# Copyright 1999-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, v2 or later # Maintainer: Tim Hobbs # $Header:$ SLOT="3" #eclipse is slotted, so this is, too. DESCRIPTION="Eclipse plugin for XML" SRC_URI="xmlbuddy_${PV}.zip" HOMEPAGE="http://xmlbuddy.com/" LICENSE="BOCALOCO" DEPEND="" RDEPEND=">=dev-util/eclipse-sdk-3.0.0_rc1" KEYWORDS="~x86" RESTRICT="fetch" ECLIPSE_DIR="/usr/lib/eclipse-${SLOT}" pkg_nofetch() { einfo "Please download xmlbuddy_${PV}.zip at" einfo "http://xmlbuddy.com/" einfo "and move it to ${DISTDIR}" } src_compile() { echo "Nothing to compile for ${P}." } src_install () { dodir ${ECLIPSE_DIR}/plugins/ cp -dpR ${S}/* ${D}${ECLIPSE_DIR}/plugins/ }