# Some minimal Mutt settings, Gentoo-style. These reflect the Gentoo # predilection for maildir folders. # # Please don't add settings to this file to change other user # preferences (such as colors), since those can be hard for a user to # undo if their preference doesn't match yours! For example, it is # *impossible* currently in mutt to remove color settings from objects # other than the index. set mbox_type=Maildir set folder=~/.maildir set spoolfile=~/.maildir/ set record=~/.maildir-sent/ unset mbox set move=no # Maybe we shouldn't set index_format here, but this is a recommended # one for maildir-style folders. set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-16.16L %s" # Enable header caching on IMAP #set imap_headercache="~/.headercache"