----------------- CONFIGURATION ----------------- There is not much to do for Zina to work "out of the box" - just browse to http://${VHOST_HOSTNAME}/${VHOST_APPDIR} and follow the simple instructions. MAKE SURE TO CHANGE YOUR ADMIN PASSWORD! Note: cron.php needs to be run regularly (via cron?) or caches need to be regenerated manually. ----------------- SECURITY NOTE ----------------- You are highly encouraged to restrict access to your Zina (unless you actually WANT to have the world see your audio file collections). Zina has no internal user-based authentication - only a single administrative user and password. ----------------- NOTES ----------------- This is the standalone Zina installation. For any embedded use, please see "http://www.pancake.org/zina/" (Section "Installation"). For additional documentation, please refer to "http://www.pancake.org/zina/documentation" You might also want to grab some sort of album cover fetching application, like "AlbumArt" (in Portage as media-sound/albumart).