADDR". #CTDB_NODES=/etc/ctdb/nodes # Default is CTDB_BASE/nodes, so usually /etc/ctdb/nodes. Corresponds to --nlist. #CTDB_NOTIFY_SCRIPT=/etc/ctdb/notify.sh # No default, usually /etc/ctdb/notify.sh. Corresponds to --notification-script. #CTDB_MAX_PERSISTENT_CHECK_ERRORS=NUM # Default 0. Corresponds to --max-persistent-check-errors. #CTDB_PUBLIC_ADDRESSES=/etc/ctdb/public_addresses # No default, usually /etc/ctdb/public_addresses. Corresponds to --public-addresses. #CTDB_PUBLIC_INTERFACE=INTERFACE # No default. Corresponds to --public-interface. CTDB_RECOVERY_LOCK= # Defaults to /some/place/on/shared/storage, which should be change to a useful value. Corresponds to --reclock. # Empty the value if you don't want recovery lock. Risky as it would not detect split brain. #CTDB_SCRIPT_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUGLEVEL # Defaults to ERR (0). Corresponds to --script-log-level. CTDB_SOCKET=/var/lib/ctdb/ctdb.socket # Defaults to /tmp/ctdb.socket. Corresponds to --socket. # Change /etc/env.d/55ctdb when make such change to use ctdb client #CTDB_START_AS_DISABLED=yes # Default is no. Corresponds to --start-as-disabled. #CTDB_START_AS_STOPPED=yes|no # Default is no. Corresponds to --start-as-stopped. #CTDB_SYSLOG=yes|no # Default is no. Corresponds to --syslog. #CTDB_TRANSPORT=tcp|infiniband # Defaults to tcp. Corresponds to --transport. # # While the following variables do not translate into daemon options they are # used by ctdbd_wrapper(1) when starting and stopping ctdbd(1). # #CTDB_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT=NUM # NUM is the number of seconds to wait for ctdbd(1) to shut down gracefully before giving up and killing it. # Defaults is 30. #CTDB_STARTUP_TIMEOUT=NUM # NUM is the number of seconds to wait for ctdbd(1) complete early initialisation up to a point where it is unlikely to abort. # If ctdbd doesn't complete the "setup" event before this timeout then it is killed. # Defaults is 10. # # NETWORK CONFIGURATION # NAT GATEWAY # #CTDB_NATGW_DEFAULT_GATEWAY=IPADDR # IPADDR is an alternate network gateway to use on the NAT gateway master node. # If set, a fallback default route is added via this network gateway. # No default. Setting this variable is optional - if not set that no route is # created on the NAT gateway master node. #CTDB_NATGW_NODES=/etc/ctdb/natgw_nodes # FILENAME contains the list of nodes that belong to the same NAT gateway group. #CTDB_NATGW_PRIVATE_NETWORK=IPADDR/MASK # IPADDR/MASK is the private sub-network that is internally routed via the NAT # gateway master node. # This is usually the private network that is used for node addresses. # No default. #CTDB_NATGW_PUBLIC_IFACE=IFACE # IFACE is the network interface on which the CTDB_NATGW_PUBLIC_IP will be configured. # No default. #CTDB_NATGW_PUBLIC_IP=IPADDR/MASK # IPADDR/MASK indicates the IP address that is used for outgoing traffic # (originating from CTDB_NATGW_PRIVATE_NETWORK) on the NAT gateway master node. # This must not be a configured public IP address. # No default. #CTDB_NATGW_SLAVE_ONLY=yes|no # When set to "yes" a node can not be a NAT gateway master node. In this case # CTDB_NATGW_PUBLIC_IFACE and CTDB_NATGW_PUBLIC_IP are optional and unused. # Default is no. #CTDB_NATGW_STATIC_ROUTES=IPADDR/MASK[@GATEWAY] ... # Each IPADDR/MASK identifies a network or host to which NATGW should create a # fallback route, instead of creating a single default route. This can be used # when there is already a default route, via an interface that can not reach # required infrastructure, that overrides the NAT gateway default route. If # GATEWAY is specified then the corresponding route on the NATGW master node # will be via GATEWAY. Such routes are created even if # CTDB_NATGW_DEFAULT_GATEWAY is not specified. If GATEWAY is not specified for # some networks then routes are only created on the NATGW master node for those # networks if CTDB_NATGW_DEFAULT_GATEWAY is specified. This should be used with # care to avoid causing traffic to unnecessarily double-hop through the NAT # gateway master, even when a node is hosting public IP addresses. # Each specified network or host should probably have a corresponding # automatically created link route or static route to avoid this. # No default. # # POLICY ROUTING # # A node running CTDB may be a component of a complex network topology. # In particular, public addresses may be spread across several different # networks (or VLANs) and it may not be possible to route packets from these # public addresses via the system's default route. Therefore, CTDB has support # for policy routing via the 13.per_ip_routing eventscript. This allows routing # to be specified for packets sourced from each public address. # The routes are added and removed as CTDB moves public addresses between nodes. # For more information, see the POLICY ROUTING section in ctdb(7). #CTDB_PER_IP_ROUTING_CONF=FILENAME # FILENAME contains elements for constructing the desired routes for each source address. # The special FILENAME value __auto_link_local__ indicates that no configuration # file is provided and that CTDB should generate reasonable link-local routes for each public IP address. # File format: # IPADDR DEST-IPADDR/MASK [GATEWAY-IPADDR] # No default, usually /etc/ctdb/policy_routing when enabled. #CTDB_PER_IP_ROUTING_RULE_PREF=NUM #NUM sets the priority (or preference) for the routing rules that are added by CTDB. # This should be (strictly) greater than 0 and (strictly) less than 32766. # A priority of 100 is recommended, unless this conflicts with a priority already # in use on the system. See ip(8), for more details. #CTDB_PER_IP_ROUTING_TABLE_ID_LOW=LOW-NUM #CTDB_PER_IP_ROUTING_TABLE_ID_HIGH=HIGH-NUM # CTDB determines a unique routing table number to use for the routing related # to each public address. LOW-NUM and HIGH-NUM indicate the minimum and maximum # routing table numbers that are used. # ip(8) uses some reserved routing table numbers below 255. Therefore, # CTDB_PER_IP_ROUTING_TABLE_ID_LOW should be (strictly) greater than 255. # CTDB uses the standard file /etc/iproute2/rt_tables to maintain a mapping # between the routing table numbers and labels. The label for a public address # ADDR will look like ctdb.addr. This means that the associated rules and # routes are easy to read (and manipulate). # No default, usually 1000 and 9000. # # SERVICE CONFIGURATION # SAMBA # CTDB_MANAGES_SAMBA=yes # Should CTDB manage Samba? # Default is no. #CTDB_MANAGES_WINBIND=no # Should CTDB manage Winbind? # Default is no. # Gentoo winbind are inside smaba, kept comment #CTDB_SAMBA_CHECK_PORTS=PORT-LIST # When monitoring Samba, check TCP ports in space-separated PORT-LIST. # Default is to monitor ports that Samba is configured to listen on. # #CTDB_SAMBA_SKIP_SHARE_CHECK=yes|no # As part of monitoring, should CTDB skip the check for the existence of each # directory configured as share in Samba. This may be desirable if there is a large number of shares. # Default is no. # #CTDB_SERVICE_NMB=SERVICE # Distribution specific SERVICE for managing nmbd. # Default is distribution-dependant. # Gentoo nmbd are inside smaba, kept comment # CTDB_SERVICE_SMB=samba # Distribution specific SERVICE for managing smbd. # Default is distribution-dependant. # # CTDB_SERVICE_WINBIND=SERVICE # Distribution specific SERVICE for managing winbindd. # Default is "winbind". # Gentoo winbind are inside smaba, kept comment # # NFS # #CTDB_CLUSTER_FILESYSTEM_TYPE=gpfs # The type of cluster filesystem to use with NFS-ganesha. Currently only "gpfs" # is supported. # Default is "gpfs". #CTDB_GANESHA_REC_SUBDIRSUBDIR # SUBDIR is the name of a top-level subdirectory in the first cluster # filesystem. This subdirectory is used to allow communication between # NFS-Ganesha and the 60.ganesha script. # Default is ".ganesha". #CTDB_MANAGES_NFS=yes|no # Should CTDB manage NFS? # Default is no. #CTDB_MONITOR_NFS_THREAD_COUNT=yes|no # Whether to monitor the NFS kernel server thread count. # This works around a limitation in some NFS initscripts where some threads can # be stuck in host filesystem calls (perhaps due to slow storage), a restart # occurs, some threads don't exit, the start only adds the missing number of # threads, the stuck threads exit, and the result is a lower than expected # thread count. Note that if you must also set RPCNFSDCOUNT (RedHat/Debian) or # USE_KERNEL_NFSD_NUMBER (SUSE) in your NFS configuration so the monitoring # code knows how many threads there should be - if neither of these are set # then this option will be ignored. # Default is no. #CTDB_NFS_DUMP_STUCK_THREADS=NUM # NUM is the number of NFS kernel server threads to dump stack traces for if # some are still alive after stopping NFS during a restart. # Default is 5. Set this to 0 to disable this feature. #CTDB_NFS_SERVER_MODE=kernel|ganesha # Selects which NFS server to be managed. # This replaces the deprecated variable NFS_SERVER_MODE. # Default is "kernel". #CTDB_NFS_SKIP_KNFSD_ALIVE_CHECK=yes|no # During monitoring, should CTDB skip the rpcinfo check that is used to see if # the NFS kernel server is functional. # Default is no. #CTDB_NFS_SKIP_SHARE_CHECK=yes|no # As part of monitoring, should CTDB skip the check for the existence of each # directory exported via NFS. This may be desirable if there is a large number of exports. # Default is no. #CTDB_RPCINFO_LOCALHOST=IPADDR|HOSTNAME # IPADDR or HOSTNAME indicates the address that rpcinfo should connect to when # doing rpcinfo check on RPC service during monitoring. Optimally this would be # "localhost". However, this can add some performance overheads. # Default is "". # #CTDB_SKIP_GANESHA_NFSD_CHECK=yes|no # As part of monitoring, should CTDB skip the check for the existence of each # directory exported via NFS-Ganesha. This may be desirable if there is a large number of exports. # Default is no. # # APACHE HTTPD # #CTDB_MANAGES_HTTPD=yes # Should CTDB manage the Apache web server? # Default is no. # # CLAMAV # #CTDB_MANAGES_CLAMD=yes|no # Should CTDB manage ClamAV? # Default is no. #CTDB_CLAMD_SOCKET=/var/run/clamav/clamd.sock # FILENAME is the socket to monitor ClamAV. # No default. # # ISCSI # #CTDB_MANAGES_ISCSI=yes|no # Should CTDB manage iSCSI tgtd? # Default is no. #CTDB_START_ISCSI_SCRIPTS=DIRECTORY # DIRECTORY on shared storage containing scripts to start tgtd for each public IP address. # No default. # # MULTIPATHD # # CTDB_MONITOR_MPDEVICES=MP-DEVICE-LIST # MP-DEVICE-LIST is a list of multipath devices for CTDB to monitor? # No default. # # VSFTPD # #CTDB_MANAGES_VSFTPD=yes|no # Should CTDB manage the vsftpd FTP server? # Default is no. # # SYSTEM RESOURCE MONITORING CONFIGURATION # #CTDB_CHECK_FS_USE=FS-LIMIT-LIST # FS-LIMIT-LIST is a space-separated list of FILESYSTEM:LIMIT pairs indicating # that a node should be flagged unhealthy if the space used on FILESYSTEM # reaches LIMIT%. # No default. # Note that this feature uses the 40.fs_use eventscript, which is not enabled # by default. # Use ctdb enablescript to enable it. #CTDB_CHECK_SWAP_IS_NOT_USED=yes|no # Should a warning be logged if swap space is in use. # Default is no. CTDB_MONITOR_FREE_MEMORY=100 # NUM is a lower limit on available system memory, expressed in megabytes. If # this is set and the amount of available memory falls below this limit then # some debug information will be logged, the node will be disabled and then # CTDB will be shut down. # No default. #CTDB_MONITOR_FREE_MEMORY_WARN=150 # NUM is a lower limit on available system memory, expressed in megabytes. If # this is set and the amount of available memory falls below this limit then a # warning will be logged. # No default. # # MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE-RELATED CONFIGURATION # #CTDB_MANAGED_SERVICES=SERVICE-LIST # SERVICE-LIST is a space-separated list of SERVICEs that CTDB should manage. # This can be used as an alternative to the CTDB_MANAGES_SERVICE variables. # No default. #CTDB_SERVICE_AUTOSTARTSTOP=yes|no # When CTDB should start and stop services if they become managed or unmanaged. # Default is no. # # DEBUG AND TEST # # Not to be trouch if not required # #CTDB_DEBUG_HUNG_SCRIPT=FILENAME # FILENAME is a script to run to log debug information when an event script # times out. # Default is CTDB_BASE/debug-hung-script.sh. #CTDB_DEBUG_HUNG_SCRIPT_LOGFILE=FILENAME # FILENAME specifies where log messages should go when debugging hung # eventscripts. This is a testing option. See also CTDB_DEBUG_HUNG_SCRIPT. # No default. Messages go to stdout/stderr and are logged to the same place as # other CTDB log messages. #CTDB_DEBUG_HUNG_SCRIPT_STACKPAT=REGEXP # REGEXP specifies interesting processes for which stack traces should be # logged when debugging hung eventscripts and those processes are matched in # pstree output. See also CTDB_DEBUG_HUNG_SCRIPT. # Default is "exportfs\|rpcinfo". #CTDB_DEBUG_LOCKS=FILENAME # FILENAME is a script to run to log debug information when an CTDB fails to # freeze databases during recovery. # No default, usually CTDB_BASE/debug_locks.sh. #CTDB_ETCDIR=DIRECTORY # DIRECTORY containing system configuration files. This is used to provide # alternate configuration when testing and should not need to be changed from # the default. # Default is /etc. #CTDB_INIT_STYLE=debian|redhat|suse # This is the init style used by the Linux distribution (or other operating # system) being used. This is usually determined dynamically by checking the # system. This variable is used by the initscript to determine which init # system primitives to use. It is also used by some eventscripts to choose the # name of initscripts for certain services, since these can vary between # distributions. # No fixed default. # If this option needs to be changed from the calculated default for the # initscript to function properly, then it must be set in the # distribution-specific initscript configuration, such as /etc/sysconfig/ctdb #CTDB_MAX_CORRUPT_DB_BACKUPS=NUM # NUM is the maximum number of volatile TDB database backups to be kept (for # each database) when a corrupt database is found during startup. Volatile TDBs # are zeroed during startup so backups are needed to debug any corruption that # occurs before a restart. # Default is 10. #CTDB_RC_LOCAL=FILENAME # FILENAME is a script fragment to be sourced by the functions that is sourced # by scripts. On example use would be to override function definitions in unit # tests. As a sanity check, this file must be executable for it to be used. # No default. #CTDB_RUN_TIMEOUT_MONITOR=yes|no # Whether CTDB should simulate timing out monitor events. This uses the # 99.timeout eventscript. # Default is no. #CTDB_SCRIPT_DEBUGLEVEL=NUM # NUM is the level debugging messages printed by CTDB scripts. Setting this to # a higher number (e.g. 4) will cause some scripts to log more messages. # Default is 2. # CTDB_SUPPRESS_COREFILE=yes|no # Whether CTDB core files should be suppressed. # Default is no. #CTDB_VALGRIND=yes|no|COMMAND # If "yes", this causes ctdbd(1) to be run under valgrind(1) with logs going to # /var/log/ctdb_valgrind. If neither "yes" nor "no" then the value is assumed # to be a COMMAND (e.g. a valgrind variation, a gdb(1) command) that is used in # place of the default valgrind command. In either case, the --valgrind option # is passed to ctdbd. # Default is no.