============================================ glib 2.40.0: glib/tests/test-suite.log ============================================ # TOTAL: 3340 # PASS: 3335 # SKIP: 3 # XFAIL: 0 # FAIL: 0 # XPASS: 0 # ERROR: 2 .. contents:: :depth: 2 SKIP: bitlock ============= # random seed: R02S1cb1ea51ef2d6950287e9e33984887ed 1..0 SKIP: bitlock PASS: testing ============= # random seed: R02S701f721a96b14959881ad881951f09a5 # Start of random-generator tests ok 1 /random-generator/rand-1 PASS: testing 1 /random-generator/rand-1 ok 2 /random-generator/rand-2 PASS: testing 2 /random-generator/rand-2 ok 3 /random-generator/random-conversions PASS: testing 3 /random-generator/random-conversions # End of random-generator tests # Start of misc tests ok 4 /misc/assertions PASS: testing 4 /misc/assertions ok 5 /misc/test-data PASS: testing 5 /misc/test-data ok 6 /misc/primetoul PASS: testing 6 /misc/primetoul ok 7 /misc/fatal-log-handler PASS: testing 7 /misc/fatal-log-handler ok 8 /misc/expected-messages PASS: testing 8 /misc/expected-messages ok 9 /misc/dash-p PASS: testing 9 /misc/dash-p ok 10 /misc/nonfatal PASS: testing 10 /misc/nonfatal ok 11 /misc/skip # SKIP Skipped should count as passed, not failed SKIP: testing 11 /misc/skip # SKIP Skipped should count as passed, not failed ok 12 /misc/skip-all PASS: testing 12 /misc/skip-all ok 13 /misc/fail PASS: testing 13 /misc/fail ok 14 /misc/incomplete PASS: testing 14 /misc/incomplete ok 15 /misc/timeout PASS: testing 15 /misc/timeout # Start of assertions tests # Start of subprocess tests # End of subprocess tests # End of assertions tests # Start of fatal-log-handler tests # Start of subprocess tests # End of subprocess tests # End of fatal-log-handler tests # Start of expected-messages tests ok 16 /misc/expected-messages/expect-error PASS: testing 16 /misc/expected-messages/expect-error # Test-DEBUG: should be ignored ok 17 /misc/expected-messages/skip-debug PASS: testing 17 /misc/expected-messages/skip-debug # Start of subprocess tests # End of subprocess tests # End of expected-messages tests # Start of dash-p tests ok 18 /misc/dash-p/child PASS: testing 18 /misc/dash-p/child # Start of child tests ok 19 /misc/dash-p/child/sub PASS: testing 19 /misc/dash-p/child/sub ok 20 /misc/dash-p/child/sub2 PASS: testing 20 /misc/dash-p/child/sub2 # Start of sub tests # Start of subprocess tests # End of subprocess tests # End of sub tests # End of child tests # Start of subprocess tests # Start of hidden tests # End of hidden tests # End of subprocess tests # End of dash-p tests # Start of skip-all tests # Start of subprocess tests # End of subprocess tests # End of skip-all tests # End of misc tests # Start of forking tests # GLib:ERROR:/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/glib-2.40.0/work/glib-2.40.0/glib/tests/testing.c:97:test_fork_fail: code should not be reached ok 21 /forking/fail assertion PASS: testing 21 /forking/fail assertion ok 22 /forking/patterns PASS: testing 22 /forking/patterns # End of forking tests # Start of trap_subprocess tests ok 23 /trap_subprocess/fail PASS: testing 23 /trap_subprocess/fail ok 24 /trap_subprocess/no-such-test PASS: testing 24 /trap_subprocess/no-such-test ok 25 /trap_subprocess/patterns PASS: testing 25 /trap_subprocess/patterns # End of trap_subprocess tests 1..25 ERROR: timer ============ ** GLib:ERROR:/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/glib-2.40.0/work/glib-2.40.0/glib/tests/timer.c:38:test_timer_basic: assertion failed (micros == ((guint64)(elapsed * 1e6)) % 1000000): (1 == 0) /var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/glib-2.40.0/work/glib-2.40.0/tap-test: line 5: 18105 Aborted $1 -k --tap # random seed: R02Sd0518afeeca8e201dae7c3acac2b043c # Start of timer tests # GLib:ERROR:/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/glib-2.40.0/work/glib-2.40.0/glib/tests/timer.c:38:test_timer_basic: assertion failed (micros == ((guint64)(elapsed * 1e6)) % 1000000): (1 == 0) ERROR: timer - missing test plan ERROR: timer - exited with status 134 (terminated by signal 6?) SKIP: utf8-performance ====================== # random seed: R02S9131943c18f9084ace3d42699df98bc1 1..0 SKIP: utf8-performance