tine20 is installed. You are almost done! You will need to: 0. possibly setup a vhost file. 1. configure it by creating/editing the config file: ${MY_INSTALLDIR}/tine20/config.inc.php (you can skip the database and only setup the "setupuser") 2. setup a mysql database: mysql> CREATE DATABASE tine20 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET 'UTF8'; mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON tine20.* TO 'tine20'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'safe_password_here'; 3. Use http://${VHOST_HOSTNAME}/${VHOST_APPDIR}/setup.php to finish the setup (login with the username and password specified in the config.inc.php file). Use the official install howto as reference: https://www.tine20.org/wiki/index.php/Admins/Install_Howto