## ## Rules file for svn2git/svn-all-fast-export (of KDE) ## for conversion of svn://overlays.gentoo.org/proj/java/ ## ## Copyright (C) 2013 Sebastian Pipping ## Licensed under GPL v2 or later ## ## Version 2 of 2013-05-11 06:02 UTC+2 ## create repository baselayout-java.git end repository create repository eselect-java.git end repository create repository java.git end repository create repository java-config.git end repository create repository java-experimental.git end repository create repository javatoolkit.git end repository create repository java-testcases.git end repository match /projects/baselayout-java/tags/([^/]+)/ repository baselayout-java.git branch refs/tags/\1 end match match /projects/baselayout-java(?:/trunk)?/ repository baselayout-java.git branch master end match match /projects/eselect-java/tags/([^/]+)/ repository eselect-java.git branch refs/tags/\1 end match match /projects/eselect-java(?:/trunk)?/ repository eselect-java.git branch master end match match /(?:(?:gentoo-java-experimental/)?java-config-ng|projects/java-config-2)/branches/([^/]+)/ repository java-config.git branch \1 end match match /(?:(?:gentoo-java-experimental/)?java-config-ng|projects/java-config-2)/tags/([^/]+)/ repository java-config.git branch refs/tags/\1 end match match /(?:(?:gentoo-java-experimental/)?java-config-ng|projects/java-config-2)(?:/trunk)?/ repository java-config.git branch master end match match /projects/javatoolkit/branches/(kasun)/trunk/ repository javatoolkit.git branch \1 end match match /(?:projects/)?javatoolkit/branches/([^/]+)/ repository javatoolkit.git branch \1 end match match /(?:projects/)?javatoolkit/tags/([^/]+)/ repository javatoolkit.git branch refs/tags/\1 end match match /(?:projects/)?javatoolkit(?:/trunk)?/ repository javatoolkit.git branch master end match match /testcases/ repository java-testcases.git branch master end match match /gentoo-java-experimental/ repository java.git branch gentoo-java-experimental end match match /java-experimental-overlays?/ repository java.git branch java-experimental-overlay end match match /migration-packages/ repository java.git branch migration-packages end match match /migrated-java-experimental-overlay/ repository java.git branch migrated-java-experimental-overlay end match match /java-overlay/ repository java.git branch master end match match /java-experimental/ repository java-experimental.git branch master end match match /axxo-overlay/ end match match /axxo-overlay-less-wrapping/ end match match /axxo-overlay-symlink/ end match match /caucho/ end match match /caucho-services/ end match match /chewi-overlay/ end match match /dev-eclipse/ end match match /dev-java/ end match match /dev-util/ end match match /distfiles/ end match match /docs/ end match match /eclass/ end match match /free-java-overlay/ end match match /gcj/ end match match /gcj-overlay/ end match match /gsoc-maven-overlay/ end match match /java-config-wrapper/ end match match /java-virtuals/ end match match /jboss-overlay/ end match match /jdom-cleanup-overlay/ end match match /junkyard/ end match match /licenses/ end match match /maven-overlay/ end match match /migration/ end match match /new-virtuals/ end match match /nichoj-1.5-migration-overlay/ end match match /other/ end match match /profile/ end match match /projects/GenEclipse/ end match match /projects/edoc/ end match match /projects/java-config-wrapper/ end match match /projects/java-dep-check/ end match match /projects/jindex/ end match match /projects/libclassfile/ end match match /projects/pkgconfig/ end match match /scripts/ end match match /split-ant-overlay/ end match match /wsdp-overlay/ end match match /README.html end match match /axxo-overlay.tar.bz2 end match