# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-mathematics/scilab/scilab-4.1.2-r1.ebuild,v 1.3 2008/11/15 18:41:11 dertobi123 Exp $ EAPI=2 inherit autotools eutils flag-o-matic fortran java-pkg-2 DESCRIPTION="Scientific software package for numerical computations (Matlab lookalike)" LICENSE="CeCILL-2" SRC_URI="http://www.scilab.org/download/${PV}/${P}-src.tar.gz" HOMEPAGE="http://www.scilab.org/" SLOT="0" IUSE="+tk -scicos +umfpack +gui +fftw -pvm +gui +doc +matio -hdf5" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86" RDEPEND="virtual/blas virtual/lapack virtual/cblas tk? ( >=dev-lang/tk-8.4 >=dev-lang/tcl-8.4 ) scicos? ( dev-lang/ocaml ) umfpack? ( sci-libs/umfpack ) gui? ( >=virtual/jdk-1.5 dev-java/commons-logging dev-java/flexdock dev-java/gluegen dev-java/jeuclid-core dev-java/jlatexmath dev-java/jgraphx dev-java/jogl dev-java/jgoodies-looks dev-java/skinlf dev-java/jrosetta dev-java/javahelp ) fftw? ( sci-libs/fftw ) matio? ( sci-libs/matio ) pvm? ( sys-cluster/pvm ) hdf5? ( dev-java/hdf-java )" DEPEND="doc? ( ~dev-java/batik-1.7 dev-java/fop ~dev-java/saxon-6.5.5 app-text/docbook-xsl-stylesheets ) ${RDEPEND}" S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}-${PV}" #JAVA_PKG_STRICT=1 pkg_setup() { need_fortran gfortran g77 append-ldflags -Wl,--no-as-needed } src_prepare() { cd ${S} #add the correct java directories to the config file sed -i "/^.DEFAULT_JAR_DIR/{s|=.*|=\"$(echo $(ls -d /usr/share/*/lib))\"|}" m4/java.m4 || die eautoreconf sed -i "s|-L\$SCI_SRCDIR/bin/|-L\$SCI_SRCDIR/bin/ \ -L$(java-config -i gluegen) \ -L$(java-config -i hdf-java) \ -L$(java-config -i jogl)|" configure || die sed -i "/<\/librarypaths>/i\" "${S}/etc/librarypath.xml" || die sed -i "/<\/librarypaths>/i\" "${S}/etc/librarypath.xml" || die sed -i "/<\/librarypaths>/i\" "${S}/etc/librarypath.xml" || die java-pkg-2_src_prepare } src_configure() { local myopts if use doc ; then myopts="${myopts} -with-docbook=/usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets/" fi export JAVA_HOME=$(java-config -O) econf --disable-rpath\ $(use_with scicos) \ $(use_with tk) \ $(use_with fftw) \ $(use_with gui)\ $(use_with gui javasci)\ $(use_with pvm) \ $(use_with matio) \ $(use_with scicos) \ $(use_with umfpack) \ $(use_enable doc build-help) \ $(use_with hdf5) \ ${myopts} || die "econf failed" } src_compile() { emake|| die "emake failed" if use doc; then emake doc fi } src_install() { DESTDIR="${D}" make install || die "installation failed" # install docs dodoc ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS CHANGES README_Unix RELEASE_NOTES \ Readme_Visual.txt || die "failed to install docs" #install icon newicon icons/scilab.xpm scilab.xpm make_desktop_entry ${PN} "Scilab" ${PN} "Education;Math" } pkg_postinst() { einfo "To tell Scilab about your printers, set the environment" einfo "variable PRINTERS in the form:" einfo einfo "PRINTERS=\"firstPrinter:secondPrinter:anotherPrinter\"" }