inherit eutils MY_P="oracle-instantclient-sqlplus-${PV}-1.i386" S=${WORKDIR} DESCRIPTION="Oracle 10g client installation for Linux: SQL*Plus" HOMEPAGE="" SRC_URI="${MY_P}.rpm" LICENSE="Oracle Technology Network (OTN)" SLOT="${KV}" KEYWORDS="-* ~x86" RESTRICT="fetch" DEPEND="app-arch/rpm2targz =dev-db/instantclient-basic-" pkg_nofetch() { eerror "Please go to:" eerror " ${HOMEPAGE}" eerror "and download the SQL*Plus package. Put it in:" eerror " ${DISTDIR}" eerror "after downloading it." } src_unpack() { rpm2targz ${DISTDIR}/${MY_P}.rpm tar zxf ${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}.tar.gz 2>/dev/null } src_compile() { einfo "nothing to compile; binary package." } src_install() { mv ${S}/usr ${D} dosym /usr/lib/oracle/${PV}/client/bin/sqlplus /usr/bin/sqlplus } pkg_postinst() { echo einfo "The SQL*Plus package for Oracle 10g has been installed." einfo "You may wish to install the instantclient-jdbc (for" einfo "the supplemental JDBC functionality) package as well." echo }