# Copyright 1999-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /home/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-wireless/hostap-driver/hostap-driver-0.1.2-r1.ebuild,v 1.1 2004/01/03 00:18:21 wschlich Exp $ inherit eutils kernel-mod DESCRIPTION="HostAP wireless drivers" HOMEPAGE="http://hostap.epitest.fi/" SRC_URI="http://hostap.epitest.fi/releases/${P}.tar.gz http://dev.gentoo.org/~latexer/files/patches/${PN}-koutput.diff" LICENSE="GPL-2" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="x86" IUSE="pcmcia hostap-nopci hostap-noplx" DEPEND=">=net-wireless/wireless-tools-25 pcmcia? ( >=sys-apps/pcmcia-cs-3.2.1 )" RDEPEND="!net-wireless/hostap" S="${WORKDIR}/${P}" LIB_PATH="/lib/modules/${KV}" KERNEL_MOD_SOURCES="${P}.tar.gz" src_unpack() { kernel-mod_src_unpack epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}.firmware.diff.bz2" # Patch to build things in ${S}/tmp using kbuild epatch "${DISTDIR}/${PN}-koutput.diff" mkdir ${S}/tmp ## set compiler options sed -i -e "s:gcc:${CC}:" \ ${S}/Makefile if [ "${KV_MINOR}" -gt "4" ] then sed -i -e "s:^# KERNEL_OUTPUT_PATH=.*:KERNEL_OUTPUT_PATH=${KV_OUTPUT}:"\ ${S}/Makefile fi ## fix for new coreutils (#31801) sed -i -e "s:tail -1:tail -n 1:" "${S}/Makefile" ## use pcmcia-cs sources if kernel tree pcmcia support is disabled and USE=pcmcia is set if use pcmcia >&/dev/null; then if egrep '^CONFIG_PCMCIA=[ym]' ${KV_OUTPUT}/.config >&/dev/null; then einfo "Kernel PCMCIA is enabled, skipping external pcmcia-cs sources" else einfo "Kernel PCMCIA is disabled, using external pcmcia-cs sources" ## get ebuild of currently installed pcmcia-cs package PCMCIA_CS_EBUILD=(/var/db/pkg/sys-apps/pcmcia-cs-*/pcmcia-cs-*.ebuild) ## use bash globbing if [ ! -f "${PCMCIA_CS_EBUILD}" ]; then die "ERROR: pcmcia-cs ebuild (${PCMCIA_CS_EBUILD}) not found - are you sure pcmcia-cs is installed?" fi PCMCIA_CS_VER="${PCMCIA_CS_EBUILD##*/}" ## -> pcmcia-cs-VER.ebuild PCMCIA_CS_VER="${PCMCIA_CS_VER/pcmcia-cs-/}" ## strip 'pcmcia-cs-' PCMCIA_CS_VER="${PCMCIA_CS_VER/.ebuild/}" ## strip '.ebuild' PCMCIA_PATH="${WORKDIR}/pcmcia-cs-${PCMCIA_CS_VER}" sed -i -e "s:^PCMCIA_PATH=:PCMCIA_PATH=${PCMCIA_PATH}:" "${S}/Makefile" ## unpack external pcmcia-cs sources cd "${WORKDIR}" unpack pcmcia-cs-${PCMCIA_CS_VER}.tar.gz ## unpack the pcmcia-cs sources to PCMCIA_PATH cd pcmcia-cs-${PCMCIA_CS_VER} ## when not configured, pcmcia-cs spits out lots of errors (since 3.2.5) if ! ./Configure -n --srctree --kernel=/usr/src/linux >&/dev/null; then eerror "External pcmcia-cs configuration failed" die fi fi fi } src_compile() { if [ "${KV_MINOR}" -lt 5 ] then use pcmcia && mydrivers="${mydrivers} pccard" use hostap-nopci || mydrivers="${mydrivers} pci" use hostap-noplx || mydrivers="${mydrivers} plx" einfo "Building the following drivers: ${mydrivers}" emake EXTRA_CFLAGS="-DPRISM2_DOWNLOAD_SUPPORT" ${mydrivers} || die else # 2.6 kernel doesn't like you messing with ARCH unset ARCH # hostap-driver doesn't let you specify drivers and use 2.6 (ugh) emake || die fi } src_install() { dodir ${LIB_PATH}/net cp ${S}/driver/modules/{hostap.${KV_OBJ},hostap_crypt_wep.${KV_OBJ}} \ ${D}/${LIB_PATH}/net/ if use pcmcia >&/dev/null; then dodir ${LIB_PATH}/pcmcia dodir /etc/pcmcia cp ${S}/driver/modules/hostap_cs.${KV_OBJ} ${D}/${LIB_PATH}/pcmcia/ cp ${S}/driver/etc/hostap_cs.conf ${D}/etc/pcmcia/ if [ -r /etc/pcmcia/prism2.conf ]; then einfo "You may need to edit or remove /etc/pcmcia/prism2.conf" einfo "This is usually a result of conflicts with the" einfo "linux-wlan-ng drivers." fi fi if ! use hostap-nopci >&/dev/null; then cp ${S}/driver/modules/hostap_pci.${KV_OBJ} \ ${D}${LIB_PATH}/net/ fi if ! use hostap-noplx >&/dev/null; then cp ${S}/driver/modules/hostap_plx.${KV_OBJ} \ ${D}${LIB_PATH}/net/ fi dodoc README ChangeLog }