# Copyright 1999-2002 Gentoo Technologies, Inc. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, v2 or later # $Header: $ DESCRIPTION="Quake III - Navy Seals : Covert Operations" SRC_URI="ftp://ftp2.extreme-players.de/q3/mod/nsq3/nsco_b11.zip http://www.ns-co.org/ns-co/files/nsco_b11.zip" HOMEPAGE="ns-co.net" # according to # (official ns:co forum) this should be the right license LICENSE="Q3AEULA" DEPEND="app-arch/unzip" RDEPEND="virtual/glibc >=app-games/quake3-1.31 app-misc/screen opengl? ( virtual/opengl )" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="x86" src_unpack() { unzip -q ${DISTDIR}/nsco_b11.zip || die } src_compile () { chown -R root.games ${WORKDIR}/seals find ${WORKDIR}/seals -type d -print0 | xargs --null chmod 755 find ${WORKDIR}/seals -type f -print0 | xargs --null chmod 644 } src_install() { dodir /opt/quake3 mv ${WORKDIR}/seals ${D}/opt/quake3 insinto /opt/quake3 doins ${FILESDIR}/startnsco fperms 754 /opt/quake3/startnsco fowners root.games /opt/quake3/startnsco if [ ! -f /opt/quake3/seals/server.cfg ]; then insinto /opt/quake3/seals doins ${FILESDIR}/server.cfg fowners root.games /opt/quake3/seals/server.cfg fi insinto /etc/init.d newins ${FILESDIR}/nsco.rc q3ded-nsco fperms u+x /etc/init.d/q3ded-nsco } pkg_postinst() { echo -e "\t##########################################" echo -e "\t# The "q3ded-nsco" file in /etc/init.d #" echo -e "\t# can be used to start an nsco server at #" echo -e "\t# bootup. It uses screen so you can get #" echo -e "\t# to the console anytime with: #" echo -e "\t# #" echo -e "\t# screen -r nsco #" echo -e "\t# #" echo -e "\t# Have a look at "startnsco" in the #" echo -e "\t# quake3 dir to set other options when #" echo -e "\t# starting the server. #" echo -e "\t# #" echo -e "\t# The server is started as user q3. #" echo -e "\t##########################################" }