# This should be bumped to EAPI=4 as soon as the games eclass supports it, so # that doins preserves symlinks. EAPI=3 inherit games MY_P="${PN}_${PV}-1" DESCRIPTION="Crack into virtual computer systems" HOMEPAGE="http://www.uplink.co.uk" SRC_URI="amd64? ( ${MY_P}_amd64.tar.gz ) x86? ( ${MY_P}_i386.tar.gz )" RESTRICT="fetch" # Bundled libs :( QA_PRESTRIPPED="${GAMES_PREFIX_OPT}/${PN}/lib.*" LICENSE="uplink" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86" IUSE="" DEPEND="" RDEPEND="${DEPEND} media-libs/libsdl[opengl] media-libs/sdl-mixer[mikmod] media-libs/freetype:2" pkg_nofetch() { ewarn ewarn "Place ${A} to ${DISTDIR}" ewarn } src_unpack() { local root unpack "${A}" if use amd64; then root=uplink-x64 elif use x86; then root=uplink-x86 else die "unsupported architecture" fi mv "$root" uplink || die "failed to move unpacked data" } S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}" src_install() { local dir="${GAMES_PREFIX_OPT}/${PN}" local exe lib insinto "${dir}" doins *.dat if use amd64; then lib=lib64 exe=uplink.bin.x86_64 elif use x86; then lib=lib exe=uplink.bin.x86 else die "unsupported architecture" fi # The system SDL libs should work fine, but install the other bundled # libraries which use older SONAMEs than the versions in Gentoo. insinto "${dir}/${lib}" doins "${lib}"/libjpeg.so.62* doins "${lib}"/libtiff.so.3* doins "${lib}"/libmikmod.so.2* exeinto "${dir}" doexe "${exe}" doicon uplink.png make_desktop_entry "${PN}" Uplink uplink games_make_wrapper "${PN}" "${dir}/$exe" dodoc *.txt prepgamesdirs }