# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: $ EAPI="2" inherit eutils MY_PV_ADD=U1 DESCRIPTION="FreeRapid is a simple Java downloader that supports downloading from Rapidshare and other file-sharing services." HOMEPAGE="http://wordrider.net/freerapid" SRC_URI="http://wordrider.net/download.php?file=FreeRapid-${PV}${MY_PV_ADD}.zip -> ${P}${MY_PV_ADD}.zip" LICENSE="GPL" KEYWORDS="x86 amd64" RESTRICT="nomirror" IUSE="" SLOT="0" DEPEND=">=virtual/jdk-1.6" RDEPEND=">=virtual/jre-1.6 app-misc/realpath" S="${WORKDIR}/FreeRapid-${PV%%0}${MY_PV_ADD/U/u}" INSTALLDIR="/opt/${PN}" pkg_setup () { # create the group for update plugins (och meens One Click Hosting) enewgroup och } src_prepare() { # remove Windows and shell files find "${S}" -regex '.*\.\(exe\|bat\|chm\|ico\|sh\)$' | xargs rm --verbose # copy executor cp "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.sh" "${S}/${PN}" || die "Cannot copy an executor!" chmod 755 "${S}/${PN}" # # replace RapidShare Free with Premium account # if use premium; then # rm "${S}/plugins/rapidshare.frp" && \ # cp "${DISTDIR}/rapidshare_premium.frp" "${S}/plugins/" || die "Unable to replace with RapidShare Premium!" # fi # update paths in logger configuration cd "${S}" && \ cp "${FILESDIR}/logger.properties" "${S}/logdebug.properties" && \ cp "${FILESDIR}/logger.properties" "${S}/logdefault.properties" && \ zip -m -D "${S}/frd.jar" "logdebug.properties" "logdefault.properties" || die "Unable to reconfigure logger!" } src_compile() { if [ -e "${FILESDIR}/${PV}/MainApp.java" ]; then einfo "Recompiling MainApp.java ..." javac -cp "${S}/frd.jar" -d "${WORKDIR}" "${FILESDIR}/${PV}/MainApp.java" && \ jar -uf "${S}/frd.jar" -C "${WORKDIR}" cz/vity/freerapid/core || \ die "Unable to recompile MainApp.java" einfo "... OK" else ewarn "No MainApp.java to recompile" fi } src_install() { dodir "${INSTALLDIR}" mv "${S}/lib" "${S}/lookandfeel" "${S}/plugins" "${S}"/*.jar "${S}"/*.png "${S}/${PN}" "${D}/${INSTALLDIR}/" || die "Cannot install core-files" dodoc "${S}"/*.txt # env dodir /etc/env.d echo -e "PATH=${INSTALLDIR}\nROOTPATH=${INSTALLDIR}" > "${D}/etc/env.d/10${PN}" fowners -R root:och ${INSTALLDIR}/plugins fperms 775 ${INSTALLDIR}/plugins fperms 664 ${INSTALLDIR}/plugins/* }