# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: $ EAPI="2" inherit eutils multilib pam toolchain-funcs MY_PN=${PN/+/} MY_P="${MY_PN}-${PV}" DESCRIPTION="Enterprise client-server fax package for class 1 and 2 fax modems." HOMEPAGE="http://hylafax.sourceforge.net" SRC_URI="mirror://sourceforge/hylafax/${MY_P}.tar.gz" SLOT="0" LICENSE="hylafax" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~hppa ~ppc ~sparc ~x86" IUSE="jbig pam mgetty html ldap" DEPEND=">=sys-libs/zlib-1.1.4 !net-misc/hylafax app-text/ghostscript-gpl virtual/mta =media-libs/tiff-3.9*[jbig?] media-libs/jpeg jbig? ( media-libs/jbigkit ) sys-apps/gawk ldap? ( net-nds/openldap ) pam? ( virtual/pam ) mgetty? ( net-dialup/mgetty[-fax] )" RDEPEND="${DEPEND} net-mail/metamail !net-dialup/sendpage" S=${WORKDIR}/${MY_P} export CONFIG_PROTECT="${CONFIG_PROTECT} /var/spool/fax/etc /usr/lib/fax" src_unpack() { unpack ${A} cd "${S}" epatch "${FILESDIR}/Makefile.LINUXdso.diff" } src_prepare() { # force it not to strip binaries for dir in etc util faxalter faxcover faxd faxmail faxrm faxstat \ hfaxd sendfax sendpage ; do sed -i -e "s:-idb:-idb \"nostrip\" -idb:g" \ "${dir}"/Makefile.in || die "sed failed" done sed -i -e "s|-fpic|-fPIC|g" \ configure || die } src_configure() { local my_conf=" --with-DIR_BIN=/usr/bin --with-DIR_SBIN=/usr/sbin --with-DIR_LIB=/usr/$(get_libdir) --with-DIR_LIBEXEC=/usr/sbin --with-DIR_LIBDATA=/usr/$(get_libdir)/fax --with-DIR_LOCALE=/usr/share/locale --with-DIR_LOCKS=/var/lock --with-DIR_MAN=/usr/share/man --with-DIR_SPOOL=/var/spool/fax --with-DIR_HTML=/usr/share/doc/${P}/html --with-DIR_CGI="${WORKDIR}" --with-PATH_DPSRIP=/var/spool/fax/bin/ps2fax --with-PATH_IMPRIP=\"\" --with-SYSVINIT=no --with-REGEX=yes --with-LIBTIFF=\"-ltiff -ljpeg -lz\" --with-OPTIMIZER=\"${CFLAGS}\" --with-DSO=auto" if use html; then my_conf="${my_conf} --with-HTML=yes" else my_conf="${my_conf} --with-HTML=no" fi if use mgetty; then my_conf="${my_conf} \ --with-PATH_GETTY=/sbin/mgetty \ --with-PATH_EGETTY=/sbin/mgetty \ --with-PATH_VGETTY=/usr/sbin/vgetty" else # GETTY defaults to /sbin/agetty my_conf="${my_conf} \ --with-PATH_EGETTY=/bin/false \ --with-PATH_VGETTY=/bin/false" fi if [ -h /etc/localtime ]; then local continent=$(readlink /etc/localtime | cut -d / -f 5) if [ "${continent}" == "Europe" ]; then my_conf="${my_conf} --with-PAGESIZE=A4" fi fi #--enable-pam isn't valid use pam || my_conf="${my_conf} $(use_enable pam)" use ldap || my_conf="${my_conf} $(use_enable ldap)" use jbig || my_conf="${my_conf} $(use_enable jbig)" myconf="CC=$(tc-getCC) CXX=$(tc-getCXX) ${my_conf}" # eval required for quoting in ${my_conf} to work properly, better way? eval ./configure --nointeractive ${my_conf} || die "./configure failed" } src_compile() { emake -j1 || die "emake failed" } src_install() { dodir /usr/{bin,sbin} /usr/$(get_libdir)/fax /usr/share/man dodir /var/spool /var/spool/recvq fowners uucp:uucp /var/spool/fax fperms 0600 /var/spool/fax dodir /usr/share/doc/${P}/samples emake \ BIN=${D}/usr/bin \ SBIN=${D}/usr/sbin \ LIBDIR=${D}/usr/$(get_libdir) \ LIB=${D}/usr/$(get_libdir) \ LIBEXEC=${D}/usr/sbin \ LIBDATA=${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)/fax \ DIR_LOCALE=${D}/usr/share/locale \ MAN=${D}/usr/share/man \ SPOOL=${D}/var/spool/fax \ HTMLDIR=${D}/usr/share/doc/${P}/html \ install DESTDIR="${D}" || die "make install failed" keepdir /var/spool/fax/{archive,client,etc,pollq,recvq,tmp} keepdir /var/spool/fax/{status,sendq,log,info,doneq,docq,dev} dosed "s:hostname:hostname -f:g" /var/spool/fax/bin/{faxrcvd,pollrcvd} \ || die "dosed hostname failed" generate_files # in this case, it only generates the env.d entry einfo "Adding env.d entry for ${PN}" doenvd 99${P} einfo "Adding init.d and conf.d entries for ${PN}" newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/${MY_PN}.conf ${MY_PN} newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/${MY_PN}.init ${MY_PN} use pam && pamd_mimic_system ${MY_PN} auth account session dodoc CONTRIBUTORS README TODO docinto samples dodoc "${FILESDIR}"/${MY_PN}.cron "${FILESDIR}"/${MY_PN}.modules } pkg_postinst() { elog elog "The faxonly USE flag has been removed; since ${PN} does not" elog "require mgetty, and certain fax files conflict, you must build" elog "mgetty without fax support if you wish to use them both. You" elog "may want to add both to package.use so any future updates are" elog "correctly built:" elog elog " net-dialup/mgetty -fax" elog " net-misc/hylafax [-mgetty|mgetty]" elog elog "There are additional files included in the documentation dir." elog elog "Note 1: hylafax.cron is provided for vixie-cron users and" elog "should be placed in /etc/cron.d. Use as-is or adapt it to" elog "your system config." elog elog "Note 2: if you need to use hylafax with iptables, then you" elog "need to specify the port and use ip_conntrack_ftp as shown" elog "in the included example modules file." elog elog "See the docs and man pages for detailed configuration info." elog elog "Now run faxsetup and (if necessary) faxaddmodem." elog } generate_files() { cat <<-EOF > 99${P} PATH="/var/spool/fax/bin" CONFIG_PROTECT="/var/spool/fax/etc /usr/$(get_libdir)/fax" EOF }