#!/sbin/runscript # Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Technologies, Inc. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: $ LIGHTTPD_PID="/var/run/lighttpd.pid" LIGHTTPD_BIN="/usr/sbin/lighttpd" LIGHTTPD_CONF="/etc/lighttpd.conf" SPAWNFCGI_PID="/var/run/spawn-fcgi.pid" SPAWNFCGI_CONF="/etc/conf.d/spawn-fcgi.conf" if [ -r ${SPAWNFCGI_CONF} ]; then . ${SPAWNFCGI_CONF} fi depend() { need net use mysql logger after sshd } start() { if [ "${ENABLE_SPAWNFCGI}" = "yes" ]; then export PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS FCGI_WEB_SERVER_ADDRS EX="${SPAWNFCGI} -p ${FCGIPORT} -f ${FCGIPROGRAM} -u ${USERID} \ -g ${GROUPID} -C ${PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN}" # copy the allowed environment variables unset E for i in ${ALLOWED_ENV}; do E="${E} ${i}=${!i}" done # clean environment and set up a new one env - ${E} ${EX} 2>${SPAWNFCGI_PID} #extract parent-process-id and write it back to the file FCGI_PPID=`cat ${SPAWNFCGI_PID} | cut -d':' -f4` echo ${FCGI_PPID} > ${SPAWNFCGI_PID} fi ebegin "Starting lighttpd" ${LIGHTTPD_BIN} -f ${LIGHTTPD_CONF} eend ${?} pidof lighttpd >${LIGHTTPD_PID} } stop() { if [[ "${ENABLE_SPAWNFCGI}" = "yes" && -r ${SPAWNFCGI_PID} ]]; then kill `cat ${SPAWNFCGI_PID}` if [ -w ${SPAWNFCGI_PID} ]; then rm ${SPAWNFCGI_PID}; fi fi if [ -r ${LIGHTTPD_PID} ]; then ebegin "Stopping lighttpd" kill `cat ${LIGHTTPD_PID}` eend $? if [ -w ${LIGHTTPD_PID} ]; then rm ${LIGHTTPD_PID}; fi; else eerror "lighttpd: no PID-file found. no process killed!" fi }