Line 0
Link Here
1 |
#filter substitution |
2 |
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3 |
# -*- Mode: HTML -*- |
4 |
# |
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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public |
6 |
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this |
7 |
# file, You can obtain one at |
8 |
9 |
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10 |
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11 |
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12 |
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13 |
14 |
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15 |
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16 |
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17 |
18 |
# All DTD information is stored in a separate file so that it can be shared by |
19 |
# hiddenWindow.xul. |
20 |
#include |
21 |
22 |
<window id="main-window" |
23 |
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24 |
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25 |
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26 |
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27 |
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28 |
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29 |
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30 |
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31 |
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32 |
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33 |
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34 |
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35 |
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36 |
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37 |
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38 |
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39 |
titlemodifier_privatebrowsing="&mainWindow.titlemodifier;@PRE_RELEASE_SUFFIX@ &mainWindow.titlePrivateBrowsingSuffix;" |
40 |
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41 |
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42 |
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43 |
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44 |
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45 |
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46 |
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47 |
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48 |
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49 |
50 |
# All JS files which are not content (only) dependent that browser.xul |
51 |
# wishes to include *must* go into the file |
52 |
# so that they can be shared by macBrowserOverlay.xul. |
53 |
#include |
54 |
<script type="application/javascript" src="chrome://browser/content/nsContextMenu.js"/> |
55 |
56 |
<script type="application/javascript" src="chrome://global/content/contentAreaUtils.js"/> |
57 |
58 |
<script type="application/javascript" src="chrome://browser/content/places/editBookmarkOverlay.js"/> |
59 |
60 |
# All sets except for popupsets (commands, keys, stringbundles and broadcasters) *must* go into the |
61 |
# file for sharing with hiddenWindow.xul. |
62 |
63 |
#include |
64 |
65 |
66 |
<popupset id="mainPopupSet"> |
67 |
<menupopup id="tabContextMenu" |
68 |
onpopupshowing="if ( == this) TabContextMenu.updateContextMenu(this);" |
69 |
onpopuphidden="if ( == this) TabContextMenu.contextTab = null;"> |
70 |
<menuitem id="context_reloadTab" label="&reloadTab.label;" accesskey="&reloadTab.accesskey;" |
71 |
oncommand="gBrowser.reloadTab(TabContextMenu.contextTab);"/> |
72 |
<menuseparator/> |
73 |
<menuitem id="context_pinTab" label="&pinTab.label;" |
74 |
accesskey="&pinTab.accesskey;" |
75 |
oncommand="gBrowser.pinTab(TabContextMenu.contextTab);"/> |
76 |
<menuitem id="context_unpinTab" label="&unpinTab.label;" hidden="true" |
77 |
accesskey="&unpinTab.accesskey;" |
78 |
oncommand="gBrowser.unpinTab(TabContextMenu.contextTab);"/> |
79 |
<menu id="context_tabViewMenu" label="&moveToGroup.label;" |
80 |
accesskey="&moveToGroup.accesskey;"> |
81 |
<menupopup id="context_tabViewMenuPopup" |
82 |
onpopupshowing="if ( == this) TabView.moveToGroupPopupShowing(event);"> |
83 |
<menuseparator id="context_tabViewNamedGroups" hidden="true"/> |
84 |
<menuitem id="context_tabViewNewGroup" label="&moveToNewGroup.label;" |
85 |
oncommand="TabView.moveTabTo(TabContextMenu.contextTab, null);"/> |
86 |
</menupopup> |
87 |
</menu> |
88 |
<menuitem id="context_openTabInWindow" label="&moveToNewWindow.label;" |
89 |
accesskey="&moveToNewWindow.accesskey;" |
90 |
tbattr="tabbrowser-multiple" |
91 |
oncommand="gBrowser.replaceTabWithWindow(TabContextMenu.contextTab);"/> |
92 |
<menuseparator/> |
93 |
<menuitem id="context_reloadAllTabs" label="&reloadAllTabs.label;" accesskey="&reloadAllTabs.accesskey;" |
94 |
tbattr="tabbrowser-multiple-visible" |
95 |
oncommand="gBrowser.reloadAllTabs();"/> |
96 |
<menuitem id="context_bookmarkAllTabs" |
97 |
label="&bookmarkAllTabs.label;" |
98 |
accesskey="&bookmarkAllTabs.accesskey;" |
99 |
command="Browser:BookmarkAllTabs"/> |
100 |
<menuitem id="context_closeTabsToTheEnd" label="&closeTabsToTheEnd.label;" accesskey="&closeTabsToTheEnd.accesskey;" |
101 |
oncommand="gBrowser.removeTabsToTheEndFrom(TabContextMenu.contextTab);"/> |
102 |
<menuitem id="context_closeOtherTabs" label="&closeOtherTabs.label;" accesskey="&closeOtherTabs.accesskey;" |
103 |
oncommand="gBrowser.removeAllTabsBut(TabContextMenu.contextTab);"/> |
104 |
<menuseparator/> |
105 |
<menuitem id="context_undoCloseTab" |
106 |
label="&undoCloseTab.label;" |
107 |
accesskey="&undoCloseTab.accesskey;" |
108 |
observes="History:UndoCloseTab"/> |
109 |
<menuitem id="context_closeTab" label="&closeTab.label;" accesskey="&closeTab.accesskey;" |
110 |
oncommand="gBrowser.removeTab(TabContextMenu.contextTab, { animate: true });"/> |
111 |
</menupopup> |
112 |
113 |
<!-- bug 415444/582485: event.stopPropagation is here for the cloned version |
114 |
of this menupopup --> |
115 |
<menupopup id="backForwardMenu" |
116 |
onpopupshowing="return FillHistoryMenu(;" |
117 |
oncommand="gotoHistoryIndex(event); event.stopPropagation();" |
118 |
onclick="checkForMiddleClick(this, event);"/> |
119 |
<tooltip id="aHTMLTooltip" page="true"/> |
120 |
121 |
<!-- for search and content formfill/pw manager --> |
122 |
<panel type="autocomplete" id="PopupAutoComplete" noautofocus="true" hidden="true"/> |
123 |
124 |
<!-- for url bar autocomplete --> |
125 |
<panel type="autocomplete-richlistbox" id="PopupAutoCompleteRichResult" noautofocus="true" hidden="true"/> |
126 |
127 |
<!-- for invalid form error message --> |
128 |
<panel id="invalid-form-popup" type="arrow" orient="vertical" noautofocus="true" hidden="true" level="parent"> |
129 |
<description/> |
130 |
</panel> |
131 |
132 |
<panel id="editBookmarkPanel" |
133 |
type="arrow" |
134 |
footertype="promobox" |
135 |
orient="vertical" |
136 |
ignorekeys="true" |
137 |
consumeoutsideclicks="true" |
138 |
hidden="true" |
139 |
onpopupshown="StarUI.panelShown(event);" |
140 |
aria-labelledby="editBookmarkPanelTitle"> |
141 |
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142 |
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143 |
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144 |
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145 |
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146 |
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147 |
<description id="editBookmarkPanelDescription"/> |
148 |
<hbox> |
149 |
<button id="editBookmarkPanelRemoveButton" |
150 |
class="editBookmarkPanelHeaderButton" |
151 |
oncommand="StarUI.removeBookmarkButtonCommand();" |
152 |
accesskey="&editBookmark.removeBookmark.accessKey;"/> |
153 |
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154 |
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155 |
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156 |
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157 |
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158 |
#ifdef XP_UNIX |
159 |
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160 |
class="editBookmarkPanelBottomButton" |
161 |
label="&editBookmark.done.label;" |
162 |
default="true" |
163 |
oncommand="StarUI.panel.hidePopup();"/> |
164 |
<button id="editBookmarkPanelDeleteButton" |
165 |
class="editBookmarkPanelBottomButton" |
166 |
label="&editBookmark.cancel.label;" |
167 |
oncommand="StarUI.cancelButtonOnCommand();"/> |
168 |
#else |
169 |
<button id="editBookmarkPanelDeleteButton" |
170 |
class="editBookmarkPanelBottomButton" |
171 |
label="&editBookmark.cancel.label;" |
172 |
oncommand="StarUI.cancelButtonOnCommand();"/> |
173 |
<button id="editBookmarkPanelDoneButton" |
174 |
class="editBookmarkPanelBottomButton" |
175 |
label="&editBookmark.done.label;" |
176 |
default="true" |
177 |
oncommand="StarUI.panel.hidePopup();"/> |
178 |
#endif |
179 |
</hbox> |
180 |
</panel> |
181 |
182 |
<panel id="socialActivatedNotification" |
183 |
type="arrow" |
184 |
hidden="true" |
185 |
consumeoutsideclicks="true" |
186 |
align="start" |
187 |
orient="horizontal" |
188 |
role="alert"> |
189 |
<image id="social-activation-icon" class="popup-notification-icon"/> |
190 |
<vbox flex="1"> |
191 |
<description id="social-activation-message" class="popup-notification-description">&social.activated.description;</description> |
192 |
<spacer flex="1"/> |
193 |
<hbox pack="start" align="center" class="popup-notification-button-container"> |
194 |
<label id="social-undoactivation-button" |
195 |
class="text-link" |
196 |
value="&social.activated.undo.label;" |
197 |
accesskey="&social.activated.undo.accesskey;" |
198 |
onclick="SocialUI.undoActivation(this);"/> |
199 |
<spacer flex="1"/> |
200 |
<button id="social-activation-button" |
201 |
default="true" |
202 |
autofocus="autofocus" |
203 |
label="&social.ok.label;" |
204 |
accesskey="&social.ok.accesskey;" |
205 |
oncommand="SocialUI.activationPanel.hidePopup();"/> |
206 |
</hbox> |
207 |
</vbox> |
208 |
</panel> |
209 |
210 |
<panel id="social-share-panel" |
211 |
class="social-panel" |
212 |
type="arrow" |
213 |
orient="horizontal" |
214 |
onpopupshowing="SocialShare.onShowing()" |
215 |
onpopuphidden="SocialShare.onHidden()" |
216 |
consumeoutsideclicks="true" |
217 |
hidden="true"> |
218 |
<vbox class="social-share-toolbar"> |
219 |
<vbox id="social-share-provider-buttons" flex="1"/> |
220 |
</vbox> |
221 |
</panel> |
222 |
223 |
<panel id="social-notification-panel" |
224 |
class="social-panel" |
225 |
type="arrow" |
226 |
hidden="true" |
227 |
noautofocus="true"/> |
228 |
<panel id="social-flyout-panel" |
229 |
class="social-panel" |
230 |
onpopupshown="SocialFlyout.onShown()" |
231 |
onpopuphidden="SocialFlyout.onHidden()" |
232 |
side="right" |
233 |
type="arrow" |
234 |
hidden="true" |
235 |
flip="slide" |
236 |
rolluponmousewheel="true" |
237 |
consumeoutsideclicks="false" |
238 |
noautofocus="true" |
239 |
position="topcenter topright"/> |
240 |
241 |
<menupopup id="toolbar-context-menu" |
242 |
onpopupshowing="onViewToolbarsPopupShowing(event);"> |
243 |
<menuseparator/> |
244 |
<menuitem command="cmd_ToggleTabsOnTop" |
245 |
type="checkbox" |
246 |
label="&viewTabsOnTop.label;" |
247 |
accesskey="&viewTabsOnTop.accesskey;"/> |
248 |
<menuitem command="cmd_CustomizeToolbars" |
249 |
label="&viewCustomizeToolbar.label;" |
250 |
accesskey="&viewCustomizeToolbar.accesskey;"/> |
251 |
</menupopup> |
252 |
253 |
<menupopup id="blockedPopupOptions" |
254 |
onpopupshowing="gPopupBlockerObserver.fillPopupList(event);" |
255 |
onpopuphiding="gPopupBlockerObserver.onPopupHiding(event);"> |
256 |
<menuitem observes="blockedPopupAllowSite"/> |
257 |
<menuitem observes="blockedPopupEditSettings"/> |
258 |
<menuitem observes="blockedPopupDontShowMessage"/> |
259 |
<menuseparator observes="blockedPopupsSeparator"/> |
260 |
</menupopup> |
261 |
262 |
<menupopup id="autohide-context" |
263 |
onpopupshowing="FullScreen.getAutohide(this.firstChild);"> |
264 |
<menuitem type="checkbox" label="&fullScreenAutohide.label;" |
265 |
accesskey="&fullScreenAutohide.accesskey;" |
266 |
oncommand="FullScreen.setAutohide();"/> |
267 |
<menuseparator/> |
268 |
<menuitem label="&fullScreenExit.label;" |
269 |
accesskey="&fullScreenExit.accesskey;" |
270 |
oncommand="BrowserFullScreen();"/> |
271 |
</menupopup> |
272 |
273 |
<menupopup id="contentAreaContextMenu" pagemenu="start" |
274 |
onpopupshowing="if ( != this) |
275 |
return true; |
276 |
gContextMenu = new nsContextMenu(this, event.shiftKey); |
277 |
if (gContextMenu.shouldDisplay) |
278 |
updateEditUIVisibility(); |
279 |
return gContextMenu.shouldDisplay;" |
280 |
onpopuphiding="if ( != this) |
281 |
return; |
282 |
gContextMenu.hiding(); |
283 |
gContextMenu = null; |
284 |
updateEditUIVisibility();"> |
285 |
#include |
286 |
</menupopup> |
287 |
288 |
<menupopup id="placesContext"/> |
289 |
290 |
291 |
<panel id="ctrlTab-panel" class="KUI-panel" hidden="true" norestorefocus="true" level="top"> |
292 |
<hbox> |
293 |
<button class="ctrlTab-preview" flex="1"/> |
294 |
<button class="ctrlTab-preview" flex="1"/> |
295 |
<button class="ctrlTab-preview" flex="1"/> |
296 |
<button class="ctrlTab-preview" flex="1"/> |
297 |
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298 |
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299 |
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300 |
<hbox pack="center"> |
301 |
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302 |
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303 |
</panel> |
304 |
305 |
<!-- Bookmarks and history tooltip --> |
306 |
<tooltip id="bhTooltip"/> |
307 |
308 |
<panel id="customizeToolbarSheetPopup" |
309 |
noautohide="true" |
310 |
sheetstyle="&dialog.dimensions;"/> |
311 |
312 |
<tooltip id="tabbrowser-tab-tooltip" onpopupshowing="gBrowser.createTooltip(event);"/> |
313 |
314 |
<tooltip id="back-button-tooltip"> |
315 |
<label class="tooltip-label" value="&backButton.tooltip;"/> |
316 |
#ifdef XP_MACOSX |
317 |
<label class="tooltip-label" value="&backForwardButtonMenuMac.tooltip;"/> |
318 |
#else |
319 |
<label class="tooltip-label" value="&backForwardButtonMenu.tooltip;"/> |
320 |
#endif |
321 |
</tooltip> |
322 |
323 |
<tooltip id="forward-button-tooltip"> |
324 |
<label class="tooltip-label" value="&forwardButton.tooltip;"/> |
325 |
#ifdef XP_MACOSX |
326 |
<label class="tooltip-label" value="&backForwardButtonMenuMac.tooltip;"/> |
327 |
#else |
328 |
<label class="tooltip-label" value="&backForwardButtonMenu.tooltip;"/> |
329 |
#endif |
330 |
</tooltip> |
331 |
332 |
#include |
333 |
334 |
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335 |
336 |
337 |
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338 |
<hbox id="titlebar-content"> |
339 |
340 |
<hbox id="appmenu-button-container"> |
341 |
<button id="appmenu-button" |
342 |
type="menu" |
343 |
label="&brandShortName;" |
344 |
style="-moz-user-focus: ignore;"> |
345 |
#include |
346 |
</button> |
347 |
</hbox> |
348 |
#endif |
349 |
<spacer id="titlebar-spacer" flex="1"/> |
350 |
<hbox id="titlebar-buttonbox-container" align="start"> |
351 |
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352 |
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353 |
<toolbarbutton class="titlebar-button" id="titlebar-max" oncommand="onTitlebarMaxClick();"/> |
354 |
<toolbarbutton class="titlebar-button" id="titlebar-close" command="cmd_closeWindow"/> |
355 |
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356 |
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357 |
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358 |
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359 |
#endif |
360 |
361 |
<deck flex="1" id="tab-view-deck"> |
362 |
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363 |
364 |
<toolbox id="navigator-toolbox" |
365 |
defaultmode="icons" mode="icons" |
366 |
iconsize="large"> |
367 |
<!-- Menu --> |
368 |
<toolbar type="menubar" id="toolbar-menubar" class="chromeclass-menubar" customizable="true" |
369 |
defaultset="menubar-items" |
370 |
mode="icons" iconsize="small" defaulticonsize="small" |
371 |
lockiconsize="true" |
372 |
373 |
toolbarname="&menubarCmd.label;" |
374 |
accesskey="&menubarCmd.accesskey;" |
375 |
#endif |
376 |
context="toolbar-context-menu"> |
377 |
<toolbaritem id="menubar-items" align="center"> |
378 |
# The entire main menubar is placed into, so that it can be shared by |
379 |
# hiddenWindow.xul. |
380 |
#include |
381 |
</toolbaritem> |
382 |
383 |
384 |
<hbox class="titlebar-placeholder" type="appmenu-button" ordinal="0"/> |
385 |
<hbox class="titlebar-placeholder" type="caption-buttons" ordinal="1000"/> |
386 |
#endif |
387 |
</toolbar> |
388 |
389 |
<toolbar id="nav-bar" class="toolbar-primary chromeclass-toolbar" |
390 |
toolbarname="&navbarCmd.label;" accesskey="&navbarCmd.accesskey;" |
391 |
fullscreentoolbar="true" mode="icons" customizable="true" |
392 |
iconsize="large" |
393 |
defaultset="unified-back-forward-button,urlbar-container,reload-button,stop-button,search-container,webrtc-status-button,bookmarks-menu-button,downloads-button,home-button,window-controls" |
394 |
context="toolbar-context-menu"> |
395 |
396 |
<toolbaritem id="unified-back-forward-button" class="chromeclass-toolbar-additional" |
397 |
context="backForwardMenu" removable="true" |
398 |
forwarddisabled="true" |
399 |
title="&backForwardItem.title;"> |
400 |
<toolbarbutton id="back-button" class="toolbarbutton-1" |
401 |
label="&backCmd.label;" |
402 |
command="Browser:BackOrBackDuplicate" |
403 |
onclick="checkForMiddleClick(this, event);" |
404 |
tooltip="back-button-tooltip"/> |
405 |
<toolbarbutton id="forward-button" class="toolbarbutton-1" |
406 |
label="&forwardCmd.label;" |
407 |
command="Browser:ForwardOrForwardDuplicate" |
408 |
onclick="checkForMiddleClick(this, event);" |
409 |
tooltip="forward-button-tooltip"/> |
410 |
<dummyobservertarget hidden="true" |
411 |
onbroadcast="if (this.getAttribute('disabled') == 'true') |
412 |
this.parentNode.setAttribute('forwarddisabled', 'true'); |
413 |
else |
414 |
this.parentNode.removeAttribute('forwarddisabled');"> |
415 |
<observes element="Browser:ForwardOrForwardDuplicate" attribute="disabled"/> |
416 |
</dummyobservertarget> |
417 |
</toolbaritem> |
418 |
419 |
<toolbaritem id="urlbar-container" align="center" flex="400" persist="width" combined="true" |
420 |
title="&locationItem.title;" class="chromeclass-location" removable="true"> |
421 |
<textbox id="urlbar" flex="1" |
422 |
placeholder="&urlbar.placeholder2;" |
423 |
type="autocomplete" |
424 |
autocompletesearch="urlinline history" |
425 |
autocompletesearchparam="enable-actions" |
426 |
autocompletepopup="PopupAutoCompleteRichResult" |
427 |
completeselectedindex="true" |
428 |
tabscrolling="true" |
429 |
showcommentcolumn="true" |
430 |
showimagecolumn="true" |
431 |
enablehistory="true" |
432 |
maxrows="6" |
433 |
newlines="stripsurroundingwhitespace" |
434 |
oninput="gBrowser.userTypedValue = this.value;" |
435 |
ontextentered="this.handleCommand(param);" |
436 |
ontextreverted="return this.handleRevert();" |
437 |
pageproxystate="invalid" |
438 |
onfocus="document.getElementById('identity-box').style.MozUserFocus= 'normal'" |
439 |
onblur="setTimeout(function() document.getElementById('identity-box').style.MozUserFocus = '', 0);"> |
440 |
<box id="notification-popup-box" hidden="true" align="center"> |
441 |
<image id="default-notification-icon" class="notification-anchor-icon" role="button"/> |
442 |
<image id="identity-notification-icon" class="notification-anchor-icon" role="button"/> |
443 |
<image id="geo-notification-icon" class="notification-anchor-icon" role="button"/> |
444 |
<image id="addons-notification-icon" class="notification-anchor-icon" role="button"/> |
445 |
<image id="indexedDB-notification-icon" class="notification-anchor-icon" role="button"/> |
446 |
<image id="password-notification-icon" class="notification-anchor-icon" role="button"/> |
447 |
<image id="webapps-notification-icon" class="notification-anchor-icon" role="button"/> |
448 |
<image id="plugins-notification-icon" class="notification-anchor-icon" role="button"/> |
449 |
<image id="web-notifications-notification-icon" class="notification-anchor-icon" role="button"/> |
450 |
<image id="alert-plugins-notification-icon" class="notification-anchor-icon" role="button"/> |
451 |
<image id="blocked-plugins-notification-icon" class="notification-anchor-icon" role="button"/> |
452 |
<image id="plugin-install-notification-icon" class="notification-anchor-icon" role="button"/> |
453 |
<image id="mixed-content-blocked-notification-icon" class="notification-anchor-icon" role="button"/> |
454 |
<image id="webRTC-shareDevices-notification-icon" class="notification-anchor-icon" role="button"/> |
455 |
<image id="webRTC-sharingDevices-notification-icon" class="notification-anchor-icon" role="button"/> |
456 |
<image id="pointerLock-notification-icon" class="notification-anchor-icon" role="button"/> |
457 |
<image id="servicesInstall-notification-icon" class="notification-anchor-icon" role="button"/> |
458 |
</box> |
459 |
<!-- Use onclick instead of normal popup= syntax since the popup |
460 |
code fires onmousedown, and hence eats our favicon drag events. |
461 |
We only add the identity-box button to the tab order when the location bar |
462 |
has focus, otherwise pressing F6 focuses it instead of the location bar --> |
463 |
<box id="identity-box" role="button" |
464 |
align="center" |
465 |
onclick="gIdentityHandler.handleIdentityButtonEvent(event);" |
466 |
onkeypress="gIdentityHandler.handleIdentityButtonEvent(event);" |
467 |
ondragstart="gIdentityHandler.onDragStart(event);"> |
468 |
<image id="page-proxy-favicon" |
469 |
onclick="PageProxyClickHandler(event);" |
470 |
pageproxystate="invalid"/> |
471 |
<hbox id="identity-icon-labels"> |
472 |
<label id="identity-icon-label" class="plain" flex="1"/> |
473 |
<label id="identity-icon-country-label" class="plain"/> |
474 |
</hbox> |
475 |
</box> |
476 |
<box id="urlbar-display-box" align="center"> |
477 |
<label id="urlbar-display" value="&urlbar.switchToTab.label;"/> |
478 |
</box> |
479 |
<hbox id="urlbar-icons"> |
480 |
<image id="page-report-button" |
481 |
class="urlbar-icon" |
482 |
hidden="true" |
483 |
tooltiptext="&pageReportIcon.tooltip;" |
484 |
onclick="gPopupBlockerObserver.onReportButtonClick(event);"/> |
485 |
<image id="star-button" |
486 |
class="urlbar-icon" |
487 |
onclick="BookmarkingUI.onCommand(event);"/> |
488 |
<image id="go-button" |
489 |
class="urlbar-icon" |
490 |
tooltiptext="&goEndCap.tooltip;" |
491 |
onclick="gURLBar.handleCommand(event);"/> |
492 |
</hbox> |
493 |
<toolbarbutton id="urlbar-go-button" |
494 |
class="chromeclass-toolbar-additional" |
495 |
onclick="gURLBar.handleCommand(event);" |
496 |
tooltiptext="&goEndCap.tooltip;"/> |
497 |
<toolbarbutton id="urlbar-reload-button" |
498 |
class="chromeclass-toolbar-additional" |
499 |
command="Browser:ReloadOrDuplicate" |
500 |
onclick="checkForMiddleClick(this, event);" |
501 |
tooltiptext="&reloadButton.tooltip;"/> |
502 |
<toolbarbutton id="urlbar-stop-button" |
503 |
class="chromeclass-toolbar-additional" |
504 |
command="Browser:Stop" |
505 |
tooltiptext="&stopButton.tooltip;"/> |
506 |
</textbox> |
507 |
</toolbaritem> |
508 |
509 |
<toolbarbutton id="reload-button" class="toolbarbutton-1 chromeclass-toolbar-additional" |
510 |
label="&reloadCmd.label;" removable="true" |
511 |
command="Browser:ReloadOrDuplicate" |
512 |
onclick="checkForMiddleClick(this, event);" |
513 |
tooltiptext="&reloadButton.tooltip;"/> |
514 |
515 |
<toolbarbutton id="stop-button" class="toolbarbutton-1 chromeclass-toolbar-additional" |
516 |
label="&stopCmd.label;" removable="true" |
517 |
command="Browser:Stop" |
518 |
tooltiptext="&stopButton.tooltip;"/> |
519 |
520 |
<toolbaritem id="search-container" title="&searchItem.title;" |
521 |
align="center" class="chromeclass-toolbar-additional" |
522 |
flex="100" persist="width" removable="true"> |
523 |
<searchbar id="searchbar" flex="1"/> |
524 |
</toolbaritem> |
525 |
526 |
<toolbarbutton id="webrtc-status-button" |
527 |
class="toolbarbutton-1 chromeclass-toolbar-additional" |
528 |
type="menu" |
529 |
hidden="true" |
530 |
orient="horizontal" |
531 |
label="&webrtcIndicatorButton.label;" |
532 |
tooltiptext="&webrtcIndicatorButton.tooltip;"> |
533 |
<menupopup onpopupshowing="WebrtcIndicator.fillPopup(this);" |
534 |
onpopuphiding="WebrtcIndicator.clearPopup(this);" |
535 |
oncommand="WebrtcIndicator.menuCommand(;"/> |
536 |
</toolbarbutton> |
537 |
538 |
<toolbarbutton id="bookmarks-menu-button" |
539 |
class="toolbarbutton-1 chromeclass-toolbar-additional" |
540 |
persist="class" |
541 |
removable="true" |
542 |
type="menu" |
543 |
label="&bookmarksMenuButton.label;" |
544 |
tooltiptext="&bookmarksMenuButton.tooltip;" |
545 |
ondragenter="PlacesMenuDNDHandler.onDragEnter(event);" |
546 |
ondragover="PlacesMenuDNDHandler.onDragOver(event);" |
547 |
ondragleave="PlacesMenuDNDHandler.onDragLeave(event);" |
548 |
ondrop="PlacesMenuDNDHandler.onDrop(event);"> |
549 |
<menupopup id="BMB_bookmarksPopup" |
550 |
placespopup="true" |
551 |
context="placesContext" |
552 |
openInTabs="children" |
553 |
oncommand="BookmarksEventHandler.onCommand(event, this.parentNode._placesView);" |
554 |
onclick="BookmarksEventHandler.onClick(event, this.parentNode._placesView);" |
555 |
onpopupshowing="BookmarkingUI.onPopupShowing(event); |
556 |
if (!this.parentNode._placesView) |
557 |
new PlacesMenu(event, 'place:folder=BOOKMARKS_MENU');" |
558 |
tooltip="bhTooltip" popupsinherittooltip="true"> |
559 |
<menuitem id="BMB_viewBookmarksToolbar" |
560 |
placesanonid="view-toolbar" |
561 |
toolbarId="PersonalToolbar" |
562 |
type="checkbox" |
563 |
oncommand="onViewToolbarCommand(event)" |
564 |
label="&viewBookmarksToolbar.label;"/> |
565 |
<menuseparator/> |
566 |
<menuitem id="BMB_bookmarksShowAll" |
567 |
label="&showAllBookmarks2.label;" |
568 |
command="Browser:ShowAllBookmarks" |
569 |
key="manBookmarkKb"/> |
570 |
<menuseparator/> |
571 |
<menuitem id="BMB_bookmarkThisPage" |
572 |
#ifndef XP_MACOSX |
573 |
class="menuitem-iconic" |
574 |
#endif |
575 |
label="&bookmarkThisPageCmd.label;" |
576 |
command="Browser:AddBookmarkAs" |
577 |
key="addBookmarkAsKb"/> |
578 |
<menuitem id="BMB_subscribeToPageMenuitem" |
579 |
#ifndef XP_MACOSX |
580 |
class="menuitem-iconic" |
581 |
#endif |
582 |
label="&subscribeToPageMenuitem.label;" |
583 |
oncommand="return FeedHandler.subscribeToFeed(null, event);" |
584 |
onclick="checkForMiddleClick(this, event);" |
585 |
observes="singleFeedMenuitemState"/> |
586 |
<menu id="BMB_subscribeToPageMenupopup" |
587 |
#ifndef XP_MACOSX |
588 |
class="menu-iconic" |
589 |
#endif |
590 |
label="&subscribeToPageMenupopup.label;" |
591 |
observes="multipleFeedsMenuState"> |
592 |
<menupopup id="BMB_subscribeToPageSubmenuMenupopup" |
593 |
onpopupshowing="return FeedHandler.buildFeedList(;" |
594 |
oncommand="return FeedHandler.subscribeToFeed(null, event);" |
595 |
onclick="checkForMiddleClick(this, event);"/> |
596 |
</menu> |
597 |
<menuseparator/> |
598 |
<menu id="BMB_bookmarksToolbar" |
599 |
placesanonid="toolbar-autohide" |
600 |
class="menu-iconic bookmark-item" |
601 |
label="&personalbarCmd.label;" |
602 |
container="true"> |
603 |
<menupopup id="BMB_bookmarksToolbarPopup" |
604 |
placespopup="true" |
605 |
context="placesContext" |
606 |
onpopupshowing="if (!this.parentNode._placesView) |
607 |
new PlacesMenu(event, 'place:folder=TOOLBAR');"/> |
608 |
</menu> |
609 |
<menuseparator/> |
610 |
<!-- Bookmarks menu items --> |
611 |
<menuseparator builder="end" |
612 |
class="hide-if-empty-places-result"/> |
613 |
<menuitem id="BMB_unsortedBookmarks" |
614 |
label="&bookmarksMenuButton.unsorted.label;" |
615 |
oncommand="PlacesCommandHook.showPlacesOrganizer('UnfiledBookmarks');" |
616 |
class="menuitem-iconic"/> |
617 |
</menupopup> |
618 |
</toolbarbutton> |
619 |
620 |
<toolbarbutton id="home-button" class="toolbarbutton-1 chromeclass-toolbar-additional" |
621 |
persist="class" removable="true" |
622 |
label="&homeButton.label;" |
623 |
ondragover="homeButtonObserver.onDragOver(event)" |
624 |
ondragenter="homeButtonObserver.onDragOver(event)" |
625 |
ondrop="homeButtonObserver.onDrop(event)" |
626 |
ondragexit="homeButtonObserver.onDragExit(event)" |
627 |
onclick="BrowserGoHome(event);" |
628 |
aboutHomeOverrideTooltip="&abouthome.pageTitle;"/> |
629 |
630 |
<toolbarbutton id="social-share-button" |
631 |
class="toolbarbutton-1 chromeclass-toolbar-additional" |
632 |
hidden="true" |
633 |
label="&sharePageCmd.label;" |
634 |
tooltiptext="&sharePageCmd.label;" |
635 |
command="Social:SharePage"/> |
636 |
637 |
<toolbaritem id="social-toolbar-item" |
638 |
class="chromeclass-toolbar-additional" |
639 |
removable="false" |
640 |
title="&socialToolbar.title;" |
641 |
hidden="true" |
642 |
skipintoolbarset="true" |
643 |
observes="socialActiveBroadcaster"> |
644 |
<toolbarbutton id="social-notification-icon" class="default-notification-icon toolbarbutton-1 notification-anchor-icon" |
645 |
oncommand="PopupNotifications._reshowNotifications(this, |
646 |
document.getElementById('social-sidebar-browser'));"/> |
647 |
<toolbarbutton id="social-provider-button" |
648 |
class="toolbarbutton-1" |
649 |
type="menu"> |
650 |
<menupopup id="social-statusarea-popup"> |
651 |
<menuitem class="social-statusarea-user menuitem-iconic" pack="start" align="center" |
652 |
observes="socialBroadcaster_userDetails" |
653 |
oncommand="SocialUI.showProfile(); document.getElementById('social-statusarea-popup').hidePopup();"> |
654 |
<image class="social-statusarea-user-portrait" |
655 |
observes="socialBroadcaster_userDetails"/> |
656 |
<vbox> |
657 |
<label class="social-statusarea-loggedInStatus" |
658 |
observes="socialBroadcaster_userDetails"/> |
659 |
</vbox> |
660 |
</menuitem> |
661 |
#ifndef XP_WIN |
662 |
<menuseparator class="social-statusarea-separator"/> |
663 |
#endif |
664 |
<menuitem class="social-toggle-sidebar-menuitem" |
665 |
type="checkbox" |
666 |
autocheck="false" |
667 |
command="Social:ToggleSidebar" |
668 |
label="&social.toggleSidebar.label;" |
669 |
accesskey="&social.toggleSidebar.accesskey;"/> |
670 |
<menuitem class="social-toggle-notifications-menuitem" |
671 |
type="checkbox" |
672 |
autocheck="false" |
673 |
command="Social:ToggleNotifications" |
674 |
label="&social.toggleNotifications.label;" |
675 |
accesskey="&social.toggleNotifications.accesskey;"/> |
676 |
<menuitem class="social-toggle-menuitem" command="Social:Toggle"/> |
677 |
<menuseparator/> |
678 |
<menuseparator class="social-provider-menu" hidden="true"/> |
679 |
<menuitem class="social-addons-menuitem" command="Social:Addons" |
680 |
label="&social.addons.label;"/> |
681 |
<menuitem label="&social.learnMore.label;" |
682 |
accesskey="&social.learnMore.accesskey;" |
683 |
oncommand="SocialUI.showLearnMore();"/> |
684 |
</menupopup> |
685 |
</toolbarbutton> |
686 |
<toolbarbutton id="social-mark-button" |
687 |
class="toolbarbutton-1" |
688 |
hidden="true" |
689 |
disabled="true" |
690 |
command="Social:TogglePageMark"/> |
691 |
</toolbaritem> |
692 |
693 |
<hbox id="window-controls" hidden="true" pack="end"> |
694 |
<toolbarbutton id="minimize-button" |
695 |
tooltiptext="&fullScreenMinimize.tooltip;" |
696 |
oncommand="window.minimize();"/> |
697 |
698 |
<toolbarbutton id="restore-button" |
699 |
tooltiptext="&fullScreenRestore.tooltip;" |
700 |
oncommand="BrowserFullScreen();"/> |
701 |
702 |
<toolbarbutton id="close-button" |
703 |
tooltiptext="&fullScreenClose.tooltip;" |
704 |
oncommand="BrowserTryToCloseWindow();"/> |
705 |
</hbox> |
706 |
</toolbar> |
707 |
708 |
<toolbarset id="customToolbars" context="toolbar-context-menu"/> |
709 |
710 |
<toolbar id="PersonalToolbar" |
711 |
mode="icons" iconsize="small" defaulticonsize="small" |
712 |
lockiconsize="true" |
713 |
class="chromeclass-directories" |
714 |
context="toolbar-context-menu" |
715 |
defaultset="personal-bookmarks" |
716 |
toolbarname="&personalbarCmd.label;" accesskey="&personalbarCmd.accesskey;" |
717 |
collapsed="true" |
718 |
customizable="true"> |
719 |
<toolbaritem flex="1" id="personal-bookmarks" title="&bookmarksItem.title;" |
720 |
removable="true"> |
721 |
<hbox flex="1" |
722 |
id="PlacesToolbar" |
723 |
context="placesContext" |
724 |
onclick="BookmarksEventHandler.onClick(event, this._placesView);" |
725 |
oncommand="BookmarksEventHandler.onCommand(event, this._placesView);" |
726 |
tooltip="bhTooltip" |
727 |
popupsinherittooltip="true"> |
728 |
<toolbarbutton class="bookmark-item bookmarks-toolbar-customize" |
729 |
mousethrough="never" |
730 |
label="&bookmarksToolbarItem.label;"/> |
731 |
<hbox flex="1"> |
732 |
<hbox align="center"> |
733 |
<image id="PlacesToolbarDropIndicator" |
734 |
mousethrough="always" |
735 |
collapsed="true"/> |
736 |
</hbox> |
737 |
<scrollbox orient="horizontal" |
738 |
id="PlacesToolbarItems" |
739 |
flex="1"/> |
740 |
<toolbarbutton type="menu" |
741 |
id="PlacesChevron" |
742 |
class="chevron" |
743 |
mousethrough="never" |
744 |
collapsed="true" |
745 |
tooltiptext="&bookmarksToolbarChevron.tooltip;" |
746 |
onpopupshowing="document.getElementById('PlacesToolbar') |
747 |
._placesView._onChevronPopupShowing(event);"> |
748 |
<menupopup id="PlacesChevronPopup" |
749 |
placespopup="true" |
750 |
tooltip="bhTooltip" popupsinherittooltip="true" |
751 |
context="placesContext"/> |
752 |
</toolbarbutton> |
753 |
</hbox> |
754 |
</hbox> |
755 |
</toolbaritem> |
756 |
</toolbar> |
757 |
758 |
759 |
760 |
761 |
#endif |
762 |
#endif |
763 |
764 |
765 |
<toolbar id="TabsToolbar" |
766 |
class="toolbar-primary" |
767 |
fullscreentoolbar="true" |
768 |
customizable="true" |
769 |
mode="icons" lockmode="true" |
770 |
iconsize="small" defaulticonsize="small" lockiconsize="true" |
771 |
aria-label="&tabsToolbar.label;" |
772 |
context="toolbar-context-menu" |
773 |
774 |
defaultset="appmenu-toolbar-button,tabbrowser-tabs,new-tab-button,alltabs-button,tabs-closebutton" |
775 |
#else |
776 |
defaultset="tabbrowser-tabs,new-tab-button,alltabs-button,tabs-closebutton" |
777 |
#endif |
778 |
collapsed="true"> |
779 |
780 |
781 |
<toolbarbutton id="appmenu-toolbar-button" |
782 |
class="chromeclass-toolbar-additional" |
783 |
type="menu" |
784 |
label="&brandShortName;" |
785 |
tooltiptext="&appMenuButton.tooltip;"> |
786 |
#include |
787 |
</toolbarbutton> |
788 |
#endif |
789 |
790 |
<tabs id="tabbrowser-tabs" |
791 |
class="tabbrowser-tabs" |
792 |
tabbrowser="content" |
793 |
flex="1" |
794 |
setfocus="false" |
795 |
tooltip="tabbrowser-tab-tooltip" |
796 |
stopwatchid="FX_TAB_CLICK_MS"> |
797 |
<tab class="tabbrowser-tab" selected="true" fadein="true"/> |
798 |
</tabs> |
799 |
800 |
<toolbarbutton id="new-tab-button" |
801 |
class="toolbarbutton-1 chromeclass-toolbar-additional" |
802 |
label="&tabCmd.label;" |
803 |
command="cmd_newNavigatorTab" |
804 |
onclick="checkForMiddleClick(this, event);" |
805 |
tooltiptext="&newTabButton.tooltip;" |
806 |
ondrop="newTabButtonObserver.onDrop(event)" |
807 |
ondragover="newTabButtonObserver.onDragOver(event)" |
808 |
ondragenter="newTabButtonObserver.onDragOver(event)" |
809 |
ondragexit="newTabButtonObserver.onDragExit(event)" |
810 |
removable="true"/> |
811 |
812 |
<toolbarbutton id="alltabs-button" |
813 |
class="toolbarbutton-1 chromeclass-toolbar-additional tabs-alltabs-button" |
814 |
type="menu" |
815 |
label="&listAllTabs.label;" |
816 |
tooltiptext="&listAllTabs.label;" |
817 |
removable="true"> |
818 |
<menupopup id="alltabs-popup" |
819 |
position="after_end"> |
820 |
<menuitem id="menu_tabview" |
821 |
class="menuitem-iconic" |
822 |
key="key_tabview" |
823 |
label="&viewTabGroups.label;" |
824 |
command="Browser:ToggleTabView" |
825 |
observes="tabviewGroupsNumber"/> |
826 |
<menuseparator id="alltabs-popup-separator"/> |
827 |
</menupopup> |
828 |
</toolbarbutton> |
829 |
830 |
<toolbarbutton id="tabs-closebutton" |
831 |
class="close-button tabs-closebutton" |
832 |
command="cmd_close" |
833 |
label="&closeTab.label;" |
834 |
tooltiptext="&closeTab.label;"/> |
835 |
836 |
837 |
<hbox class="titlebar-placeholder" type="appmenu-button" ordinal="0"/> |
838 |
<hbox class="titlebar-placeholder" type="caption-buttons" ordinal="1000"/> |
839 |
#endif |
840 |
</toolbar> |
841 |
842 |
<toolbarpalette id="BrowserToolbarPalette"> |
843 |
844 |
# Update primaryToolbarButtons in browser/themes/shared/ when adding |
845 |
# or removing default items with the toolbarbutton-1 class. |
846 |
847 |
<toolbarbutton id="print-button" class="toolbarbutton-1 chromeclass-toolbar-additional" |
848 |
label="&printButton.label;" command="cmd_print" |
849 |
tooltiptext="&printButton.tooltip;"/> |
850 |
851 |
<!-- This is a placeholder for the Downloads Indicator. It is visible |
852 |
during the customization of the toolbar, in the palette, and before |
853 |
the Downloads Indicator overlay is loaded. --> |
854 |
<toolbarbutton id="downloads-button" class="toolbarbutton-1 chromeclass-toolbar-additional" |
855 |
oncommand="DownloadsIndicatorView.onCommand(event);" |
856 |
ondrop="DownloadsIndicatorView.onDrop(event);" |
857 |
ondragover="DownloadsIndicatorView.onDragOver(event);" |
858 |
ondragenter="DownloadsIndicatorView.onDragOver(event);" |
859 |
label="&downloads.label;" |
860 |
tooltiptext="&downloads.tooltip;"/> |
861 |
862 |
<toolbarbutton id="history-button" class="toolbarbutton-1 chromeclass-toolbar-additional" |
863 |
observes="viewHistorySidebar" label="&historyButton.label;" |
864 |
tooltiptext="&historyButton.tooltip;"/> |
865 |
866 |
<toolbarbutton id="bookmarks-button" class="toolbarbutton-1 chromeclass-toolbar-additional" |
867 |
observes="viewBookmarksSidebar" |
868 |
tooltiptext="&bookmarksButton.tooltip;" |
869 |
ondrop="bookmarksButtonObserver.onDrop(event)" |
870 |
ondragover="bookmarksButtonObserver.onDragOver(event)" |
871 |
ondragenter="bookmarksButtonObserver.onDragOver(event)" |
872 |
ondragexit="bookmarksButtonObserver.onDragExit(event)"/> |
873 |
874 |
<toolbarbutton id="new-window-button" class="toolbarbutton-1 chromeclass-toolbar-additional" |
875 |
label="&newNavigatorCmd.label;" |
876 |
command="key_newNavigator" |
877 |
tooltiptext="&newWindowButton.tooltip;" |
878 |
ondrop="newWindowButtonObserver.onDrop(event)" |
879 |
ondragover="newWindowButtonObserver.onDragOver(event)" |
880 |
ondragenter="newWindowButtonObserver.onDragOver(event)" |
881 |
ondragexit="newWindowButtonObserver.onDragExit(event)"/> |
882 |
883 |
<toolbarbutton id="fullscreen-button" class="toolbarbutton-1 chromeclass-toolbar-additional" |
884 |
observes="View:FullScreen" |
885 |
type="checkbox" |
886 |
label="&fullScreenCmd.label;" |
887 |
tooltiptext="&fullScreenButton.tooltip;"/> |
888 |
889 |
<toolbaritem id="zoom-controls" class="chromeclass-toolbar-additional" |
890 |
title="&zoomControls.label;"> |
891 |
<toolbarbutton id="zoom-out-button" class="toolbarbutton-1" |
892 |
label="&fullZoomReduceCmd.label;" |
893 |
command="cmd_fullZoomReduce" |
894 |
tooltiptext="&zoomOutButton.tooltip;"/> |
895 |
<toolbarbutton id="zoom-in-button" class="toolbarbutton-1" |
896 |
label="&fullZoomEnlargeCmd.label;" |
897 |
command="cmd_fullZoomEnlarge" |
898 |
tooltiptext="&zoomInButton.tooltip;"/> |
899 |
</toolbaritem> |
900 |
901 |
<toolbarbutton id="feed-button" |
902 |
type="menu" |
903 |
class="toolbarbutton-1 chromeclass-toolbar-additional" |
904 |
disabled="true" |
905 |
label="&feedButton.label;" |
906 |
tooltiptext="&feedButton.tooltip;" |
907 |
onclick="return FeedHandler.onFeedButtonClick(event);"> |
908 |
<menupopup position="after_end" |
909 |
id="feed-menu" |
910 |
onpopupshowing="return FeedHandler.buildFeedList(this);" |
911 |
oncommand="return FeedHandler.subscribeToFeed(null, event);" |
912 |
onclick="checkForMiddleClick(this, event);"/> |
913 |
</toolbarbutton> |
914 |
915 |
<toolbarbutton id="cut-button" class="toolbarbutton-1 chromeclass-toolbar-additional" |
916 |
label="&cutCmd.label;" |
917 |
command="cmd_cut" |
918 |
tooltiptext="&cutButton.tooltip;"/> |
919 |
920 |
<toolbarbutton id="copy-button" class="toolbarbutton-1 chromeclass-toolbar-additional" |
921 |
label="©Cmd.label;" |
922 |
command="cmd_copy" |
923 |
tooltiptext="©Button.tooltip;"/> |
924 |
925 |
<toolbarbutton id="paste-button" class="toolbarbutton-1 chromeclass-toolbar-additional" |
926 |
label="&pasteCmd.label;" |
927 |
command="cmd_paste" |
928 |
tooltiptext="&pasteButton.tooltip;"/> |
929 |
930 |
931 |
<toolbarbutton id="sync-button" |
932 |
class="toolbarbutton-1 chromeclass-toolbar-additional" |
933 |
label="&syncToolbarButton.label;" |
934 |
oncommand="gSyncUI.handleToolbarButton()"/> |
935 |
#endif |
936 |
937 |
<toolbaritem id="navigator-throbber" title="&throbberItem.title;" align="center" pack="center" |
938 |
mousethrough="always"> |
939 |
<image/> |
940 |
</toolbaritem> |
941 |
942 |
<toolbarbutton id="tabview-button" class="toolbarbutton-1 chromeclass-toolbar-additional" |
943 |
label="&tabGroupsButton.label;" |
944 |
command="Browser:ToggleTabView" |
945 |
tooltiptext="&tabGroupsButton.tooltip;" |
946 |
observes="tabviewGroupsNumber"/> |
947 |
</toolbarpalette> |
948 |
</toolbox> |
949 |
950 |
<hbox id="fullscr-toggler" collapsed="true"/> |
951 |
952 |
<hbox flex="1" id="browser"> |
953 |
<vbox id="browser-border-start" hidden="true" layer="true"/> |
954 |
<vbox id="sidebar-box" hidden="true" class="chromeclass-extrachrome"> |
955 |
<sidebarheader id="sidebar-header" align="center"> |
956 |
<label id="sidebar-title" persist="value" flex="1" crop="end" control="sidebar"/> |
957 |
<image id="sidebar-throbber"/> |
958 |
<toolbarbutton class="tabs-closebutton" tooltiptext="&sidebarCloseButton.tooltip;" oncommand="toggleSidebar();"/> |
959 |
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960 |
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961 |
style="min-width: 14em; width: 18em; max-width: 36em;"/> |
962 |
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963 |
964 |
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965 |
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966 |
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967 |
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968 |
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969 |
contentcontextmenu="contentAreaContextMenu" |
970 |
autocompletepopup="PopupAutoComplete"/> |
971 |
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972 |
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973 |
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974 |
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975 |
class="chromeclass-extrachrome sidebar-splitter" |
976 |
observes="socialSidebarBroadcaster"/> |
977 |
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978 |
class="chromeclass-extrachrome" |
979 |
observes="socialSidebarBroadcaster" |
980 |
persist="width"> |
981 |
<browser id="social-sidebar-browser" |
982 |
type="content" |
983 |
context="contentAreaContextMenu" |
984 |
disableglobalhistory="true" |
985 |
tooltip="aHTMLTooltip" |
986 |
popupnotificationanchor="social-notification-icon" |
987 |
flex="1" |
988 |
style="min-width: 14em; width: 18em; max-width: 36em;"/> |
989 |
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990 |
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991 |
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992 |
993 |
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994 |
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995 |
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996 |
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997 |
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998 |
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999 |
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1000 |
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1001 |
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1002 |
oncommand="FullScreen.setFullscreenAllowed(true);" |
1003 |
class="full-screen-approval-button"/> |
1004 |
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1005 |
oncommand="FullScreen.setFullscreenAllowed(false);" |
1006 |
class="full-screen-approval-button"/> |
1007 |
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1008 |
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1009 |
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1010 |
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1011 |
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1012 |
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1013 |
1014 |
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1015 |
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1016 |
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1017 |
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1018 |
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1019 |
#ifdef XP_MACOSX |
1020 |
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1021 |
class="devtools-closebutton" |
1022 |
oncommand="DeveloperToolbar.hide();" |
1023 |
tooltiptext="&devToolbarCloseButton.tooltiptext;"/> |
1024 |
#endif |
1025 |
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1026 |
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1027 |
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1028 |
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1029 |
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1030 |
class="developer-toolbar-button" |
1031 |
observes="devtoolsMenuBroadcaster_DevToolbox" |
1032 |
tooltiptext="&devToolbarToolsButton.tooltip;"/> |
1033 |
#ifndef XP_MACOSX |
1034 |
<toolbarbutton id="developer-toolbar-closebutton" |
1035 |
class="devtools-closebutton" |
1036 |
oncommand="DeveloperToolbar.hide();" |
1037 |
tooltiptext="&devToolbarCloseButton.tooltiptext;"/> |
1038 |
#endif |
1039 |
</toolbar> |
1040 |
1041 |
<toolbar id="addon-bar" |
1042 |
toolbarname="&addonBarCmd.label;" accesskey="&addonBarCmd.accesskey;" |
1043 |
collapsed="true" |
1044 |
class="toolbar-primary chromeclass-toolbar" |
1045 |
context="toolbar-context-menu" toolboxid="navigator-toolbox" |
1046 |
mode="icons" iconsize="small" defaulticonsize="small" |
1047 |
lockiconsize="true" |
1048 |
defaultset="addonbar-closebutton,spring,status-bar" |
1049 |
customizable="true" |
1050 |
key="key_toggleAddonBar"> |
1051 |
<toolbarbutton id="addonbar-closebutton" |
1052 |
tooltiptext="&addonBarCloseButton.tooltip;" |
1053 |
oncommand="setToolbarVisibility(this.parentNode, false);"/> |
1054 |
<statusbar id="status-bar" ordinal="1000"/> |
1055 |
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1056 |
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1057 |
1058 |
#ifndef XP_UNIX |
1059 |
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1060 |
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1061 |
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1062 |
</svg:clipPath> |
1063 |
<svg:clipPath id="windows-urlbar-back-button-clip-path" clipPathUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> |
1064 |
<svg:path d="M 0,0 0,7.8 C 2.5,11 4,14 4,18 4,22 2.5,25 0,28 l 0,22 10000,0 0,-50 L 0,0 z"/> |
1065 |
</svg:clipPath> |
1066 |
</svg:svg> |
1067 |
#endif |
1068 |
#ifdef XP_MACOSX |
1069 |
<svg:svg height="0"> |
1070 |
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1071 |
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1072 |
</svg:clipPath> |
1073 |
<svg:clipPath id="osx-urlbar-back-button-clip-path" clipPathUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> |
1074 |
<svg:path d="m 0,-5 0,4.03 C 3.6,1.8 6,6.1 6,11 6,16 3.6,20 0,23 l 0,27 10000,0 0,-55 L 0,-5 z"/> |
1075 |
</svg:clipPath> |
1076 |
<svg:clipPath id="osx-tab-ontop-left-curve-clip-path" clipPathUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> |
1077 |
<svg:path d="M 9,0 C 7.3,0 6,1.3 6,3 l 0,14 c 0,3 -2.2,5 -5,5 l -1,0 0,1 12,0 0,-1 0,-19 0,-3 -3,0 z"/> |
1078 |
</svg:clipPath> |
1079 |
<svg:clipPath id="osx-tab-ontop-right-curve-clip-path" clipPathUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> |
1080 |
<svg:path d="m 0,0 0,3 0,19 0,1 12,0 0,-1 -1,0 C 8.2,22 6,20 6,17 L 6,3 C 6,1.3 4.7,0 3,0 L 0,0 z"/> |
1081 |
</svg:clipPath> |
1082 |
<svg:clipPath id="osx-tab-onbottom-left-curve-clip-path" clipPathUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> |
1083 |
<svg:path d="m 0,0 0,1 1,0 c 2.8,0 5,2.2 5,5 l 0,14 c 0,2 1.3,3 3,3 l 3,0 0,-3 L 12,1 12,0 0,0 z"/> |
1084 |
</svg:clipPath> |
1085 |
<svg:clipPath id="osx-tab-onbottom-right-curve-clip-path" clipPathUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> |
1086 |
<svg:path d="m 0,0 0,1 0,19 0,3 3,0 c 1.7,0 3,-1 3,-3 L 6,6 C 6,3.2 8.2,1 11,1 L 12,1 12,0 0,0 z"/> |
1087 |
</svg:clipPath> |
1088 |
</svg:svg> |
1089 |
#endif |
1090 |
1091 |
</vbox> |
1092 |
# <iframe id="tab-view"> is dynamically appended as the 2nd child of #tab-view-deck. |
1093 |
# Introducing the iframe dynamically, as needed, was found to be better than |
1094 |
# starting with an empty iframe here in browser.xul from a Ts standpoint. |
1095 |
</deck> |
1096 |
1097 |
</window> |