* Package: dev-vcs/git-annex-5.20140831  * Repository: gentoo-haskell  * Maintainer: haskell@gentoo.org  * USE: abi_x86_64 amd64 assistant cryptohash dbus desktop-notify dns elibc_glibc feed inotify kernel_linux pairing production quvi tahoe tdfa testsuite userland_GNU webapp webapp-secure webdav xmpp  * FEATURES: preserve-libs sandbox userpriv usersandbox >>> Unpacking source... >>> Unpacking git-annex-5.20140831.tar.gz to /var/tmp/portage/dev-vcs/git-annex-5.20140831/work >>> Source unpacked in /var/tmp/portage/dev-vcs/git-annex-5.20140831/work >>> Preparing source in /var/tmp/portage/dev-vcs/git-annex-5.20140831/work/git-annex-5.20140831 ... >>> Source prepared. >>> Configuring source in /var/tmp/portage/dev-vcs/git-annex-5.20140831/work/git-annex-5.20140831 ... * Using cabal- * Prepending /usr/lib64/ghc-7.6.3 to LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/bin/ghc -package Cabal- --make /var/tmp/portage/dev-vcs/git-annex-5.20140831/work/git-annex-5.20140831/Setup.hs -dynamic -o setup Utility/Exception.hs:28:8: Could not find module `Control.Monad.IO.Class' Perhaps you haven't installed the "dyn" libraries for package `transformers-'? Use -v to see a list of the files searched for. /usr/bin/ghc -package Cabal- --make /var/tmp/portage/dev-vcs/git-annex-5.20140831/work/git-annex-5.20140831/Setup.hs -o setup [ 1 of 29] Compiling Utility.PartialPrelude ( Utility/PartialPrelude.hs, Utility/PartialPrelude.o ) [ 2 of 29] Compiling Utility.PosixFiles ( Utility/PosixFiles.hs, Utility/PosixFiles.o ) [ 3 of 29] Compiling Utility.FileSystemEncoding ( Utility/FileSystemEncoding.hs, Utility/FileSystemEncoding.o ) [ 4 of 29] Compiling Utility.Applicative ( Utility/Applicative.hs, Utility/Applicative.o ) [ 5 of 29] Compiling Utility.Data ( Utility/Data.hs, Utility/Data.o ) [ 6 of 29] Compiling Utility.Monad ( Utility/Monad.hs, Utility/Monad.o ) [ 7 of 29] Compiling Utility.Exception ( Utility/Exception.hs, Utility/Exception.o ) [ 8 of 29] Compiling Utility.Tmp ( Utility/Tmp.hs, Utility/Tmp.o ) [ 9 of 29] Compiling Utility.Misc ( Utility/Misc.hs, Utility/Misc.o ) [10 of 29] Compiling Utility.Process ( Utility/Process.hs, Utility/Process.o ) [11 of 29] Compiling Utility.Network ( Utility/Network.hs, Utility/Network.o ) [12 of 29] Compiling Utility.Env ( Utility/Env.hs, Utility/Env.o ) [13 of 29] Compiling Utility.UserInfo ( Utility/UserInfo.hs, Utility/UserInfo.o ) [14 of 29] Compiling Utility.Path ( Utility/Path.hs, Utility/Path.o ) [15 of 29] Compiling Utility.FreeDesktop ( Utility/FreeDesktop.hs, Utility/FreeDesktop.o ) [16 of 29] Compiling Assistant.Install.AutoStart ( Assistant/Install/AutoStart.hs, Assistant/Install/AutoStart.o ) [17 of 29] Compiling Utility.OSX ( Utility/OSX.hs, Utility/OSX.o ) [18 of 29] Compiling Utility.SafeCommand ( Utility/SafeCommand.hs, Utility/SafeCommand.o ) [19 of 29] Compiling Utility.ExternalSHA ( Utility/ExternalSHA.hs, Utility/ExternalSHA.o ) [20 of 29] Compiling Utility.Directory ( Utility/Directory.hs, Utility/Directory.o ) [21 of 29] Compiling Common ( Common.hs, Common.o ) [22 of 29] Compiling Git.Version ( Git/Version.hs, Git/Version.o ) [23 of 29] Compiling Config.Files ( Config/Files.hs, Config/Files.o ) [24 of 29] Compiling Assistant.Install.Menu ( Assistant/Install/Menu.hs, Assistant/Install/Menu.o ) [25 of 29] Compiling Build.Version ( Build/Version.hs, Build/Version.o ) [26 of 29] Compiling Build.TestConfig ( Build/TestConfig.hs, Build/TestConfig.o ) [27 of 29] Compiling Build.Configure ( Build/Configure.hs, Build/Configure.o ) [28 of 29] Compiling Build.DesktopFile ( Build/DesktopFile.hs, Build/DesktopFile.o ) [29 of 29] Compiling Main ( /var/tmp/portage/dev-vcs/git-annex-5.20140831/work/git-annex-5.20140831/Setup.hs, /var/tmp/portage/dev-vcs/git-annex-5.20140831/work/git-annex-5.20140831/Setup.o ) Linking setup ... ./setup configure --ghc --prefix=/usr --with-compiler=/usr/bin/ghc --with-hc-pkg=/usr/bin/ghc-pkg --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libsubdir=git-annex-5.20140831/ghc-7.6.3 --datadir=/usr/share/ --datasubdir=git-annex-5.20140831/ghc-7.6.3 --ghc-option=-optl-Wl,-O1 --ghc-option=-optl-Wl,--as-needed --disable-executable-stripping --docdir=/usr/share/doc/git-annex-5.20140831 --verbose --sysconfdir=/etc --flags=-android --flags=-androidsplice --flags=assistant --flags=cryptohash --flags=dbus --flags=desktop-notify --flags=dns --flags=-ekg --flags=feed --flags=inotify --flags=pairing --flags=production --flags=quvi --flags=-s3 --flags=tahoe --flags=tdfa --flags=testsuite --flags=webapp --flags=webapp-secure --flags=webdav --flags=xmpp checking version...fatal: Not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point /var/tmp) Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set). 5.20140831 checking UPGRADE_LOCATION... not available checking git... yes checking git version... checking cp -a... yes checking cp -p... yes checking cp --preserve=timestamps... yes checking cp --reflink=auto... yes checking xargs -0... yes checking rsync... yes checking curl... yes checking wget... yes checking bup... no checking nice... yes checking ionice... yes checking nocache... no checking gpg... gpg checking lsof... lsof checking git-remote-gcrypt... not available checking ssh connection caching... yes checking sha1... sha1sum checking sha256... sha256sum checking sha512... sha512sum checking sha224... sha224sum checking sha384... sha384sum Configuring git-annex-5.20140831... Flags chosen: ekg=False, desktopnotify=False, cryptohash=True, tahoe=True, quvi=True, feed=True, tdfa=True, testsuite=True, androidsplice=False, android=False, production=True, dns=True, xmpp=True, pairing=True, webapp-secure=True, webapp=True, assistant=True, dbus=True, inotify=True, webdav=True, s3=False Dependency DAV >=1.0: using DAV-1.0.1 Dependency IfElse -any: using IfElse-0.85 Dependency MissingH -any: using MissingH- Dependency QuickCheck >=2.1: using QuickCheck-2.6 Dependency SHA -any: using SHA-1.6.4 Dependency SafeSemaphore -any: using SafeSemaphore-0.9.0 Dependency aeson -any: using aeson- Dependency async -any: using async- Dependency base >=4.5 && <4.9: using base- Dependency blaze-builder -any: using blaze-builder- Dependency bloomfilter -any: using bloomfilter- Dependency byteable -any: using byteable-0.1.1 Dependency bytestring -any: using bytestring- Dependency case-insensitive -any: using case-insensitive- Dependency clientsession -any: using clientsession- Dependency containers -any: using containers- Dependency crypto-api -any: using crypto-api-0.13 Dependency cryptohash >=0.10.0: using cryptohash-0.11.1 Dependency data-default -any: using data-default-0.5.3 Dependency dataenc -any: using dataenc- Dependency dbus >=0.10.3: using dbus-0.10.5 Dependency directory -any: using directory- Dependency dlist -any: using dlist- Dependency dns -any: using dns-0.3.8 Dependency edit-distance -any: using edit-distance- Dependency exceptions >=0.6: using exceptions-0.6.1 Dependency feed -any: using feed- Dependency filepath -any: using filepath- Dependency gnutls >=0.1.4: using gnutls-0.1.4 Dependency hamlet -any: using hamlet- Dependency hinotify -any: using hinotify-0.3.6 Dependency hslogger -any: using hslogger-1.2.4 Dependency http-client -any: using http-client- Dependency http-conduit -any: using http-conduit- Dependency http-types -any: using http-types-0.8.3 Dependency json -any: using json-0.7 Dependency monad-control -any: using monad-control- Dependency mtl >=2: using mtl-2.1.2 Dependency network >=2.0: using network- Dependency network-info -any: using network-info- Dependency network-multicast -any: using network-multicast-0.0.10 Dependency network-protocol-xmpp -any: using network-protocol-xmpp-0.4.6 Dependency old-locale -any: using old-locale- Dependency optparse-applicative -any: using optparse-applicative- Dependency path-pieces -any: using path-pieces- Dependency process -any: using process- Dependency random -any: using random- Dependency regex-tdfa -any: using regex-tdfa-1.2.0 Dependency securemem -any: using securemem-0.1.3 Dependency shakespeare -any: using shakespeare- Dependency stm >=2.3: using stm-2.4.2 Dependency tasty >=0.7: using tasty-0.8 Dependency tasty-hunit -any: using tasty-hunit- Dependency tasty-quickcheck -any: using tasty-quickcheck-0.8 Dependency tasty-rerun -any: using tasty-rerun-1.1.2 Dependency template-haskell -any: using template-haskell- Dependency text -any: using text- Dependency time -any: using time- Dependency transformers -any: using transformers- Dependency unix -any: using unix- Dependency unix-compat -any: using unix-compat- Dependency utf8-string -any: using utf8-string-0.3.7 Dependency uuid -any: using uuid-1.3.3 Dependency wai -any: using wai-2.1.0 Dependency wai-extra -any: using wai-extra-2.1.0 Dependency warp -any: using warp-2.1.0 Dependency warp-tls >=1.4: using warp-tls- Dependency xml-types -any: using xml-types-0.3.4 Dependency yesod -any: using yesod-1.2.5 Dependency yesod-core -any: using yesod-core-1.2.7 Dependency yesod-default -any: using yesod-default-1.2.0 Dependency yesod-form -any: using yesod-form-1.3.6 Dependency yesod-static -any: using yesod-static- setup: The following installed packages are broken because other packages they depend on are missing. These broken packages must be rebuilt before they can be used. package authenticate- is broken due to missing package http-conduit-, network- package dbus-0.10.5 is broken due to missing package network- package network-protocol-xmpp-0.4.6 is broken due to missing package network- package wai-app-static- is broken due to missing package wai-2.1.0-9799fd6622b6c12877b345f8bb0300d0 package yesod-1.2.5 is broken due to missing package network-conduit-1.0.0-45372cd1f343e94f3bd01f5dc7f29bba, wai-2.1.0-9799fd6622b6c12877b345f8bb0300d0, wai-extra-2.1.0-9f9c1ef05d9bb0a7b691eec11a015397, warp-2.1.0-22180b8285bef27d28348f247bd28ac9 package yesod-auth-1.2.7 is broken due to missing package http-conduit-, network-, wai-2.1.0-9799fd6622b6c12877b345f8bb0300d0 package yesod-core-1.2.7 is broken due to missing package wai-2.1.0-9799fd6622b6c12877b345f8bb0300d0, wai-extra-2.1.0-9f9c1ef05d9bb0a7b691eec11a015397, wai-logger-2.1.1-27999f9321ec729410856206e58aea8c, warp-2.1.0-22180b8285bef27d28348f247bd28ac9 package yesod-form-1.3.6 is broken due to missing package network-, wai-2.1.0-9799fd6622b6c12877b345f8bb0300d0, xss-sanitize-0.3.5-4334c3e47d29f931c79e3be95e0459d3 package yesod-static- is broken due to missing package wai-2.1.0-9799fd6622b6c12877b345f8bb0300d0 * ghc-pkg check: 'checking for other broken packages:' There are problems in package yesod-1.2.5: Warning: haddock-interfaces: /usr/share/doc/yesod-1.2.5/html/yesod.haddock doesn't exist or isn't a file Warning: haddock-html: /usr/share/doc/yesod-1.2.5/html doesn't exist or isn't a directory dependency "network-conduit-1.0.0-45372cd1f343e94f3bd01f5dc7f29bba" doesn't exist dependency "wai-2.1.0-9799fd6622b6c12877b345f8bb0300d0" doesn't exist dependency "wai-extra-2.1.0-9f9c1ef05d9bb0a7b691eec11a015397" doesn't exist dependency "warp-2.1.0-22180b8285bef27d28348f247bd28ac9" doesn't exist There are problems in package yesod-auth-1.2.7: Warning: haddock-interfaces: /usr/share/doc/yesod-auth-1.2.7/html/yesod-auth.haddock doesn't exist or isn't a file Warning: haddock-html: /usr/share/doc/yesod-auth-1.2.7/html doesn't exist or isn't a directory dependency "http-conduit-" doesn't exist dependency "network-" doesn't exist dependency "wai-2.1.0-9799fd6622b6c12877b345f8bb0300d0" doesn't exist There are problems in package yesod-form-1.3.6: Warning: haddock-interfaces: /usr/share/doc/yesod-form-1.3.6/html/yesod-form.haddock doesn't exist or isn't a file Warning: haddock-html: /usr/share/doc/yesod-form-1.3.6/html doesn't exist or isn't a directory dependency "network-" doesn't exist dependency "wai-2.1.0-9799fd6622b6c12877b345f8bb0300d0" doesn't exist dependency "xss-sanitize-0.3.5-4334c3e47d29f931c79e3be95e0459d3" doesn't exist There are problems in package yesod-static- * Detected broken packages: network-protocol-xmpp-0.4.6 dbus-0.10.5 yesod-default-1.2.0 yesod-static- yesod-persistent- yesod-1.2.5 yesod-auth-1.2.7 yesod-core-1.2.7 authenticate- yesod-form-1.3.6 wai-app-static- hxt- HTTP-4000.2.8 * ERROR: dev-vcs/git-annex-5.20140831::gentoo-haskell failed (configure phase): * //==-- Please, run 'haskell-updater' to fix broken packages --==// * * Call stack: * ebuild.sh, line 93: Called src_configure * environment, line 2899: Called haskell-cabal_src_configure '--flags=-android' '--flags=-androidsplice' '--flags=assistant' '--flags=cryptohash' '--flags=dbus' '--flags=desktop-notify' '--flags=dns' '--flags=-ekg' '--flags=feed' '--flags=inotify' '--flags=pairing' '--flags=production' '--flags=quvi' '--flags=-s3' '--flags=tahoe' '--flags=tdfa' '--flags=testsuite' '--flags=webapp' '--flags=webapp-secure' '--flags=webdav' '--flags=xmpp' * environment, line 2025: Called cabal-configure '--flags=-android' '--flags=-androidsplice' '--flags=assistant' '--flags=cryptohash' '--flags=dbus' '--flags=desktop-notify' '--flags=dns' '--flags=-ekg' '--flags=feed' '--flags=inotify' '--flags=pairing' '--flags=production' '--flags=quvi' '--flags=-s3' '--flags=tahoe' '--flags=tdfa' '--flags=testsuite' '--flags=webapp' '--flags=webapp-secure' '--flags=webdav' '--flags=xmpp' * environment, line 651: Called cabal-show-brokens-and-die 'setup configure failed' * environment, line 745: Called cabal-show-brokens * environment, line 741: Called cabal-die-if-nonempty 'broken' 'network-protocol-xmpp-0.4.6' 'dbus-0.10.5' 'yesod-default-1.2.0' 'yesod-static-' 'yesod-persistent-' 'yesod-1.2.5' 'yesod-auth-1.2.7' 'yesod-core-1.2.7' 'authenticate-' 'yesod-form-1.3.6' 'wai-app-static-' 'hxt-' 'HTTP-4000.2.8' * environment, line 673: Called die * The specific snippet of code: * die "//==-- Please, run 'haskell-updater' to fix ${breakage_type} packages --==//" * * If you need support, post the output of `emerge --info '=dev-vcs/git-annex-5.20140831::gentoo-haskell'`, * the complete build log and the output of `emerge -pqv '=dev-vcs/git-annex-5.20140831::gentoo-haskell'`. * The complete build log is located at '/var/tmp/portage/dev-vcs/git-annex-5.20140831/temp/build.log'. * The ebuild environment file is located at '/var/tmp/portage/dev-vcs/git-annex-5.20140831/temp/environment'. * Working directory: '/var/tmp/portage/dev-vcs/git-annex-5.20140831/work/git-annex-5.20140831' * S: '/var/tmp/portage/dev-vcs/git-annex-5.20140831/work/git-annex-5.20140831'