######################################################################################################### # CONFIG STUFF # $Id: config.txt 94 2009-01-21 22:47:25Z deity $ ######################################################################################################### # default command line options, can't be an option that requires a value. used for ALL runs. # CLIOPTS=-g -a NIKTODTD=/usr/share/nikto/docs/nikto.dtd # location of nmap to use with port scanning (rather than Nikto internals) # and any options to pass to it NMAP=/usr/bin/nmap NMAPOPTS=-P0 # ports never to scan SKIPPORTS=21 111 # IDs never to alert on (Note: this only works for IDs loaded from db_tests) #SKIPIDS= # if Nikto is having difficulty finding the 'plugins', set the full install path here # EXECDIR=/usr/local/nikto # the default HTTP version to try... can/will be changed as necessary DEFAULTHTTPVER=1.0 # Nikto can submit updated version strings to CIRT.net. It won't do this w/o permission. You should # send updates because it makes the data better for everyone ;) *NO* server specific information # such as IP or name is sent, just the relevant version information. # UPDATES=yes #-- ask before each submission if it should send # UPDATES=no #-- don't ask, don't send # UPDATES=auto #-- automatically attempt submission *without prompting* UPDATES=yes # Warning if MAX_WARN OK or MOVED responses are retrieved MAX_WARN=20 # Prompt... if set to 'no' you'll never be asked for anything. Good for automation. #PROMPTS=no # cirt.net : set the IP so that updates can work without name resolution CIRT= ######################################################################################################### # PROXY STUFF ######################################################################################################### #PROXYHOST= #PROXYPORT=3128 #PROXYUSER=proxyuserid #PROXYPASS=proxypassword ######################################################################################################### # COOKIE STUFF ######################################################################################################### # send a cookie with all requests, helpful if auth cookie is needed #STATIC-COOKIE=cookiename=cookievalue # The below allows you to vary which HTTP methods are used to check whether # an HTTP(s) server is running. Some web servers, such as the autopsy web # server do not implement the HEAD method CHECKMETHODS=HEAD GET # If you want to specify the location of any of the files, specify them here EXECDIR=/usr/bin/nikto PLUGINDIR=/usr/share/nikto/plugins TEMPLATEDIR=/usr/share/nikto/templates DOCDIR=/usr/share/doc/nikto-2.1.0 NIKTOCONFIG=/usr/share/nikto DOCUMENTDIR=/usr/share/nikto/docs