#!/sbin/runscript # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-misc/memcached/files/1.3.3/init,v 1.1 2009/05/26 00:03:09 robbat2 Exp $ CONF="${SVCNAME#*.}" CONFBASE="/etc/conf.d/memcached" [ -z "${PIDBASE}" ] && PIDBASE="/var/run/memcached/memcached" [ "${CONF}" == "memcached" ] && CONF='' if [ -n "${CONF}" ]; then PIDFILE="${PIDBASE}-${PORT}.${CONF}.pid" CONFSRC="${CONFBASE}.${CONF}" if [ -f "${CONFSRC}" ]; then source "${CONFSRC}" else eerror "The configuration file $CONFSRC was not found!" fi else PIDFILE="${PIDBASE}-${PORT}.pid" CONFSRC="${CONFBASE}" fi depend() { need net # per bug #269022, accurate time is important for memcached! # We include the full list of ways it might be set on boot. after ntp-client ntpd rdate openrdate adjtimex hwclock } checkconfig() { if [ -z "${LISTENON}" ]; then ewarn "You should edit $CONFSRC and specify an address to listen on." ewarn "Listening on any address (check your firewall!)" fi } start() { if [ -n "${CONF}" ]; then ebegin "Starting memcached (${CONF})" else ebegin "Starting memcached" fi checkconfig local dir="$(dirname ${PIDFILE})" if [ ! -d "${dir}" ]; then einfo " Creating ${dir}" mkdir -p "${dir}" fi chown ${MEMCACHED_RUNAS} "${dir}" if [ -f "${PIDFILE}" ]; then einfo " Removing stale pidfile ${PIDFILE}" rm -f "${PIDFILE}" 1>/dev/null fi if [ -z "${LISTENON}" ]; then c_LISTENON="-p ${PORT}" elif [ "${LISTENON:0:1}" == "/" ]; then c_LISTENON="-s ${LISTENON}" else c_LISTENON="-l ${LISTENON} -U ${UDPPORT} -p ${PORT}" fi /sbin/start-stop-daemon --start --pidfile "${PIDFILE}" \ --exec "${MEMCACHED_BINARY}" \ --startas "${MEMCACHED_BINARY}" -- \ -d ${c_LISTENON} -m ${MEMUSAGE} \ -c ${MAXCONN} -u ${MEMCACHED_RUNAS} -P "${PIDFILE}" \ ${MISC_OPTS} eend $? } stop() { if [ -n "${CONF}" ]; then ebegin "Stopping memcached (${CONF})" else ebegin "Stopping memcached" fi start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile "${PIDFILE}" rm -f "${PIDFILE}" eend $? }