--- a/src/rc/mountinfo.c	2011-09-09 00:09:45.000000000 +0400
+++ b/src/rc/mountinfo.c	2011-09-11 00:42:00.000000000 +0400
@@ -326,14 +326,64 @@
 #  error "Operating system not supported!"
+ * Done to fix bug #381783 in Gentoo Bugzilla, by i.Dark_Templar
+ * This function resolves symlinks in paths inside regexp
+ * Returns new string (should be freed later by free()) or NULL on errors
+ * Paramaters:
+ * 1. char *string - starting regexp
+ * 2. const char *delimiter - used delimiter (i've seen '|' used in OpenRC scripts)
+ */
+char* regexp_resolve_symlinks(char* string, const char* delimiter) {
+	char *oldstr, *newstr = NULL, *tmp, *token, *saveptr;
+	char real_path[PATH_MAX + 1];
+	oldstr = strdup(string);
+	if (!oldstr) return NULL; /* not enough memory? abort */
+	for (token = strtok_r(oldstr, delimiter, &saveptr); token != NULL; token = strtok_r(NULL, delimiter, &saveptr)) {
+		if (realpath(token, real_path) != NULL) {
+			token = real_path; /* could resolve path, add resolved to new string, otherwise use unresolved, probably it should be so */
+		}
+		tmp = realloc(newstr, ((newstr) ? (strlen(newstr) + strlen(delimiter)) : (0)) + strlen(token) + 1);
+		if (!tmp) { /* not enough memory? abort */
+			free(oldstr);
+			if (newstr) free(newstr);
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		if (newstr) strcat(tmp, delimiter); /* not first item, add delimiter */
+		newstr = tmp;
+		strcat(newstr, token);
+	}
+	free(oldstr);
+	return newstr;
 static regex_t *
 get_regex(const char *string)
 	regex_t *reg = xmalloc(sizeof (*reg));
 	int result;
 	char buffer[256];
-	if ((result = regcomp(reg, string, REG_EXTENDED | REG_NOSUB)) != 0)
+	char *resolved_regexp;
+	if ((resolved_regexp = regexp_resolve_symlinks(string, "|")) == NULL)
+	{
+		eerrorx("%s: couldn't resolve regexp", applet); /* I don't mind changing it for something more informative error */
+		result = regcomp(reg, string, REG_EXTENDED | REG_NOSUB); /* Fallback to starting string */
+	} else {
+		result = regcomp(reg, resolved_regexp, REG_EXTENDED | REG_NOSUB);
+		free(resolved_regexp);
+	}
+	if (result != 0)
 		regerror(result, reg, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
 		eerrorx("%s: invalid regex `%s'", applet, buffer);