# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: $net-nntp/es-f/es-f-2.6.0.ebuild EAPI=4 inherit versionator eutils webapp MY_P=${PN}_$(replace_all_version_separators '.') DESCRIPTION="|es|f| is a web based HTML frontend for esniper, a lightweight console application for sniper" HOMEPAGE="http://es-f.com/" SRC_URI="mirror://sourceforge/${PN}/${MY_P}.tgz" LICENSE="BSD" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86" IUSE="" DEPEND="net-misc/esniper dev-lang/php virtual/httpd-php" RDEPEND="${DEPEND}" need_httpd_cgi S=${WORKDIR} src_configure() { : } src_compile() { : } src_install() { webapp_src_preinst #install Docs dodoc doc/BUGS doc/CONTRIBUTIONS doc/EXTENSIONS doc/INSTALL doc/NEWS doc/SECURITY doc/TODO doc/UPGRADE doc/CHANGELOG doc/EVENTS doc/FEATURES doc/LICENSE doc/RELEASENOTES doc/TEMPLATES doc/TRANSLATIONS #install htdoc files insinto "${MY_HTDOCSDIR}" doins prepend.dist.php doins index.inc.php doins favicon.ico doins index.php doins robots.txt doins -r addon doins -r application doins -r button doins -r html doins -r js doins -r layout doins -r module doins -r plugin doins -r utilities doins -r setup doins web-install.php webapp_src_install }