* CPV: net-mail/grepmail-5.30.33 * REPO: gentoo * USE: elibc_glibc kernel_linux test userland_GNU x86 >>> Unpacking source... >>> Unpacking grepmail-5.3033.tar.gz to /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/grepmail-5.30.33/work >>> Source unpacked in /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/grepmail-5.30.33/work >>> Compiling source in /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/grepmail-5.30.33/work/grepmail-5.3033 ... * Using ExtUtils::MakeMaker ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *** ExtUtils::AutoInstall version 0.59 *** Checking for dependencies... [Core Features] - Test::More ...loaded. (0.65) - Date::Parse ...loaded. (2.30) - Mail::Mbox::MessageParser ...loaded. (1.5002 >= 1.4001) [Reduced Memory Consumption for -u] - Digest::MD5 ...loaded. (2.39) [Complex Date Patterns] - Date::Manip ...loaded. (5.54) [Speed Tests] - Benchmark::Timer ...missing. (would need 0.7100) *** ExtUtils::AutoInstall configuration finished. Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for grepmail ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ make -j14 OTHERLDFLAGS=-Wl,-O1 cp grepmail blib/script/grepmail /usr/bin/perl5.8.8 -Iinc "-MExtUtils::MY" -e "MY->fixin(shift)" blib/script/grepmail Manifying blib/man1/grepmail.1 >>> Source compiled. make -j14 test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl5.8.8 "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'inc', 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/append_header.t t/auto_search.t t/body.t t/cache.t t/complex_expression.t t/count.t t/date.t t/date_manip.t t/header.t t/help.t t/ignore_signatures.t t/invalid_date.t t/invalid_mailbox.t t/line_number.t t/list.t t/match_compressed.t t/match_headers.t t/match_words.t t/nonexistent_mailbox.t t/not_match_compressed.t t/not_match_uncompressed.t t/pattern_file.t t/pipe_compressed.t t/pipe_uncompressed.t t/received_date.t t/recursive.t t/size.t t/status.t t/unique.t t/append_header.t ........... 1..10 Running test: grepmail -m -E '$email =~ /Handy/' t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt t/mailboxes/mailarc-2.txt ok 1 - t/temp/append_header_append_header.stdout compared to t/results/append_header ok 2 - t/temp/append_header_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -m Handy t/mailboxes/mailarc-1-dos.txt ok 3 - t/temp/append_header_append_header_dos.stdout compared to t/results/append_header_dos ok 4 - t/temp/append_header_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -m Handy t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt t/mailboxes/mailarc-2.txt ok 5 - t/temp/append_header_append_header.stdout compared to t/results/append_header ok 6 - t/temp/append_header_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -mn -E '$email =~ /Handy/' t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt t/mailboxes/mailarc-2.txt ok 7 - t/temp/append_header_number_append_header.stdout compared to t/results/number_append_header ok 8 - t/temp/append_header_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -mn Handy t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt t/mailboxes/mailarc-2.txt ok 9 - t/temp/append_header_number_append_header.stdout compared to t/results/number_append_header ok 10 - t/temp/append_header_none.stderr compared to t/results/none ok t/auto_search.t ............. 1..4 Running test: MAILDIR=t/mailboxes grepmail -d "before July 15 1998" mailarc-1.txt ok 1 - t/temp/auto_search_date_1.stdout compared to t/results/date_1 ok 2 - t/temp/auto_search_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: MAILDIR=t/mailboxes grepmail Handy mailarc-1.txt ok 3 - t/temp/auto_search_all_handy.stdout compared to t/results/all_handy ok 4 - t/temp/auto_search_none.stderr compared to t/results/none ok t/body.t .................... 1..12 Running test: grepmail -Y '.*' -b Handy t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 1 # skip unimplemented ok 2 # skip unimplemented Running test: grepmail -b 'my$' t/mailboxes/mailarc-1-dos.txt ok 3 - t/temp/body_body_my_dos.stdout compared to t/results/body_my_dos ok 4 - t/temp/body_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -b 'my$' t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 5 - t/temp/body_body_my.stdout compared to t/results/body_my ok 6 - t/temp/body_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -b Handy t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 7 - t/temp/body_body_handy.stdout compared to t/results/body_handy ok 8 - t/temp/body_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -b mime t/mailboxes/mailarc-1-dos.txt ok 9 - t/temp/body_body_mime_dos.stdout compared to t/results/body_mime_dos ok 10 - t/temp/body_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -b mime t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 11 - t/temp/body_body_mime.stdout compared to t/results/body_mime ok 12 - t/temp/body_none.stderr compared to t/results/none ok t/cache.t ................... 1..12 Running test: grepmail -e Handy t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 1 - t/temp/cache_all_handy.stdout compared to t/results/all_handy ok 2 - t/temp/cache_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail Handy t/mailboxes/mailarc-1-dos.txt ok 3 - t/temp/cache_all_handy_dos.stdout compared to t/results/all_handy_dos ok 4 - t/temp/cache_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail Handy t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 5 - t/temp/cache_all_handy.stdout compared to t/results/all_handy ok 6 - t/temp/cache_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail Handy t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt.bz2 ok 7 - t/temp/cache_all_handy.stdout compared to t/results/all_handy ok 8 - t/temp/cache_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail Handy t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt.gz ok 9 - t/temp/cache_all_handy.stdout compared to t/results/all_handy ok 10 - t/temp/cache_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail Handy t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt.tz ok 11 # skip tzip support not enabled in Mail::Mbox::MessageParser ok 12 # skip tzip support not enabled in Mail::Mbox::MessageParser ok t/complex_expression.t ...... 1..18 Running test: grepmail -E '$email =~ /Handy/ && $email =~ /imagecraft/i' t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 1 - t/temp/complex_expression_all_handy_imagecraft.stdout compared to t/results/all_handy_imagecraft ok 2 - t/temp/complex_expression_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -E '$email =~ /Handy/ && $email_header =~ /Blank/' t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 3 - t/temp/complex_expression_all_handy_blank.stdout compared to t/results/all_handy_blank ok 4 - t/temp/complex_expression_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -E '$email =~ /Handy/ || $email =~ /buffer/' t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 5 - t/temp/complex_expression_all_handy_buffer.stdout compared to t/results/all_handy_buffer ok 6 - t/temp/complex_expression_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -E '$email =~ /Handy/' t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 7 - t/temp/complex_expression_all_handy.stdout compared to t/results/all_handy ok 8 - t/temp/complex_expression_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -E '$email_body =~ /Handy/' t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 9 - t/temp/complex_expression_body_handy.stdout compared to t/results/body_handy ok 10 - t/temp/complex_expression_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -E '$email_body =~ /mime/' t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 11 - t/temp/complex_expression_body_mime.stdout compared to t/results/body_mime ok 12 - t/temp/complex_expression_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -E '$email_header =~ /Handy/ && $email_body =~ /Handy/' t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 13 - t/temp/complex_expression_header_body_handy.stdout compared to t/results/header_body_handy ok 14 - t/temp/complex_expression_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -E '$email_header =~ /Handy/' t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 15 - t/temp/complex_expression_header_handy.stdout compared to t/results/header_handy ok 16 - t/temp/complex_expression_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -E '$email_header =~ /^From.*aarone/' t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 17 - t/temp/complex_expression_header_aarone.stdout compared to t/results/header_aarone ok 18 - t/temp/complex_expression_none.stderr compared to t/results/none ok t/count.t ................... 1..8 Running test: grepmail -br Handy t/mailboxes/mailarc-1-dos.txt t/mailboxes/mailarc-2.txt ok 1 - t/temp/count_count_handy_dos.stdout compared to t/results/count_handy_dos ok 2 - t/temp/count_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -br Handy t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt t/mailboxes/mailarc-2.txt ok 3 - t/temp/count_count_handy.stdout compared to t/results/count_handy ok 4 - t/temp/count_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -r -E '$email_body =~ /Handy/' t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt t/mailboxes/mailarc-2.txt ok 5 - t/temp/count_count_handy.stdout compared to t/results/count_handy ok 6 - t/temp/count_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -r . t/mailboxes/mailseparators.txt ok 7 - t/temp/count_count_all.stdout compared to t/results/count_all ok 8 - t/temp/count_none.stderr compared to t/results/none ok t/date.t .................... 1..16 Running test: grepmail -E '$email =~ /Handy/' -d "before July 9 1998" t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 1 - t/temp/date_date_2.stdout compared to t/results/date_2 ok 2 - t/temp/date_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -d "" t/mailboxes/mailarc-2.txt ok 3 - t/temp/date_none.stdout compared to t/results/none ok 4 - t/temp/date_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -d "Aug 1998" t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 5 - t/temp/date_date_august.stdout compared to t/results/date_august ok 6 - t/temp/date_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -d "after armageddon" -E '$email =~ /Handy/' t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 7 - t/temp/date_none.stdout compared to t/results/none ok 8 - t/temp/date_invalid_date_1.stderr compared to t/results/invalid_date_1 Running test: grepmail -d "after armageddon" Handy t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 9 - t/temp/date_none.stdout compared to t/results/none ok 10 - t/temp/date_invalid_date_1.stderr compared to t/results/invalid_date_1 Running test: grepmail -d "before 7/15/1998" t/mailboxes/mailarc-2.txt ok 11 - t/temp/date_date_3.stdout compared to t/results/date_3 ok 12 - t/temp/date_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -d "before July 15 1998" t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 13 - t/temp/date_date_1.stdout compared to t/results/date_1 ok 14 - t/temp/date_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail Handy -d "before July 9 1998" t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 15 - t/temp/date_date_2.stdout compared to t/results/date_2 ok 16 - t/temp/date_none.stderr compared to t/results/none ok t/date_manip.t .............. 1..9 Checking Date::Manip::Date_TimeZone() ok 1 Running test: grepmail -d "1st Tuesday in July 1998" . t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 2 - t/temp/date_manip_sep_7_1998.stdout compared to t/results/sep_7_1998 ok 3 - t/temp/date_manip_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -d "after armageddon" -E '$email =~ /pattern/' t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 4 - t/temp/date_manip_none.stdout compared to t/results/none ok 5 - t/temp/date_manip_invalid_date_1.stderr compared to t/results/invalid_date_1 Running test: grepmail -d "after armageddon" pattern t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 6 - t/temp/date_manip_none.stdout compared to t/results/none ok 7 - t/temp/date_manip_invalid_date_1.stderr compared to t/results/invalid_date_1 Running test: grepmail -d "before 1st Tuesday in July 1998" t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 8 - t/temp/date_manip_date_manip.stdout compared to t/results/date_manip ok 9 - t/temp/date_manip_none.stderr compared to t/results/none ok t/header.t .................. 1..8 Running test: grepmail -h "^From.*aarone" t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 1 - t/temp/header_header_aarone.stdout compared to t/results/header_aarone ok 2 - t/temp/header_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -h Handy t/mailboxes/mailarc-1-dos.txt ok 3 - t/temp/header_header_handy_dos.stdout compared to t/results/header_handy_dos ok 4 - t/temp/header_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -h Handy t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 5 - t/temp/header_header_handy.stdout compared to t/results/header_handy ok 6 - t/temp/header_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -hb Handy t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 7 - t/temp/header_header_body_handy.stdout compared to t/results/header_body_handy ok 8 - t/temp/header_none.stderr compared to t/results/none ok t/help.t .................... 1..2 Running test: grepmail --help ok 1 - t/temp/help_help.stdout compared to t/results/help ok 2 - t/temp/help_none.stderr compared to t/results/none ok t/ignore_signatures.t ....... 1..14 Running test: grepmail -S '$email =~ /So I got Unix/' t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 1 # skip unimplemented ok 2 # skip unimplemented Running test: grepmail -S 'So I got Unix' t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 3 - t/temp/ignore_signatures_none.stdout compared to t/results/none ok 4 - t/temp/ignore_signatures_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -X '={75,}' -S '61 2 9844 5381' t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 5 - t/temp/ignore_signatures_none.stdout compared to t/results/none ok 6 - t/temp/ignore_signatures_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -X '={75,}' -S -E '$email =~ /61 2 9844 5381/' t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 7 # skip unimplemented ok 8 # skip unimplemented Running test: grepmail -iS -E '$email_body =~ /Free/' t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 9 # skip unimplemented ok 10 # skip unimplemented Running test: grepmail -ibS Free t/mailboxes/mailarc-1-dos.txt ok 11 - t/temp/ignore_signatures_ignore_signatures_dos.stdout compared to t/results/ignore_signatures_dos ok 12 - t/temp/ignore_signatures_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -ibS Free t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 13 - t/temp/ignore_signatures_ignore_signatures.stdout compared to t/results/ignore_signatures ok 14 - t/temp/ignore_signatures_none.stderr compared to t/results/none ok t/invalid_date.t ............ 1..2 Running test: grepmail -d "before today" t/mailboxes/invalid_date.txt ok 1 - t/temp/invalid_date_date_invalid.stdout compared to t/results/date_invalid ok 2 - t/temp/invalid_date_none.stderr compared to t/results/none ok t/invalid_mailbox.t ......... 1..4 Running test: cat t/mailboxes/non-mailbox.txt.gz | grepmail -E '$email =~ /pattern/' ok 1 - t/temp/invalid_mailbox_none.stdout compared to t/temp/none ok 2 - Output t/temp/invalid_mailbox_not_a_mailbox_pipe.stderr looks good. Running test: cat t/mailboxes/non-mailbox.txt.gz | grepmail pattern ok 3 - t/temp/invalid_mailbox_none.stdout compared to t/temp/none ok 4 - Output t/temp/invalid_mailbox_not_a_mailbox_pipe.stderr looks good. ok t/line_number.t ............. 1..10 Running test: grepmail -n -E '$email =~ /Handy/' t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 1 - t/temp/line_number_number_1.stdout compared to t/results/number_1 ok 2 - t/temp/line_number_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -n -E '$email =~ /Handy/' t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt t/mailboxes/mailarc-2.txt ok 3 - t/temp/line_number_number_2.stdout compared to t/results/number_2 ok 4 - t/temp/line_number_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -n Handy t/mailboxes/mailarc-1-dos.txt ok 5 - t/temp/line_number_number_1_dos.stdout compared to t/results/number_1_dos ok 6 - t/temp/line_number_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -n Handy t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 7 - t/temp/line_number_number_1.stdout compared to t/results/number_1 ok 8 - t/temp/line_number_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -n Handy t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt t/mailboxes/mailarc-2.txt ok 9 - t/temp/line_number_number_2.stdout compared to t/results/number_2 ok 10 - t/temp/line_number_none.stderr compared to t/results/none ok t/list.t .................... 1..10 Running test: grepmail -E '$email =~ /Handy/' -l t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt t/mailboxes/mailarc-2.txt ok 1 - t/temp/list_list_handy.stdout compared to t/results/list_handy ok 2 - t/temp/list_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -e Handy -l t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt t/mailboxes/mailarc-2.txt ok 3 - t/temp/list_list_handy.stdout compared to t/results/list_handy ok 4 - t/temp/list_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -l -E '$email =~ /Handy/' t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt t/mailboxes/mailarc-2.txt ok 5 - t/temp/list_list_handy.stdout compared to t/results/list_handy ok 6 - t/temp/list_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -l Handy t/mailboxes/mailarc-1-dos.txt t/mailboxes/mailarc-2.txt ok 7 - t/temp/list_list_handy_dos.stdout compared to t/results/list_handy_dos ok 8 - t/temp/list_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -l Handy t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt t/mailboxes/mailarc-2.txt ok 9 - t/temp/list_list_handy.stdout compared to t/results/list_handy ok 10 - t/temp/list_none.stderr compared to t/results/none ok t/match_compressed.t ........ 1..12 Running test: grepmail "From.*luikeith@egr.msu.edu" t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 1 - t/temp/match_compressed_all_luikeith.stdout compared to t/results/all_luikeith ok 2 - t/temp/match_compressed_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -E '$email =~ /Handy/' t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt.gz t/mailboxes/mailarc-2.txt ok 3 - t/temp/match_compressed_two_handy.stdout compared to t/results/two_handy ok 4 - t/temp/match_compressed_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -e Handy t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 5 - t/temp/match_compressed_all_handy.stdout compared to t/results/all_handy ok 6 - t/temp/match_compressed_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail Driving t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 7 - t/temp/match_compressed_all_driving.stdout compared to t/results/all_driving ok 8 - t/temp/match_compressed_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail Handy t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 9 - t/temp/match_compressed_all_handy.stdout compared to t/results/all_handy ok 10 - t/temp/match_compressed_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail Handy t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt.gz t/mailboxes/mailarc-2.txt ok 11 - t/temp/match_compressed_two_handy.stdout compared to t/results/two_handy ok 12 - t/temp/match_compressed_none.stderr compared to t/results/none ok t/match_headers.t ........... 1..10 Running test: grepmail -Y '(?i)^x-mailer:' -i mozilla.4 t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 1 - t/temp/match_headers_header_mozilla.stdout compared to t/results/header_mozilla ok 2 - t/temp/match_headers_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -Y '(^From:|^TO:)' Edsinger t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 3 - t/temp/match_headers_header_edsinger.stdout compared to t/results/header_edsinger ok 4 - t/temp/match_headers_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -Y '.*' "^From.*aarone" t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 5 - t/temp/match_headers_header_aarone.stdout compared to t/results/header_aarone ok 6 - t/temp/match_headers_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -Y '.*' Handy t/mailboxes/mailarc-1-dos.txt ok 7 - t/temp/match_headers_header_handy_dos.stdout compared to t/results/header_handy_dos ok 8 - t/temp/match_headers_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -Y '.*' Handy t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 9 - t/temp/match_headers_header_handy.stdout compared to t/results/header_handy ok 10 - t/temp/match_headers_none.stderr compared to t/results/none ok t/match_words.t ............. 1..2 Running test: grepmail -w 'let' t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 1 - t/temp/match_words_match_word_let.stdout compared to t/results/match_word_let ok 2 - t/temp/match_words_none.stderr compared to t/results/none ok t/nonexistent_mailbox.t ..... 1..8 Running test: /usr/bin/perl5.8.8 -MExtUtils::Command -e cat no_such_file 2>/dev/null | grepmail -E '$email =~ /pattern/' /usr/bin/perl5.8.8 -MExtUtils::Command -e cat no_such_file 2>/dev/null | /usr/bin/perl5.8.8 -I't' blib/script/grepmail -C t/temp/cache -E '$email =~ /pattern/' 1>t/temp/nonexistent_mailbox_none.stdout 2>t/temp/nonexistent_mailbox_no_data.stderr not ok 1 - Did not encounter an error executing the test when one was expected. # Running test: /usr/bin/perl5.8.8 -MExtUtils::Command -e cat no_such_file 2>/dev/null | grepmail pattern # Failed test 'Did not encounter an error executing the test when one was expected. # # ' # at t/nonexistent_mailbox.t line 102. /usr/bin/perl5.8.8 -MExtUtils::Command -e cat no_such_file 2>/dev/null | /usr/bin/perl5.8.8 -I't' blib/script/grepmail -C t/temp/cache pattern 1>t/temp/nonexistent_mailbox_none.stdout 2>t/temp/nonexistent_mailbox_no_data.stderr not ok 2 - Did not encounter an error executing the test when one was expected. # Running test: grepmail -E '$email =~ /pattern/' no_such_file # Failed test 'Did not encounter an error executing the test when one was expected. # # ' # at t/nonexistent_mailbox.t line 102. /usr/bin/perl5.8.8 -I't' blib/script/grepmail -C t/temp/cache -E '$email =~ /pattern/' no_such_file 1>t/temp/nonexistent_mailbox_none.stdout 2>t/temp/nonexistent_mailbox_no_such_file.stderr ok 3 - t/temp/nonexistent_mailbox_none.stdout compared to t/temp/none ok 4 - t/temp/nonexistent_mailbox_no_such_file.stderr compared to t/temp/no_such_file Running test: grepmail pattern no_such_file /usr/bin/perl5.8.8 -I't' blib/script/grepmail -C t/temp/cache pattern no_such_file 1>t/temp/nonexistent_mailbox_none.stdout 2>t/temp/nonexistent_mailbox_no_such_file.stderr ok 5 - t/temp/nonexistent_mailbox_none.stdout compared to t/temp/none ok 6 - t/temp/nonexistent_mailbox_no_such_file.stderr compared to t/temp/no_such_file # Looks like you planned 8 tests but only ran 6. # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 6 run. Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200) Failed 4/8 subtests t/not_match_compressed.t .... 1..12 Running test: grepmail -v -E '$email =~ /Handy/' t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt.bz2 ok 1 - t/temp/not_match_compressed_not_handy.stdout compared to t/results/not_handy ok 2 - t/temp/not_match_compressed_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -v -E '$email =~ /Handy/' t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt.gz ok 3 - t/temp/not_match_compressed_not_handy.stdout compared to t/results/not_handy ok 4 - t/temp/not_match_compressed_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -v -E '$email =~ /Handy/' t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt.tz ok 5 # skip tzip support not enabled in Mail::Mbox::MessageParser ok 6 # skip tzip support not enabled in Mail::Mbox::MessageParser Running test: grepmail -v Handy t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt.bz2 ok 7 - t/temp/not_match_compressed_not_handy.stdout compared to t/results/not_handy ok 8 - t/temp/not_match_compressed_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -v Handy t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt.gz ok 9 - t/temp/not_match_compressed_not_handy.stdout compared to t/results/not_handy ok 10 - t/temp/not_match_compressed_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -v Handy t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt.tz ok 11 # skip tzip support not enabled in Mail::Mbox::MessageParser ok 12 # skip tzip support not enabled in Mail::Mbox::MessageParser ok t/not_match_uncompressed.t .. 1..20 Running test: grepmail -Y '.*' -bv Handy t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 1 # skip unimplemented ok 2 # skip unimplemented Running test: grepmail -Y '.*' -v Handy t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 3 # skip unimplemented ok 4 # skip unimplemented Running test: grepmail -bv Handy t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 5 - t/temp/not_match_uncompressed_not_body_handy.stdout compared to t/results/not_body_handy ok 6 - t/temp/not_match_uncompressed_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -hbv Handy t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 7 - t/temp/not_match_uncompressed_not_header_body_handy.stdout compared to t/results/not_header_body_handy ok 8 - t/temp/not_match_uncompressed_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -hv Handy t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 9 - t/temp/not_match_uncompressed_not_header_handy.stdout compared to t/results/not_header_handy ok 10 - t/temp/not_match_uncompressed_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -v -E '$email =~ /Handy/' t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 11 - t/temp/not_match_uncompressed_not_handy.stdout compared to t/results/not_handy ok 12 - t/temp/not_match_uncompressed_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -v -E '$email_body =~ /Handy/' t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 13 - t/temp/not_match_uncompressed_not_body_handy.stdout compared to t/results/not_body_handy ok 14 - t/temp/not_match_uncompressed_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -v -E '$email_header =~ /Handy/ && $email_body =~ /Handy/' t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 15 - t/temp/not_match_uncompressed_not_header_body_handy.stdout compared to t/results/not_header_body_handy ok 16 - t/temp/not_match_uncompressed_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -v -E '$email_header =~ /Handy/' t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 17 - t/temp/not_match_uncompressed_not_header_handy.stdout compared to t/results/not_header_handy ok 18 - t/temp/not_match_uncompressed_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -v Handy t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 19 - t/temp/not_match_uncompressed_not_handy.stdout compared to t/results/not_handy ok 20 - t/temp/not_match_uncompressed_none.stderr compared to t/results/none ok t/pattern_file.t ............ 1..4 Running test: grepmail -f t/no_patterns t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 1 - t/temp/pattern_file_none.stdout compared to t/results/none ok 2 - t/temp/pattern_file_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -f t/patterns t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 3 - t/temp/pattern_file_all_handy_buffer.stdout compared to t/results/all_handy_buffer ok 4 - t/temp/pattern_file_none.stderr compared to t/results/none ok t/pipe_compressed.t ......... 1..12 Running test: cat t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt.bz2 | grepmail -v -E '$email =~ /Handy/' ok 1 - t/temp/pipe_compressed_not_handy.stdout compared to t/results/not_handy ok 2 - t/temp/pipe_compressed_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: cat t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt.bz2 | grepmail Handy ok 3 - t/temp/pipe_compressed_all_handy.stdout compared to t/results/all_handy ok 4 - t/temp/pipe_compressed_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: cat t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt.gz | grepmail -v -E '$email =~ /Handy/' ok 5 - t/temp/pipe_compressed_not_handy.stdout compared to t/results/not_handy ok 6 - t/temp/pipe_compressed_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: cat t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt.gz | grepmail Handy ok 7 - t/temp/pipe_compressed_all_handy.stdout compared to t/results/all_handy ok 8 - t/temp/pipe_compressed_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: cat t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt.tz | grepmail -v -E '$email =~ /Handy/' ok 9 # skip tzip support not enabled in Mail::Mbox::MessageParser ok 10 # skip tzip support not enabled in Mail::Mbox::MessageParser Running test: cat t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt.tz | grepmail Handy ok 11 # skip tzip support not enabled in Mail::Mbox::MessageParser ok 12 # skip tzip support not enabled in Mail::Mbox::MessageParser ok t/pipe_uncompressed.t ....... 1..4 Running test: cat t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt | grepmail -v -E '$email =~ /Handy/' ok 1 - t/temp/pipe_uncompressed_not_handy.stdout compared to t/results/not_handy ok 2 - t/temp/pipe_uncompressed_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: cat t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt | grepmail -v Handy ok 3 - t/temp/pipe_uncompressed_not_handy.stdout compared to t/results/not_handy ok 4 - t/temp/pipe_uncompressed_none.stderr compared to t/results/none ok t/received_date.t ........... 1..2 Running test: grepmail -ad "before 7/15/1998" t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 1 - t/temp/received_date_date_1.stdout compared to t/results/date_1 ok 2 - t/temp/received_date_none.stderr compared to t/results/none ok t/recursive.t ............... 1..8 Running test: grepmail -Lq Handy t/temp/directory_with_links ok 1 - t/temp/recursive_recursive2.stdout compared to t/results/recursive2 ok 2 - t/temp/recursive_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -Rq -E '$email =~ /Handy/' t/temp/directory ok 3 - t/temp/recursive_recursive.stdout compared to t/results/recursive ok 4 - t/temp/recursive_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -Rq Handy t/temp/directory ok 5 - t/temp/recursive_recursive.stdout compared to t/results/recursive ok 6 - t/temp/recursive_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -Rq Handy t/temp/directory_with_links ok 7 - t/temp/recursive_recursive.stdout compared to t/results/recursive ok 8 - t/temp/recursive_none.stderr compared to t/results/none ok t/size.t .................... 1..10 Running test: grepmail -E '$email =~ /Handy/' -s '<=2000' t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 1 - t/temp/size_size_handy.stdout compared to t/results/size_handy ok 2 - t/temp/size_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -s '>3000' t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 3 - t/temp/size_size_2.stdout compared to t/results/size_2 ok 4 - t/temp/size_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -s 1211 t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 5 - t/temp/size_size_3.stdout compared to t/results/size_3 ok 6 - t/temp/size_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -s 1300-1500 t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 7 - t/temp/size_all_luikeith.stdout compared to t/results/all_luikeith ok 8 - t/temp/size_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail Handy -s '<=2000' t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 9 - t/temp/size_size_handy.stdout compared to t/results/size_handy ok 10 - t/temp/size_none.stderr compared to t/results/none ok t/status.t .................. 1..2 Running test: grepmail -j ro t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 1 - t/temp/status_ro_status.stdout compared to t/results/ro_status ok 2 - t/temp/status_none.stderr compared to t/results/none ok t/unique.t .................. 1..12 Running test: grepmail -E '$email =~ /Handy/' -u t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 1 - t/temp/unique_unique_handy.stdout compared to t/results/unique_handy ok 2 - t/temp/unique_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -bi imagecraft -u t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 3 - t/temp/unique_unique_body.stdout compared to t/results/unique_body ok 4 - t/temp/unique_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -i '$email_body =~ /imagecraft/' -u t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 5 # skip unimplemented ok 6 # skip unimplemented Running test: grepmail -u t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 7 - t/temp/unique_unique_all_1.stdout compared to t/results/unique_all_1 ok 8 - t/temp/unique_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail -u t/mailboxes/mailarc-3.txt ok 9 - t/temp/unique_unique_all_2.stdout compared to t/results/unique_all_2 ok 10 - t/temp/unique_none.stderr compared to t/results/none Running test: grepmail Handy -u t/mailboxes/mailarc-1.txt ok 11 - t/temp/unique_unique_handy.stdout compared to t/results/unique_handy ok 12 - t/temp/unique_none.stderr compared to t/results/none ok Test Summary Report ------------------- t/nonexistent_mailbox.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 6 Failed: 2) Failed tests: 1-2 Non-zero exit status: 2 Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 8 tests but ran 6. Files=29, Tests=255, 20 wallclock secs ( 0.22 usr 0.06 sys + 16.08 cusr 3.63 csys = 19.99 CPU) Result: FAIL Failed 1/29 test programs. 2/255 subtests failed. make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 255 * ERROR: net-mail/grepmail-5.30.33 failed: * test failed * * Call stack: * ebuild.sh, line 61: Called src_test * environment, line 3085: Called perl-module_src_test * environment, line 2828: Called die * The specific snippet of code: * emake test TEST_VERBOSE=${TEST_VERBOSE:-0} || die "test failed"; * * If you need support, post the output of 'emerge --info =net-mail/grepmail-5.30.33', * the complete build log and the output of 'emerge -pqv =net-mail/grepmail-5.30.33'. * The complete build log is located at '/var/log/portage/build/net-mail/grepmail-5.30.33:20091219-213600.log'. * The ebuild environment file is located at '/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/grepmail-5.30.33/temp/environment'. * S: '/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/grepmail-5.30.33/work/grepmail-5.3033' >>> Install grepmail-5.30.33 into /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/grepmail-5.30.33/image/ category net-mail make -j14 install Appending installation info to /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/grepmail-5.30.33/image//usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/i686-linux/perllocal.pod Installing /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/grepmail-5.30.33/image/usr/share/man/man1/grepmail.1 Installing /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/grepmail-5.30.33/image/usr/bin/grepmail Writing /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/grepmail-5.30.33/image//usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/i686-linux/auto/grepmail/.packlist Manifying blib/man1/grepmail.1 >>> Completed installing grepmail-5.30.33 into /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/grepmail-5.30.33/image/ * Removing /usr/share/doc * Removing /usr/share/info