# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Technologies, Inc. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # Same old dir for all future versions I="/opt/md5crk" # The unzipped folder is named after an older version, not current OLDVER="1.0.3" inherit eutils DESCRIPTION="A distributed project aimed at cracking the MD5." HOMEPAGE="http://www.md5crk.com" SRC_URI="x86? ( http://www.md5crk.com/dl/md5crk_${PV}_linuxX86.zip ) ppc? ( http://www.md5crk.com/dl/md5crk_${PV}_linuxppc.zip ) alpha? ( http://www.md5crk.com/dl/md5crk_${PV}_linuxAlpha.zip ) sparc? ( http://www.md5crk.com/dl/md5crk_${PV}_sunossparc.zip )" RESTRICT="nomirror" SLOT="0" IUSE="" LICENSE="free-noncomm" KEYWORDS="x86 ppc alpha sparc" DEPEND="" if [ `use x86` ]; then S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}_${OLDVER}_linuxX86" elif [ `use ppc` ]; then S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}_${OLDVER}_linuxppc" elif [ `use alpha` ]; then S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}_${OLDVER}_linuxAlpha" elif [ `use sparc` ]; then S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}_${OLDVER}_sunossparc" fi src_install() { exeinto ${I} doexe md5crk exeinto /etc/init.d ; newexe ${FILESDIR}/md5crk.init md5crk } pkg_postinst() { einfo "To run the md5crk client in the background at boot run:" einfo "rc-update add md5crk default" einfo "" einfo "For configuration, create an account on ${HOMEPAGE}" einfo "and follow the instructions." } pkg_postrm() { einfo "You should manually remove the remaining files from ${I}" einfo "" }