LANG=C UNAME := $(shell uname) MACH := $(shell uname -m | sed 's/i.86/x86_32/') ifeq ($(UNAME),SunOS) EUID := $(shell /usr/xpg4/bin/id -u) SHELL=bash CC=gcc OLDGROFF=OLDGROFF else EUID := $(shell id -u) endif SYSNAME := $(shell uname -n) # No version number yet... VERSION=0.0 # Installation prefix... PREFIX=/usr/local PREFIX=/usr PREFIX=$(DESTDIR)/usr # Pathnames for this package... BIN=$(PREFIX)/bin SHAREZJS=$(PREFIX)/share/foo2zjs SHAREOAK=$(PREFIX)/share/foo2oak SHAREHP=$(PREFIX)/share/foo2hp SHAREXQX=$(PREFIX)/share/foo2xqx SHARELAVA=$(PREFIX)/share/foo2lava SHAREQPDL=$(PREFIX)/share/foo2qpdl SHARESLX=$(PREFIX)/share/foo2slx SHAREHC=$(PREFIX)/share/foo2hiperc MANDIR=$(PREFIX)/share/man DOCDIR=$(PREFIX)/share/doc/foo2zjs/ INSTALL=install ROOT=root # Pathnames for referenced packages... FOODB=$(DESTDIR)/usr/share/foomatic/db/source # User ID's LPuid=-oroot LPgid=-glp ifeq ($(UNAME),Darwin) LPuid=-oroot LPgid=-gwheel ROOT=sudo endif ifeq ($(UNAME),FreeBSD) LPuid=-oroot LPgid=-gwheel endif ifeq ($(UNAME),OpenBSD) LPuid=-oroot LPgid=-gwheel endif ifeq ($(UNAME),SunOS) LPuid=-oroot LPgid=-glp INSTALL=/usr/ucb/install endif # If we aren't root, don't try to set ownership ifneq ($(EUID),0) LPuid= LPgid= endif # Definition of modtime() MODTIME= date -d "1/1/1970 utc + `stat -t $$1 | cut -f14 -d' '` seconds" "+%a %b %d %T %Y" ifeq ($(UNAME),FreeBSD) MODTIME= stat -f "%Sm" -t "%a %b %d %T %Y" $$1 endif ifeq ($(UNAME),OpenBSD) MODTIME= stat -f "%Sm" -t "%a %b %d %T %Y" $$1 endif ifeq ($(UNAME),Darwin) MODTIME= stat -f "%Sm" -t "%a %b %d %T %Y" $$1 endif ifeq ($(UNAME),SunOS) MODTIME= `ls -e $$1 | cut -c42-61` endif # # Files for tarball # NULL= WEBFILES= \ \ style.css \ archzjs.fig \ 2300.png \ 2430.png \ 1020.png \ \ archoak.fig \ 1500.gif \ \ archhp.fig \ 2600.gif \ \ archxqx.fig \ m1005.gif \ \ archlava.fig \ 2530.gif \ \ archqplp.fig \ \ archslx.fig \ c500n.png \ \ archhiperc.fig \ c3400n.png \ $(NULL) FILES = \ README \ \ INSTALL \ \ INSTALL.osx \ INSTALL.usb \ COPYING \ ChangeLog \ Makefile \ foo2zjs.c \ foo2zjs.1in \ jbig.c \ jbig.h \ jbig_ar.c \ jbig_ar.h \ zjsdecode.c \ zjsdecode.1in \ zjs.h \ foo2hp.c \ foo2hp.1in \ foo2xqx.c \ foo2xqx.1in \ foo2lava.c \ foo2lava.1in \ foo2qpdl.c \ foo2qpdl.1in \ foo2slx.c \ foo2slx.1in \ foo2hiperc.c \ foo2hiperc.1in \ cups.h \ xqx.h \ xqxdecode.c \ xqxdecode.1in \ lavadecode.c \ lavadecode.1in \ qpdl.h \ qpdldecode.c \ qpdldecode.1in \ opldecode.c \ opldecode.1in \ slx.h \ slxdecode.c \ slxdecode.1in \ gipddecode.c \ gipddecode.1in \ hbpldecode.c \ hbpldecode.1in \ \ foo2zjs-wrapper.1in \ \ foo2hp2600-wrapper.1in \ \ foo2xqx-wrapper.1in \ \ foo2lava-wrapper.1in \ \ foo2qpdl-wrapper.1in \ \ foo2slx-wrapper.1in \ \ foo2hiperc-wrapper.1in \ \ \ \ \ foomatic-db/*/*.xml \ foomatic-test \ \ icc2ps/*.[ch] \ icc2ps/*.1in \ icc2ps/Makefile \ icc2ps/AUTHORS \ icc2ps/COPYING \ icc2ps/README \ icc2ps/README.foo2zjs \ osx-hotplug/Makefile \ osx-hotplug/*.m \ osx-hotplug/*.1in \ ppd-adjust \ PPD/*.ppd \ crd/zjs/*.crd \ crd/zjs/*.ps \ crd/qpdl/*cms* \ crd/qpdl/*.ps \ arm2hpdl.c \ arm2hpdl.1in \ usb_printerid.c \ usb_printerid.1in \ hplj1000 \ hplj10xx.rules* \ msexpand \ oak.h \ foo2oak.c \ foo2oak.1in \ oakdecode.c \ oakdecode.1in \ \ foo2oak-wrapper.1in \ hiperc.h \ hipercdecode.c \ hipercdecode.1in \ c5200mono.prn \ \ foo2zjs-pstops.1in \ hplj1020.desktop \ hplj1020_icon.png \ hplj1020_icon.gif \ hplj10xx_gui.tcl \ includer-man \ \ regress.txt \ \ printer-profile.1in \ freebsd-install \ hplj10xx.conf \ modify-ppd \ command2foo2lava-pjl.c \ $(NULL) # CUPS vars CUPS_SERVERBIN := $(shell cups-config --serverbin 2>/dev/null) CUPS_DEVEL := $(shell grep cupsSideChannelDoRequest /usr/include/cups/sidechannel.h 2>/dev/null) CUPS_GOODAPI := $(shell cups-config --api-version 2>/dev/null | sed "s/1\.[0123].*//") # hpclj2600n-0.icm km2430_0.icm km2430_1.icm km2430_2.icm samclp300-0.icm # sihp1000.img sihp1005.img sihp1020.img sihp1018.img # sihpP1005.img sihpP1006.img sihpP1505.img # Programs and libraries PROGS= foo2zjs zjsdecode arm2hpdl foo2hp foo2xqx xqxdecode PROGS+= foo2lava lavadecode foo2qpdl qpdldecode opldecode PROGS+= foo2oak oakdecode PROGS+= foo2slx slxdecode PROGS+= foo2hiperc hipercdecode PROGS+= gipddecode PROGS+= hbpldecode ifneq ($(CUPS_SERVERBIN),) ifneq ($(CUPS_DEVEL),) ifneq ($(CUPS_GOODAPI),) PROGS+= command2foo2lava-pjl endif endif endif SHELLS= foo2zjs-wrapper foo2oak-wrapper foo2hp2600-wrapper \ foo2xqx-wrapper foo2lava-wrapper foo2qpdl-wrapper \ foo2slx-wrapper foo2hiperc-wrapper SHELLS+= foo2zjs-pstops SHELLS+= printer-profile MANPAGES= foo2zjs-wrapper.1 foo2zjs.1 zjsdecode.1 MANPAGES+= foo2oak-wrapper.1 foo2oak.1 oakdecode.1 MANPAGES+= foo2hp2600-wrapper.1 foo2hp.1 MANPAGES+= foo2xqx-wrapper.1 foo2xqx.1 xqxdecode.1 MANPAGES+= foo2lava-wrapper.1 foo2lava.1 lavadecode.1 opldecode.1 MANPAGES+= foo2qpdl-wrapper.1 foo2qpdl.1 qpdldecode.1 MANPAGES+= foo2slx-wrapper.1 foo2slx.1 slxdecode.1 MANPAGES+= foo2hiperc-wrapper.1 foo2hiperc.1 hipercdecode.1 MANPAGES+= gipddecode.1 MANPAGES+= hbpldecode.1 MANPAGES+= foo2zjs-pstops.1 arm2hpdl.1 usb_printerid.1 MANPAGES+= printer-profile.1 LIBJBG = jbig.o jbig_ar.o BINPROGS= ifeq ($(UNAME),Linux) BINPROGS += usb_printerid endif # Compiler flags #CFLAGS += -O2 -Wall -Wno-unused-but-set-variable CFLAGS += -O2 -Wall #CFLAGS += -g # # Rules to create test documents # GX=10200 GY=6600 GXR=1200 GYR=600 GSOPTS= -q -dBATCH -dSAFER -dQUIET -dNOPAUSE -sPAPERSIZE=letter -r$(GXR)x$(GYR) JBGOPTS=-m 16 -d 0 -p 92 # Equivalent options for pbmtojbg .SUFFIXES: .ps .pbm .pgm .pgm2 .ppm .ppm2 .zjs .cmyk .pksm .zc .zm .jbg \ .cups .cupm .1 .1in .fig .gif .xqx .lava .qpdl .slx .hc .fig.gif: fig2dev -L gif $*.fig | giftrans -t "#ffffff" -o $*.gif # fig2dev -L ppm $*.fig | pnmquant -fs 256 \ #| ppmtogif -transparent rgb:ff/ff/ff >$*.gif .ps.cups: gs $(GSOPTS) -r600x600 \ -dcupsColorSpace=6 -dcupsBitsPerColor=2 -dcupsColorOrder=2 \ -sDEVICE=cups -sOutputFile=$*.cups $*.ps .ps.cupm: gs $(GSOPTS) -r600x600 \ -dcupsColorSpace=3 -dcupsBitsPerColor=2 -dcupsColorOrder=2 \ -sDEVICE=cups -sOutputFile=$*.cupm $*.ps .ps.pbm: gs $(GSOPTS) -sDEVICE=pbmraw -sOutputFile=$*.pbm $*.ps .ps.ppm: gs $(GSOPTS) -sDEVICE=ppmraw -sOutputFile=$*.ppm $*.ps .ps.pgm: gs $(GSOPTS) -sDEVICE=pgmraw -sOutputFile=- $*.ps \ | pnmdepth 3 > $*.pgm .ps.pgm2: gs.rick $(GSOPTS) -sDEVICE=pgmraw2 -sOutputFile=$*.pgm2 $*.ps .ps.cmyk: gs $(GSOPTS) -sDEVICE=bitcmyk -sOutputFile=$*.cmyk $*.ps .ps.pksm: gs $(GSOPTS) -sDEVICE=pksmraw -sOutputFile=$*.pksm $*.ps .ps.zc: gs $(GSOPTS) -sDEVICE=bitcmyk -sOutputFile=- - < $*.ps \ | ./foo2zjs -r1200x600 -g10200x6600 -p1 >$*.zc gs $(GSOPTS) -sDEVICE=pbmraw -sOutputFile=- - < $*.ps \ | ./foo2zjs -r1200x600 -g10200x6600 -p1 >$*.zm .pbm.zjs: ./foo2zjs < $*.pbm > $*.zjs .cmyk.zjs: ./foo2zjs < $*.cmyk > $*.zjs .pksm.zjs: ./foo2zjs < $*.pksm > $*.zjs .pbm.xqx: ./foo2xqx < $*.pbm > $*.xqx .pbm.qpdl: ./foo2qpdl < $*.pbm > $*.qpdl .pbm.slx: ./foo2slx < $*.pbm > $*.slx .pbm.hc: ./foo2hiperc < $*.pbm > $*.hc # # The usual build rules # all: all-test $(PROGS) $(BINPROGS) $(SHELLS) getweb \ all-icc2ps all-osx-hotplug man doc \ all-done all-test: # # Dependencies... # @if ! type $(CC) >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ echo " ***"; \ echo " *** Error: $(CC) is not installed!"; \ echo " ***"; \ echo " *** Install Software Development (gcc) package"; \ echo " ***"; \ exit 1; \ fi @if ! test -f /usr/include/stdio.h; then \ echo " ***"; \ echo " *** Error: /usr/include/stdio.h is not installed!"; \ echo " ***"; \ echo " *** Install Software Development (gcc) package"; \ echo " *** for Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install build-essential"; \ echo " ***"; \ exit 1; \ fi @if ! type gs >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ echo " ***"; \ echo " *** Error: gs is not installed!"; \ echo " ***"; \ echo " *** Install ghostscript (gs) package"; \ echo " ***"; \ exit 1; \ fi @if ! type dc >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ echo " ***"; \ echo " *** Error: dc is not installed!"; \ echo " ***"; \ echo " *** Install dc package"; \ echo " *** for Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install dc"; \ echo " ***"; \ exit 1; \ fi @if ! dc -V >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ echo " ***"; \ echo " *** Error: must install GNU dc with the -e option!"; \ echo " ***"; \ exit 1; \ fi ifeq ($(UNAME),Darwin) @if ! type gsed >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ echo " ***"; \ echo " *** Error: gsed is not installed!"; \ echo " ***"; \ echo " *** For OSX: sudo port install gsed"; \ echo " ***"; \ exit 1; \ fi endif # ... OK! # all-done: @echo @echo "It is possible that certain products which can be built using this" @echo "software module might form inventions protected by patent rights in" @echo "some countries (e.g., by patents about arithmetic coding algorithms" @echo "owned by IBM and AT&T in the USA). Provision of this software by the" @echo "author does NOT include any licences for any patents. In those" @echo "countries where a patent licence is required for certain applications" @echo "of this software module, you will have to obtain such a licence" @echo "yourself." foo2zjs: foo2zjs.o $(LIBJBG) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ foo2zjs.o $(LIBJBG) foo2hp: foo2hp.o $(LIBJBG) # $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ foo2hp.o $(LIBJBG) /usr/local/lib/libdmalloc.a $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ foo2hp.o $(LIBJBG) foo2xqx: foo2xqx.o $(LIBJBG) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ foo2xqx.o $(LIBJBG) foo2lava: foo2lava.o $(LIBJBG) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ foo2lava.o $(LIBJBG) foo2qpdl: foo2qpdl.o $(LIBJBG) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ foo2qpdl.o $(LIBJBG) foo2oak: foo2oak.o $(LIBJBG) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ foo2oak.o $(LIBJBG) foo2slx: foo2slx.o $(LIBJBG) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ foo2slx.o $(LIBJBG) foo2hiperc: foo2hiperc.o $(LIBJBG) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ foo2hiperc.o $(LIBJBG) foo2zjs-wrapper: Makefile [ ! -f $@ ] || chmod +w $@ sed < $ > $@ \ -e 's@^PREFIX=.*@PREFIX=$(PREFIX)@' || (rm -f $@ && exit 1) chmod 555 $@ foo2hp2600-wrapper: Makefile [ ! -f $@ ] || chmod +w $@ sed < $ > $@ \ -e 's@^PREFIX=.*@PREFIX=$(PREFIX)@' || (rm -f $@ && exit 1) chmod 555 $@ foo2xqx-wrapper: Makefile [ ! -f $@ ] || chmod +w $@ sed < $ > $@ \ -e 's@^PREFIX=.*@PREFIX=$(PREFIX)@' || (rm -f $@ && exit 1) chmod 555 $@ foo2lava-wrapper: Makefile [ ! -f $@ ] || chmod +w $@ sed < $ > $@ \ -e 's@^PREFIX=.*@PREFIX=$(PREFIX)@' || (rm -f $@ && exit 1) chmod 555 $@ foo2qpdl-wrapper: Makefile [ ! -f $@ ] || chmod +w $@ sed < $ > $@ \ -e 's@^PREFIX=.*@PREFIX=$(PREFIX)@' || (rm -f $@ && exit 1) chmod 555 $@ foo2oak-wrapper: Makefile [ ! -f $@ ] || chmod +w $@ sed < $ > $@ \ -e 's@^PREFIX=.*@PREFIX=$(PREFIX)@' || (rm -f $@ && exit 1) chmod 555 $@ foo2slx-wrapper: Makefile [ ! -f $@ ] || chmod +w $@ sed < $ > $@ \ -e 's@^PREFIX=.*@PREFIX=$(PREFIX)@' || (rm -f $@ && exit 1) chmod 555 $@ foo2hiperc-wrapper: Makefile [ ! -f $@ ] || chmod +w $@ sed < $ > $@ \ -e 's@^PREFIX=.*@PREFIX=$(PREFIX)@' || (rm -f $@ && exit 1) chmod 555 $@ foo2zjs-wrapper9: Makefile [ ! -f $@ ] || chmod +w $@ sed < $ > $@ \ -e 's@^PREFIX=.*@PREFIX=$(PREFIX)@' || (rm -f $@ && exit 1) chmod 555 $@ getweb: Makefile [ ! -f $@ ] || chmod +w $@ sed < $ > $@ \ -e "s@\$${URLZJS}@$(URLZJS)@" \ -e 's@^PREFIX=.*@PREFIX=$(PREFIX)@' || (rm -f $@ && exit 1) chmod 555 $@ all-icc2ps: cd icc2ps; $(MAKE) all all-osx-hotplug: ifeq ($(UNAME),Darwin) cd osx-hotplug; $(MAKE) all endif ok: ok.o $(LIBJBG) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) ok.o $(LIBJBG) -o $@ gipddecode: gipddecode.o $(LIBJBG) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) gipddecode.o $(LIBJBG) -o $@ hbpldecode: hbpldecode.o $(LIBJBG) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) hbpldecode.o $(LIBJBG) -o $@ hipercdecode: hipercdecode.o $(LIBJBG) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) hipercdecode.o $(LIBJBG) -o $@ lavadecode: lavadecode.o $(LIBJBG) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) lavadecode.o $(LIBJBG) -o $@ oakdecode: oakdecode.o $(LIBJBG) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -g oakdecode.o $(LIBJBG) -o $@ opldecode: opldecode.o $(LIBJBG) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -g opldecode.o $(LIBJBG) -o $@ qpdldecode: qpdldecode.o $(LIBJBG) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) qpdldecode.o $(LIBJBG) -o $@ splcdecode: splcdecode.o $(LIBJBG) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) splcdecode.o $(LIBJBG) -lz -o $@ slxdecode: slxdecode.o $(LIBJBG) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) slxdecode.o $(LIBJBG) -o $@ xqxdecode: xqxdecode.o $(LIBJBG) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) xqxdecode.o $(LIBJBG) -o $@ zjsdecode: zjsdecode.o $(LIBJBG) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) zjsdecode.o $(LIBJBG) -o $@ command2foo2lava-pjl: command2foo2lava-pjl.o $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -L/usr/local/lib command2foo2lava-pjl.o -lcups -o $@ command2foo2lava-pjl.o: command2foo2lava-pjl.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -I/usr/local/include -c command2foo2lava-pjl.c # # Installation rules # install: all install-test install-prog install-icc2ps install-osx-hotplug \ install-extra install-crd install-foo install-ppd \ install-gui install-desktop \ install-man install-doc # # If you use CUPS, then restart the spooler: # make cups # # Now use your printer configuration GUI to create a new printer. # # On Redhat 7.2/7.3/8.0/9.0 and Fedora Core 1-5, run "printconf-gui". # On Fedora 6/7/8/9/10/11/12, run "system-config-printer". # On Mandrake, run "printerdrake" # On Suse 9.x/10.x/11.x, run "yast" # On Ubuntu 5.10/6.06/6.10/7.04, run "gnome-cups-manager" # On Ubuntu 7.10/8.x/9.x, run "system-config-printer". install-test: # # Installation Dependencies... # @if [ -f /usr/local/libexec/cups/filter/foomatic-rip ]; then \ : ; \ elif [ -f /usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip ]; then \ : ; \ elif [ -f /usr/lib/lp/bin/foomatic-rip ]; then \ : ; \ elif ! type foomatic-rip >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ echo " ***"; \ echo " *** Error: foomatic-rip is not installed!"; \ echo " ***"; \ echo " *** Install foomatic package(s) for your OS"; \ echo " ***"; \ exit 1; \ fi # ... OK! # UDEVBIN=$(DESTDIR)/bin/ install-prog: # # Install driver, wrapper, and development tools # $(INSTALL) -d $(BIN) $(INSTALL) -c $(PROGS) $(SHELLS) $(BIN)/ if [ "$(BINPROGS)" != "" ]; then \ $(INSTALL) -d $(UDEVBIN); \ $(INSTALL) -c $(BINPROGS) $(UDEVBIN); \ fi # # Install gamma correction files. These are just templates, # and don't actually do anything right now. If anybody wants # to tune them or point me at a process for doing that, please... # $(INSTALL) -d $(SHAREZJS)/ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 $(SHAREZJS)/ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 $(SHAREZJS)/ $(INSTALL) -d $(SHAREOAK)/ $(INSTALL) -d $(SHAREHP)/ $(INSTALL) -d $(SHAREXQX)/ $(INSTALL) -d $(SHARELAVA)/ $(INSTALL) -d $(SHAREHC)/ install-foo: # # Remove obsolete foomatic database files from previous versions # rm -f $(FOODB)/opt/foo2zjs-Media.xml rm -f $(FOODB)/opt/foo2zjs-PaperSize.xml rm -f $(FOODB)/opt/foo2zjs-Source.xml rm -f $(FOODB)/opt/foo2zjs-DitherPPI.xml rm -f $(FOODB)/opt/foo2zjs-Copies.xml rm -f $(FOODB)/opt/foo2zjs-Nup.xml rm -f $(FOODB)/opt/foo2zjs-NupOrient.xml rm -f $(FOODB)/opt/foo2*-Quality.xml rm -f $(FOODB)/printer/KonicaMinolta*.xml # # Install current database files # @if [ -d $(FOODB) ]; then \ for dir in driver printer opt; do \ echo install -d $(FOODB)/$$dir/; \ $(INSTALL) -d $(FOODB)/$$dir/; \ echo install -m 644 foomatic-db/$$dir/*.xml $(FOODB)/$$dir/; \ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 foomatic-db/$$dir/*.xml $(FOODB)/$$dir/; \ done \ else \ echo "***"; \ echo "*** WARNING! You don't have directory $(FOODB)/"; \ echo "*** If you want support for foomatic printer configuration,";\ echo "*** then you will have to manually install these files..."; \ echo "***"; \ ls foomatic-db/*/*.xml | sed 's/^/ /'; \ echo "***"; \ echo "*** ... wherever foomatic is stashed on your machine."; \ echo "***"; \ fi # # Clear foomatic cache and rebuild database if needed # rm -rf /var/cache/foomatic/*/* rm -f /var/cache/foomatic/printconf.pickle if [ -d /var/cache/foomatic/compiled ]; then \ cd /var/cache/foomatic/compiled; \ foomatic-combo-xml -O >overview.xml; \ fi install-icc2ps: # # Install ICM to Postscript file conversion utility # cd icc2ps; $(MAKE) PREFIX=$(PREFIX) install install-osx-hotplug: ifeq ($(UNAME),Darwin) # # Install Mac OSX hotplug utility # cd osx-hotplug; $(MAKE) PREFIX=$(PREFIX) install endif install-crd: # # Install prebuilt CRD files (from m2300w project) # $(INSTALL) -d $(SHAREZJS)/ $(INSTALL) $(LPuid) $(LPgid) -m 775 -d $(SHAREZJS)/crd/ for i in crd/zjs/*.*; do \ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 $$i $(SHAREZJS)/crd/; \ done # # Install prebuilt CRD files for CLP-300/CLP-600 # $(INSTALL) -d $(SHAREQPDL)/ $(INSTALL) $(LPuid) $(LPgid) -m 775 -d $(SHAREQPDL)/crd/ for i in crd/qpdl/*cms* crd/qpdl/*.ps; do \ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 $$i $(SHAREQPDL)/crd/; \ done install-psfiles: # # Install prebuilt psfiles files (from m2300w project) # $(INSTALL) -d $(SHAREHP)/ $(INSTALL) $(LPuid) $(LPgid) -m 775 -d $(SHAREHP)/psfiles/ for i in psfiles/*.*; do \ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 $$i $(SHAREHP)/psfiles/; \ done install-extra: # # Install extra files (ICM and firmware), if any exist here. # # Get files from the printer manufacturer, i.e., # or use the "./getweb" convenience script. # $(INSTALL) -d $(SHAREZJS)/ # foo2zjs ICM files (if any) $(INSTALL) $(LPuid) $(LPgid) -m 775 -d $(SHAREZJS)/icm/ for i in DL*.icm CP*.icm km2430*.icm hp-cp1025*.icm; do \ if [ -f $$i ]; then \ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 $$i $(SHAREZJS)/icm/; \ fi; \ done # foo2zjs Firmware files (if any) $(INSTALL) $(LPuid) $(LPgid) -m 775 -d $(SHAREZJS)/firmware/ for i in sihp1*.img; do \ if [ -f $$i ]; then \ base=`basename $$i .img`; \ ./arm2hpdl $$i >$$base.dl; \ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 $$base.dl $(SHAREZJS)/firmware/; \ fi; \ done # foo2xqx Firmware files (if any) $(INSTALL) $(LPuid) $(LPgid) -m 775 -d $(SHAREXQX)/firmware/ for i in sihpP*.img; do \ if [ -f $$i ]; then \ base=`basename $$i .img`; \ ./arm2hpdl $$i >$$base.dl; \ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 $$base.dl $(SHAREXQX)/firmware/; \ fi; \ done # foo2oak ICM files (if any) $(INSTALL) $(LPuid) $(LPgid) -m 775 -d $(SHAREOAK)/icm/ for i in hpclj2[56]*.icm; do \ if [ -f $$i ]; then \ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 $$i $(SHAREOAK)/icm/; \ fi; \ done # foo2hp ICM files (if any) $(INSTALL) $(LPuid) $(LPgid) -m 775 -d $(SHAREHP)/icm/ for i in hpclj26*.icm km2430*.icm hp1215*.icm; do \ if [ -f $$i ]; then \ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 $$i $(SHAREHP)/icm/; \ fi; \ done # foo2lava ICM files (if any) $(INSTALL) $(LPuid) $(LPgid) -m 775 -d $(SHARELAVA)/icm/ for i in km-1600*.icm km2530*.icm; do \ if [ -f $$i ]; then \ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 $$i $(SHARELAVA)/icm/; \ fi; \ done # foo2qpdl ICM files (if any) $(INSTALL) $(LPuid) $(LPgid) -m 775 -d $(SHAREQPDL)/icm/ for i in samclp*.icm; do \ if [ -f $$i ]; then \ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 $$i $(SHAREQPDL)/icm/; \ fi; \ done # foo2slx ICM files (if any) $(INSTALL) $(LPuid) $(LPgid) -m 775 -d $(SHARESLX)/icm/ for i in lex*.icm; do \ if [ -f $$i ]; then \ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 $$i $(SHARESLX)/icm/; \ fi; \ done # foo2hiperc ICM files (if any) $(INSTALL) $(LPuid) $(LPgid) -m 775 -d $(SHAREHC)/icm/ for i in OK*.icm C3400*.icm; do \ if [ -f $$i ]; then \ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 $$i $(SHAREHC)/icm/; \ fi; \ done MODEL=$(DESTDIR)/usr/share/cups/model LOCALMODEL=$(DESTDIR)/usr/local/share/cups/model MACMODEL=/Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources PPD=$(DESTDIR)/usr/share/ppd VARPPD=/var/lp/ppd install-ppd: # # Install PPD files for CUPS # export PATH=$$PATH:`pwd`:; \ if [ -x /usr/sbin/ppdmgr -a -s $(VARPPD)/ppdcache ]; then \ $(INSTALL) $(LPgid) -d $(VARPPD)/user; \ cd PPD; \ for ppd in *.ppd; do \ manuf=`echo "$$ppd" | sed 's/-.*//'`; \ $(INSTALL) $(LPgid) -d $(VARPPD)/user/$$manuf; \ modify-ppd <$$ppd | gzip > $(VARPPD)/user/$$manuf/$$ppd.gz; \ chmod 664 $(VARPPD)/user/$$manuf/$$ppd.gz; \ done; \ ppdmgr -u; \ elif [ -d $(PPD) ]; then \ find $(PPD) -name '*foo2zjs*' | xargs rm -rf; \ find $(PPD) -name '*foo2hp*' | xargs rm -rf; \ find $(PPD) -name '*foo2xqx*' | xargs rm -rf; \ find $(PPD) -name '*foo2lava*' | xargs rm -rf; \ find $(PPD) -name '*foo2qpdl*' | xargs rm -rf; \ find $(PPD) -name '*foo2slx*' | xargs rm -rf; \ find $(PPD) -name '*foo2hiperc*' | xargs rm -rf; \ [ -d $(PPD)/foo2zjs ] || mkdir $(PPD)/foo2zjs; \ cd PPD; \ for ppd in *.ppd; do \ modify-ppd <$$ppd | gzip > $(PPD)/foo2zjs/$$ppd.gz; \ chmod 664 $(PPD)/foo2zjs/$$ppd.gz; \ done; \ fi # export PATH=$$PATH:`pwd`:; \ if [ -d $(MODEL) ]; then \ rm -f $(MODEL)/KonicaMinolta*; \ cd PPD; \ for ppd in *.ppd; do \ modify-ppd <$$ppd | gzip > $(MODEL)/$$ppd.gz; \ chmod 664 $(MODEL)/$$ppd.gz; \ done; \ elif [ -d $(LOCALMODEL) ]; then \ rm -f $(LOCALMODEL)/KonicaMinolta*; \ cd PPD; \ for ppd in *.ppd; do \ modify-ppd <$$ppd | gzip > $(LOCALMODEL)/$$ppd.gz; \ chmod 664 $(LOCALMODEL)/$$ppd.gz; \ done; \ elif [ -d $(MACMODEL) ]; then \ rm -f $(MACMODEL)/KonicaMinolta*; \ cd PPD; \ for ppd in *.ppd; do \ modify-ppd <$$ppd | gzip > $(MACMODEL)/$$ppd.gz; \ chmod 664 $(MACMODEL)/$$ppd.gz; \ done; \ fi APPL=$(DESTDIR)/usr/share/applications OLDAPPL=$(DESTDIR)/usr/share/gnome/apps/System PIXMAPS=$(DESTDIR)/usr/share/pixmaps install-desktop: # # Install GNOME desktop # if [ -d $(APPL) ]; then \ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 hplj1020.desktop $(APPL); \ fi if [ -d $(OLDAPPL) ]; then \ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 hplj1020.desktop $(OLDAPPL); \ fi if [ -d $(PIXMAPS) ]; then \ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 hplj1020_icon.png $(PIXMAPS); \ fi install-gui: # # Install GUI # $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 hplj1020_icon.gif $(SHAREZJS) $(INSTALL) -c -m 755 hplj10xx_gui.tcl $(SHAREZJS) USBDIR=/home/gentoo/tmpdir/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/image//etc/hotplug/usb UDEVDIR=/home/gentoo/tmpdir/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/image//etc/udev/rules.d LIBUDEVDIR=/lib/udev/rules.d RULES=hplj10xx.rules #UDEVD=/sbin/udevd # For FreeBSD 8.0 DEVDDIR=/home/gentoo/tmpdir/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/image//etc/devd ifeq ($(UNAME),Darwin) install-hotplug: install-hotplug-test install-hotplug-osx else install-hotplug: install-hotplug-test install-hotplug-prog endif install-hotplug-test: # # Hotplug Installation Dependencies... # @if ! type ex >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ echo " ***"; \ echo " *** Error: "ex" is not installed!"; \ echo " ***"; \ echo " *** Install "vim" package(s) for your OS"; \ echo " ***"; \ exit 1; \ fi @if test -r $(LIBUDEVDIR)/*-printers.rules; then \ echo " ***"; \ echo " *** Error: system-config-printer-udev is installed!"; \ echo " ***"; \ echo " *** Remove it with: (Fedora)"; \ echo " *** # yum remove system-config-printer-udev"; \ echo " *** OR"; \ echo " *** # rpm -e --nodeps system-config-printer-udev"; \ echo " *** OR (Ubuntu, Debian)"; \ echo " *** $$ sudo apt-get remove system-config-printer-udev"; \ echo " *** OR (generic linux)"; \ echo " *** # rm -f $(LIBUDEVDIR)/*-printers.rules"; \ echo " ***"; \ # exit 1; \ fi # ... OK! # install-hotplug-prog: # # remove HPLIP (proprietary) files and install our version # if [ -d $(UDEVDIR) ]; then \ rm -f $(UDEVDIR)/*hpmud*laserjet_1000*; \ rm -f $(UDEVDIR)/*hpmud*laserjet_1005*; \ rm -f $(UDEVDIR)/*hpmud*laserjet_1018*; \ rm -f $(UDEVDIR)/*hpmud*laserjet_1020*; \ rm -f $(UDEVDIR)/*hpmud*laserjet_p1005*; \ rm -f $(UDEVDIR)/*hpmud*laserjet_p1006*; \ rm -f $(UDEVDIR)/*hpmud*laserjet_p1007*; \ rm -f $(UDEVDIR)/*hpmud*laserjet_p1008*; \ rm -f $(UDEVDIR)/*hpmud*laserjet_p1505*; \ rm -f $(UDEVDIR)/*hpmud_support.rules; \ rm -f $(UDEVDIR)/*hpmud_plugin.rules; \ rm -f $(LIBUDEVDIR)/*hpmud_support.rules; \ rm -f $(LIBUDEVDIR)/*hpmud_plugin.rules; \ rm -f $(LIBUDEVDIR)/*-hplj10xx.rules; \ if [ -x /sbin/udevd ]; then \ version=`/sbin/udevd --version 2>/dev/null`; \ elif [ -x /usr/lib/udev/udevd ]; then \ version=`/usr/lib/udev/udevd --version 2>/dev/null`; \ fi; \ if [ "$$version" = "" ]; then version=0; fi; \ echo "*** udev version $$version"; \ if [ "$$version" -lt 148 ]; then \ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 $(RULES).old $(UDEVDIR)/11-$(RULES); \ else \ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 $(RULES) $(UDEVDIR)/11-$(RULES); \ fi \ fi if [ -d $(DEVDDIR) ]; then \ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 hplj10xx.conf $(DEVDDIR)/; \ fi [ -d $(USBDIR) ] || $(INSTALL) -d -m 755 $(USBDIR)/ $(INSTALL) -c -m 755 hplj1000 $(USBDIR)/ ln -sf $(USBDIR)/hplj1000 $(USBDIR)/hplj1005 ln -sf $(USBDIR)/hplj1000 $(USBDIR)/hplj1018 ln -sf $(USBDIR)/hplj1000 $(USBDIR)/hplj1020 ln -sf $(USBDIR)/hplj1000 $(USBDIR)/hpljP1005 ln -sf $(USBDIR)/hplj1000 $(USBDIR)/hpljP1006 ln -sf $(USBDIR)/hplj1000 $(USBDIR)/hpljP1007 ln -sf $(USBDIR)/hplj1000 $(USBDIR)/hpljP1008 ln -sf $(USBDIR)/hplj1000 $(USBDIR)/hpljP1505 $(USBDIR)/hplj1000 install-usermap $(USBDIR)/hplj1005 install-usermap $(USBDIR)/hplj1018 install-usermap $(USBDIR)/hplj1020 install-usermap $(USBDIR)/hpljP1005 install-usermap $(USBDIR)/hpljP1006 install-usermap $(USBDIR)/hpljP1007 install-usermap $(USBDIR)/hpljP1008 install-usermap $(USBDIR)/hpljP1505 install-usermap # modprobe usblp $(USBDIR)/hplj1000 install-usblp install-hotplug-osx: cd osx-hotplug; $(MAKE) PREFIX=$(PREFIX) install-hotplug install-filter: if [ "$(CUPS_SERVERBIN)" != "" ]; then \ ln -sf $(BIN)/command2foo2lava-pjl $(CUPS_SERVERBIN)/filter/; \ fi CUPSDCONF=/home/gentoo/tmpdir/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/image//etc/cups/cupsd.conf MACLOAD=/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.cups.cupsd.plist cups: FRC if [ -r $(CUPSDCONF) ]; then \ ( echo "g/^FileDev/d"; \ echo "g/ foo2zjs.../d"; \ echo '$$a'; \ echo "# 'FileDevice Yes' line installed by foo2zjs..."; \ echo "FileDevice Yes"; \ echo "."; \ echo "w"; \ ) | ex $(CUPSDCONF); \ fi if [ -x /home/gentoo/tmpdir/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/image//etc/init.d/cups ]; then \ /home/gentoo/tmpdir/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/image//etc/init.d/cups restart; \ if [ $$? != 0 ]; then \ service cups restart; \ fi \ elif [ -x /home/gentoo/tmpdir/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/image//etc/rc.d/rc.cups ]; then \ /home/gentoo/tmpdir/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/image//etc/rc.d/rc.cups restart; \ elif [ -x /home/gentoo/tmpdir/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/image//etc/init.d/cupsys ]; then \ /home/gentoo/tmpdir/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/image//etc/init.d/cupsys restart; \ elif [ -x /home/gentoo/tmpdir/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/image//etc/init.d/cupsd ]; then \ /home/gentoo/tmpdir/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/image//etc/init.d/cupsd restart; \ elif [ -x /usr/local/home/gentoo/tmpdir/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/image//etc/rc.d/ ]; then \ /usr/local/home/gentoo/tmpdir/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/image//etc/rc.d/ restart; \ elif [ -x /usr/local/home/gentoo/tmpdir/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/image//etc/rc.d/ ]; then \ cp /usr/local/home/gentoo/tmpdir/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/image//etc/rc.d/ /usr/local/home/gentoo/tmpdir/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/image//etc/rc.d/; \ /usr/local/home/gentoo/tmpdir/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/image//etc/rc.d/ restart; \ elif [ -x /bin/systemctl ]; then \ systemctl restart cups.service; \ elif [ -x /bin/launchctl ]; then \ /bin/launchctl unload $(MACLOAD); \ /bin/launchctl load $(MACLOAD); \ fi # # Uninstall # uninstall: cd osx-hotplug; $(MAKE) PREFIX=$(PREFIX) uninstall -rm -f /home/gentoo/tmpdir/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/image//etc/hotplug/usb/hplj1000 -rm -f /home/gentoo/tmpdir/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/image//etc/hotplug/usb/hplj1005 -rm -f /home/gentoo/tmpdir/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/image//etc/hotplug/usb/hplj1018 -rm -f /home/gentoo/tmpdir/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/image//etc/hotplug/usb/hplj1020 -rm -f /home/gentoo/tmpdir/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/image//etc/hotplug/usb/foo2zjs.usermap -(echo "g/^hplj10[02][05]/d"; echo "w") | ex /home/gentoo/tmpdir/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/image//etc/hotplug/usb.usermap -rm -f /home/gentoo/tmpdir/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/image//etc/udev/rules.d/11-hplj10xx.rules -rm -f /usr/bin/usb_printerid /bin/usb_printerid /sbin/usb_printerid -rm -f /home/gentoo/tmpdir/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/image//etc/hotplug/usb/hplj.usermap # -rm -f /home/gentoo/tmpdir/portage/net-print/foo2zjs-99999999/image//etc/udev/rules.d/58-foo2zjs.rules # -rm -f /sbin/foo2zjs-loadfw # -rm -rf /usr/share/doc/foo2zjs/ -rm -f $(MANDIR)/man1/foo2zjs*.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/zjsdecode.1 -rm -f $(MANDIR)/man1/foo2hp*.1 -rm -f $(MANDIR)/man1/foo2oak*.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/oakdecode.1 -rm -f $(MANDIR)/man1/foo2lava*.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/lavadecode.1 -rm -f $(MANDIR)/man1/foo2qpdl*.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/qpdldecode.1 -rm -f $(MANDIR)/man1/foo2slx*.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/slxdecode.1 -rm -f $(MANDIR)/man1/foo2xqx*.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/xqxdecode.1 -rm -f $(MANDIR)/man1/opldecode.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/rodecode.1 -rm -f $(MANDIR)/man1/foo2hiperc*.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/hipercdecode.1 -rm -f $(MANDIR)/man1/gipddecode.1 -rm -f $(MANDIR)/man1/hbpldecode.1 -rm -f $(MANDIR)/man1/arm2hpdl.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/usb_printerid.1 -rm -f $(MANDIR)/man1/foo2zjs-icc2ps.1 -rm -rf /usr/share/foo2zjs/ -rm -rf /usr/share/foo2hp/ -rm -rf /usr/share/foo2oak/ -rm -rf /usr/share/foo2xqx/ -rm -rf /usr/share/foo2lava/ -rm -rf /usr/share/foo2qpdl/ -rm -rf /usr/share/foo2slx/ -rm -rf /usr/share/foo2hiperc/ -rm -f /usr/bin/arm2hpdl -rm -f /usr/bin/foo2zjs-wrapper /usr/bin/foo2zjs /usr/bin/zjsdecode -rm -f /usr/bin/foo2oak-wrapper /usr/bin/foo2oak /usr/bin/oakdecode -rm -f /usr/bin/foo2hp2600-wrapper /usr/bin/foo2hp -rm -f /usr/bin/foo2xqx-wrapper /usr/bin/foo2xqx /usr/bin/xqxdecode -rm -f /usr/bin/foo2lava-wrapper /usr/bin/foo2lava /usr/bin/lavadecode -rm -f /usr/bin/foo2qpdl-wrapper /usr/bin/foo2qpdl /usr/bin/qpdldecode -rm -f /usr/bin/foo2slx-wrapper /usr/bin/foo2slx /usr/bin/slxdecode -rm -f /usr/bin/foo2hiperc-wrapper /usr/bin/foo2hiperc -rm -f /usr/bin/hipercdecode -rm -f /usr/bin/gipddecode -rm -f /usr/bin/hbpldecode -rm -f /usr/bin/opldecode -rm -f /usr/bin/rodecode -rm -f /usr/bin/foo2zjs-icc2ps -rm -f /usr/bin/foo2zjs-pstops -rm -f /usr/bin/command2foo2lava-pjl -rm -f /usr/lib/cups/filter/command2foo2lava-pjl -rm -f /usr/share/applications/hplj1020.desktop -rm -f /usr/share/pixmaps/hplj1020_icon.png -cd foomatic-db; for i in `find driver opt printer -name "*.xml"`; do \ rm -f $(FOODB)/$$i; \ done cd PPD; for ppd in *.ppd; do \ rm -f $(MODEL)/$$ppd.gz; \ done; -rm -f /var/cache/foomatic/printconf.pickle # # Clean # clean: -rm -f $(PROGS) $(BINPROGS) $(SHELLS) -rm -f *.zc *.zm -rm -f xxx.* xxxomatic -rm -f foo2zjs.o jbig.o jbig_ar.o zjsdecode.o foo2hp.o -rm -f foo2oak.o oakdecode.o -rm -f foo2xqx.o xqxdecode.o -rm -f foo2lava.o lavadecode.o -rm -f foo2qpdl.o qpdldecode.o -rm -f foo2slx.o slxdecode.o -rm -f foo2hiperc.o hipercdecode.o -rm -f opldecode.o gipddecode.o hbpldecode.o -rm -f command2foo2lava-pjl.o -rm -f foo2oak.html foo2zjs.html foo2hp.html foo2xqx.html foo2lava.html -rm -f foo2slx.html foo2qpdl.html foo2hiperc.html -rm -f index.html -rm -f arch*.gif -rm -f sihp*.dl -rm -f *.tar.gz -rm -f getweb -rm -f patch.db -rm -f $(MANPAGES) manual.pdf -rm -f *.zjs *.zm *.zc *.zc? *.zc?? *.oak *.pbm *.pksm *.cmyk -rm -f pksm2bitcmyk -rm -f *.icm.*.ps cd icc2ps; $(MAKE) $@ cd osx-hotplug; $(MAKE) $@ # # Header dependencies # zjsdecode.o: zjs.h jbig.h foo2zjs.o: zjs.h jbig.h foo2oak.o: oak.h jbig.h jbig.o: jbig.h foo2hp.o: zjs.h jbig.h cups.h foo2xqx.o: xqx.h jbig.h foo2lava.o: jbig.h foo2qpdl.o: jbig.h qpdl.h foo2slx.o: slx.h jbig.h foo2hiperc.o: jbig.h hiperc.h hipercdecode.o: hiperc.h jbig.h hbpldecode.o: jbig.h lavadecode.o: jbig.h qpdldecode.o: jbig.h opldecode.o: jbig.h slxdecode.o: slx.h jbig.h xqxdecode.o: xqx.h jbig.h gipddecode.o: slx.h jbig.h # # foo2* Regression tests # test: testzjs testhp @ls -l *.z* #*.oak # # All regression tests passed. # # Send the appropriate test page .zm/.zc ZjStream file(s) to # your printer using a *RAW* printer queue. # # foo2zjs Regression tests # testzjs: \ testpage.zc10 \ # testpage.zc1 testpage.zc2 testpage.zc3 \ foo2zjs-wrapper foo2zjs Makefile FRC # # Tests will pass only if you are using ghostscript-8.71-16.fc14 # # Monochrome test page for Minolta 2200/2300 DL PATH=.:$$PATH time -p foo2zjs-wrapper > $@ @got=`md5sum $@`; grep -q "$$got" regress.txt || \ { echo "*** Test failure, got $$got"; ls -l $@; exit 1; } testpage.zc10: foo2zjs-wrapper foo2zjs Makefile FRC # # Color test page for Minolta 2200/2300 DL PATH=.:$$PATH time -p foo2zjs-wrapper -c -C10 > $@ @got=`md5sum $@`; grep -q "$$got" regress.txt || \ { echo "*** Test failure, got $$got"; ls -l $@; exit 1; } testpage.zc1: foo2zjs-wrapper foo2zjs Makefile FRC PATH=.:$$PATH time -p foo2zjs-wrapper -c -C1 > $@ @got=`md5sum $@`; grep -q "$$got" regress.txt || \ { echo "*** Test failure, got $$got"; ls -l $@; exit 1; } testpage.zc2: foo2zjs-wrapper foo2zjs Makefile FRC PATH=.:$$PATH time -p foo2zjs-wrapper -c -C2 > $@ @got=`md5sum $@`; grep -q "$$got" regress.txt || \ { echo "*** Test failure, got $$got"; ls -l $@; exit 1; } testpage.zc3: foo2zjs-wrapper foo2zjs Makefile FRC PATH=.:$$PATH time -p foo2zjs-wrapper -c -C3 > $@ @got=`md5sum $@`; grep -q "$$got" regress.txt || \ { echo "*** Test failure, got $$got"; ls -l $@; exit 1; } foo2zjs-wrapper foo2zjs Makefile FRC # # Monochrome test page for HP LJ1000 PATH=.:$$PATH time -p foo2zjs-wrapper -r600x600 -P >$@ @got=`md5sum $@`; grep -q "$$got" regress.txt || \ { echo "*** Test failure, got $$got"; ls -l $@; exit 1; } foo2zjs-wrapper foo2zjs Makefile FRC # # Monochrome test page for HP LJ1020 PATH=.:$$PATH time -p foo2zjs-wrapper -r600x600 -P -z1 \ | sed "/JOBATTR/d" >$@ @got=`md5sum $@`; grep -q "$$got" regress.txt || \ { echo "*** Test failure, got $$got"; ls -l $@; exit 1; } # # foo2hp Regression tests # testhp: lj2600.zm1 lj2600.zc1 lj2600.zm1: foo2hp2600-wrapper foo2hp Makefile FRC # # Monochrome test page for HP 2600n (1-bit) PATH=.:$$PATH time -p foo2hp2600-wrapper > $@ @got=`md5sum $@`; grep -q "$$got" regress.txt || \ { echo "*** Test failure, got $$got"; ls -l $@; exit 1; } lj2600.zc1: foo2hp2600-wrapper foo2hp Makefile FRC # # Color test page for HP 2600n (1-bit) PATH=.:$$PATH time -p foo2hp2600-wrapper -c > $@ @got=`md5sum $@`; grep -q "$$got" regress.txt || \ { echo "*** Test failure, got $$got"; ls -l $@; exit 1; } # # foo2oak Regression tests # testoak: pprtest-0.oak pprtest-1.oak pprtest-2.oak pprtest-3.oak pprtest-0.oak: FRC # # 1-bit Monochrome test page for OAKT PATH=.:$$PATH foo2oak-wrapper -b1 -D12345678 > $@ @want="fbd4c1a560985a6ad47ff23b018c7ce8 $@"; got=`md5sum $@`; \ [ "$$want" = "$$got" ] || \ { echo "*** Test failure, got $$got"; exit 1; } pprtest-1.oak: FRC # # 2-bit Monochrome test page for OAKT PATH=.:$$PATH foo2oak-wrapper -b2 -D12345678 > $@ @want="bec9a24ee1ce0d388b773f83609a4d01 $@"; got=`md5sum $@`; \ [ "$$want" = "$$got" ] || \ { echo "*** Test failure, got $$got"; exit 1; } pprtest-2.oak: FRC # # 1-bit color test page for OAKT PATH=.:$$PATH foo2oak-wrapper -c -b1 -D12345678 > $@ @want="c714bcd69fe5f3b2b257d7435eb938d1 $@"; got=`md5sum $@`; \ [ "$$want" = "$$got" ] || \ { echo "*** Test failure, got $$got"; exit 1; } pprtest-3.oak: FRC # # 2-bit color test page for OAKT PATH=.:$$PATH foo2oak-wrapper -c -b2 -D12345678 > $@ @want="ed89abcd873979bc9337e02263511964 $@"; got=`md5sum $@`; \ [ "$$want" = "$$got" ] || \ { echo "*** Test failure, got $$got"; exit 1; } # # icc2ps regression tests # ICC2PS=./icc2ps/foo2zjs-icc2ps icctest: for g in *.icm; do \ for i in 0 1 2 3; do \ $(ICC2PS) -o $$g -t$$i \ | sed '/Created:/d' > $$g.$$; \ done; \ done # # Make phony print devices for testing full spooler interface without printing # tmpdev: DEV=/tmp/OAK; > $$DEV; chmod 666 $$DEV DEV=/tmp/OAKCM; > $$DEV; chmod 666 $$DEV DEV=/tmp/testfile; > $$DEV; chmod 666 $$DEV # # Test files for debugging # testpage.pbm: Makefile xxx.zc: FRC FRC # # PPD files # # Don't edit the PPD files. Instead, change the # foomatic/{device,printer,opt}/*.xml files or the "modify-ppd" script. # FOOPRINT=*.xml ppd: # # Generate PPD files using local tools # [ -d PPD ] || mkdir PPD > foomatic-db/oldprinterids cd foomatic-db; rm -f db; ln -sf . db cd foomatic-db; rm -f source; ln -sf . source for i in foomatic-db/printer/$(FOOPRINT); \ do \ printer=`basename $$i .xml`; \ case "$$printer" in \ *"d-Color_P160"*) driver=foo2hiperc;; \ *M1005*|*M1120*) driver=foo2xqx;; \ *P1[05]0[5678]*) driver=foo2xqx;; \ *P2014*) driver=foo2xqx;; \ *1500*|*OAKT*) driver=foo2oak;; \ *1018*|*102[02]*) driver=foo2zjs-z1;; \ *P2035*) driver=foo2zjs-z1;; \ *1319*) driver=foo2zjs-z1;; \ *P110*) driver=foo2zjs-z2;; \ *P156*) driver=foo2zjs-z2;; \ *P160*) driver=foo2zjs-z2;; \ *CP102*) driver=foo2zjs-z3;; \ *1635*|*2035*) driver=foo2oak-z1;; \ *1600W|*16[89]0*) driver=foo2lava;; \ *4690*) driver=foo2lava;; \ *2530*|*24[89]0*) driver=foo2lava;; \ *6115*) driver=foo2lava;; \ *C110*) driver=foo2lava;; \ *6121*) driver=foo2lava;; \ *1600*|*2600*) driver=foo2hp;; \ *1215*) driver=foo2hp;; \ *C500*) driver=foo2slx;; \ *C310*) driver=foo2hiperc;; \ *C3[1234]00*) driver=foo2hiperc;; \ *C3530*) driver=foo2hiperc;; \ *C5[12568][05]0*) driver=foo2hiperc;; \ *CLP*|*CLX*|*6110*) driver=foo2qpdl;; \ *) driver=foo2zjs;; \ esac; \ echo $$driver - $$printer; \ ENGINE=../foomatic/foomatic-db-engine; \ PERL5LIB=$$ENGINE/lib \ FOOMATICDB=foomatic-db \ $$ENGINE/foomatic-ppdfile \ -d $$driver -p $$printer \ > PPD/$$printer.ppd; \ done oldppd: # Did you do a "make install"???? ./getweb ppd # # Manpage generation. No, I am not interested in "info" files or # HTML documentation. # man: $(MANPAGES) man-icc2ps man-osx-hotplug $(MANPAGES): includer-man man-icc2ps: cd icc2ps; $(MAKE) man man-osx-hotplug: cd osx-hotplug; $(MAKE) man .1in.1: -rm -f $*.1 modtime() { $(MODTIME); }; \ MODpage=`modtime $*.1in`; \ MODver=$(VERSION); \ ./includer-man -v DEF1=$(OLDGROFF) $*.1in | sed > $*.1 \ -e "s@\$${URLOAK}@$(URLOAK)@" \ -e "s@\$${URLZJS}@$(URLZJS)@" \ -e "s@\$${URLHP}@$(URLHP)@" \ -e "s@\$${URLXQX}@$(URLXQX)@" \ -e "s@\$${URLLAVA}@$(URLLAVA)@" \ -e "s@\$${URLQPDL}@$(URLQPDL)@" \ -e "s@\$${URLSLX}@$(URLSLX)@" \ -e "s@\$${URLHC}@$(URLHC)@" \ -e "s/\$${MODpage}/$$MODpage/" \ -e "s/\$${MODver}/$$MODver/" chmod -w $*.1 install-man: man # # Install manual pages # $(INSTALL) -d -m 755 $(MANDIR) $(INSTALL) -d -m 755 $(MANDIR)/man1/ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 foo2zjs.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 foo2zjs-wrapper.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 zjsdecode.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 foo2oak.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 foo2oak-wrapper.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 oakdecode.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 foo2hp.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 foo2hp2600-wrapper.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 xqxdecode.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 foo2xqx.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 foo2xqx-wrapper.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 lavadecode.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 foo2lava.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 foo2lava-wrapper.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 qpdldecode.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 foo2qpdl.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 foo2qpdl-wrapper.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 opldecode.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 slxdecode.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 foo2slx.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 foo2slx-wrapper.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 foo2hiperc.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 foo2hiperc-wrapper.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 hipercdecode.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 gipddecode.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 hbpldecode.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 foo2zjs-pstops.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 arm2hpdl.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 usb_printerid.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/ $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 printer-profile.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/ cd icc2ps; $(MAKE) install-man ifeq ($(UNAME),Darwin) cd osx-hotplug; $(MAKE) install-man endif doc: README INSTALL manual.pdf install-doc: doc # # Install documentation # $(INSTALL) -d -m 755 $(DOCDIR) $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 manual.pdf $(DOCDIR) $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 COPYING $(DOCDIR) $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 INSTALL $(DOCDIR) $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 INSTALL.osx $(DOCDIR) $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 README $(DOCDIR) $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 ChangeLog $(DOCDIR) GROFF=/usr/local/test/bin/groff GROFF=groff manual.pdf: $(MANPAGES) icc2ps/foo2zjs-icc2ps.1 osx-hotplug/osx-hplj-hotplug.1 -$(GROFF) -t -man \ `ls $(MANPAGES) \ icc2ps/foo2zjs-icc2ps.1 \ osx-hotplug/osx-hplj-hotplug.1 \ | sort` \ | ps2pdf - $@ README: rm -f $@ sed < $ > $@ \ -e "s@\$${URLOAK}@$(URLOAK)@" \ -e "s@\$${URLZJS}@$(URLZJS)@" chmod -w $@ INSTALL: Makefile rm -f $@ echo "TOPICS" > $@.tmp echo "------" >> $@.tmp grep ^[A-Z][A-Z] $ | sed "s/^/ * /" >> $@.tmp echo >> $@.tmp cat $@.tmp $ | sed > $@ \ -e "s@\$${URLOAK}@$(URLOAK)@" \ -e "s@\$${URLZJS}@$(URLZJS)@" rm -f $@.tmp chmod -w $@ # # Check db files against current foomatic to see if any changes # need to be made or reported. # MYFOODB=../foomatic/foomatic-db/db/source checkdb: @for dir in driver printer opt; do \ for file in foomatic-db/$$dir/*.xml ; do \ ofile=$(MYFOODB)/$$dir/`basename $$file`; \ : echo diff -N -u $$ofile $$file; \ if [ ! -f $$ofile ]; then \ ofile=/dev/null; \ fi; \ diff -N -u $$ofile $$file; \ done \ done # # Mail my latest foomatic-db entries to Till. # maildb: $(MAKE) -s checkdb > patch.db echo "Here is a patch for the foomatic-db foo2zjs/foo2oak entries." | \ mutt -a patch.db \ -s "foo2zjs/foo2oak - patch for foomatic database" $(WHO) # # Create tarball # tar: HERE=`basename $$PWD`; \ /bin/ls $(FILES) | \ sed -e "s?^?$$HERE/?" | \ (cd ..; tar -c -z -f $$HERE/$$HERE.tar.gz -T-) tarver: HERENO=`basename $$PWD`; \ HERE=`basename $$PWD-$(VERSION)`; \ ln -sf $$HERENO ../$$HERE; \ /bin/ls $(FILES) | \ sed -e "s?^?$$HERE/?" | \ (cd ..; tar -c -z -f $$HERE/$$HERE.tar.gz -T-); \ rm -f ../$$HERE # # Populate the web site # make web # make webworld # make webextra # URLOAK= URLZJS= URLHP= URLXQX= URLLAVA= URLQPDL= URLSLX= URLHC= FTPSITE=~/.ncftp-website foo2zjs.html foo2oak.html foo2hp.html \ foo2xqx.html foo2lava.html foo2qpdl.html \ foo2slx.html foo2hiperc.html: thermometer.gif FRC rm -f $@ HERE=`basename $$PWD`; \ TZ=`date | cut -c 21-24`; \ modtime() { $(MODTIME); }; \ MODindex=`modtime $`; \ MODtarball=`modtime $$HERE.tar.gz`; \ PRODUCT=`basename $@ .html`; \ ./includer-html $ | sed > $@ \ -e "s@\$${URLOAK}@$(URLOAK)@g" \ -e "s@\$${URLZJS}@$(URLZJS)@g" \ -e "s@\$${URLHP}@$(URLHP)@g" \ -e "s@\$${URLXQX}@$(URLXQX)@g" \ -e "s@\$${URLLAVA}@$(URLLAVA)@g" \ -e "s@\$${URLQPDL}@$(URLQPDL)@g" \ -e "s@\$${URLSLX}@$(URLSLX)@g" \ -e "s@\$${URLHC}@$(URLHC)@g" \ -e "s@\$${PRODUCT}@$$PRODUCT@g" \ -e "s/\$${MODindex}/$$MODindex $$TZ/" \ -e "s/\$${MODtarball}/$$MODtarball $$TZ/" chmod -w $@ web: test tar manual.pdf webindex ncftpput -m -f $(FTPSITE) foo2zjs \ ChangeLog INSTALL manual.pdf foo2zjs.tar.gz; webt: tar manual.pdf webindex ncftpput -m -f $(FTPSITE) foo2zjs \ ChangeLog INSTALL manual.pdf foo2zjs.tar.gz; webworld: web webpics webindex: INSTALL zjsindex oakindex hpindex xqxindex lavaindex \ qpdlindex oakindex slxindex hcindex webpics: redhat suse ubuntu mandriva fedora webphotos: cd printer-photos; $(MAKE) zjsindex: foo2zjs.html archzjs.gif thermometer.gif webphotos ln -sf foo2zjs.html index.html ncftpput -m -f $(FTPSITE) foo2zjs \ index.html style.css archzjs.gif thermometer.gif \ images/flags.png INSTALL INSTALL.osx images/zjsfavicon.png \ printer-photos/printers.jpg; oakindex: foo2oak.html archoak.gif thermometer.gif webphotos ln -sf foo2oak.html index.html ncftpput -m -f $(FTPSITE) foo2oak \ index.html style.css archoak.gif thermometer.gif \ images/flags.png INSTALL \ printer-photos/printers.jpg; hpindex: foo2hp.html archhp.gif thermometer.gif webphotos ln -sf foo2hp.html index.html ncftpput -m -f $(FTPSITE) foo2hp \ index.html style.css archhp.gif thermometer.gif \ images/flags.png INSTALL images/hpfavicon.png \ printer-photos/printers.jpg; xqxindex: foo2xqx.html archxqx.gif thermometer.gif webphotos ln -sf foo2xqx.html index.html ncftpput -m -f $(FTPSITE) foo2xqx \ index.html style.css archxqx.gif thermometer.gif \ images/flags.png INSTALL images/xqxfavicon.png \ printer-photos/printers.jpg; lavaindex: foo2lava.html archlava.gif thermometer.gif webphotos ln -sf foo2lava.html index.html ncftpput -m -f $(FTPSITE) foo2lava \ index.html style.css archlava.gif thermometer.gif \ images/flags.png INSTALL images/lavafavicon.png \ printer-photos/printers.jpg; qpdlindex: foo2qpdl.html archqpdl.gif thermometer.gif webphotos ln -sf foo2qpdl.html index.html ncftpput -m -f $(FTPSITE) foo2qpdl \ index.html style.css archqpdl.gif thermometer.gif \ images/flags.png INSTALL images/qpdlfavicon.png \ printer-photos/printers.jpg; slxindex: foo2slx.html archslx.gif thermometer.gif webphotos ln -sf foo2slx.html index.html ncftpput -m -f $(FTPSITE) foo2slx \ index.html style.css archslx.gif thermometer.gif \ images/flags.png INSTALL images/slxfavicon.png \ printer-photos/printers.jpg; hcindex: foo2hiperc.html archhiperc.gif thermometer.gif webphotos ln -sf foo2hiperc.html index.html ncftpput -m -f $(FTPSITE) foo2hiperc \ index.html style.css archhiperc.gif thermometer.gif \ images/flags.png INSTALL images/hipercfavicon.png \ printer-photos/printers.jpg; foo2zjs.html: warning.html contribute.html resources.html unsupported.html foo2hp.html: warning.html contribute.html resources.html unsupported.html foo2xqx.html: warning.html contribute.html resources.html unsupported.html foo2lava.html: warning.html contribute.html resources.html unsupported.html foo2qpdl.html: warning.html contribute.html resources.html unsupported.html foo2slx.html: warning.html contribute.html resources.html unsupported.html foo2hiperc.html: warning.html contribute.html resources.html unsupported.html foo2oak.html: warning.html contribute.html resources.html unsupported.html # RedHat redhat: FRC cd redhat; $(MAKE) web FTPSITE=$(FTPSITE) # Fedora Core 6+ fedora: FRC cd fedora; $(MAKE) web FTPSITE=$(FTPSITE) suse: FRC cd suse; $(MAKE) web FTPSITE=$(FTPSITE) ubuntu: FRC cd ubuntu; $(MAKE) web FTPSITE=$(FTPSITE) mandriva: FRC cd mandriva; $(MAKE) web FTPSITE=$(FTPSITE) # # Extra files from web # webextra: webicm webfw webicm: \ icm/dl2300.tar.gz \ icm/km2430.tar.gz icm/hpclj2600n.tar.gz \ icm/hp-cp1025.tar.gz \ icm/hpclj2500.tar.gz \ icm/hp1215.tar.gz icm/km2530.tar.gz \ icm/km-1600.tar.gz \ icm/samclp300.tar.gz icm/samclp315.tar.gz \ icm/lexc500.tar.gz \ icm/okic310.tar.gz \ icm/okic3200.tar.gz \ icm/okic3400.tar.gz icm/okic5600.tar.gz ncftpput -m -f $(FTPSITE) foo2zjs/icm icm/dl2300.tar.gz; ncftpput -m -f $(FTPSITE) foo2zjs/icm icm/km2430.tar.gz; ncftpput -m -f $(FTPSITE) foo2zjs/icm icm/hp-cp1025.tar.gz; ncftpput -m -f $(FTPSITE) foo2hp/icm icm/hpclj2500.tar.gz; ncftpput -m -f $(FTPSITE) foo2hp/icm icm/hpclj2600n.tar.gz; ncftpput -m -f $(FTPSITE) foo2hp/icm icm/hp1215.tar.gz; ncftpput -m -f $(FTPSITE) foo2lava/icm icm/km2530.tar.gz; ncftpput -m -f $(FTPSITE) foo2lava/icm icm/km-1600.tar.gz; ncftpput -m -f $(FTPSITE) foo2qpdl/icm icm/samclp300.tar.gz; ncftpput -m -f $(FTPSITE) foo2qpdl/icm icm/samclp315.tar.gz; ncftpput -m -f $(FTPSITE) foo2slx/icm icm/lexc500.tar.gz; ncftpput -m -f $(FTPSITE) foo2hiperc/icm icm/okic310.tar.gz; ncftpput -m -f $(FTPSITE) foo2hiperc/icm icm/okic3200.tar.gz; ncftpput -m -f $(FTPSITE) foo2hiperc/icm icm/okic3400.tar.gz; ncftpput -m -f $(FTPSITE) foo2hiperc/icm icm/okic5600.tar.gz; icm/dl2300.tar.gz: FRC cd icm; tar -c -z -f ../$@ CP*.icm DL*.icm icm/km2430.tar.gz: FRC cd icm; tar -c -z -f ../$@ km2430*.icm icm/hp-cp1025.tar.gz: FRC cd icm; tar -c -z -f ../$@ hp-cp1025*.icm icm/hpclj2500.tar.gz: FRC cd icm; tar -c -z -f ../$@ hpclj2500*.icm icm/hpclj2600n.tar.gz: FRC cd icm; tar -c -z -f ../$@ hpclj2600*.icm icm/hp1215.tar.gz: FRC cd icm; tar -c -z -f ../$@ hp1215*.icm icm/km2530.tar.gz: FRC cd icm; tar -c -z -f ../$@ km2530*.icm icm/km-1600.tar.gz: FRC cd icm; tar -c -z -f ../$@ km-1600*.icm icm/samclp300.tar.gz: FRC cd icm; tar -c -z -f ../$@ samclp300*.icm icm/samclp315.tar.gz: FRC cd icm; tar -c -z -f ../$@ samclp315*.icm icm/lexc500.tar.gz: FRC cd icm; tar -c -z -f ../$@ lexR*.icm icm/okic310.tar.gz: FRC cd icm; tar -c -z -f ../$@ OKC310*.icm icm/okic3200.tar.gz: FRC cd icm; tar -c -z -f ../$@ OK32*.icm icm/okic3400.tar.gz: FRC cd icm; tar -c -z -f ../$@ C3400*.icm icm/okic5600.tar.gz: FRC cd icm; tar -c -z -f ../$@ OK56*.icm webfw: firmware/sihp1000.tar.gz \ firmware/sihp1005.tar.gz \ firmware/sihp1018.tar.gz \ firmware/sihp1020.tar.gz \ firmware/sihpP1005.tar.gz \ firmware/sihpP1006.tar.gz \ firmware/sihpP1505.tar.gz \ $(NULL) ncftpput -m -f $(FTPSITE) foo2zjs/firmware firmware/*.tar.gz; firmware/sihp1000.tar.gz: FRC cd firmware; tar -c -z -f ../$@ sihp1000.img firmware/sihp1005.tar.gz: FRC cd firmware; tar -c -z -f ../$@ sihp1005.img firmware/sihp1018.tar.gz: FRC cd firmware; tar -c -z -f ../$@ sihp1018.img firmware/sihp1020.tar.gz: FRC cd firmware; tar -c -z -f ../$@ sihp1020.img firmware/sihpP1005.tar.gz: FRC cd firmware; tar -c -z -f ../$@ sihpP1005.img firmware/sihpP1006.tar.gz: FRC cd firmware; tar -c -z -f ../$@ sihpP1006.img firmware/sihpP1505.tar.gz: FRC cd firmware; tar -c -z -f ../$@ sihpP1505.img FRC: # # Misc # misc: pksm2bitcmyk phorum-logo.gif pksm2bitcmyk: pksm2bitcmyk.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) pksm2bitcmyk.c -lnetpbm -o $@ phorum-logo.gif: archhp.fig fig2dev -L gif -m.25 archhp.fig | giftrans -t "#ffffff" -o $@ w: all $(ROOT) $(MAKE) install install-hotplug cups