declare -x ALSA_CARDS="" declare -x ALSA_PCM_PLUGINS="adpcm alaw asym copy dmix dshare dsnoop empty extplug file hooks iec958 ioplug ladspa lfloat linear meter mmap_emul mulaw multi null plug rate route share shm softvol" declare -x ANT_HOME="/usr/share/ant" declare -x APACHE2_MODULES="actions alias auth_basic authn_alias authn_anon authn_dbm authn_default authn_file authz_dbm authz_default authz_groupfile authz_host authz_owner authz_user autoindex cache dav dav_fs dav_lock deflate dir disk_cache env expires ext_filter file_cache filter headers include info log_config logio mem_cache mime mime_magic negotiation rewrite setenvif speling status unique_id userdir usertrack vhost_alias" declare -x ARCH="x86" declare -x CBUILD="i686-pc-linux-gnu" declare -x CDEFINE_default="__unix__" declare -x CFLAGS="-O2 -march=native -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer -ggdb" declare -x CFLAGS_default="" declare -x CHOST="i686-pc-linux-gnu" declare -x CHOST_default="i686-pc-linux-gnu" declare -x CPPFLAGS="-O2 -march=native -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer -ggdb" declare -x CROSSCOMPILE_OPTS="" declare -x CTARGET_default="i686-pc-linux-gnu" declare -x CVS_RSH="ssh" declare -x CXXFLAGS="-O2 -march=native -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer -ggdb" declare -x DEFAULT_ABI="default" declare -- DEFINED_PHASES=" compile install postinst postrm prepare setup" declare -- DEPEND=">=dev-python/cssutils-0.9.7_alpha2 >=dev-python/setuptools-0.6_rc5 >=dev-python/imaging-1.1.6 >=dev-libs/chmlib-0.40 virtual/libusb:0 >=dev-python/PyQt4-4.5[X,svg,webkit] >=dev-python/mechanize-0.1.11 || ( >=media-gfx/imagemagick-6.3.5 media-gfx/graphicsmagick[imagemagick] ) >=x11-misc/xdg-utils-1.0.2 >=dev-python/dbus-python-0.82.2 >=dev-python/lxml-2.1.5 >=dev-python/python-dateutil-1.4.1 >=dev-python/beautifulsoup-3.0.5 >=dev-python/dnspython-1.6.0 >=app-text/poppler-0.12.3-r3[qt4,xpdf-headers] >=sys-apps/help2man-1.36.4 app-text/podofo dev-python/setuptools >=gnome-base/librsvg-2.0.0 >=x11-misc/xdg-utils-1.0.2-r2 sys-apps/help2man >=app-admin/eselect-python-20091230 || ( =dev-lang/python-2.7* =dev-lang/python-2.6* ) || ( =dev-lang/python-2.7*[sqlite] =dev-lang/python-2.6*[sqlite] ) >=app-admin/eselect-python-20091230 || ( =dev-lang/python-2.7* =dev-lang/python-2.6* ) || ( =dev-lang/python-2.7*[sqlite] =dev-lang/python-2.6*[sqlite] )" declare -- DESCRIPTION="Ebook management application." declare -x DESTTREE="/usr" declare -x DIROPTIONS="-m0755" declare -x EAPI="2" declare -x ELIBC="glibc" declare -- EPATCH_EXCLUDE="" declare -- EPATCH_FORCE="no" declare -- EPATCH_MULTI_MSG="Applying various patches (bugfixes/updates) ..." declare -- EPATCH_OPTS="-g0 -E --no-backup-if-mismatch" declare -- EPATCH_SINGLE_MSG="" declare -- EPATCH_SOURCE="/var/tmp/portage/app-text/calibre-0.6.47/work/patch" declare -- EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch.bz2" declare -x EPYTHON="python2.6" declare -x EXEOPTIONS="-m0755" declare -x FEATURES="assume-digests ccache distlocks fixpackages news parallel-fetch preserve-libs protect-owned sandbox sfperms splitdebug strict unmerge-logs unmerge-orphans userfetch" declare -x GCCFLAGS="-O2 -march=native -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer -ggdb" declare -x GCC_SPECS="" declare -x GDK_USE_XFT="1" declare -x HG="/usr/bin/hg" declare -- HOMEPAGE="" declare -x INHERITED="toolchain-funcs distutils portability python multilib bash-completion fdo-mime eutils" declare -x INPUT_DEVICES="evdev" declare -x INSDESTTREE="" declare -x INSOPTIONS="-m0644" declare -- IUSE=" bash-completion" declare -x JAVAC="/etc/java-config-2/current-system-vm/bin/javac" declare -x JAVACC_HOME="/usr/share/javacc/" declare -x JAVA_HOME="/etc/java-config-2/current-system-vm" declare -x JDK_HOME="/etc/java-config-2/current-system-vm" declare -x KERNEL="linux" declare -x KERNEL_ABI="default" declare -x KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86" declare -x KV="2.6.33-gentoo-r1" declare -x LANG="de_DE.utf8" declare -x LCD_DEVICES="bayrad cfontz cfontz633 glk hd44780 lb216 lcdm001 mtxorb ncurses text" declare -x LC_MESSAGES="en_US.utf8" declare -x LDFLAGS="-Wl,-O1" declare -x LDFLAGS_default="" declare -x LIBDIR_default="lib" declare -x LIBOPTIONS="-m0644" declare -x LICENSE="GPL-2" declare -x LINGUAS="de" declare -x MAKEOPTS="-j10 -l3" declare -x MULTILIB_ABIS="default" declare -x NETBEANS="apisupport cnd groovy gsf harness ide identity j2ee java mobility nb php profiler soa visualweb webcommon websvccommon xml" declare -x OPENGL_PROFILE="xorg-x11" declare -x PATH="/usr/lib/ccache/bin:/usr/lib/portage/bin/ebuild-helpers:/usr/lib/icecc/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/opt/bin:/usr/i686-pc-linux-gnu/gcc-bin/4.4.3" declare -- PDEPEND=" bash-completion? ( app-shells/bash-completion )" declare -x PORTAGE_COMPRESS_EXCLUDE_SUFFIXES="css gif htm[l]? jp[e]?g js pdf png" declare -x PORTAGE_NICENESS="5" declare -x PRELINK_PATH_MASK="/usr/lib/klibc" declare -x PROFILE_ONLY_VARIABLES="ARCH ELIBC KERNEL USERLAND" declare -x PROPERTIES="" declare -x PROVIDE="" declare -x PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE="1" declare -- PYTHON_ABI="2.6" declare -- PYTHON_DEPEND="2:2.6" declare -- PYTHON_REQUESTED_ACTIVE_VERSION="2" declare -- PYTHON_SANITY_CHECKS="1" declare -- PYTHON_TEST_VERBOSITY="1" declare -- PYTHON_USE_WITH="sqlite" declare -x QEMU_SOFTMMU_TARGETS="arm mipsel i386" declare -x QEMU_USER_TARGETS="arm mipsel i386" declare -x RDEPEND=">=dev-python/cssutils-0.9.7_alpha2 >=dev-python/setuptools-0.6_rc5 >=dev-python/imaging-1.1.6 >=dev-libs/chmlib-0.40 virtual/libusb:0 >=dev-python/PyQt4-4.5[X,svg,webkit] >=dev-python/mechanize-0.1.11 || ( >=media-gfx/imagemagick-6.3.5 media-gfx/graphicsmagick[imagemagick] ) >=x11-misc/xdg-utils-1.0.2 >=dev-python/dbus-python-0.82.2 >=dev-python/lxml-2.1.5 >=dev-python/python-dateutil-1.4.1 >=dev-python/beautifulsoup-3.0.5 >=dev-python/dnspython-1.6.0 >=app-text/poppler-0.12.3-r3[qt4,xpdf-headers] >=sys-apps/help2man-1.36.4 app-text/podofo >=dev-python/reportlab-2.1 >=app-admin/eselect-python-20091230 || ( =dev-lang/python-2.7* =dev-lang/python-2.6* ) || ( =dev-lang/python-2.7*[sqlite] =dev-lang/python-2.6*[sqlite] ) >=app-admin/eselect-python-20091230 || ( =dev-lang/python-2.7* =dev-lang/python-2.6* ) || ( =dev-lang/python-2.7*[sqlite] =dev-lang/python-2.6*[sqlite] ) bash-completion? ( app-admin/eselect )" declare -x RESTRICT="" declare -x RUBY_TARGETS="" declare -x S="/var/tmp/portage/app-text/calibre-0.6.47/work/calibre" declare -x SANDBOX_DEBUG="0" declare -x SANDBOX_DENY="" declare -x SANDBOX_PID="30797" declare -x SANDBOX_PREDICT="/var/tmp/portage/app-text/calibre-0.6.47/homedir:/dev/crypto:/var/cache/fontconfig" declare -x SANDBOX_READ="/:/root/.ccache:/var/tmp" declare -x SANDBOX_VERBOSE="1" declare -x SANDBOX_WRITE=":/dev/console:/dev/fd:/dev/full:/dev/null:/dev/pts/:/dev/pty:/dev/shm:/dev/tts:/dev/tty:/dev/vc/:/dev/zero:/proc/self/fd:/root/.ccache:/tmp:/tmp/:/usr/lib32/cf:/usr/lib32/conftest:/usr/lib64/cf:/usr/lib64/conftest:/usr/lib/cf:/usr/lib/conftest:/usr/tmp/cf:/usr/tmp/conftest:/var/tmp:/var/tmp/:/var/tmp/portage/app-text/calibre-0.6.47/homedir/.bash_history" declare -x SANE_BACKENDS="artec_eplus48u" declare -x SANE_CONFIG_DIR="/etc/sane.d" declare -- SHARED_DEPEND=">=dev-python/cssutils-0.9.7_alpha2 >=dev-python/setuptools-0.6_rc5 >=dev-python/imaging-1.1.6 >=dev-libs/chmlib-0.40 virtual/libusb:0 >=dev-python/PyQt4-4.5[X,svg,webkit] >=dev-python/mechanize-0.1.11 || ( >=media-gfx/imagemagick-6.3.5 media-gfx/graphicsmagick[imagemagick] ) >=x11-misc/xdg-utils-1.0.2 >=dev-python/dbus-python-0.82.2 >=dev-python/lxml-2.1.5 >=dev-python/python-dateutil-1.4.1 >=dev-python/beautifulsoup-3.0.5 >=dev-python/dnspython-1.6.0 >=app-text/poppler-0.12.3-r3[qt4,xpdf-headers] >=sys-apps/help2man-1.36.4 app-text/podofo" declare -x SLOT="0" declare -- SRC_URI="" declare -x USB_DEVFS_PATH="/dev/bus/usb" declare -x USE="bash-completion elibc_glibc kernel_linux userland_GNU x86" declare -x USERLAND="GNU" declare -x VBOX_APP_HOME="/opt/VirtualBox" declare -x VIDEO_CARDS="" declare -x XDG_CONFIG_DIRS="/etc/xdg" declare -x XDG_DATA_DIRS="/usr/local/share:/usr/share" declare -x XSESSION="fluxbox" declare -- _="PKG_INSTALL_MASK" declare -- _BLUE="" declare -- _BOLD="" declare -a _CPYTHON2_SUPPORTED_ABIS='([0]="2.4" [1]="2.5" [2]="2.6" [3]="2.7")' declare -a _CPYTHON3_SUPPORTED_ABIS='([0]="3.0" [1]="3.1" [2]="3.2")' declare -- _CYAN="" declare -x _E_DOCDESTTREE_="" declare -x _E_EXEDESTTREE_="" declare -- _GREEN="" declare -a _JYTHON_SUPPORTED_ABIS='([0]="2.5-jython")' declare -- _NORMAL="" declare -- _PYTHON_ABI_EXTRACTION_COMMAND="import platform import sys sys.stdout.write(\".\".join(str(x) for x in sys.version_info[:2])) if platform.system()[:4] == \"Java\": sys.stdout.write(\"-jython\")" declare -- _RED="" declare -- ___ECLASS_RECUR_MULTILIB="yes" declare -- ___ECLASS_RECUR_TOOLCHAIN_FUNCS="yes" declare -x bash4="4.1.5(2)-release" declare -- conf="calibre-0.6.47-r0" declare -- filter_opts="" declare -- python="python" PYTHON () { local ABI_output="0" absolute_path_output="0" final_ABI="0" PYTHON_ABI="${PYTHON_ABI}" python_interpreter python2="0" python3="0"; while (($#)); do case "$1" in -2) python2="1" ;; -3) python3="1" ;; --ABI) ABI_output="1" ;; -a | --absolute-path) absolute_path_output="1" ;; -f | --final-ABI) final_ABI="1" ;; --) shift; break ;; -*) die "${FUNCNAME}(): Unrecognized option '$1'" ;; *) break ;; esac; shift; done; if [[ "${ABI_output}" == "1" && "${absolute_path_output}" == "1" ]]; then die "${FUNCNAME}(): '--ABI and '--absolute-path' options cannot be specified simultaneously"; fi; if [[ "$((${python2} + ${python3} + ${final_ABI}))" -gt 1 ]]; then die "${FUNCNAME}(): '-2', '-3' or '--final-ABI' options cannot be specified simultaneously"; fi; if [[ "$#" -eq 0 ]]; then if [[ "${final_ABI}" == "1" ]]; then if ! _python_package_supporting_installation_for_multiple_python_abis; then die "${FUNCNAME}(): '--final-ABI' option cannot be used in ebuilds of packages not supporting installation for multiple Python ABIs"; fi; validate_PYTHON_ABIS; PYTHON_ABI="${PYTHON_ABIS##* }"; else if [[ "${python2}" == "1" ]]; then PYTHON_ABI="$(eselect python show --python2 --ABI)"; if [[ -z "${PYTHON_ABI}" ]]; then die "${FUNCNAME}(): Active Python 2 interpreter not set"; else if [[ "${PYTHON_ABI}" != "2."* ]]; then die "${FUNCNAME}(): Internal error in \`eselect python show --python2\`"; fi; fi; else if [[ "${python3}" == "1" ]]; then PYTHON_ABI="$(eselect python show --python3 --ABI)"; if [[ -z "${PYTHON_ABI}" ]]; then die "${FUNCNAME}(): Active Python 3 interpreter not set"; else if [[ "${PYTHON_ABI}" != "3."* ]]; then die "${FUNCNAME}(): Internal error in \`eselect python show --python3\`"; fi; fi; else if ! _python_package_supporting_installation_for_multiple_python_abis; then PYTHON_ABI="$("${EPREFIX}/usr/bin/python" -c "${_PYTHON_ABI_EXTRACTION_COMMAND}")"; else if [[ -z "${PYTHON_ABI}" ]]; then die "${FUNCNAME}(): Invalid usage: ${FUNCNAME}() should be used in ABI-specific local scope"; fi; fi; fi; fi; fi; else if [[ "$#" -eq 1 ]]; then if [[ "${final_ABI}" == "1" ]]; then die "${FUNCNAME}(): '--final-ABI' option and Python ABI cannot be specified simultaneously"; fi; if [[ "${python2}" == "1" ]]; then die "${FUNCNAME}(): '-2' option and Python ABI cannot be specified simultaneously"; fi; if [[ "${python3}" == "1" ]]; then die "${FUNCNAME}(): '-3' option and Python ABI cannot be specified simultaneously"; fi; PYTHON_ABI="$1"; else die "${FUNCNAME}(): Invalid usage"; fi; fi; if [[ "${ABI_output}" == "1" ]]; then echo -n "${PYTHON_ABI}"; return; else if [[ "$(_python_get_implementation "${PYTHON_ABI}")" == "CPython" ]]; then python_interpreter="python${PYTHON_ABI}"; else if [[ "$(_python_get_implementation "${PYTHON_ABI}")" == "Jython" ]]; then python_interpreter="jython-${PYTHON_ABI%-jython}"; fi; fi; if [[ "${absolute_path_output}" == "1" ]]; then echo -n "${EPREFIX}/usr/bin/${python_interpreter}"; else echo -n "${python_interpreter}"; fi; fi; if [[ -n "${ABI}" && "${ABI}" != "${DEFAULT_ABI}" && "${DEFAULT_ABI}" != "default" ]]; then echo -n "-${ABI}"; fi } _cdrom_locate_file_on_cd () { local mline=""; local showedmsg=0 showjolietmsg=0; while [[ -z ${CDROM_ROOT} ]]; do local i=0; local -a cdset=(${*//:/ }); if [[ -n ${CDROM_SET} ]]; then cdset=(${cdset[${CDROM_SET}]}); fi; while [[ -n ${cdset[${i}]} ]]; do local dir=$(dirname ${cdset[${i}]}); local file=$(basename ${cdset[${i}]}); local point= node= fs= foo=; while read point node fs foo; do [[ " cd9660 iso9660 udf " != *" ${fs} "* ]] && ! [[ ${fs} == "subfs" && ",${opts}," == *",fs=cdfss,"* ]] && continue; point=${point//\040/ }; [[ ! -d ${point}/${dir} ]] && continue; [[ -z $(find "${point}/${dir}" -maxdepth 1 -iname "${file}") ]] && continue; export CDROM_ROOT=${point}; export CDROM_SET=${i}; export CDROM_MATCH=${cdset[${i}]}; return; done <<< "$(get_mounts)"; ((++i)); done; echo; if [[ ${showedmsg} -eq 0 ]]; then if [[ ${CDROM_TOTAL_CDS} -eq 1 ]]; then if [[ -z ${CDROM_NAME} ]]; then einfo "Please insert+mount the cdrom for ${PN} now !"; else einfo "Please insert+mount the ${CDROM_NAME} cdrom now !"; fi; else if [[ -z ${CDROM_NAME_1} ]]; then einfo "Please insert+mount cd #${CDROM_CURRENT_CD} for ${PN} now !"; else local var="CDROM_NAME_${CDROM_CURRENT_CD}"; einfo "Please insert+mount the ${!var} cdrom now !"; fi; fi; showedmsg=1; fi; einfo "Press return to scan for the cd again"; einfo "or hit CTRL+C to abort the emerge."; echo; if [[ ${showjolietmsg} -eq 0 ]]; then showjolietmsg=1; else ewarn "If you are having trouble with the detection"; ewarn "of your CD, it is possible that you do not have"; ewarn "Joliet support enabled in your kernel. Please"; ewarn "check that CONFIG_JOLIET is enabled in your kernel."; ebeep 5; fi; read || die "something is screwed with your system"; done } _distutils_get_PYTHONPATH () { if [[ -n "${SUPPORT_PYTHON_ABIS}" && -z "${DISTUTILS_USE_SEPARATE_SOURCE_DIRECTORIES}" ]]; then ls -d build-${PYTHON_ABI}/lib* 2> /dev/null; else ls -d build/lib* 2> /dev/null; fi } _distutils_get_build_dir () { if [[ -n "${SUPPORT_PYTHON_ABIS}" && -z "${DISTUTILS_USE_SEPARATE_SOURCE_DIRECTORIES}" ]]; then echo "build-${PYTHON_ABI}"; else echo "build"; fi } _distutils_hook () { if [[ "$#" -ne 1 ]]; then die "${FUNCNAME}() requires 1 argument"; fi; if [[ "$(type -t "distutils_src_${EBUILD_PHASE}_$1_hook")" == "function" ]]; then "distutils_src_${EBUILD_PHASE}_$1_hook"; fi } _distutils_src_test_hook () { if [[ "$#" -ne 1 ]]; then die "${FUNCNAME}() requires 1 arguments"; fi; if [[ -z "${SUPPORT_PYTHON_ABIS}" ]]; then return; fi; if [[ "$(type -t "distutils_src_test_pre_hook")" == "function" ]]; then eval "python_execute_$1_pre_hook() { distutils_src_test_pre_hook }"; fi; if [[ "$(type -t "distutils_src_test_post_hook")" == "function" ]]; then eval "python_execute_$1_post_hook() { distutils_src_test_post_hook }"; fi } _gcc-install-dir () { echo "$(LC_ALL=C $(tc-getCC) -print-search-dirs 2> /dev/null | awk '$1=="install:" {print $2}')" } _gcc-specs-directive_raw () { local cc=$(tc-getCC); local specfiles=$(LC_ALL=C ${cc} -v 2>&1 | awk '$1=="Reading" {print $NF}'); ${cc} -dumpspecs 2> /dev/null | cat - ${specfiles} | awk -v directive=$1 'BEGIN { pspec=""; spec=""; outside=1 } $1=="*"directive":" { pspec=spec; spec=""; outside=0; next } outside || NF==0 || ( substr($1,1,1)=="*" && substr($1,length($1),1)==":" ) { outside=1; next } spec=="" && substr($0,1,1)=="+" { spec=pspec " " substr($0,2); next } { spec=spec $0 } END { print spec }'; return 0 } _gcc-specs-exists () { [[ -f $(_gcc-install-dir)/$1 ]] } _parse_PYTHON_DEPEND () { local major_version maximal_version minimal_version python_all="0" python_maximal_version python_minimal_version python_versions=() python2="0" python2_maximal_version python2_minimal_version python3="0" python3_maximal_version python3_minimal_version USE_flag= version_components_group version_components_group_regex version_components_groups; version_components_group_regex="(2|3|\*)(:([[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+)?(:([[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+)?)?)?"; version_components_groups="${PYTHON_DEPEND}"; if [[ "${version_components_groups}" =~ ^((\!)?[[:alnum:]_-]+\?\ )?${version_components_group_regex}(\ ${version_components_group_regex})?$ ]]; then if [[ "${version_components_groups}" =~ ^(\!)?[[:alnum:]_-]+\? ]]; then USE_flag="${version_components_groups%\? *}"; version_components_groups="${version_components_groups#* }"; fi; if [[ "${version_components_groups}" =~ ("*".*" "|" *"|^2.*\ (2|\*)|^3.*\ (3|\*)) ]]; then die "Invalid syntax of PYTHON_DEPEND: Incorrectly specified groups of versions"; fi; version_components_groups="${version_components_groups// / }"; while read version_components_group; do major_version="${version_components_group:0:1}"; minimal_version="${version_components_group:2}"; minimal_version="${minimal_version%:*}"; maximal_version="${version_components_group:$((3 + ${#minimal_version}))}"; if [[ "${major_version}" =~ ^(2|3)$ ]]; then if [[ -n "${minimal_version}" && "${major_version}" != "${minimal_version:0:1}" ]]; then die "Invalid syntax of PYTHON_DEPEND: Minimal version '${minimal_version}' not in specified group of versions"; fi; if [[ -n "${maximal_version}" && "${major_version}" != "${maximal_version:0:1}" ]]; then die "Invalid syntax of PYTHON_DEPEND: Maximal version '${maximal_version}' not in specified group of versions"; fi; fi; if [[ "${major_version}" == "2" ]]; then python2="1"; python_versions=("${_CPYTHON2_SUPPORTED_ABIS[@]}"); python2_minimal_version="${minimal_version}"; python2_maximal_version="${maximal_version}"; else if [[ "${major_version}" == "3" ]]; then python3="1"; python_versions=("${_CPYTHON3_SUPPORTED_ABIS[@]}"); python3_minimal_version="${minimal_version}"; python3_maximal_version="${maximal_version}"; else python_all="1"; python_versions=("${_CPYTHON2_SUPPORTED_ABIS[@]}" "${_CPYTHON3_SUPPORTED_ABIS[@]}"); python_minimal_version="${minimal_version}"; python_maximal_version="${maximal_version}"; fi; fi; if [[ -n "${minimal_version}" ]] && ! has "${minimal_version}" "${python_versions[@]}"; then die "Invalid syntax of PYTHON_DEPEND: Unrecognized minimal version '${minimal_version}'"; fi; if [[ -n "${maximal_version}" ]] && ! has "${maximal_version}" "${python_versions[@]}"; then die "Invalid syntax of PYTHON_DEPEND: Unrecognized maximal version '${maximal_version}'"; fi; if [[ -n "${minimal_version}" && -n "${maximal_version}" && "${minimal_version}" > "${maximal_version}" ]]; then die "Invalid syntax of PYTHON_DEPEND: Minimal version '${minimal_version}' greater than maximal version '${maximal_version}'"; fi; done <<< "${version_components_groups}"; _PYTHON_ATOMS=(); function _append_accepted_versions_range () { local accepted_version="0" i; for ((i = "${#python_versions[@]}"; i >= 0; i--)) do if [[ "${python_versions[${i}]}" == "${python_maximal_version}" ]]; then accepted_version="1"; fi; if [[ "${accepted_version}" == "1" ]]; then _PYTHON_ATOMS+=("=dev-lang/python-${python_versions[${i}]}*"); fi; if [[ "${python_versions[${i}]}" == "${python_minimal_version}" ]]; then accepted_version="0"; fi; done }; if [[ "${python_all}" == "1" ]]; then if [[ -z "${python_minimal_version}" && -z "${python_maximal_version}" ]]; then _PYTHON_ATOMS+=("dev-lang/python"); else python_versions=("${_CPYTHON2_SUPPORTED_ABIS[@]}" "${_CPYTHON3_SUPPORTED_ABIS[@]}"); python_minimal_version="${python_minimal_version:-${python_versions[0]}}"; python_maximal_version="${python_maximal_version:-${python_versions[${#python_versions[@]}-1]}}"; _append_accepted_versions_range; fi; else if [[ "${python3}" == "1" ]]; then if [[ -z "${python3_minimal_version}" && -z "${python3_maximal_version}" ]]; then _PYTHON_ATOMS+=("=dev-lang/python-3*"); else python_versions=("${_CPYTHON3_SUPPORTED_ABIS[@]}"); python_minimal_version="${python3_minimal_version:-${python_versions[0]}}"; python_maximal_version="${python3_maximal_version:-${python_versions[${#python_versions[@]}-1]}}"; _append_accepted_versions_range; fi; fi; if [[ "${python2}" == "1" ]]; then if [[ -z "${python2_minimal_version}" && -z "${python2_maximal_version}" ]]; then _PYTHON_ATOMS+=("=dev-lang/python-2*"); else python_versions=("${_CPYTHON2_SUPPORTED_ABIS[@]}"); python_minimal_version="${python2_minimal_version:-${python_versions[0]}}"; python_maximal_version="${python2_maximal_version:-${python_versions[${#python_versions[@]}-1]}}"; _append_accepted_versions_range; fi; fi; fi; unset -f _append_accepted_versions_range; if [[ "${#_PYTHON_ATOMS[@]}" -gt 1 ]]; then DEPEND+="${DEPEND:+ }${USE_flag}${USE_flag:+? ( }|| ( ${_PYTHON_ATOMS[@]} )${USE_flag:+ )}"; RDEPEND+="${RDEPEND:+ }${USE_flag}${USE_flag:+? ( }|| ( ${_PYTHON_ATOMS[@]} )${USE_flag:+ )}"; else DEPEND+="${DEPEND:+ }${USE_flag}${USE_flag:+? ( }${_PYTHON_ATOMS[@]}${USE_flag:+ )}"; RDEPEND+="${RDEPEND:+ }${USE_flag}${USE_flag:+? ( }${_PYTHON_ATOMS[@]}${USE_flag:+ )}"; fi; else die "Invalid syntax of PYTHON_DEPEND"; fi } _python_final_sanity_checks () { if ! _python_implementation && [[ "$(declare -p PYTHON_SANITY_CHECKS 2> /dev/null)" != "declare -- PYTHON_SANITY_CHECKS="* ]]; then local PYTHON_ABI="${PYTHON_ABI}"; for PYTHON_ABI in ${PYTHON_ABIS-${PYTHON_ABI}}; do if ! has_version "$(python_get_implementational_package)"; then die "$(python_get_implementational_package) is not installed"; fi; if [[ "$(EPYTHON="$(PYTHON)" python -c "${_PYTHON_ABI_EXTRACTION_COMMAND}")" != "${PYTHON_ABI}" ]]; then eerror "python: '$(type -p python)'"; eerror "ABI: '${ABI}'"; eerror "DEFAULT_ABI: '${DEFAULT_ABI}'"; eerror "EPYTHON: '$(PYTHON)'"; eerror "PYTHON_ABI: '${PYTHON_ABI}'"; eerror "Version of enabled Python: '$(EPYTHON="$(PYTHON)" python -c "${_PYTHON_ABI_EXTRACTION_COMMAND}")'"; die "'python' does not respect EPYTHON variable"; fi; done; fi; PYTHON_SANITY_CHECKS="1" } _python_get_implementation () { if [[ "$#" -ne 1 ]]; then die "${FUNCNAME}() requires 1 argument"; fi; if [[ "$1" =~ ^[[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+$ ]]; then echo "CPython"; else if [[ "$1" =~ ^[[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+-jython$ ]]; then echo "Jython"; else die "${FUNCNAME}(): Unrecognized Python ABI '$1'"; fi; fi } _python_implementation () { if [[ "${CATEGORY}/${PN}" == "dev-lang/python" ]]; then return 0; else if [[ "${CATEGORY}/${PN}" == "dev-java/jython" ]]; then return 0; else return 1; fi; fi } _python_initial_sanity_checks () { if [[ "$(declare -p PYTHON_SANITY_CHECKS 2> /dev/null)" != "declare -- PYTHON_SANITY_CHECKS="* ]]; then if [[ "$(readlink "${EPREFIX}/usr/bin/python")" != "python-wrapper" ]]; then eerror "'${EPREFIX}/usr/bin/python' is not valid symlink."; eerror "Use \`eselect python set \${python_interpreter}\` to fix this problem."; die "'${EPREFIX}/usr/bin/python' is not valid symlink"; fi; if [[ "$(<"${EPREFIX}/usr/bin/python-config")" != *"Gentoo python-config wrapper script"* ]]; then eerror "'${EPREFIX}/usr/bin/python-config' is not valid script"; eerror "Use \`eselect python set \${python_interpreter}\` to fix this problem."; die "'${EPREFIX}/usr/bin/python-config' is not valid script"; fi; fi } _python_initialize_prefix_variables () { if has "${EAPI:-0}" 0 1 2; then if [[ -n "${ROOT}" && -z "${EROOT}" ]]; then EROOT="${ROOT%/}${EPREFIX}/"; fi; if [[ -n "${D}" && -z "${ED}" ]]; then ED="${D%/}${EPREFIX}/"; fi; fi } _python_package_supporting_installation_for_multiple_python_abis () { if [[ "${EBUILD_PHASE}" == "depend" ]]; then die "${FUNCNAME}() cannot be used in global scope"; fi; if has "${EAPI:-0}" 0 1 2 3 4; then if [[ -n "${SUPPORT_PYTHON_ABIS}" ]]; then return 0; else return 1; fi; else die "${FUNCNAME}(): Support for EAPI=\"${EAPI}\" not implemented"; fi } _python_set_color_variables () { if [[ "${NOCOLOR:-false}" =~ ^(false|no)$ ]]; then _BOLD=''; _RED=''; _GREEN=''; _BLUE=''; _CYAN=''; _NORMAL=''; else _BOLD=; _RED=; _GREEN=; _BLUE=; _CYAN=; _NORMAL=; fi } _python_test_hook () { if [[ "$#" -ne 1 ]]; then die "${FUNCNAME}() requires 1 argument"; fi; if _python_package_supporting_installation_for_multiple_python_abis && [[ "$(type -t "${FUNCNAME[3]}_$1_hook")" == "function" ]]; then "${FUNCNAME[3]}_$1_hook"; fi } _unpack_tar () { if [ "${y}" == "tar" ]; then $1 -dc "$srcdir$x" | tar xof -; assert "$myfail"; else $1 -dc "${srcdir}${x}" > ${x%.*} || die "$myfail"; fi } bash-completion_pkg_postinst () { if use bash-completion; then elog "In the case that you haven't yet enabled command-line completion"; elog "for ${PN}, you can run:"; elog; elog " eselect bashcomp enable ${BASHCOMPLETION_NAME:-${PN}}"; elog; elog "to install locally, or"; elog; elog " eselect bashcomp enable --global ${BASHCOMPLETION_NAME:-${PN}}"; elog; elog "to install system-wide."; fi } built_with_use () { local hidden="no"; if [[ $1 == "--hidden" ]]; then hidden="yes"; shift; fi; local missing_action="die"; if [[ $1 == "--missing" ]]; then missing_action=$2; shift; shift; case ${missing_action} in true | false | die) ;; *) die "unknown action '${missing_action}'" ;; esac; fi; local opt=$1; [[ ${opt:0:1} = "-" ]] && shift || opt="-a"; local PKG=$(best_version $1); [[ -z ${PKG} ]] && die "Unable to resolve $1 to an installed package"; shift; local USEFILE=${ROOT}/var/db/pkg/${PKG}/USE; local IUSEFILE=${ROOT}/var/db/pkg/${PKG}/IUSE; if [[ ! -e ${USEFILE} ]] || [[ ! -e ${IUSEFILE} && ${hidden} == "no" ]]; then case ${missing_action} in true) return 0 ;; false) return 1 ;; die) die "Unable to determine what USE flags $PKG was built with" ;; esac; fi; if [[ ${hidden} == "no" ]]; then local IUSE_BUILT=($(<"${IUSEFILE}")); local expand; for expand in $(echo ${USE_EXPAND} | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'); do if [[ $1 == ${expand}_* ]]; then expand=""; break; fi; done; if [[ -n ${expand} ]]; then if ! has $1 ${IUSE_BUILT[@]#[-+]}; then case ${missing_action} in true) return 0 ;; false) return 1 ;; die) die "$PKG does not actually support the $1 USE flag!" ;; esac; fi; fi; fi; local USE_BUILT=$(<${USEFILE}); while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do if [[ ${opt} = "-o" ]]; then has $1 ${USE_BUILT} && return 0; else has $1 ${USE_BUILT} || return 1; fi; shift; done; [[ ${opt} = "-a" ]] } cdrom_get_cds () { local cdcnt=0; local f=; for f in "$@"; do ((++cdcnt)); export CDROM_CHECK_${cdcnt}="$f"; done; export CDROM_TOTAL_CDS=${cdcnt}; export CDROM_CURRENT_CD=1; if [[ -n ${CD_ROOT}${CD_ROOT_1} ]]; then local var=; cdcnt=0; while [[ ${cdcnt} -lt ${CDROM_TOTAL_CDS} ]]; do ((++cdcnt)); var="CD_ROOT_${cdcnt}"; [[ -z ${!var} ]] && var="CD_ROOT"; if [[ -z ${!var} ]]; then eerror "You must either use just the CD_ROOT"; eerror "or specify ALL the CD_ROOT_X variables."; eerror "In this case, you will need ${CDROM_TOTAL_CDS} CD_ROOT_X variables."; die "could not locate CD_ROOT_${cdcnt}"; fi; done; export CDROM_ROOT=${CD_ROOT_1:-${CD_ROOT}}; einfo "Found CD #${CDROM_CURRENT_CD} root at ${CDROM_ROOT}"; export CDROM_SET=-1; for f in ${CDROM_CHECK_1//:/ }; do ((++CDROM_SET)); [[ -e ${CD_ROOT}/${f} ]] && break; done; export CDROM_MATCH=${f}; return; fi; if [[ ${CDROM_TOTAL_CDS} -eq 1 ]]; then einfo "This ebuild will need the ${CDROM_NAME:-cdrom for ${PN}}"; echo; einfo "If you do not have the CD, but have the data files"; einfo "mounted somewhere on your filesystem, just export"; einfo "the variable CD_ROOT so that it points to the"; einfo "directory containing the files."; echo; einfo "For example:"; einfo "export CD_ROOT=/mnt/cdrom"; echo; else if [[ -n ${CDROM_NAME_SET} ]]; then cdcnt=0; while [[ ${cdcnt} -lt ${CDROM_TOTAL_CDS} ]]; do ((++cdcnt)); export CDROM_NAME_${cdcnt}="${CDROM_NAME_SET[$((${cdcnt}-1))]}"; done; fi; einfo "This package will need access to ${CDROM_TOTAL_CDS} cds."; cdcnt=0; while [[ ${cdcnt} -lt ${CDROM_TOTAL_CDS} ]]; do ((++cdcnt)); var="CDROM_NAME_${cdcnt}"; [[ ! -z ${!var} ]] && einfo " CD ${cdcnt}: ${!var}"; done; echo; einfo "If you do not have the CDs, but have the data files"; einfo "mounted somewhere on your filesystem, just export"; einfo "the following variables so they point to the right place:"; einfon ""; cdcnt=0; while [[ ${cdcnt} -lt ${CDROM_TOTAL_CDS} ]]; do ((++cdcnt)); echo -n " CD_ROOT_${cdcnt}"; done; echo; einfo "Or, if you have all the files in the same place, or"; einfo "you only have one cdrom, you can export CD_ROOT"; einfo "and that place will be used as the same data source"; einfo "for all the CDs."; echo; einfo "For example:"; einfo "export CD_ROOT_1=/mnt/cdrom"; echo; fi; export CDROM_SET=""; export CDROM_CURRENT_CD=0; cdrom_load_next_cd } cdrom_load_next_cd () { local var; ((++CDROM_CURRENT_CD)); unset CDROM_ROOT; var=CD_ROOT_${CDROM_CURRENT_CD}; [[ -z ${!var} ]] && var="CD_ROOT"; if [[ -z ${!var} ]]; then var="CDROM_CHECK_${CDROM_CURRENT_CD}"; _cdrom_locate_file_on_cd ${!var}; else export CDROM_ROOT=${!var}; fi; einfo "Found CD #${CDROM_CURRENT_CD} root at ${CDROM_ROOT}" } check_license () { local lic=$1; if [ -z "${lic}" ]; then lic="${PORTDIR}/licenses/${LICENSE}"; else if [ -e "${PORTDIR}/licenses/${lic}" ]; then lic="${PORTDIR}/licenses/${lic}"; else if [ -e "${PWD}/${lic}" ]; then lic="${PWD}/${lic}"; else if [ -e "${lic}" ]; then lic="${lic}"; fi; fi; fi; fi; local l="`basename ${lic}`"; local alic; eshopts_push -o noglob; for alic in ${ACCEPT_LICENSE}; do if [[ ${alic} == ${l} ]]; then eshopts_pop; return 0; fi; done; eshopts_pop; [ ! -f "${lic}" ] && die "Could not find requested license ${lic}"; local licmsg=$(emktemp); cat > ${licmsg} <<-EOF ********************************************************** The following license outlines the terms of use of this package. You MUST accept this license for installation to continue. When you are done viewing, hit 'q'. If you CTRL+C out of this, the install will not run! ********************************************************** EOF cat ${lic} >> ${licmsg}; ${PAGER:-less} ${licmsg} || die "Could not execute pager (${PAGER}) to accept ${lic}"; einfon "Do you accept the terms of this license (${l})? [yes/no] "; read alic; case ${alic} in yes | Yes | y | Y) return 0 ;; *) echo; echo; echo; eerror "You MUST accept the license to continue! Exiting!"; die "Failed to accept license" ;; esac } create_ml_includes () { local dest=$1; shift; local basedirs=$(create_ml_includes-listdirs "$@"); create_ml_includes-makedestdirs ${dest} ${basedirs}; local file; for file in $(create_ml_includes-allfiles ${basedirs}); do ( echo "/* Autogenerated by create_ml_includes() in multilib.eclass */"; local dir; for dir in ${basedirs}; do if [[ -f ${D}/${dir}/${file} ]]; then echo ""; local sym=$(create_ml_includes-sym_for_dir ${dir} "$@"); if [[ ${sym/=} != "${sym}" ]]; then echo "#if ${sym}"; else if [[ ${sym::1} == "!" ]]; then echo "#ifndef ${sym:1}"; else echo "#ifdef ${sym}"; fi; fi; echo "# include <$(create_ml_includes-absolute ${dir}/${file})>"; echo "#endif /* ${sym} */"; fi; done ) > "${D}/${dest}/${file}"; done } create_ml_includes-absolute () { local dst="$(create_ml_includes-tidy_path $1)"; dst=(${dst//\// }); local i; for ((i=0; i<${#dst[*]}; i++)) do [ "${dst[i]}" == "include" ] && break; done; local strip_upto=$i; for ((i=strip_upto+1; i<${#dst[*]}-1; i++)) do echo -n ${dst[i]}/; done; echo -n ${dst[i]} } create_ml_includes-allfiles () { [[ -z ${ED} ]] && local ED=${D}; local basedir file; for basedir in "$@"; do for file in $(find "${ED}"/${basedir} -type f); do echo ${file/${ED}\/${basedir}\//}; done; done | sort | uniq } create_ml_includes-listdirs () { local dirs; local data; for data in "$@"; do dirs="${dirs} ${data/*:/}"; done; echo ${dirs:1} } create_ml_includes-makedestdirs () { local dest=$1; shift; local basedirs=$@; [[ -z ${ED} ]] && local ED=${D}; dodir ${dest}; local basedir; for basedir in ${basedirs}; do local dir; for dir in $(find "${ED}"/${basedir} -type d); do dodir ${dest}/${dir/${ED}\/${basedir}/}; done; done } create_ml_includes-sym_for_dir () { local dir=$1; shift; local data; for data in "$@"; do if [[ ${data} == *:${dir} ]]; then echo ${data/:*/}; return 0; fi; done; echo "Shouldn't be here -- create_ml_includes-sym_for_dir $1 $@"; exit 1 } create_ml_includes-tidy_path () { local removed=$1; if [ -n "${removed}" ]; then while [ "${removed}" != "${removed/\/\//\/}" ]; do removed=${removed/\/\//\/}; done; while [ "${removed}" != "${removed//\/.\//\/}" ]; do removed=${removed//\/.\//\/}; done; [ "${removed##*/}" = "." ] && removed=${removed%/*}; while [ "${removed}" != "${removed//\/..\/}" ]; do local p1="${removed%%\/..\/*}"; local p2="${removed#*\/..\/}"; removed="${p1%\/*}/${p2}"; done; [ "${removed##*/}" = ".." ] && removed=${removed%/*/*}; [ "${removed##*/}" = "" ] && removed=${removed%/*}; echo ${removed}; fi } distutils_pkg_postinst () { if [[ "${EBUILD_PHASE}" != "postinst" ]]; then die "${FUNCNAME}() can be used only in pkg_postinst() phase"; fi; _python_initialize_prefix_variables; local pylibdir pymod; if [[ -z "${PYTHON_MODNAME}" ]]; then for pylibdir in "${EROOT}"usr/$(get_libdir)/python* "${EROOT}"/usr/share/jython-*/Lib; do if [[ -d "${pylibdir}/site-packages/${PN}" ]]; then PYTHON_MODNAME="${PN}"; fi; done; fi; if ! has "${EAPI:-0}" 0 1 2 || [[ -n "${SUPPORT_PYTHON_ABIS}" ]]; then python_mod_optimize ${PYTHON_MODNAME}; else for pymod in ${PYTHON_MODNAME}; do python_mod_optimize "$(python_get_sitedir)/${pymod}"; done; fi } distutils_pkg_postrm () { if [[ "${EBUILD_PHASE}" != "postrm" ]]; then die "${FUNCNAME}() can be used only in pkg_postrm() phase"; fi; _python_initialize_prefix_variables; local pylibdir pymod; if [[ -z "${PYTHON_MODNAME}" ]]; then for pylibdir in "${EROOT}"usr/$(get_libdir)/python* "${EROOT}"/usr/share/jython-*/Lib; do if [[ -d "${pylibdir}/site-packages/${PN}" ]]; then PYTHON_MODNAME="${PN}"; fi; done; fi; if [[ -n "${PYTHON_MODNAME}" ]]; then if ! has "${EAPI:-0}" 0 1 2 || [[ -n "${SUPPORT_PYTHON_ABIS}" ]]; then python_mod_cleanup ${PYTHON_MODNAME}; else for pymod in ${PYTHON_MODNAME}; do for pylibdir in "${EROOT}"usr/$(get_libdir)/python*; do if [[ -d "${pylibdir}/site-packages/${pymod}" ]]; then python_mod_cleanup "${pylibdir#${EROOT%/}}/site-packages/${pymod}"; fi; done; done; fi; else python_mod_cleanup; fi } distutils_python_tkinter () { if ! has "${EAPI:-0}" 0 1 2 || [[ -n "${SUPPORT_PYTHON_ABIS}" ]]; then eerror "Use PYTHON_USE_WITH=\"xml\" and python_pkg_setup() instead of ${FUNCNAME}()."; die "${FUNCNAME}() cannot be used in this EAPI"; fi; _python_set_color_variables; eerror; eerror "${_RED}Deprecation Warning: ${FUNCNAME}() is deprecated and will be banned on 2010-07-01.${_NORMAL}"; eerror "${_RED}Use PYTHON_USE_WITH=\"xml\" and python_pkg_setup() instead of ${FUNCNAME}().${_NORMAL}"; eerror; python_tkinter_exists } distutils_python_version () { if ! has "${EAPI:-0}" 0 1 2 || [[ -n "${SUPPORT_PYTHON_ABIS}" ]]; then eerror "Use PYTHON() and/or python_get_*() instead of ${FUNCNAME}()."; die "${FUNCNAME}() cannot be used in this EAPI"; fi; _python_set_color_variables; eerror; eerror "${_RED}Deprecation Warning: ${FUNCNAME}() is deprecated and will be banned on 2010-07-01.${_NORMAL}"; eerror "${_RED}Use PYTHON() instead of python variable. Use python_get_*() instead of PYVER* variables.${_NORMAL}"; eerror; python_version } distutils_src_compile () { if [[ "${EBUILD_PHASE}" != "compile" ]]; then die "${FUNCNAME}() can be used only in src_compile() phase"; fi; _python_set_color_variables; if [[ -n "${SUPPORT_PYTHON_ABIS}" ]]; then function distutils_building () { _distutils_hook pre; echo ${_BOLD}"$(PYTHON)" "${DISTUTILS_GLOBAL_OPTIONS[@]}" build -b "$(_distutils_get_build_dir)" "$@"${_NORMAL}; "$(PYTHON)" "${DISTUTILS_GLOBAL_OPTIONS[@]}" build -b "$(_distutils_get_build_dir)" "$@" || return "$?"; _distutils_hook post }; python_execute_function ${DISTUTILS_USE_SEPARATE_SOURCE_DIRECTORIES:+-s} distutils_building "$@"; else echo ${_BOLD}"$(PYTHON)" "${DISTUTILS_GLOBAL_OPTIONS[@]}" build "$@"${_NORMAL}; "$(PYTHON)" "${DISTUTILS_GLOBAL_OPTIONS[@]}" build "$@" || die "Building failed"; fi } distutils_src_install () { if [[ "${EBUILD_PHASE}" != "install" ]]; then die "${FUNCNAME}() can be used only in src_install() phase"; fi; _python_initialize_prefix_variables; _python_set_color_variables; if [[ -n "${SUPPORT_PYTHON_ABIS}" ]]; then if [[ -z "${DISTUTILS_DISABLE_VERSIONING_OF_PYTHON_SCRIPTS}" && "${BASH_VERSINFO[0]}" -ge 4 ]]; then declare -A wrapper_scripts=(); function rename_scripts_with_versioned_shebangs () { if [[ -d "${ED}usr/bin" ]]; then cd "${ED}usr/bin"; local nonversioned_file file; for file in *; do if [[ -f "${file}" && ! "${file}" =~ [[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]](-jython)?+$ && "$(head -n1 "${file}")" =~ ^'#!'.*(python|jython-)[[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+ ]]; then for nonversioned_file in "${DISTUTILS_NONVERSIONED_PYTHON_SCRIPTS[@]}"; do [[ "${nonversioned_file}" == "/usr/bin/${file}" ]] && continue 2; done; mv "${file}" "${file}-${PYTHON_ABI}" || die "Renaming of '${file}' failed"; wrapper_scripts+=(["${ED}usr/bin/${file}"]=); fi; done; fi }; fi; function distutils_installation () { _distutils_hook pre; echo ${_BOLD}"$(PYTHON)" "${DISTUTILS_GLOBAL_OPTIONS[@]}" $([[ -z "${DISTUTILS_USE_SEPARATE_SOURCE_DIRECTORIES}" ]] && echo build -b "$(_distutils_get_build_dir)") install --root="${D}" --no-compile "$@"${_NORMAL}; "$(PYTHON)" "${DISTUTILS_GLOBAL_OPTIONS[@]}" $([[ -z "${DISTUTILS_USE_SEPARATE_SOURCE_DIRECTORIES}" ]] && echo build -b "$(_distutils_get_build_dir)") install --root="${D}" --no-compile "$@" || return "$?"; if [[ -z "${DISTUTILS_DISABLE_VERSIONING_OF_PYTHON_SCRIPTS}" && "${BASH_VERSINFO[0]}" -ge 4 ]]; then rename_scripts_with_versioned_shebangs; fi; _distutils_hook post }; python_execute_function ${DISTUTILS_USE_SEPARATE_SOURCE_DIRECTORIES:+-s} distutils_installation "$@"; if [[ -z "${DISTUTILS_DISABLE_VERSIONING_OF_PYTHON_SCRIPTS}" && "${#wrapper_scripts[@]}" -ne 0 && "${BASH_VERSINFO[0]}" -ge 4 ]]; then python_generate_wrapper_scripts "${!wrapper_scripts[@]}"; fi; unset wrapper_scripts; else python_need_rebuild; echo ${_BOLD}"$(PYTHON)" "${DISTUTILS_GLOBAL_OPTIONS[@]}" install --root="${D}" --no-compile "$@"${_NORMAL}; "$(PYTHON)" "${DISTUTILS_GLOBAL_OPTIONS[@]}" install --root="${D}" --no-compile "$@" || die "Installation failed"; fi; if [[ -e "${ED}usr/local" ]]; then die "Illegal installation into /usr/local"; fi; local default_docs; default_docs="AUTHORS Change* CHANGELOG CONTRIBUTORS KNOWN_BUGS MAINTAINERS MANIFEST* NEWS PKG-INFO README* TODO"; local doc; for doc in ${default_docs}; do [[ -s "${doc}" ]] && dodoc "${doc}"; done; if [[ -n "${DOCS}" ]]; then dodoc ${DOCS} || die "dodoc failed"; fi } distutils_src_prepare () { if ! has "${EAPI:-0}" 0 1 && [[ "${EBUILD_PHASE}" != "prepare" ]]; then die "${FUNCNAME}() can be used only in src_prepare() phase"; fi; local ez_setup_existence="0"; [[ -d ez_setup || -f ]] && ez_setup_existence="1"; rm -fr ez_setup*; if [[ "${ez_setup_existence}" == "1" ]]; then echo "def use_setuptools(*args, **kwargs): pass" >; fi; local distribute_setup_existence="0"; [[ -d distribute_setup || -f ]] && distribute_setup_existence="1"; rm -fr distribute_setup*; if [[ "${distribute_setup_existence}" == "1" ]]; then echo "def use_setuptools(*args, **kwargs): pass" >; fi; if [[ -n "${DISTUTILS_USE_SEPARATE_SOURCE_DIRECTORIES}" ]]; then python_copy_sources; fi } distutils_src_test () { _python_set_color_variables; if [[ "${DISTUTILS_SRC_TEST}" == "" ]]; then if [[ -n "${SUPPORT_PYTHON_ABIS}" ]]; then function distutils_testing () { _distutils_hook pre; echo ${_BOLD}PYTHONPATH="$(_distutils_get_PYTHONPATH)" "$(PYTHON)" "${DISTUTILS_GLOBAL_OPTIONS[@]}" $([[ -z "${DISTUTILS_USE_SEPARATE_SOURCE_DIRECTORIES}" ]] && echo build -b "$(_distutils_get_build_dir)") test "$@"${_NORMAL}; PYTHONPATH="$(_distutils_get_PYTHONPATH)" "$(PYTHON)" "${DISTUTILS_GLOBAL_OPTIONS[@]}" $([[ -z "${DISTUTILS_USE_SEPARATE_SOURCE_DIRECTORIES}" ]] && echo build -b "$(_distutils_get_build_dir)") test "$@" || return "$?"; _distutils_hook post }; python_execute_function ${DISTUTILS_USE_SEPARATE_SOURCE_DIRECTORIES:+-s} distutils_testing "$@"; else echo ${_BOLD}PYTHONPATH="$(_distutils_get_PYTHONPATH)" "$(PYTHON)" "${DISTUTILS_GLOBAL_OPTIONS[@]}" test "$@"${_NORMAL}; PYTHONPATH="$(_distutils_get_PYTHONPATH)" "$(PYTHON)" "${DISTUTILS_GLOBAL_OPTIONS[@]}" test "$@" || die "Testing failed"; fi; else if [[ "${DISTUTILS_SRC_TEST}" == "nosetests" ]]; then _distutils_src_test_hook nosetests; python_execute_nosetests -P '$(_distutils_get_PYTHONPATH)' ${DISTUTILS_USE_SEPARATE_SOURCE_DIRECTORIES:+-s} -- "$@"; else if [[ "${DISTUTILS_SRC_TEST}" == "py.test" ]]; then _distutils_src_test_hook py.test; python_execute_py.test -P '$(_distutils_get_PYTHONPATH)' ${DISTUTILS_USE_SEPARATE_SOURCE_DIRECTORIES:+-s} -- "$@"; else if [[ "${DISTUTILS_SRC_TEST}" =~ ^trial(\ .*)?$ ]]; then local trial_arguments; if [[ "${DISTUTILS_SRC_TEST}" == "trial "* ]]; then trial_arguments="${DISTUTILS_SRC_TEST#trial }"; else trial_arguments="${PN}"; fi; _distutils_src_test_hook trial; python_execute_trial -P '$(_distutils_get_PYTHONPATH)' ${DISTUTILS_USE_SEPARATE_SOURCE_DIRECTORIES:+-s} -- ${trial_arguments} "$@"; else die "'DISTUTILS_SRC_TEST' variable has unsupported value '${DISTUTILS_SRC_TEST}'"; fi; fi; fi; fi } distutils_src_unpack () { if ! has "${EAPI:-0}" 0 1; then die "${FUNCNAME}() cannot be used in this EAPI"; fi; if [[ "${EBUILD_PHASE}" != "unpack" ]]; then die "${FUNCNAME}() can be used only in src_unpack() phase"; fi; unpack ${A}; cd "${S}"; distutils_src_prepare } dlopen_lib () { case "${CHOST}" in *-linux-gnu* | *-linux-uclibc | *-interix*) echo "-ldl" ;; esac } dobashcompletion () { [[ -z "$1" ]] && die "usage: dobashcompletion "; [[ -z "${BASHCOMPLETION_NAME}" ]] && BASHCOMPLETION_NAME="${2:-${PN}}"; if use bash-completion; then insinto /usr/share/bash-completion; newins "$1" "${BASHCOMPLETION_NAME}" || die "Failed to install $1"; fi } doicon () { ( local i j ret; insinto /usr/share/pixmaps; for i in "$@"; do if [[ -f ${i} ]]; then doins "${i}"; ((ret+=$?)); else if [[ -d ${i} ]]; then for j in "${i}"/*.png; do doins "${j}"; ((ret+=$?)); done; else ((++ret)); fi; fi; done; exit ${ret} ) } domenu () { ( local i j ret=0; insinto /usr/share/applications; for i in "$@"; do if [[ -f ${i} ]]; then doins "${i}"; ((ret+=$?)); else if [[ -d ${i} ]]; then for j in "${i}"/*.desktop; do doins "${j}"; ((ret+=$?)); done; else ((++ret)); fi; fi; done; exit ${ret} ) } dyn_pretend () { ebuild_phase_with_hooks pkg_pretend } ebeep () { local n; if [[ -z ${EBEEP_IGNORE} ]]; then for ((n=1 ; n <= ${1:-5} ; n++)) do echo -ne "\a"; sleep 0.1 &>/dev/null; sleep 0,1 &>/dev/null; echo -ne "\a"; sleep 1; done; fi } ecvs_clean () { [[ -z $* ]] && set -- .; find "$@" -type d -name 'CVS' -prune -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf; find "$@" -type f -name '.cvs*' -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf } edos2unix () { echo "$@" | xargs sed -i 's/\r$//' } egetent () { case ${CHOST} in *-darwin[678]) case "$2" in *[!0-9]*) nidump $1 . | awk -F":" "{ if (\$1 ~ /^$2$/) {print \$0;exit;} }" ;; *) nidump $1 . | awk -F":" "{ if (\$3 == $2) {print \$0;exit;} }" ;; esac ;; *-darwin*) local mytype=$1; [[ "passwd" == $mytype ]] && mytype="Users"; [[ "group" == $mytype ]] && mytype="Groups"; case "$2" in *[!0-9]*) dscl . -read /$mytype/$2 2> /dev/null | grep RecordName ;; *) local mykey="UniqueID"; [[ $mytype == "Groups" ]] && mykey="PrimaryGroupID"; dscl . -search /$mytype $mykey $2 2> /dev/null ;; esac ;; *-freebsd* | *-dragonfly*) local opts action="user"; [[ $1 == "passwd" ]] || action="group"; if [[ $2 == [[:digit:]]* ]]; then [[ ${action} == "user" ]] && opts="-u" || opts="-g"; fi; pw show ${action} ${opts} "$2" -q ;; *-netbsd* | *-openbsd*) grep "$2:\*:" /etc/$1 ;; *) type -p nscd &>/dev/null && nscd -i "$1"; getent "$1" "$2" ;; esac } egethome () { ent=$(egetent passwd $1); case ${CHOST} in *-darwin* | *-freebsd* | *-dragonfly*) echo ${ent} | cut -d: -f9 ;; *) echo ${ent} | cut -d: -f6 ;; esac } egetshell () { ent=$(egetent passwd "$1"); case ${CHOST} in *-darwin* | *-freebsd* | *-dragonfly*) echo ${ent} | cut -d: -f10 ;; *) echo ${ent} cut -d: -f7 ;; esac } emktemp () { local exe="touch"; [[ $1 == -d ]] && exe="mkdir" && shift; local topdir=$1; if [[ -z ${topdir} ]]; then [[ -z ${T} ]] && topdir="/tmp" || topdir=${T}; fi; if ! type -P mktemp > /dev/null; then local tmp=/; while [[ -e ${tmp} ]]; do tmp=${topdir}/tmp.${RANDOM}.${RANDOM}.${RANDOM}; done; ${exe} "${tmp}" || ${exe} -p "${tmp}"; echo "${tmp}"; else if [[ ${exe} == "touch" ]]; then TMPDIR="${topdir}" mktemp -t tmp.XXXXXXXXXX; else TMPDIR="${topdir}" mktemp -dt tmp.XXXXXXXXXX; fi; fi } enewgroup () { case ${EBUILD_PHASE} in unpack | compile | test | install) eerror "'enewgroup()' called from '${EBUILD_PHASE}()' which is not a pkg_* function."; eerror "Package fails at QA and at life. Please file a bug."; die "Bad package! enewgroup is only for use in pkg_* functions!" ;; esac; local egroup="$1"; shift; if [ -z "${egroup}" ]; then eerror "No group specified !"; die "Cannot call enewgroup without a group"; fi; if [[ -n $(egetent group "${egroup}") ]]; then return 0; fi; einfo "Adding group '${egroup}' to your system ..."; local opts=; local egid="$1"; shift; if [ ! -z "${egid}" ]; then if [ "${egid}" -gt 0 ]; then if [ -z "`egetent group ${egid}`" ]; then if [[ "${CHOST}" == *-darwin* ]]; then opts="${opts} ${egid}"; else opts="${opts} -g ${egid}"; fi; else egid="next available; requested gid taken"; fi; else eerror "Groupid given but is not greater than 0 !"; die "${egid} is not a valid GID"; fi; else egid="next available"; fi; einfo " - Groupid: ${egid}"; local eextra="$@"; opts="${opts} ${eextra}"; local oldsandbox="${SANDBOX_ON}"; export SANDBOX_ON="0"; case ${CHOST} in *-darwin*) if [ ! -z "${eextra}" ]; then einfo "Extra options are not supported on Darwin/OS X yet"; einfo "Please report the ebuild along with the info below"; einfo "eextra: ${eextra}"; die "Required function missing"; fi; case ${egid} in *[!0-9]*) for ((egid = 101; egid <= 999; egid++)) do [[ -z $(egetent group ${egid}) ]] && break; done ;; esac; dscl . create /groups/${egroup} gid ${egid}; dscl . create /groups/${egroup} passwd '*' ;; *-freebsd* | *-dragonfly*) case ${egid} in *[!0-9]*) for ((egid = 101; egid <= 999; egid++)) do [[ -z $(egetent group ${egid}) ]] && break; done ;; esac; pw groupadd ${egroup} -g ${egid} || die "enewgroup failed" ;; *-netbsd*) case ${egid} in *[!0-9]*) for ((egid = 101; egid <= 999; egid++)) do [[ -z $(egetent group ${egid}) ]] && break; done ;; esac; groupadd -g ${egid} ${egroup} || die "enewgroup failed" ;; *) groupadd ${opts} ${egroup} || die "enewgroup failed" ;; esac; export SANDBOX_ON="${oldsandbox}" } enewuser () { case ${EBUILD_PHASE} in unpack | compile | test | install) eerror "'enewuser()' called from '${EBUILD_PHASE}()' which is not a pkg_* function."; eerror "Package fails at QA and at life. Please file a bug."; die "Bad package! enewuser is only for use in pkg_* functions!" ;; esac; local euser=$1; shift; if [[ -z ${euser} ]]; then eerror "No username specified !"; die "Cannot call enewuser without a username"; fi; if [[ -n $(egetent passwd "${euser}") ]]; then return 0; fi; einfo "Adding user '${euser}' to your system ..."; local opts=; local euid=$1; shift; if [[ -n ${euid} && ${euid} != -1 ]]; then if [[ ${euid} -gt 0 ]]; then if [[ -n $(egetent passwd ${euid}) ]]; then euid="next"; fi; else eerror "Userid given but is not greater than 0 !"; die "${euid} is not a valid UID"; fi; else euid="next"; fi; if [[ ${euid} == "next" ]]; then for ((euid = 101; euid <= 999; euid++)) do [[ -z $(egetent passwd ${euid}) ]] && break; done; fi; opts="${opts} -u ${euid}"; einfo " - Userid: ${euid}"; local eshell=$1; shift; if [[ ! -z ${eshell} ]] && [[ ${eshell} != "-1" ]]; then if [[ ! -e ${ROOT}${eshell} ]]; then eerror "A shell was specified but it does not exist !"; die "${eshell} does not exist in ${ROOT}"; fi; if [[ ${eshell} == */false || ${eshell} == */nologin ]]; then eerror "Do not specify ${eshell} yourself, use -1"; die "Pass '-1' as the shell parameter"; fi; else for shell in /sbin/nologin /usr/sbin/nologin /bin/false /usr/bin/false /dev/null; do [[ -x ${ROOT}${shell} ]] && break; done; if [[ ${shell} == "/dev/null" ]]; then eerror "Unable to identify the shell to use, proceeding with userland default."; case ${USERLAND} in GNU) shell="/bin/false" ;; BSD) shell="/sbin/nologin" ;; Darwin) shell="/usr/sbin/nologin" ;; *) die "Unable to identify the default shell for userland ${USERLAND}" ;; esac; fi; eshell=${shell}; fi; einfo " - Shell: ${eshell}"; opts="${opts} -s ${eshell}"; local ehome=$1; shift; if [[ -z ${ehome} ]] || [[ ${ehome} == "-1" ]]; then ehome="/dev/null"; fi; einfo " - Home: ${ehome}"; opts="${opts} -d ${ehome}"; local egroups=$1; shift; if [[ ! -z ${egroups} ]]; then local oldifs=${IFS}; local defgroup="" exgroups=""; export IFS=","; for g in ${egroups}; do export IFS=${oldifs}; if [[ -z $(egetent group "${g}") ]]; then eerror "You must add group ${g} to the system first"; die "${g} is not a valid GID"; fi; if [[ -z ${defgroup} ]]; then defgroup=${g}; else exgroups="${exgroups},${g}"; fi; export IFS=","; done; export IFS=${oldifs}; opts="${opts} -g ${defgroup}"; if [[ ! -z ${exgroups} ]]; then opts="${opts} -G ${exgroups:1}"; fi; else egroups="(none)"; fi; einfo " - Groups: ${egroups}"; local oldsandbox=${SANDBOX_ON}; export SANDBOX_ON="0"; case ${CHOST} in *-darwin*) if [[ -z $@ ]]; then dscl . create /users/${euser} uid ${euid}; dscl . create /users/${euser} shell ${eshell}; dscl . create /users/${euser} home ${ehome}; dscl . create /users/${euser} realname "added by portage for ${PN}"; local oldifs=${IFS}; export IFS=","; for g in ${egroups}; do dscl . merge /groups/${g} users ${euser}; done; export IFS=${oldifs}; else einfo "Extra options are not supported on Darwin yet"; einfo "Please report the ebuild along with the info below"; einfo "eextra: $@"; die "Required function missing"; fi ;; *-freebsd* | *-dragonfly*) if [[ -z $@ ]]; then pw useradd ${euser} ${opts} -c "added by portage for ${PN}" die "enewuser failed"; else einfo " - Extra: $@"; pw useradd ${euser} ${opts} "$@" || die "enewuser failed"; fi ;; *-netbsd*) if [[ -z $@ ]]; then useradd ${opts} ${euser} || die "enewuser failed"; else einfo " - Extra: $@"; useradd ${opts} ${euser} "$@" || die "enewuser failed"; fi ;; *-openbsd*) if [[ -z $@ ]]; then useradd -u ${euid} -s ${eshell} -d ${ehome} -c "Added by portage for ${PN}" -g ${egroups} ${euser} || die "enewuser failed"; else einfo " - Extra: $@"; useradd -u ${euid} -s ${eshell} -d ${ehome} -c "Added by portage for ${PN}" -g ${egroups} ${euser} "$@" || die "enewuser failed"; fi ;; *) if [[ -z $@ ]]; then useradd ${opts} -c "added by portage for ${PN}" ${euser} || die "enewuser failed"; else einfo " - Extra: $@"; useradd ${opts} "$@" ${euser} || die "enewuser failed"; fi ;; esac; if [[ ! -e ${ROOT}/${ehome} ]]; then einfo " - Creating ${ehome} in ${ROOT}"; mkdir -p "${ROOT}/${ehome}"; chown ${euser} "${ROOT}/${ehome}"; chmod 755 "${ROOT}/${ehome}"; fi; export SANDBOX_ON=${oldsandbox} } epatch () { function _epatch_draw_line () { [[ -z $1 ]] && set "$(printf "%65s" '')"; echo "${1//?/=}" }; unset P4CONFIG P4PORT P4USER; if [[ $# -gt 1 ]]; then local m; for m in "$@"; do epatch "${m}"; done; return 0; fi; local SINGLE_PATCH="no"; [[ $# -eq 0 ]] && set -- "${EPATCH_SOURCE}"; if [[ -f $1 ]]; then SINGLE_PATCH="yes"; set -- "$1"; local EPATCH_SUFFIX=$1; else if [[ -d $1 ]]; then set -- "$1"/*${EPATCH_SUFFIX:+."${EPATCH_SUFFIX}"}; else [[ $# -ne 0 ]] && EPATCH_SOURCE=$1; echo; eerror "Cannot find \$EPATCH_SOURCE! Value for \$EPATCH_SOURCE is:"; eerror; eerror " ${EPATCH_SOURCE}"; eerror " ( ${EPATCH_SOURCE##*/} )"; echo; die "Cannot find \$EPATCH_SOURCE!"; fi; fi; local PIPE_CMD; case ${EPATCH_SUFFIX##*\.} in xz) PIPE_CMD="xz -dc" ;; lzma) PIPE_CMD="lzma -dc" ;; bz2) PIPE_CMD="bzip2 -dc" ;; gz | Z | z) PIPE_CMD="gzip -dc" ;; ZIP | zip) PIPE_CMD="unzip -p" ;; *) ;; esac; [[ ${SINGLE_PATCH} == "no" ]] && einfo "${EPATCH_MULTI_MSG}"; local x; for x in "$@"; do [[ ! -f ${x} ]] && continue; local patchname=${x##*/}; local a=${patchname#*_}; a=${a%%_*}; if ! [[ ${SINGLE_PATCH} == "yes" || ${EPATCH_FORCE} == "yes" || ${a} == all || ${a} == ${ARCH} ]]; then continue; fi; if [[ -n ${EPATCH_EXCLUDE} ]]; then eshopts_push -o noglob; local ex; for ex in ${EPATCH_EXCLUDE}; do if [[ ${patchname} == ${ex} ]]; then eshopts_pop; continue 2; fi; done; eshopts_pop; fi; if [[ ${SINGLE_PATCH} == "yes" ]]; then if [[ -n ${EPATCH_SINGLE_MSG} ]]; then einfo "${EPATCH_SINGLE_MSG}"; else einfo "Applying ${patchname} ..."; fi; else einfo " ${patchname} ..."; fi; local STDERR_TARGET="${T}/${patchname}.out"; if [[ -e ${STDERR_TARGET} ]]; then STDERR_TARGET="${T}/${patchname}-$$.out"; fi; printf "***** %s *****\n\n" "${patchname}" > "${STDERR_TARGET}"; local count=0; local PATCH_TARGET; if [[ -n ${PIPE_CMD} ]]; then PATCH_TARGET="${T}/$$.patch"; echo "PIPE_COMMAND: ${PIPE_CMD} ${x} > ${PATCH_TARGET}" >> "${STDERR_TARGET}"; if ! ( ${PIPE_CMD} "${x}" > "${PATCH_TARGET}" ) >> "${STDERR_TARGET}" 2>&1; then echo; eerror "Could not extract patch!"; count=5; break; fi; else PATCH_TARGET=${x}; fi; local abs_paths=$(egrep -n '^[-+]{3} /' "${PATCH_TARGET}" | awk '$2 != "/dev/null" { print }'); if [[ -n ${abs_paths} ]]; then count=1; printf "NOTE: skipping -p0 due to absolute paths in patch:\n%s\n" "${abs_paths}" >> "${STDERR_TARGET}"; fi; while [[ ${count} -lt 5 ]]; do ( _epatch_draw_line "***** ${patchname} *****"; echo; echo "PATCH COMMAND: patch -p${count} ${EPATCH_OPTS} < '${PATCH_TARGET}'"; echo; _epatch_draw_line "***** ${patchname} *****" ) >> "${STDERR_TARGET}"; if ( patch -p${count} ${EPATCH_OPTS} --dry-run -f < "${PATCH_TARGET}" ) >> "${STDERR_TARGET}" 2>&1; then ( _epatch_draw_line "***** ${patchname} *****"; echo; echo "ACTUALLY APPLYING ${patchname} ..."; echo; _epatch_draw_line "***** ${patchname} *****"; patch -p${count} ${EPATCH_OPTS} < "${PATCH_TARGET}" 2>&1 ) >> "${STDERR_TARGET}"; if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo; eerror "A dry-run of patch command succeeded, but actually"; eerror "applying the patch failed!"; count=5; fi; break; fi; : $(( count++ )); done; if [[ -n ${PIPE_CMD} ]]; then rm -f "${PATCH_TARGET}"; fi; if [[ ${count} -ge 5 ]]; then echo; eerror "Failed Patch: ${patchname} !"; eerror " ( ${PATCH_TARGET} )"; eerror; eerror "Include in your bugreport the contents of:"; eerror; eerror " ${STDERR_TARGET}"; echo; die "Failed Patch: ${patchname}!"; fi; rm -f "${STDERR_TARGET}"; eend 0; done; [[ ${SINGLE_PATCH} == "no" ]] && einfo "Done with patching"; : } epatch_user () { [[ $# -ne 0 ]] && die "epatch_user takes no options"; local EPATCH_SOURCE check base=${PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT%/}/etc/portage/patches; for check in {${CATEGORY}/${PF},${CATEGORY}/${P},${CATEGORY}/${PN}}; do EPATCH_SOURCE=${base}/${CTARGET}/${check}; [[ -r ${EPATCH_SOURCE} ]] || EPATCH_SOURCE=${base}/${CHOST}/${check}; [[ -r ${EPATCH_SOURCE} ]] || EPATCH_SOURCE=${base}/${check}; if [[ -d ${EPATCH_SOURCE} ]]; then EPATCH_SOURCE=${EPATCH_SOURCE} EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" EPATCH_FORCE="yes" EPATCH_MULTI_MSG="Applying user patches from ${EPATCH_SOURCE} ..." epatch; break; fi; done } epause () { [[ -z ${EPAUSE_IGNORE} ]] && sleep ${1:-5} } epunt_cxx () { local dir=$1; [[ -z ${dir} ]] && dir=${S}; ebegin "Removing useless C++ checks"; local f; find "${dir}" -name configure | while read f; do patch --no-backup-if-mismatch -p0 "${f}" "${PORTDIR}/eclass/ELT-patches/nocxx/nocxx.patch" > /dev/null; done; eend 0 } eshopts_pop () { [[ $# -ne 0 ]] && die "eshopts_pop takes no arguments"; local i=$(( ${#__ESHOPTS_SAVE__[@]} - 1 )); [[ ${i} -eq -1 ]] && die "eshopts_{push,pop}: unbalanced pair"; local s=${__ESHOPTS_SAVE__[$i]}; unset __ESHOPTS_SAVE__[$i]; if [[ ${s} == "shopt -"* ]]; then eval "${s}" || die "eshopts_pop: sanity: invalid shopt options: ${s}"; else set +$- || die "eshopts_pop: sanity: invalid shell settings: $-"; set -${s} || die "eshopts_pop: sanity: unable to restore saved shell settings: ${s}"; fi } eshopts_push () { local i=${#__ESHOPTS_SAVE__[@]}; if [[ $1 == -[su] ]]; then __ESHOPTS_SAVE__[$i]=$(shopt -p); [[ $# -eq 0 ]] && return 0; shopt "$@" || die "eshopts_push: bad options to shopt: $*"; else __ESHOPTS_SAVE__[$i]=$-; [[ $# -eq 0 ]] && return 0; set "$@" || die "eshopts_push: bad options to set: $*"; fi } esvn_clean () { [[ -z $* ]] && set -- .; find "$@" -type d -name '.svn' -prune -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf } fdo-mime_desktop_database_update () { if [ -x "/usr/bin/update-desktop-database" ]; then einfo "Updating desktop mime database ..."; "/usr/bin/update-desktop-database" -q "${ROOT}/usr/share/applications"; fi } fdo-mime_mime_database_update () { if [ -x "/usr/bin/update-mime-database" ]; then einfo "Updating shared mime info database ..."; "/usr/bin/update-mime-database" "${ROOT}/usr/share/mime"; fi } find_unpackable_file () { local src=$1; if [[ -z ${src} ]]; then src=${DISTDIR}/${A}; else if [[ -e ${DISTDIR}/${src} ]]; then src=${DISTDIR}/${src}; else if [[ -e ${PWD}/${src} ]]; then src=${PWD}/${src}; else if [[ -e ${src} ]]; then src=${src}; fi; fi; fi; fi; [[ ! -e ${src} ]] && return 1; echo "${src}" } gcc-fullversion () { $(tc-getCC "$@") -dumpversion } gcc-major-version () { gcc-version "$@" | cut -f1 -d. } gcc-micro-version () { gcc-fullversion "$@" | cut -f3 -d. | cut -f1 -d- } gcc-minor-version () { gcc-version "$@" | cut -f2 -d. } gcc-specs-directive () { local directive subdname subdirective; directive="$(_gcc-specs-directive_raw $1)"; while [[ ${directive} == *%\(*\)* ]]; do subdname=${directive/*%\(}; subdname=${subdname/\)*}; subdirective="$(_gcc-specs-directive_raw ${subdname})"; directive="${directive//\%(${subdname})/${subdirective}}"; done; echo "${directive}"; return 0 } gcc-specs-nostrict () { local directive; directive=$(gcc-specs-directive cc1); return $([[ "${directive/\{!fstrict-overflow:}" != "${directive}" ]]) } gcc-specs-now () { local directive; directive=$(gcc-specs-directive link_command); return $([[ "${directive/\{!nonow:}" != "${directive}" ]]) } gcc-specs-pie () { local directive; directive=$(gcc-specs-directive cc1); return $([[ "${directive/\{!nopie:}" != "${directive}" ]]) } gcc-specs-relro () { local directive; directive=$(gcc-specs-directive link_command); return $([[ "${directive/\{!norelro:}" != "${directive}" ]]) } gcc-specs-ssp () { local directive; directive=$(gcc-specs-directive cc1); return $([[ "${directive/\{!fno-stack-protector:}" != "${directive}" ]]) } gcc-specs-ssp-to-all () { local directive; directive=$(gcc-specs-directive cc1); return $([[ "${directive/\{!fno-stack-protector-all:}" != "${directive}" ]]) } gcc-version () { gcc-fullversion "$@" | cut -f1,2 -d. } gen_usr_ldscript () { local lib libdir=$(get_libdir) output_format="" auto=false suffix=$(get_libname); [[ -z ${ED+set} ]] && local ED=${D%/}${EPREFIX}/; tc-is-static-only && return; dodir /usr/${libdir}; if [[ $1 == "-a" ]]; then auto=true; shift; dodir /${libdir}; fi; output_format=$($(tc-getCC) ${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} -Wl,--verbose 2>&1 | sed -n 's/^OUTPUT_FORMAT("\([^"]*\)",.*/\1/p'); [[ -n ${output_format} ]] && output_format="OUTPUT_FORMAT ( ${output_format} )"; for lib in "$@"; do local tlib; if ${auto}; then lib="lib${lib}${suffix}"; else [[ -r ${ED}/${libdir}/${lib} ]] || continue; fi; case ${CTARGET:-${CHOST}} in *-darwin*) if ${auto}; then tlib=$(scanmacho -qF'%S#F' "${ED}"/usr/${libdir}/${lib}); else tlib=$(scanmacho -qF'%S#F' "${ED}"/${libdir}/${lib}); fi; [[ -z ${tlib} ]] && die "unable to read install_name from ${lib}"; tlib=${tlib##*/}; if ${auto}; then mv "${ED}"/usr/${libdir}/${lib%${suffix}}.*${suffix#.} "${ED}"/${libdir}/ || die; if [[ ${tlib} != ${lib%${suffix}}.*${suffix#.} ]]; then mv "${ED}"/usr/${libdir}/${tlib%${suffix}}.*${suffix#.} "${ED}"/${libdir}/ || die; fi; rm -f "${ED}"/${libdir}/${lib}; fi; if [[ ! -w "${ED}/${libdir}/${tlib}" ]]; then chmod u+w "${ED}${libdir}/${tlib}"; local nowrite=yes; fi; install_name_tool -id "${EPREFIX}"/${libdir}/${tlib} "${ED}"/${libdir}/${tlib} || die "install_name_tool failed"; [[ -n ${nowrite} ]] && chmod u-w "${ED}${libdir}/${tlib}"; pushd "${ED}/usr/${libdir}" > /dev/null; ln -snf "../../${libdir}/${tlib}" "${lib}"; popd > /dev/null ;; *-aix* | *-irix* | *64*-hpux* | *-interix* | *-winnt*) if ${auto}; then mv "${ED}"/usr/${libdir}/${lib}* "${ED}"/${libdir}/ || die; tlib=$(readlink "${ED}"/${libdir}/${lib}); tlib=${tlib##*/}; if [[ -z ${tlib} ]]; then tlib=${lib}; else rm -f "${ED}"/${libdir}/${lib}; fi; else tlib=${lib}; fi; pushd "${ED}/usr/${libdir}" > /dev/null; ln -snf "../../${libdir}/${tlib}" "${lib}"; popd > /dev/null ;; hppa*-hpux*) if ${auto}; then tlib=$(chatr "${ED}"/usr/${libdir}/${lib} | sed -n '/internal name:/{n;s/^ *//;p;q}'); [[ -z ${tlib} ]] && tlib=${lib}; tlib=${tlib##*/}; mv "${ED}"/usr/${libdir}/${lib}* "${ED}"/${libdir}/ || die; if [[ ${tlib} != ${lib}* ]]; then mv "${ED}"/usr/${libdir}/${tlib}* "${ED}"/${libdir}/ || die; fi; [[ ${tlib} != ${lib} ]] && rm -f "${ED}"/${libdir}/${lib}; else tlib=$(chatr "${ED}"/${libdir}/${lib} | sed -n '/internal name:/{n;s/^ *//;p;q}'); [[ -z ${tlib} ]] && tlib=${lib}; tlib=${tlib##*/}; fi; pushd "${ED}"/usr/${libdir} > /dev/null; ln -snf "../../${libdir}/${tlib}" "${lib}"; [[ ${tlib} != ${lib} ]] && ln -snf "../../${libdir}/${tlib}" "${tlib}"; popd > /dev/null ;; *) if ${auto}; then tlib=$(scanelf -qF'%S#F' "${ED}"/usr/${libdir}/${lib}); [[ -z ${tlib} ]] && die "unable to read SONAME from ${lib}"; mv "${ED}"/usr/${libdir}/${lib}* "${ED}"/${libdir}/ || die; if [[ ${tlib} != ${lib}* ]]; then mv "${ED}"/usr/${libdir}/${tlib}* "${ED}"/${libdir}/ || die; fi; rm -f "${ED}"/${libdir}/${lib}; else tlib=${lib}; fi; cat > "${ED}/usr/${libdir}/${lib}" <<-END_LDSCRIPT /* GNU ld script Since Gentoo has critical dynamic libraries in /lib, and the static versions in /usr/lib, we need to have a "fake" dynamic lib in /usr/lib, otherwise we run into linking problems. This "fake" dynamic lib is a linker script that redirects the linker to the real lib. And yes, this works in the cross- compiling scenario as the sysroot-ed linker will prepend the real path. See bug for more info. */ ${output_format} GROUP ( ${EPREFIX}/${libdir}/${tlib} ) END_LDSCRIPT ;; esac fperms a+x "/usr/${libdir}/${lib}" || die "could not change perms on ${lib}"; done } get_abi_ASFLAGS () { get_abi_var ASFLAGS "$@" } get_abi_CDEFINE () { get_abi_var CDEFINE "$@" } get_abi_CFLAGS () { get_abi_var CFLAGS "$@" } get_abi_CHOST () { get_abi_var CHOST "$@" } get_abi_CTARGET () { get_abi_var CTARGET "$@" } get_abi_FAKE_TARGETS () { get_abi_var FAKE_TARGETS "$@" } get_abi_LDFLAGS () { get_abi_var LDFLAGS "$@" } get_abi_LIBDIR () { get_abi_var LIBDIR "$@" } get_abi_var () { local flag=$1; local abi; if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then abi=${2}; else if [ -n "${ABI}" ]; then abi=${ABI}; else if [ -n "${DEFAULT_ABI}" ]; then abi=${DEFAULT_ABI}; else abi="default"; fi; fi; fi; local var="${flag}_${abi}"; echo ${!var} } get_all_abis () { local order=""; if [[ -z ${MULTILIB_ABIS} ]]; then echo "default"; return 0; fi; for x in ${MULTILIB_ABIS}; do if [[ ${x} != ${DEFAULT_ABI} ]]; then order="${order:+${order} }${x}"; fi; done; order="${order:+${order} }${DEFAULT_ABI}"; echo ${order}; return 0 } get_all_libdirs () { local libdirs="lib"; local abi; local dir; for abi in ${MULTILIB_ABIS}; do [ "$(get_abi_LIBDIR ${abi})" != "lib" ] && libdirs="${libdirs} $(get_abi_LIBDIR ${abi})"; done; echo "${libdirs}" } get_bmake () { if [[ ${USERLAND} == *BSD ]]; then echo make; else if [[ ${USERLAND} == "Darwin" ]]; then echo bsdmake; else echo pmake; fi; fi } get_install_abis () { local order=""; if [[ -z ${MULTILIB_ABIS} ]]; then echo "default"; return 0; fi; if [[ ${EMULTILIB_PKG} == "true" ]]; then for x in ${MULTILIB_ABIS}; do if [[ ${x} != "${DEFAULT_ABI}" ]]; then hasq ${x} ${ABI_DENY} || ordera="${ordera} ${x}"; fi; done; hasq ${DEFAULT_ABI} ${ABI_DENY} || order="${ordera} ${DEFAULT_ABI}"; if [[ -n ${ABI_ALLOW} ]]; then local ordera=""; for x in ${order}; do if hasq ${x} ${ABI_ALLOW}; then ordera="${ordera} ${x}"; fi; done; order=${ordera}; fi; else order=${DEFAULT_ABI}; fi; if [[ -z ${order} ]]; then die "The ABI list is empty. Are you using a proper multilib profile? Perhaps your USE flags or MULTILIB_ABIS are too restrictive for this package."; fi; echo ${order}; return 0 } get_libdir () { local CONF_LIBDIR; if [ -n "${CONF_LIBDIR_OVERRIDE}" ]; then echo ${CONF_LIBDIR_OVERRIDE}; else get_abi_LIBDIR; fi } get_libdir_override () { if has_multilib_profile; then eerror "get_libdir_override called, but it shouldn't be needed with the new multilib approach. Please file a bug at and assign it to"; exit 1; fi; CONF_LIBDIR="$1"; CONF_LIBDIR_OVERRIDE="$1"; LIBDIR_default="$1" } get_libname () { local libname; local ver=$1; case ${CHOST} in *-cygwin | mingw* | *-mingw*) libname="dll" ;; *-darwin*) libname="dylib" ;; *-aix*) libname="a" ;; *-mint*) libname="irrelevant" ;; hppa*-hpux*) libname="sl" ;; *) libname="so" ;; esac; if [[ -z $* ]]; then echo ".${libname}"; else for ver in "$@"; do case ${CHOST} in *-darwin*) echo ".${ver}.${libname}" ;; *-aix*) echo ".${libname}" ;; *-mint*) echo ".${libname}" ;; *) echo ".${libname}.${ver}" ;; esac; done; fi } get_ml_incdir () { local dir=/usr/include; if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; then incdir=$1; shift; fi; if [[ -z "${MULTILIB_ABIS}" ]]; then echo ${incdir}; return 0; fi; local abi=${ABI-${DEFAULT_ABI}}; if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; then abi=$1; shift; fi; if [[ -d "${dir}/gentoo-multilib/${abi}" ]]; then echo ${dir}/gentoo-multilib/${abi}; else echo ${dir}; fi } get_modname () { local modname; local ver=$1; case ${CHOST} in *-darwin*) modname="bundle" ;; *) modname="so" ;; esac; echo ".${modname}" } get_mounts () { local point= node= fs= opts= foo=; if [[ $(uname -s) == "Linux" ]]; then while read node point fs opts foo; do echo "${point} ${node} ${fs} ${opts}"; done < /proc/mounts; return; fi; local IFS=' '; LC_ALL=C mount -p | while read node point fs foo; do opts=${fs#* }; fs=${fs%% *}; echo "${point// /\040} ${node// /\040} ${fs%% *} ${opts// /\040}"; done } get_multilibdir () { if has_multilib_profile; then eerror "get_multilibdir called, but it shouldn't be needed with the new multilib approach. Please file a bug at and assign it to"; exit 1; fi; echo ${CONF_MULTILIBDIR:=lib32} } has_multilib_profile () { [ -n "${MULTILIB_ABIS}" -a "${MULTILIB_ABIS}" != "${MULTILIB_ABIS/ /}" ] } is-login-disabled () { shell=$(egetshell "$1"); case ${shell} in /bin/false | /usr/bin/false | /sbin/nologin | /usr/sbin/nologin) return 0 ;; *) return 1 ;; esac } is_final_abi () { has_multilib_profile || return 0; local ALL_ABIS=$(get_install_abis); local LAST_ABI=${ALL_ABIS/* /}; [[ ${LAST_ABI} == ${ABI} ]] } make_desktop_entry () { [[ -z $1 ]] && die "make_desktop_entry: You must specify the executable"; local exec=${1}; local name=${2:-${PN}}; local icon=${3:-${PN}}; local type=${4}; local fields=${5}; if [[ -z ${type} ]]; then local catmaj=${CATEGORY%%-*}; local catmin=${CATEGORY##*-}; case ${catmaj} in app) case ${catmin} in accessibility) type=Accessibility ;; admin) type=System ;; antivirus) type=System ;; arch) type=Archiving ;; backup) type=Archiving ;; cdr) type=DiscBurning ;; dicts) type=Dictionary ;; doc) type=Documentation ;; editors) type=TextEditor ;; emacs) type=TextEditor ;; emulation) type=Emulator ;; laptop) type=HardwareSettings ;; office) type=Office ;; pda) type=PDA ;; vim) type=TextEditor ;; xemacs) type=TextEditor ;; esac ;; dev) type="Development" ;; games) case ${catmin} in action | fps) type=ActionGame ;; arcade) type=ArcadeGame ;; board) type=BoardGame ;; emulation) type=Emulator ;; kids) type=KidsGame ;; puzzle) type=LogicGame ;; roguelike) type=RolePlaying ;; rpg) type=RolePlaying ;; simulation) type=Simulation ;; sports) type=SportsGame ;; strategy) type=StrategyGame ;; esac; type="Game;${type}" ;; gnome) type="Gnome;GTK" ;; kde) type="KDE;Qt" ;; mail) type="Network;Email" ;; media) case ${catmin} in gfx) type=Graphics ;; *) case ${catmin} in radio) type=Tuner ;; sound) type=Audio ;; tv) type=TV ;; video) type=Video ;; esac; type="AudioVideo;${type}" ;; esac ;; net) case ${catmin} in dialup) type=Dialup ;; ftp) type=FileTransfer ;; im) type=InstantMessaging ;; irc) type=IRCClient ;; mail) type=Email ;; news) type=News ;; nntp) type=News ;; p2p) type=FileTransfer ;; voip) type=Telephony ;; esac; type="Network;${type}" ;; sci) case ${catmin} in astro*) type=Astronomy ;; bio*) type=Biology ;; calc*) type=Calculator ;; chem*) type=Chemistry ;; elec*) type=Electronics ;; geo*) type=Geology ;; math*) type=Math ;; physics) type=Physics ;; visual*) type=DataVisualization ;; esac; type="Education;Science;${type}" ;; sys) type="System" ;; www) case ${catmin} in client) type=WebBrowser ;; esac; type="Network;${type}" ;; *) type= ;; esac; fi; if [ "${SLOT}" == "0" ]; then local desktop_name="${PN}"; else local desktop_name="${PN}-${SLOT}"; fi; local desktop="${T}/$(echo ${exec} | sed 's:[[:space:]/:]:_:g')-${desktop_name}.desktop"; type=${type%;}${type:+;}; eshopts_push -s extglob; if [[ -n ${icon} && ${icon} != /* ]] && [[ ${icon} == *.xpm || ${icon} == *.png || ${icon} == *.svg ]]; then ewarn "As described in the Icon Theme Specification, icon file extensions are not"; ewarn "allowed in .desktop files if the value is not an absolute path."; icon=${icon%.@(xpm|png|svg)}; fi; eshopts_pop; cat > "${desktop}" <<-EOF [Desktop Entry] Name=${name} Type=Application Comment=${DESCRIPTION} Exec=${exec} TryExec=${exec%% *} Icon=${icon} Categories=${type} EOF if [[ ${fields:-=} != *=* ]]; then ewarn "make_desktop_entry: update your 5th arg to read Path=${fields}"; fields="Path=${fields}"; fi; [[ -n ${fields} ]] && printf "${fields}\n" >> "${desktop}"; ( insinto /usr/share/applications; doins "${desktop}" ) || die "installing desktop file failed" } make_session_desktop () { [[ -z $1 ]] && eerror "$0: You must specify the title" && return 1; [[ -z $2 ]] && eerror "$0: You must specify the command" && return 1; local title=$1; local command=$2; local desktop=${T}/${wm:-${PN}}.desktop; shift 2; cat > "${desktop}" <<-EOF [Desktop Entry] Name=${title} Comment=This session logs you into ${title} Exec=${command} $* TryExec=${command} Type=XSession EOF ( insinto /usr/share/xsessions; doins "${desktop}" ) } make_wrapper () { local wrapper=$1 bin=$2 chdir=$3 libdir=$4 path=$5; local tmpwrapper=$(emktemp); cat > "${tmpwrapper}" < [more libraries to preserve]"; has preserve-libs ${FEATURES} && return 0; local lib dir; for lib in "$@"; do [[ -e ${ROOT}/${lib} ]] || continue; dir=${lib%/*}; dodir ${dir} || die "dodir ${dir} failed"; cp "${ROOT}"/${lib} "${D}"/${lib} || die "cp ${lib} failed"; touch "${D}"/${lib}; done } preserve_old_lib_notify () { if [[ ${EBUILD_PHASE} != "postinst" ]]; then eerror "preserve_old_lib_notify() must be called from pkg_postinst() only"; die "Invalid preserve_old_lib_notify() usage"; fi; has preserve-libs ${FEATURES} && return 0; local lib notice=0; for lib in "$@"; do [[ -e ${ROOT}/${lib} ]] || continue; if [[ ${notice} -eq 0 ]]; then notice=1; ewarn "Old versions of installed libraries were detected on your system."; ewarn "In order to avoid breaking packages that depend on these old libs,"; ewarn "the libraries are not being removed. You need to run revdep-rebuild"; ewarn "in order to remove these old dependencies. If you do not have this"; ewarn "helper program, simply emerge the 'gentoolkit' package."; ewarn; fi; ewarn " # revdep-rebuild --library ${lib##*/}"; done; if [[ ${notice} -eq 1 ]]; then ewarn; ewarn "Once you've finished running revdep-rebuild, it should be safe to"; ewarn "delete the old libraries. Here is a copy & paste for the lazy:"; for lib in "$@"; do ewarn " # rm '${lib}'"; done; fi } python_clean_sitedirs () { _python_initialize_prefix_variables; find "${ED}"usr/$(get_libdir)/python*/site-packages "(" -name "*.c" -o -name "*.h" -o -name "*.la" ")" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f } python_convert_shebangs () { local argument file files=() only_executables="0" python_version quiet="0" recursive="0"; while (($#)); do case "$1" in -r | --recursive) recursive="1" ;; -q | --quiet) quiet="1" ;; -x | --only-executables) only_executables="1" ;; --) shift; break ;; -*) die "${FUNCNAME}(): Unrecognized option '$1'" ;; *) break ;; esac; shift; done; if [[ "$#" -eq 0 ]]; then die "${FUNCNAME}(): Missing Python version and files or directories"; else if [[ "$#" -eq 1 ]]; then die "${FUNCNAME}(): Missing files or directories"; fi; fi; python_version="$1"; shift; for argument in "$@"; do if [[ ! -e "${argument}" ]]; then die "${FUNCNAME}(): '${argument}' does not exist"; else if [[ -f "${argument}" ]]; then files+=("${argument}"); else if [[ -d "${argument}" ]]; then if [[ "${recursive}" == "1" ]]; then while read -d '' -r file; do files+=("${file}"); done < <(find "${argument}" $([[ "${only_executables}" == "1" ]] && echo -perm /111) -type f -print0); else die "${FUNCNAME}(): '${argument}' is not a regular file"; fi; else die "${FUNCNAME}(): '${argument}' is not a regular file or a directory"; fi; fi; fi; done; for file in "${files[@]}"; do file="${file#./}"; [[ "${only_executables}" == "1" && ! -x "${file}" ]] && continue; if [[ "$(head -n1 "${file}")" =~ ^'#!'.*python ]]; then [[ "$(sed -ne "2p" "${file}")" =~ ^"# Gentoo '".*"' wrapper script generated by python_generate_wrapper_scripts()"$ ]] && continue; if [[ "${quiet}" == "0" ]]; then einfo "Converting shebang in '${file}'"; fi; sed -e "1s/python\([[:digit:]]\+\(\.[[:digit:]]\+\)\?\)\?/python${python_version}/" -i "${file}" || die "Conversion of shebang in '${file}' failed"; sed -e '1s/\(^#!\)[[:space:]]*/\1/' -i "${file}" || die "sed '${file}' failed"; fi; done } python_copy_sources () { if ! _python_package_supporting_installation_for_multiple_python_abis; then die "${FUNCNAME}() cannot be used in ebuilds of packages not supporting installation for multiple Python ABIs"; fi; local dir dirs=() PYTHON_ABI; if [[ "$#" -eq 0 ]]; then if [[ "${WORKDIR}" == "${S}" ]]; then die "${FUNCNAME}() cannot be used"; fi; dirs=("${S%/}"); else dirs=("$@"); fi; validate_PYTHON_ABIS; for PYTHON_ABI in ${PYTHON_ABIS}; do for dir in "${dirs[@]}"; do cp -pr "${dir}" "${dir}-${PYTHON_ABI}" > /dev/null || die "Copying of sources failed"; done; done } python_disable_pyc () { export PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE="1" } python_enable_pyc () { unset PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE } python_execute_function () { if ! _python_package_supporting_installation_for_multiple_python_abis; then die "${FUNCNAME}() cannot be used in ebuilds of packages not supporting installation for multiple Python ABIs"; fi; _python_set_color_variables; local action action_message action_message_template= default_function="0" failure_message failure_message_template= final_ABI="0" function i iterated_PYTHON_ABIS nonfatal="0" previous_directory previous_directory_stack previous_directory_stack_length PYTHON_ABI quiet="0" separate_build_dirs="0" source_dir=; while (($#)); do case "$1" in --action-message) action_message_template="$2"; shift ;; -d | --default-function) default_function="1" ;; --failure-message) failure_message_template="$2"; shift ;; -f | --final-ABI) final_ABI="1" ;; --nonfatal) nonfatal="1" ;; -q | --quiet) quiet="1" ;; -s | --separate-build-dirs) separate_build_dirs="1" ;; --source-dir) source_dir="$2"; shift ;; --) shift; break ;; -*) die "${FUNCNAME}(): Unrecognized option '$1'" ;; *) break ;; esac; shift; done; if [[ -n "${source_dir}" && "${separate_build_dirs}" == 0 ]]; then die "${FUNCNAME}(): '--source-dir' option can be specified only with '--separate-build-dirs' option"; fi; if [[ "${default_function}" == "0" ]]; then if [[ "$#" -eq 0 ]]; then die "${FUNCNAME}(): Missing function name"; fi; function="$1"; shift; if [[ -z "$(type -t "${function}")" ]]; then die "${FUNCNAME}(): '${function}' function is not defined"; fi; else if has "${EAPI:-0}" 0 1; then die "${FUNCNAME}(): '--default-function' option cannot be used in this EAPI"; fi; if [[ "${EBUILD_PHASE}" == "configure" ]]; then if has "${EAPI}" 2 3; then function python_default_function () { econf "$@" }; else function python_default_function () { nonfatal econf "$@" }; fi; else if [[ "${EBUILD_PHASE}" == "compile" ]]; then function python_default_function () { emake "$@" }; else if [[ "${EBUILD_PHASE}" == "test" ]]; then function python_default_function () { if emake -j1 -n check &>/dev/null; then emake -j1 check "$@"; else if emake -j1 -n test &>/dev/null; then emake -j1 test "$@"; fi; fi }; else if [[ "${EBUILD_PHASE}" == "install" ]]; then function python_default_function () { emake DESTDIR="${D}" install "$@" }; else die "${FUNCNAME}(): '--default-function' option cannot be used in this ebuild phase"; fi; fi; fi; fi; function="python_default_function"; fi; for ((i = 1; i < "${#FUNCNAME[@]}"; i++)) do if [[ "${FUNCNAME[${i}]}" == "${FUNCNAME}" ]]; then die "${FUNCNAME}(): Invalid call stack"; fi; done; if [[ "${quiet}" == "0" ]]; then [[ "${EBUILD_PHASE}" == "setup" ]] && action="Setting up"; [[ "${EBUILD_PHASE}" == "unpack" ]] && action="Unpacking"; [[ "${EBUILD_PHASE}" == "prepare" ]] && action="Preparation"; [[ "${EBUILD_PHASE}" == "configure" ]] && action="Configuration"; [[ "${EBUILD_PHASE}" == "compile" ]] && action="Building"; [[ "${EBUILD_PHASE}" == "test" ]] && action="Testing"; [[ "${EBUILD_PHASE}" == "install" ]] && action="Installation"; [[ "${EBUILD_PHASE}" == "preinst" ]] && action="Preinstallation"; [[ "${EBUILD_PHASE}" == "postinst" ]] && action="Postinstallation"; [[ "${EBUILD_PHASE}" == "prerm" ]] && action="Preuninstallation"; [[ "${EBUILD_PHASE}" == "postrm" ]] && action="Postuninstallation"; fi; validate_PYTHON_ABIS; if [[ "${final_ABI}" == "1" ]]; then iterated_PYTHON_ABIS="$(PYTHON -f --ABI)"; else iterated_PYTHON_ABIS="${PYTHON_ABIS}"; fi; for PYTHON_ABI in ${iterated_PYTHON_ABIS}; do if [[ "${quiet}" == "0" ]]; then if [[ -n "${action_message_template}" ]]; then action_message="$(eval echo -n "${action_message_template}")"; else action_message="${action} of ${CATEGORY}/${PF} with $(python_get_implementation) $(python_get_version)..."; fi; echo " ${_GREEN}*${_NORMAL} ${_BLUE}${action_message}${_NORMAL}"; fi; if [[ "${separate_build_dirs}" == "1" ]]; then if [[ -n "${source_dir}" ]]; then export BUILDDIR="${S}/${source_dir}-${PYTHON_ABI}"; else export BUILDDIR="${S}-${PYTHON_ABI}"; fi; pushd "${BUILDDIR}" > /dev/null || die "pushd failed"; else export BUILDDIR="${S}"; fi; previous_directory="$(pwd)"; previous_directory_stack="$(dirs -p)"; previous_directory_stack_length="$(dirs -p | wc -l)"; if ! has "${EAPI}" 0 1 2 3 && has "${PYTHON_ABI}" ${FAILURE_TOLERANT_PYTHON_ABIS}; then EPYTHON="$(PYTHON)" nonfatal "${function}" "$@"; else EPYTHON="$(PYTHON)" "${function}" "$@"; fi; if [[ "$?" != "0" ]]; then if [[ -n "${failure_message_template}" ]]; then failure_message="$(eval echo -n "${failure_message_template}")"; else failure_message="${action} failed with $(python_get_implementation) $(python_get_version) in ${function}() function"; fi; if [[ "${nonfatal}" == "1" ]]; then if [[ "${quiet}" == "0" ]]; then ewarn "${_RED}${failure_message}${_NORMAL}"; fi; else if [[ "${final_ABI}" == "0" ]] && has "${PYTHON_ABI}" ${FAILURE_TOLERANT_PYTHON_ABIS}; then if [[ "${EBUILD_PHASE}" != "test" ]] || ! has test-fail-continue ${FEATURES}; then local enabled_PYTHON_ABIS= other_PYTHON_ABI; for other_PYTHON_ABI in ${PYTHON_ABIS}; do [[ "${other_PYTHON_ABI}" != "${PYTHON_ABI}" ]] && enabled_PYTHON_ABIS+="${enabled_PYTHON_ABIS:+ }${other_PYTHON_ABI}"; done; export PYTHON_ABIS="${enabled_PYTHON_ABIS}"; fi; if [[ "${quiet}" == "0" ]]; then ewarn "${_RED}${failure_message}${_NORMAL}"; fi; if [[ -z "${PYTHON_ABIS}" ]]; then die "${function}() function failed with all enabled Python ABIs"; fi; else die "${failure_message}"; fi; fi; fi; if [[ "$(dirs -p | wc -l)" -lt "${previous_directory_stack_length}" ]]; then die "Directory stack decreased illegally"; fi; while [[ "$(dirs -p | wc -l)" -gt "${previous_directory_stack_length}" ]]; do popd > /dev/null || die "popd failed"; done; cd "${previous_directory}"; if [[ "$(dirs -p)" != "${previous_directory_stack}" ]]; then die "Directory stack changed illegally"; fi; if [[ "${separate_build_dirs}" == "1" ]]; then popd > /dev/null || die "popd failed"; fi; unset BUILDDIR; done; if [[ "${default_function}" == "1" ]]; then unset -f python_default_function; fi } python_execute_nosetests () { _python_set_color_variables; local PYTHONPATH_template= separate_build_dirs=; while (($#)); do case "$1" in -P | --PYTHONPATH) PYTHONPATH_template="$2"; shift ;; -s | --separate-build-dirs) separate_build_dirs="1" ;; --) shift; break ;; -*) die "${FUNCNAME}(): Unrecognized option '$1'" ;; *) break ;; esac; shift; done; function python_test_function () { local evaluated_PYTHONPATH=; if [[ -n "${PYTHONPATH_template}" ]]; then evaluated_PYTHONPATH="$(eval echo -n "${PYTHONPATH_template}")"; if [[ ! -e "${evaluated_PYTHONPATH}" ]]; then unset evaluated_PYTHONPATH; fi; fi; _python_test_hook pre; if [[ -n "${evaluated_PYTHONPATH}" ]]; then echo ${_BOLD}PYTHONPATH="${evaluated_PYTHONPATH}" nosetests --verbosity="${PYTHON_TEST_VERBOSITY}" "$@"${_NORMAL}; PYTHONPATH="${evaluated_PYTHONPATH}" nosetests --verbosity="${PYTHON_TEST_VERBOSITY}" "$@" || return "$?"; else echo ${_BOLD}nosetests --verbosity="${PYTHON_TEST_VERBOSITY}" "$@"${_NORMAL}; nosetests --verbosity="${PYTHON_TEST_VERBOSITY}" "$@" || return "$?"; fi; _python_test_hook post }; if _python_package_supporting_installation_for_multiple_python_abis; then python_execute_function ${separate_build_dirs:+-s} python_test_function "$@"; else if [[ -n "${separate_build_dirs}" ]]; then die "${FUNCNAME}(): Invalid usage"; fi; python_test_function "$@" || die "Testing failed"; fi; unset -f python_test_function } python_execute_py.test () { _python_set_color_variables; local PYTHONPATH_template= separate_build_dirs=; while (($#)); do case "$1" in -P | --PYTHONPATH) PYTHONPATH_template="$2"; shift ;; -s | --separate-build-dirs) separate_build_dirs="1" ;; --) shift; break ;; -*) die "${FUNCNAME}(): Unrecognized option '$1'" ;; *) break ;; esac; shift; done; function python_test_function () { local evaluated_PYTHONPATH=; if [[ -n "${PYTHONPATH_template}" ]]; then evaluated_PYTHONPATH="$(eval echo -n "${PYTHONPATH_template}")"; if [[ ! -e "${evaluated_PYTHONPATH}" ]]; then unset evaluated_PYTHONPATH; fi; fi; _python_test_hook pre; if [[ -n "${evaluated_PYTHONPATH}" ]]; then echo ${_BOLD}PYTHONPATH="${evaluated_PYTHONPATH}" py.test $([[ "${PYTHON_TEST_VERBOSITY}" -ge 2 ]] && echo -v) "$@"${_NORMAL}; PYTHONPATH="${evaluated_PYTHONPATH}" py.test $([[ "${PYTHON_TEST_VERBOSITY}" -ge 2 ]] && echo -v) "$@" || return "$?"; else echo ${_BOLD}py.test $([[ "${PYTHON_TEST_VERBOSITY}" -gt 1 ]] && echo -v) "$@"${_NORMAL}; py.test $([[ "${PYTHON_TEST_VERBOSITY}" -gt 1 ]] && echo -v) "$@" || return "$?"; fi; _python_test_hook post }; if _python_package_supporting_installation_for_multiple_python_abis; then python_execute_function ${separate_build_dirs:+-s} python_test_function "$@"; else if [[ -n "${separate_build_dirs}" ]]; then die "${FUNCNAME}(): Invalid usage"; fi; python_test_function "$@" || die "Testing failed"; fi; unset -f python_test_function } python_execute_trial () { _python_set_color_variables; local PYTHONPATH_template= separate_build_dirs=; while (($#)); do case "$1" in -P | --PYTHONPATH) PYTHONPATH_template="$2"; shift ;; -s | --separate-build-dirs) separate_build_dirs="1" ;; --) shift; break ;; -*) die "${FUNCNAME}(): Unrecognized option '$1'" ;; *) break ;; esac; shift; done; function python_test_function () { local evaluated_PYTHONPATH=; if [[ -n "${PYTHONPATH_template}" ]]; then evaluated_PYTHONPATH="$(eval echo -n "${PYTHONPATH_template}")"; if [[ ! -e "${evaluated_PYTHONPATH}" ]]; then unset evaluated_PYTHONPATH; fi; fi; _python_test_hook pre; if [[ -n "${evaluated_PYTHONPATH}" ]]; then echo ${_BOLD}PYTHONPATH="${evaluated_PYTHONPATH}" trial $([[ "${PYTHON_TEST_VERBOSITY}" -ge 4 ]] && echo --spew) "$@"${_NORMAL}; PYTHONPATH="${evaluated_PYTHONPATH}" trial $([[ "${PYTHON_TEST_VERBOSITY}" -ge 4 ]] && echo --spew) "$@" || return "$?"; else echo ${_BOLD}trial $([[ "${PYTHON_TEST_VERBOSITY}" -ge 4 ]] && echo --spew) "$@"${_NORMAL}; trial $([[ "${PYTHON_TEST_VERBOSITY}" -ge 4 ]] && echo --spew) "$@" || return "$?"; fi; _python_test_hook post }; if _python_package_supporting_installation_for_multiple_python_abis; then python_execute_function ${separate_build_dirs:+-s} python_test_function "$@"; else if [[ -n "${separate_build_dirs}" ]]; then die "${FUNCNAME}(): Invalid usage"; fi; python_test_function "$@" || die "Testing failed"; fi; unset -f python_test_function } python_generate_wrapper_scripts () { if ! _python_package_supporting_installation_for_multiple_python_abis; then die "${FUNCNAME}() cannot be used in ebuilds of packages not supporting installation for multiple Python ABIs"; fi; _python_initialize_prefix_variables; local eselect_python_option file force="0" quiet="0" PYTHON_ABI python2_enabled="0" python3_enabled="0" respect_EPYTHON="0"; while (($#)); do case "$1" in -E | --respect-EPYTHON) respect_EPYTHON="1" ;; -f | --force) force="1" ;; -q | --quiet) quiet="1" ;; --) shift; break ;; -*) die "${FUNCNAME}(): Unrecognized option '$1'" ;; *) break ;; esac; shift; done; if [[ "$#" -eq 0 ]]; then die "${FUNCNAME}(): Missing arguments"; fi; validate_PYTHON_ABIS; for PYTHON_ABI in "${_CPYTHON2_SUPPORTED_ABIS[@]}"; do if has "${PYTHON_ABI}" ${PYTHON_ABIS}; then python2_enabled="1"; fi; done; for PYTHON_ABI in "${_CPYTHON3_SUPPORTED_ABIS[@]}"; do if has "${PYTHON_ABI}" ${PYTHON_ABIS}; then python3_enabled="1"; fi; done; if [[ "${python2_enabled}" == "1" && "${python3_enabled}" == "1" ]]; then eselect_python_option=; else if [[ "${python2_enabled}" == "1" && "${python3_enabled}" == "0" ]]; then eselect_python_option="--python2"; else if [[ "${python2_enabled}" == "0" && "${python3_enabled}" == "1" ]]; then eselect_python_option="--python3"; else die "${FUNCNAME}(): Unsupported environment"; fi; fi; fi; for file in "$@"; do if [[ -f "${file}" && "${force}" == "0" ]]; then die "${FUNCNAME}(): '$1' already exists"; fi; if [[ "${quiet}" == "0" ]]; then einfo "Generating '${file#${ED%/}}' wrapper script"; fi; cat > "${file}" <> "${file}" <> "${file}" <> "${file}" < /dev/null && echo "${_CYAN}<<< ${dir}${_NORMAL}"; done; else if [[ "${path}" == *.py && ! -f "${path}" ]]; then if [[ ( -f "${path}c" || -f "${path}o" ) ]]; then echo "${_BLUE}<<< ${path}[co]${_NORMAL}"; rm -f "${path}"[co]; fi; if [[ -f "${}\$py.class" ]]; then echo "${_BLUE}<<< ${}\$py.class${_NORMAL}"; rm -f "${}\$py.class"; fi; fi; fi; done } python_mod_compile () { if ! has "${EAPI:-0}" 0 1 2 || _python_package_supporting_installation_for_multiple_python_abis; then eerror "Use python_mod_optimize() instead of ${FUNCNAME}()."; die "${FUNCNAME}() cannot be used in this EAPI"; fi; _python_initialize_prefix_variables; local f myroot myfiles=(); [[ "${EBUILD_PHASE}" != "postinst" ]] && die "${FUNCNAME}() can be used only in pkg_postinst() phase"; myroot="${EROOT%/}"; for f in "$@"; do [[ -f "${myroot}/${f}" ]] && myfiles+=("${myroot}/${f}"); done; if ((${#myfiles[@]})); then "$(PYTHON ${PYTHON_ABI})" "${myroot}$(python_get_libdir)/" "${myfiles[@]}"; "$(PYTHON ${PYTHON_ABI})" -O "${myroot}$(python_get_libdir)/" "${myfiles[@]}" &>/dev/null; else ewarn "No files to compile!"; fi } python_mod_exists () { if ! has "${EAPI:-0}" 0 1 2 || _python_package_supporting_installation_for_multiple_python_abis; then eerror "Use USE dependencies and/or has_version() instead of ${FUNCNAME}()."; die "${FUNCNAME}() cannot be used in this EAPI"; fi; echo; echo " ${_RED}*${_NORMAL} ${_RED}Deprecation Warning: ${FUNCNAME}() is deprecated and will be banned on 2010-07-01.${_NORMAL}"; echo " ${_RED}*${_NORMAL} ${_RED}Use USE dependencies and/or has_version() instead of ${FUNCNAME}().${_NORMAL}"; echo " ${_RED}*${_NORMAL} ${_RED}The ebuild needs to be fixed. Please report a bug, if it has not been already reported.${_NORMAL}"; echo; einfo &>/dev/null; einfo "Deprecation Warning: ${FUNCNAME}() is deprecated and will be banned on 2010-07-01." &>/dev/null; einfo "Use USE dependencies and/or has_version() instead of ${FUNCNAME}()." &>/dev/null; einfo "The ebuild needs to be fixed. Please report a bug, if it has not been already reported." &>/dev/null; einfo &>/dev/null; if [[ "$#" -ne 1 ]]; then die "${FUNCNAME}() requires 1 argument"; fi; "$(PYTHON ${PYTHON_ABI})" -c "import $1" &>/dev/null } python_mod_optimize () { _python_initialize_prefix_variables; [[ "${EBUILD_PHASE}" != "postinst" ]] && die "${FUNCNAME}() can be used only in pkg_postinst() phase"; if ! has "${EAPI:-0}" 0 1 2 || _python_package_supporting_installation_for_multiple_python_abis; then local dir file options=() other_dirs=() other_files=() previous_PYTHON_ABI="${PYTHON_ABI}" PYTHON_ABI="${PYTHON_ABI}" return_code root site_packages_absolute_dirs=() site_packages_dirs=() site_packages_absolute_files=() site_packages_files=(); root="${EROOT%/}"; while (($#)); do case "$1" in -l | -f | -q) options+=("$1") ;; -d | -x) options+=("$1" "$2"); shift ;; -*) ewarn "${FUNCNAME}(): Ignoring option '$1'" ;; *) if ! _python_implementation && [[ "$1" =~ ^"${EPREFIX}"/usr/lib(32|64)?/python[[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+ ]]; then die "${FUNCNAME}() does not support absolute paths of directories/files in site-packages directories"; else if [[ "$1" =~ ^/ ]]; then if [[ -d "${root}/$1" ]]; then other_dirs+=("${root}/$1"); else if [[ -f "${root}/$1" ]]; then other_files+=("${root}/$1"); else if [[ -e "${root}/$1" ]]; then ewarn "'${root}/$1' is not a file or a directory!"; else ewarn "'${root}/$1' does not exist!"; fi; fi; fi; else for PYTHON_ABI in ${PYTHON_ABIS-${PYTHON_ABI:-$(PYTHON --ABI)}}; do if [[ -d "${root}$(python_get_sitedir)/$1" ]]; then site_packages_dirs+=("$1"); break; else if [[ -f "${root}$(python_get_sitedir)/$1" ]]; then site_packages_files+=("$1"); break; else if [[ -e "${root}$(python_get_sitedir)/$1" ]]; then ewarn "'$1' is not a file or a directory!"; else ewarn "'$1' does not exist!"; fi; fi; fi; done; fi; fi ;; esac; shift; done; options+=("-q"); for PYTHON_ABI in ${PYTHON_ABIS-${PYTHON_ABI:-$(PYTHON --ABI)}}; do if ((${#site_packages_dirs[@]})) || ((${#site_packages_files[@]})); then return_code="0"; ebegin "Compilation and optimization of Python modules for $(python_get_implementation) $(python_get_version)"; if ((${#site_packages_dirs[@]})); then for dir in "${site_packages_dirs[@]}"; do site_packages_absolute_dirs+=("${root}$(python_get_sitedir)/${dir}"); done; "$(PYTHON)" "${root}$(python_get_libdir)/" "${options[@]}" "${site_packages_absolute_dirs[@]}" || return_code="1"; if [[ "$(_python_get_implementation "${PYTHON_ABI}")" != "Jython" ]]; then "$(PYTHON)" -O "${root}$(python_get_libdir)/" "${options[@]}" "${site_packages_absolute_dirs[@]}" &>/dev/null || return_code="1"; fi; fi; if ((${#site_packages_files[@]})); then for file in "${site_packages_files[@]}"; do site_packages_absolute_files+=("${root}$(python_get_sitedir)/${file}"); done; "$(PYTHON)" "${root}$(python_get_libdir)/" "${site_packages_absolute_files[@]}" || return_code="1"; if [[ "$(_python_get_implementation "${PYTHON_ABI}")" != "Jython" ]]; then "$(PYTHON)" -O "${root}$(python_get_libdir)/" "${site_packages_absolute_files[@]}" &>/dev/null || return_code="1"; fi; fi; eend "${return_code}"; fi; unset site_packages_absolute_dirs site_packages_absolute_files; done; if [[ -n "${previous_PYTHON_ABI}" ]]; then PYTHON_ABI="${previous_PYTHON_ABI}"; else unset PYTHON_ABI; fi; if ((${#other_dirs[@]})) || ((${#other_files[@]})); then return_code="0"; ebegin "Compilation and optimization of Python modules placed outside of site-packages directories for $(python_get_implementation) $(python_get_version)"; if ((${#other_dirs[@]})); then "$(PYTHON ${PYTHON_ABI})" "${root}$(python_get_libdir)/" "${options[@]}" "${other_dirs[@]}" || return_code="1"; if [[ "$(_python_get_implementation "${PYTHON_ABI-$(PYTHON --ABI)}")" != "Jython" ]]; then "$(PYTHON ${PYTHON_ABI})" -O "${root}$(python_get_libdir)/" "${options[@]}" "${other_dirs[@]}" &>/dev/null || return_code="1"; fi; fi; if ((${#other_files[@]})); then "$(PYTHON ${PYTHON_ABI})" "${root}$(python_get_libdir)/" "${other_files[@]}" || return_code="1"; if [[ "$(_python_get_implementation "${PYTHON_ABI-$(PYTHON --ABI)}")" != "Jython" ]]; then "$(PYTHON ${PYTHON_ABI})" -O "${root}$(python_get_libdir)/" "${other_files[@]}" &>/dev/null || return_code="1"; fi; fi; eend "${return_code}"; fi; else local myroot mydirs=() myfiles=() myopts=() return_code="0"; myroot="${EROOT%/}"; while (($#)); do case "$1" in -l | -f | -q) myopts+=("$1") ;; -d | -x) myopts+=("$1" "$2"); shift ;; -*) ewarn "${FUNCNAME}(): Ignoring option '$1'" ;; *) if [[ -d "${myroot}"/$1 ]]; then mydirs+=("${myroot}/$1"); else if [[ -f "${myroot}"/$1 ]]; then myfiles+=("$1"); else if [[ -e "${myroot}/$1" ]]; then ewarn "${myroot}/$1 is not a file or directory!"; else ewarn "${myroot}/$1 does not exist!"; fi; fi; fi ;; esac; shift; done; myopts+=(-q); ebegin "Compilation and optimization of Python modules for $(python_get_implementation) $(python_get_version)"; if ((${#mydirs[@]})); then "$(PYTHON ${PYTHON_ABI})" "${myroot}$(python_get_libdir)/" "${myopts[@]}" "${mydirs[@]}" || return_code="1"; "$(PYTHON ${PYTHON_ABI})" -O "${myroot}$(python_get_libdir)/" "${myopts[@]}" "${mydirs[@]}" &>/dev/null || return_code="1"; fi; if ((${#myfiles[@]})); then python_mod_compile "${myfiles[@]}"; fi; eend "${return_code}"; fi } python_need_rebuild () { if _python_package_supporting_installation_for_multiple_python_abis; then die "${FUNCNAME}() cannot be used in ebuilds of packages supporting installation for multiple Python ABIs"; fi; export PYTHON_NEED_REBUILD="$(PYTHON --ABI)" } python_pkg_setup () { [[ "${EBUILD_PHASE}" != "setup" ]] && die "${FUNCNAME}() can be used only in pkg_setup() phase"; function python_pkg_setup_fail () { eerror "${1}"; die "${1}" }; if [[ -n "${PYTHON_USE_WITH_OPT}" ]]; then if [[ "${PYTHON_USE_WITH_OPT}" == !* ]]; then use ${PYTHON_USE_WITH_OPT#!} && return; else use !${PYTHON_USE_WITH_OPT} && return; fi; fi; function python_pkg_setup_check_USE_flags () { local pyatom use; pyatom="$(python_get_implementational_package)"; for use in ${PYTHON_USE_WITH}; do if ! has_version "${pyatom}[${use}]"; then python_pkg_setup_fail "Please rebuild ${pyatom} with the following USE flags enabled: ${PYTHON_USE_WITH}"; fi; done; for use in ${PYTHON_USE_WITH_OR}; do if has_version "${pyatom}[${use}]"; then return; fi; done; if [[ -n ${PYTHON_USE_WITH_OR} ]]; then python_pkg_setup_fail "Please rebuild ${pyatom} with at least one of the following USE flags enabled: ${PYTHON_USE_WITH_OR}"; fi }; if _python_package_supporting_installation_for_multiple_python_abis; then python_execute_function -q python_pkg_setup_check_USE_flags; else python_pkg_setup_check_USE_flags; fi; unset -f python_pkg_setup_check_USE_flags python_pkg_setup_fail } python_set_active_version () { if _python_package_supporting_installation_for_multiple_python_abis; then die "${FUNCNAME}() cannot be used in ebuilds of packages supporting installation for multiple Python ABIs"; fi; if [[ "$#" -ne 1 ]]; then die "${FUNCNAME}() requires 1 argument"; fi; _python_initial_sanity_checks; if [[ "$1" =~ ^[[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+$ ]]; then if ! _python_implementation && ! has_version "dev-lang/python:$1"; then die "${FUNCNAME}(): 'dev-lang/python:$1' is not installed"; fi; export EPYTHON="$(PYTHON "$1")"; else if [[ "$1" == "2" ]]; then if ! _python_implementation && ! has_version "=dev-lang/python-2*"; then die "${FUNCNAME}(): '=dev-lang/python-2*' is not installed"; fi; export EPYTHON="$(PYTHON -2)"; else if [[ "$1" == "3" ]]; then if ! _python_implementation && ! has_version "=dev-lang/python-3*"; then die "${FUNCNAME}(): '=dev-lang/python-3*' is not installed"; fi; export EPYTHON="$(PYTHON -3)"; else die "${FUNCNAME}(): Unrecognized argument '$1'"; fi; fi; fi; PYTHON_ABI="${EPYTHON#python}"; PYTHON_ABI="${PYTHON_ABI%%-*}"; _python_final_sanity_checks; PYTHON_REQUESTED_ACTIVE_VERSION="$1" } python_src_compile () { if ! _python_package_supporting_installation_for_multiple_python_abis; then die "${FUNCNAME}() cannot be used in ebuilds of packages not supporting installation for multiple Python ABIs"; fi; python_execute_function -d -s "$@" } python_src_configure () { if ! _python_package_supporting_installation_for_multiple_python_abis; then die "${FUNCNAME}() cannot be used in ebuilds of packages not supporting installation for multiple Python ABIs"; fi; python_execute_function -d -s "$@" } python_src_install () { if ! _python_package_supporting_installation_for_multiple_python_abis; then die "${FUNCNAME}() cannot be used in ebuilds of packages not supporting installation for multiple Python ABIs"; fi; python_execute_function -d -s "$@" } python_src_prepare () { if ! _python_package_supporting_installation_for_multiple_python_abis; then die "${FUNCNAME}() cannot be used in ebuilds of packages not supporting installation for multiple Python ABIs"; fi; python_copy_sources } python_src_test () { if ! _python_package_supporting_installation_for_multiple_python_abis; then die "${FUNCNAME}() cannot be used in ebuilds of packages not supporting installation for multiple Python ABIs"; fi; python_execute_function -d -s "$@" } python_tkinter_exists () { if ! has "${EAPI:-0}" 0 1 2 || _python_package_supporting_installation_for_multiple_python_abis; then eerror "Use PYTHON_USE_WITH=\"xml\" and python_pkg_setup() instead of ${FUNCNAME}()."; die "${FUNCNAME}() cannot be used in this EAPI"; fi; if [[ "${FUNCNAME[1]}" != "distutils_python_tkinter" ]]; then echo; echo " ${_RED}*${_NORMAL} ${_RED}Deprecation Warning: ${FUNCNAME}() is deprecated and will be banned on 2010-07-01.${_NORMAL}"; echo " ${_RED}*${_NORMAL} ${_RED}Use PYTHON_USE_WITH=\"xml\" and python_pkg_setup() instead of ${FUNCNAME}().${_NORMAL}"; echo " ${_RED}*${_NORMAL} ${_RED}The ebuild needs to be fixed. Please report a bug, if it has not been already reported.${_NORMAL}"; echo; einfo &>/dev/null; einfo "Deprecation Warning: ${FUNCNAME}() is deprecated and will be banned on 2010-07-01." &>/dev/null; einfo "Use PYTHON_USE_WITH=\"xml\" and python_pkg_setup() instead of ${FUNCNAME}()." &>/dev/null; einfo "The ebuild needs to be fixed. Please report a bug, if it has not been already reported." &>/dev/null; einfo &>/dev/null; fi; if ! "$(PYTHON ${PYTHON_ABI})" -c "from sys import version_info if version_info[0] == 3: import tkinter else: import Tkinter" &>/dev/null; then eerror "Python needs to be rebuilt with tkinter support enabled."; eerror "Add the following line to '${EPREFIX}/etc/portage/package.use' and rebuild Python"; eerror "dev-lang/python tk"; die "Python installed without support for tkinter"; fi } python_version () { if ! has "${EAPI:-0}" 0 1 2 || _python_package_supporting_installation_for_multiple_python_abis; then eerror "Use PYTHON() and/or python_get_*() instead of ${FUNCNAME}()."; die "${FUNCNAME}() cannot be used in this EAPI"; fi; _python_set_color_variables; if [[ "${FUNCNAME[1]}" != "distutils_python_version" ]]; then echo; echo " ${_RED}*${_NORMAL} ${_RED}Deprecation Warning: ${FUNCNAME}() is deprecated and will be banned on 2010-07-01.${_NORMAL}"; echo " ${_RED}*${_NORMAL} ${_RED}Use PYTHON() instead of python variable. Use python_get_*() instead of PYVER* variables.${_NORMAL}"; echo " ${_RED}*${_NORMAL} ${_RED}The ebuild needs to be fixed. Please report a bug, if it has not been already reported.${_NORMAL}"; echo; einfo &>/dev/null; einfo "Deprecation Warning: ${FUNCNAME}() is deprecated and will be banned on 2010-07-01." &>/dev/null; einfo "Use PYTHON() instead of python variable. Use python_get_*() instead of PYVER* variables." &>/dev/null; einfo "The ebuild needs to be fixed. Please report a bug, if it has not been already reported." &>/dev/null; einfo &>/dev/null; fi; [[ -n "${PYVER}" ]] && return 0; local tmpstr; python="${python:-${EPREFIX}/usr/bin/python}"; tmpstr="$(EPYTHON= ${python} -V 2>&1 )"; export PYVER_ALL="${tmpstr#Python }"; export PYVER_MAJOR="${PYVER_ALL:0:1}"; export PYVER_MINOR="${PYVER_ALL:2:1}"; if [[ "${PYVER_ALL:3:1}" == "." ]]; then export PYVER_MICRO="${PYVER_ALL:4}"; fi; export PYVER="${PYVER_MAJOR}.${PYVER_MINOR}" } register_success_hook () { local x; for x in $*; do hasq $x $EBUILD_SUCCESS_HOOKS || export EBUILD_SUCCESS_HOOKS="$EBUILD_SUCCESS_HOOKS $x"; done } seq () { local p=$(type -P seq); case $# in 1) min=1 max=$1 step=1 ;; 2) min=$1 max=$2 step=1 ;; 3) min=$1 max=$3 step=$2 ;; *) die "seq called with wrong number of arguments" ;; esac; if [[ -z ${p} ]]; then local reps; if [[ ${step} != 0 ]]; then reps=$(( ($max-$min) / $step +1 )); else reps=0; fi; jot $reps $min $max $step; else "${p}" $min $step $max; fi } src_compile () { distutils_src_compile "$@" } src_configure () { _eapi2_src_configure "$@" } src_install () { cat - > "${T}/kbuildsycoca" <<-EOF #!$BASH exit 0 EOF cp "${T}"/{kbuildsycoca,update-mime-database} chmod +x "${T}"/{kbuildsycoca,update-mime-database}; export -n DISPLAY; export XDG_CONFIG_HOME="$HOME/.config"; export CALIBRE_CONFIG_DIRECTORY="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/calibre"; mkdir -p "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME" "$CALIBRE_CONFIG_DIRECTORY"; PATH=${T}:${PATH} PYTHONPATH=${S}/src${PYTHONPATH:+:}${PYTHONPATH} distutils_src_install --bindir="${D}usr/bin" --sharedir="${D}usr/share"; grep -rlZ "${D}" "${D}" | xargs -0 sed -e "s:${D}:/:g" -i || die "failed to fix harcoded \$D in paths"; find "${D}$(python_get_libdir)" -type d -empty -delete; dodir /usr/lib; mv "${D}lib/calibre" "${D}usr/lib/" || die "failed to move lib dir"; find "${D}"lib -type d -empty -delete; dodir /usr/bin; mv "${D}bin/"* "${D}usr/bin/" || die "failed to move bin dir"; find "${D}"bin -type d -empty -delete; dodir /usr/share; mv "${D}share/"* "${D}usr/share/" || die "failed to move share dir"; find "${D}"share -type d -empty -delete; dodir /usr/share/mime/packages; chmod -fR a+rX,u+w,g-w,o-w "$HOME"/.local; mv "$HOME"/.local/share/mime/packages/* "$D"usr/share/mime/packages/ || die "failed to register mime types"; dodir /usr/share/icons; mv "$HOME"/.local/share/icons/* "$D"usr/share/icons/ || die "failed to install icon files"; domenu "$HOME"/.local/share/applications/*.desktop || die "failed to install .desktop menu files"; dobashcompletion "$D"etc/bash_completion.d/calibre; rm -r "${D}"etc/bash_completion.d; find "${D}"etc -type d -empty -delete; python_convert_shebangs -r 2 "$D" } src_prepare () { sed -e "s:'xdg-desktop-menu', 'install':'xdg-desktop-menu', 'install', '--mode', 'user':" -e "s:xdg-icon-resource install:xdg-icon-resource install --mode user:" -e "s:xdg-mime install:xdg-mime install --mode user:" -e "s:old_udev = '/etc:old_udev = '${D}etc:" -i src/calibre/ || die "sed'ing in the IMAGE path failed"; sed -e "s:if os.geteuid() == 0:if False and os.geteuid() == 0:" -i setup/ || die "sed'ing in the IMAGE path failed"; distutils_src_prepare } src_test () { _eapi0_src_test "$@" } src_unpack () { _eapi0_src_unpack "$@" } strip-linguas () { local ls newls nols; if [[ $1 == "-i" ]] || [[ $1 == "-u" ]]; then local op=$1; shift; ls=$(find "$1" -name '*.po' -exec basename {} .po ';'); shift; local d f; for d in "$@"; do if [[ ${op} == "-u" ]]; then newls=${ls}; else newls=""; fi; for f in $(find "$d" -name '*.po' -exec basename {} .po ';'); do if [[ ${op} == "-i" ]]; then hasq ${f} ${ls} && newls="${newls} ${f}"; else hasq ${f} ${ls} || newls="${newls} ${f}"; fi; done; ls=${newls}; done; else ls="$@"; fi; nols=""; newls=""; for f in ${LINGUAS}; do if hasq ${f} ${ls}; then newls="${newls} ${f}"; else nols="${nols} ${f}"; fi; done; [[ -n ${nols} ]] && ewarn "Sorry, but ${PN} does not support the LINGUAS:" ${nols}; export LINGUAS=${newls:1} } tc-arch () { tc-ninja_magic_to_arch portage "$@" } tc-arch-kernel () { tc-ninja_magic_to_arch kern "$@" } tc-endian () { local host=$1; [[ -z ${host} ]] && host=${CTARGET:-${CHOST}}; host=${host%%-*}; case ${host} in alpha*) echo big ;; arm*b*) echo big ;; arm*) echo little ;; cris*) echo little ;; hppa*) echo big ;; i?86*) echo little ;; ia64*) echo little ;; m68*) echo big ;; mips*l*) echo little ;; mips*) echo big ;; powerpc*) echo big ;; s390*) echo big ;; sh*b*) echo big ;; sh*) echo little ;; sparc*) echo big ;; x86_64*) echo little ;; *) echo wtf ;; esac } tc-export () { local var; for var in "$@"; do [[ $(type -t tc-get${var}) != "function" ]] && die "tc-export: invalid export variable '${var}'"; eval tc-get${var} > /dev/null; done } tc-getAR () { tc-getPROG AR ar "$@" } tc-getAS () { tc-getPROG AS as "$@" } tc-getBUILD_CC () { local v; for v in CC_FOR_BUILD BUILD_CC HOSTCC; do if [[ -n ${!v} ]]; then export BUILD_CC=${!v}; echo "${!v}"; return 0; fi; done; local search=; if [[ -n ${CBUILD} ]]; then search=$(type -p ${CBUILD}-gcc); search=${search##*/}; fi; search=${search:-gcc}; export BUILD_CC=${search}; echo "${search}" } tc-getCC () { tc-getPROG CC gcc "$@" } tc-getCPP () { tc-getPROG CPP cpp "$@" } tc-getCXX () { tc-getPROG CXX g++ "$@" } tc-getDLLWRAP () { tc-getPROG DLLWRAP dllwrap "$@" } tc-getF77 () { tc-getPROG F77 f77 "$@" } tc-getFC () { tc-getPROG FC gfortran "$@" } tc-getGCJ () { tc-getPROG GCJ gcj "$@" } tc-getLD () { tc-getPROG LD ld "$@" } tc-getNM () { tc-getPROG NM nm "$@" } tc-getOBJCOPY () { tc-getPROG OBJCOPY objcopy "$@" } tc-getPKG_CONFIG () { tc-getPROG PKG_CONFIG pkg-config "$@" } tc-getPROG () { local var=$1; local prog=$2; if [[ -n ${!var} ]]; then echo "${!var}"; return 0; fi; local search=; [[ -n $3 ]] && search=$(type -p "$3-${prog}"); [[ -z ${search} && -n ${CHOST} ]] && search=$(type -p "${CHOST}-${prog}"); [[ -n ${search} ]] && prog=${search##*/}; export ${var}=${prog}; echo "${!var}" } tc-getRANLIB () { tc-getPROG RANLIB ranlib "$@" } tc-getRC () { tc-getPROG RC windres "$@" } tc-getSTRIP () { tc-getPROG STRIP strip "$@" } tc-has-tls () { local base="${T}/test-tc-tls"; cat > "${base}.c" <<-EOF int foo(int *i) { static __thread int j = 0; return *i ? j : *i; } EOF local flags; case $1 in -s) flags="-S" ;; -c) flags="-c" ;; -l) ;; -*) die "Usage: tc-has-tls [-c|-l] [toolchain prefix]" ;; esac; : ${flags:=-fPIC -shared -Wl,-z,defs}; [[ $1 == -* ]] && shift; $(tc-getCC "$@") ${flags} "${base}.c" -o "${base}" &>/dev/null; local ret=$?; rm -f "${base}"*; return ${ret} } tc-is-cross-compiler () { return $([[ ${CBUILD:-${CHOST}} != ${CHOST} ]]) } tc-is-softfloat () { case ${CTARGET} in bfin* | h8300*) echo "only" ;; *) [[ ${CTARGET//_/-} == *-softfloat-* ]] && echo "yes" || echo "no" ;; esac } tc-is-static-only () { local host=${CTARGET:-${CHOST}}; return $([[ ${host} == *-mint* ]]) } tc-ninja_magic_to_arch () { function ninj () { [[ ${type} == "kern" ]] && echo $1 || echo $2 }; local type=$1; local host=$2; [[ -z ${host} ]] && host=${CTARGET:-${CHOST}}; case ${host} in alpha*) echo alpha ;; arm*) echo arm ;; avr*) ninj avr32 avr ;; bfin*) ninj blackfin bfin ;; cris*) echo cris ;; hppa*) ninj parisc hppa ;; i?86*) if [[ ${type} == "kern" ]] && [[ $(KV_to_int ${KV}) -lt $(KV_to_int 2.6.24) || ${host} == *freebsd* ]]; then echo i386; else echo x86; fi ;; ia64*) echo ia64 ;; m68*) echo m68k ;; mips*) echo mips ;; nios2*) echo nios2 ;; nios*) echo nios ;; powerpc*) if [[ $(KV_to_int ${KV}) -ge $(KV_to_int 2.6.16) ]] && [[ ${type} == "kern" ]]; then echo powerpc; else if [[ $(KV_to_int ${KV}) -eq $(KV_to_int 2.6.15) ]] && [[ ${type} == "kern" ]]; then if [[ ${host} == powerpc64* ]] || [[ ${PROFILE_ARCH} == "ppc64" ]]; then echo powerpc; else echo ppc; fi; else if [[ ${host} == powerpc64* ]]; then echo ppc64; else if [[ ${PROFILE_ARCH} == "ppc64" ]]; then ninj ppc64 ppc; else echo ppc; fi; fi; fi; fi ;; s390*) echo s390 ;; sh64*) ninj sh64 sh ;; sh*) echo sh ;; sparc64*) ninj sparc64 sparc ;; sparc*) [[ ${PROFILE_ARCH} == "sparc64" ]] && ninj sparc64 sparc || echo sparc ;; vax*) echo vax ;; x86_64*) if [[ ${type} == "kern" ]] && [[ $(KV_to_int ${KV}) -ge $(KV_to_int 2.6.24) ]]; then echo x86; else ninj x86_64 amd64; fi ;; *) echo unknown ;; esac } treecopy () { dest=${!#}; files_count=$#; while (( $# > 1 )); do dirstruct=$(dirname "$1"); mkdir -p "${dest}/${dirstruct}"; cp -pPR "$1" "${dest}/${dirstruct}"; shift; done } unpack_makeself () { local src_input=${1:-${A}}; local src=$(find_unpackable_file "${src_input}"); local skip=$2; local exe=$3; [[ -z ${src} ]] && die "Could not locate source for '${src_input}'"; local shrtsrc=$(basename "${src}"); echo ">>> Unpacking ${shrtsrc} to ${PWD}"; if [[ -z ${skip} ]]; then local ver=$(grep -a '#.*Makeself' "${src}" | awk '{print $NF}'); local skip=0; exe=tail; case ${ver} in 1.5.* | 1.6.0-nv) skip=$(grep -a ^skip= "${src}" | cut -d= -f2) ;; 2.0 | 2.0.1) skip=$(grep -a ^' 'tail "${src}" | awk '{print $2}' | cut -b2-) ;; 2.1.1) skip=$(grep -a ^offset= "${src}" | awk '{print $2}' | cut -b2-); let skip="skip + 1" ;; 2.1.2) skip=$(grep -a ^offset= "${src}" | awk '{print $3}' | head -n 1); let skip="skip + 1" ;; 2.1.3) skip=`grep -a ^offset= "${src}" | awk '{print $3}'`; let skip="skip + 1" ;; 2.1.4 | 2.1.5) skip=$(grep -a offset=.*head.*wc "${src}" | awk '{print $3}' | head -n 1); skip=$(head -n ${skip} "${src}" | wc -c); exe="dd" ;; *) eerror "I'm sorry, but I was unable to support the Makeself file."; eerror "The version I detected was '${ver}'."; eerror "Please file a bug about the file ${shrtsrc} at"; eerror " so that support can be added."; die "makeself version '${ver}' not supported" ;; esac; debug-print "Detected Makeself version ${ver} ... using ${skip} as offset"; fi; case ${exe} in tail) exe="tail -n +${skip} '${src}'" ;; dd) exe="dd ibs=${skip} skip=1 obs=1024 conv=sync if='${src}'" ;; *) die "makeself cant handle exe '${exe}'" ;; esac; local tmpfile=$(emktemp); eval ${exe} 2> /dev/null | head -c 512 > "${tmpfile}"; local filetype=$(file -b "${tmpfile}"); case ${filetype} in *tar\ archive*) eval ${exe} | tar --no-same-owner -xf - ;; bzip2*) eval ${exe} | bzip2 -dc | tar --no-same-owner -xf - ;; gzip*) eval ${exe} | tar --no-same-owner -xzf - ;; compress*) eval ${exe} | gunzip | tar --no-same-owner -xf - ;; *) eerror "Unknown filetype \"${filetype}\" ?"; false ;; esac; assert "failure unpacking (${filetype}) makeself ${shrtsrc} ('${ver}' +${skip})" } unpack_pdv () { local src=$(find_unpackable_file "$1"); local sizeoff_t=$2; [[ -z ${src} ]] && die "Could not locate source for '$1'"; [[ -z ${sizeoff_t} ]] && die "No idea what off_t size was used for this pdv :("; local shrtsrc=$(basename "${src}"); echo ">>> Unpacking ${shrtsrc} to ${PWD}"; local metaskip=$(tail -c ${sizeoff_t} "${src}" | hexdump -e \"%i\"); local tailskip=$(tail -c $((${sizeoff_t}*2)) "${src}" | head -c ${sizeoff_t} | hexdump -e \"%i\"); local metafile=$(emktemp); tail -c +$((${metaskip}+1)) "${src}" > "${metafile}"; local datafile=$(tail -c +$((${metaskip}+1)) "${src}" | strings | head -n 1); datafile=$(basename "${datafile}"); local tmpfile=$(emktemp); tail -c +$((${tailskip}+1)) ${src} 2> /dev/null | head -c 512 > ${tmpfile}; local iscompressed=$(file -b "${tmpfile}"); if [[ ${iscompressed:0:8} == "compress" ]]; then iscompressed=1; mv ${tmpfile}{,.Z}; gunzip ${tmpfile}; else iscompressed=0; fi; local istar=$(file -b "${tmpfile}"); if [[ ${istar:0:9} == "POSIX tar" ]]; then istar=1; else istar=0; fi; if [ ${iscompressed} -eq 1 ]; then if [ ${istar} -eq 1 ]; then tail -c +$((${tailskip}+1)) ${src} 2> /dev/null | head -c $((${metaskip}-${tailskip})) | tar -xzf -; else tail -c +$((${tailskip}+1)) ${src} 2> /dev/null | head -c $((${metaskip}-${tailskip})) | gzip -dc > ${datafile}; fi; else if [ ${istar} -eq 1 ]; then tail -c +$((${tailskip}+1)) ${src} 2> /dev/null | head -c $((${metaskip}-${tailskip})) | tar --no-same-owner -xf -; else tail -c +$((${tailskip}+1)) ${src} 2> /dev/null | head -c $((${metaskip}-${tailskip})) > ${datafile}; fi; fi; true } validate_PYTHON_ABIS () { if ! _python_package_supporting_installation_for_multiple_python_abis; then die "${FUNCNAME}() cannot be used in ebuilds of packages not supporting installation for multiple Python ABIs"; fi; _python_initial_sanity_checks; if [[ "$(declare -p PYTHON_ABIS 2> /dev/null)" != "declare -x PYTHON_ABIS="* ]] && has "${EAPI:-0}" 0 1 2 3 4; then local PYTHON_ABI restricted_ABI support_ABI supported_PYTHON_ABIS=; PYTHON_ABI_SUPPORTED_VALUES="${_CPYTHON2_SUPPORTED_ABIS[@]} ${_CPYTHON3_SUPPORTED_ABIS[@]} ${_JYTHON_SUPPORTED_ABIS[@]}"; if [[ "$(declare -p USE_PYTHON 2> /dev/null)" == "declare -x USE_PYTHON="* ]]; then local cpython_enabled="0"; if [[ -z "${USE_PYTHON}" ]]; then die "USE_PYTHON variable is empty"; fi; for PYTHON_ABI in ${USE_PYTHON}; do if ! has "${PYTHON_ABI}" ${PYTHON_ABI_SUPPORTED_VALUES}; then die "USE_PYTHON variable contains invalid value '${PYTHON_ABI}'"; fi; if has "${PYTHON_ABI}" "${_CPYTHON2_SUPPORTED_ABIS[@]}" "${_CPYTHON3_SUPPORTED_ABIS[@]}"; then cpython_enabled="1"; fi; support_ABI="1"; for restricted_ABI in ${RESTRICT_PYTHON_ABIS}; do if [[ "${PYTHON_ABI}" == ${restricted_ABI} ]]; then support_ABI="0"; break; fi; done; [[ "${support_ABI}" == "1" ]] && export PYTHON_ABIS+="${PYTHON_ABIS:+ }${PYTHON_ABI}"; done; if [[ -z "${PYTHON_ABIS//[${IFS}]/}" ]]; then die "USE_PYTHON variable does not enable any Python ABI supported by ${CATEGORY}/${PF}"; fi; if [[ "${cpython_enabled}" == "0" ]]; then die "USE_PYTHON variable does not enable any CPython ABI"; fi; else local python_version python2_version= python3_version= support_python_major_version; python_version="$("${EPREFIX}/usr/bin/python" -c 'from sys import version_info; print(".".join(str(x) for x in version_info[:2]))')"; if has_version "=dev-lang/python-2*"; then if [[ "$(readlink "${EPREFIX}/usr/bin/python2")" != "python2."* ]]; then die "'${EPREFIX}/usr/bin/python2' is not valid symlink"; fi; python2_version="$("${EPREFIX}/usr/bin/python2" -c 'from sys import version_info; print(".".join(str(x) for x in version_info[:2]))')"; for PYTHON_ABI in "${_CPYTHON2_SUPPORTED_ABIS[@]}"; do support_python_major_version="1"; for restricted_ABI in ${RESTRICT_PYTHON_ABIS}; do if [[ "${PYTHON_ABI}" == ${restricted_ABI} ]]; then support_python_major_version="0"; fi; done; [[ "${support_python_major_version}" == "1" ]] && break; done; if [[ "${support_python_major_version}" == "1" ]]; then for restricted_ABI in ${RESTRICT_PYTHON_ABIS}; do if [[ "${python2_version}" == ${restricted_ABI} ]]; then die "Active version of Python 2 is not supported by ${CATEGORY}/${PF}"; fi; done; else python2_version=""; fi; fi; if has_version "=dev-lang/python-3*"; then if [[ "$(readlink "${EPREFIX}/usr/bin/python3")" != "python3."* ]]; then die "'${EPREFIX}/usr/bin/python3' is not valid symlink"; fi; python3_version="$("${EPREFIX}/usr/bin/python3" -c 'from sys import version_info; print(".".join(str(x) for x in version_info[:2]))')"; for PYTHON_ABI in "${_CPYTHON3_SUPPORTED_ABIS[@]}"; do support_python_major_version="1"; for restricted_ABI in ${RESTRICT_PYTHON_ABIS}; do if [[ "${PYTHON_ABI}" == ${restricted_ABI} ]]; then support_python_major_version="0"; fi; done; [[ "${support_python_major_version}" == "1" ]] && break; done; if [[ "${support_python_major_version}" == "1" ]]; then for restricted_ABI in ${RESTRICT_PYTHON_ABIS}; do if [[ "${python3_version}" == ${restricted_ABI} ]]; then die "Active version of Python 3 is not supported by ${CATEGORY}/${PF}"; fi; done; else python3_version=""; fi; fi; if [[ -n "${python2_version}" && "${python_version}" == "2."* && "${python_version}" != "${python2_version}" ]]; then eerror "Python wrapper is configured incorrectly or '${EPREFIX}/usr/bin/python2' symlink"; eerror "is set incorrectly. Use \`eselect python\` to fix configuration."; die "Incorrect configuration of Python"; fi; if [[ -n "${python3_version}" && "${python_version}" == "3."* && "${python_version}" != "${python3_version}" ]]; then eerror "Python wrapper is configured incorrectly or '${EPREFIX}/usr/bin/python3' symlink"; eerror "is set incorrectly. Use \`eselect python\` to fix configuration."; die "Incorrect configuration of Python"; fi; PYTHON_ABIS="${python2_version} ${python3_version}"; PYTHON_ABIS="${PYTHON_ABIS# }"; export PYTHON_ABIS="${PYTHON_ABIS% }"; fi; fi; _python_final_sanity_checks } validate_desktop_entries () { if [[ -x /usr/bin/desktop-file-validate ]]; then einfo "Checking desktop entry validity"; local directories=""; for d in /usr/share/applications $@; do [[ -d ${D}${d} ]] && directories="${directories} ${D}${d}"; done; if [[ -n ${directories} ]]; then for FILE in $(find ${directories} -name "*\.desktop" -not -path '*.hidden*' | sort -u 2>/dev/null); do local temp=$(desktop-file-validate ${FILE} | grep -v "warning:" | sed -e "s|error: ||" -e "s|${FILE}:|--|g" ); [[ -n $temp ]] && elog ${temp/--/${FILE/${D}/}:}; done; fi; echo ""; else einfo "Passing desktop entry validity check. Install dev-util/desktop-file-utils, if you want to help to improve Gentoo."; fi }