# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: $ EAPI="2" inherit eutils DESCRIPTION="Tvheadend is a combined DVB receiver, Digital Video Recorder and Live TV streaming server" HOMEPAGE="http://www.lonelycoder.com/hts/" SRC_URI="http://www.lonelycoder.com/debian/dists/hts/main/source/hts-tvheadend_${PV}.tar.gz" LICENSE="GPL-3" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~x86" IUSE="avahi" DEPEND=" media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-headers media-video/ffmpeg" RDEPEND="avahi? ( net-dns/avahi )" S="${WORKDIR}/hts-tvheadend-${PV}" pkg_setup() { enewgroup tvheadend enewuser tvheadend -1 -1 /dev/null "tvheadend,video" } src_unpack() { unpack ${A} cd "${S}" epatch "${FILESDIR}/tvheadend-ffmpeg.patch" } src_configure() { econf \ $(use_enable avahi) \ --release \ || die "Configure failed!" } src_install() { newbin build.Linux/tvheadend tvheadend newman man/tvheadend.1 tvheadend.1 newinitd "${FILESDIR}/tvheadend.initd" tvheadend newconfd "${FILESDIR}/tvheadend.confd" tvheadend dodir /etc/tvheadend fperms 0700 /etc/tvheadend fowners tvheadend:tvheadend /etc/tvheadend } pkg_postinst() { elog "To start Tvheadend:" elog "/etc/init.d/tvheadend start" elog elog "To start Tvheadend at boot:" elog "rc-update add tvheadend default" elog elog "The Tvheadend web interface can be reached at:" elog "http://localhost:9981/" elog elog "Make sure that you change the default username" elog "and password via the Configuration / Access control" elog "tab in the web interface." }