' First of all, this comment should be highlighted in a different ' font than the code. ' ' Next, the Function, Class, and Sub declarations should be ' highlighted. Their respective names should also be highlighted, but ' in a different font than the rest of the declaration. Public Function IsProgramRunning() As Boolean ' The name of the variable is in the normal font face, but the ' keyword True should be highlighted. IsProgramRunning = True End Function Public Class HelloWorld ' Strings get their own font face. Private hello_text As String = "Hello, World!" Public Sub DoHello() Console.WriteLine(Me.hello_text) End Sub End Class Sub Main() ' If you press on the following lines, that line ' should be auto-indented to eight spaces (the visual-basic-mode ' default). Dim ipr As Boolean = IsProgramRunning() Dim hw As New HelloWorld() ' However, if you press on the next line, it should be ' indented to four spaces to match the line above it (i.e. this ' comment). hw.DoHello() End Sub