## Default configuration file for pms. ## Hostname and port are the same for default configuration in mpd. # The hostname to connect to. # Default: localhost host=localhost # The port on the MPD server to connect to. # Default: 6600 port=660 # The password to give to the MPD server. #password= # Turn debugging mode on or off. # Default: off #debug= # MPD does not support the '1-repeat' mode, and a hack is neccessary. # If repeat-1 is not working for you, increase this value. # Default: 1 #repeatonedelay= # MPD does not support manual progression within the playlist. # A hack is neccessary to stop when the song is done. # If manual song progression is not working correctly, increase this value. # Default: 1 #stopdelay= # Specify a shell command to run when the playlist finishes and playback stops. #onplaylistfinish= # If set to yes the addto command will return focus to the original window. # Else, the destination will be focused. # Default: no #addtoreturns= # If set, the cursor will go to the currently playing song and playlist when it changes. # Default: off #followplayback= # If set, playback will continue in the active window. # Default: off #followwindow= # If set, playback will follow cursor position. # Default: off #followcursor= # Set both followwindow and followcursor to selected value. #follow= # Move cursor to next item after a song is selected or unselected. # Default: on #nextafterselect= # The list which is activated and shown at program startup. # This can be either the pre-defined playlist or library, # or an arbitrary name of an existing playlist. # Default: playlist #startuplist=> # Use regular expressions for search terms. # Default: off #regexsearch= # Sets MPD connection timeout in seconds. # Leave this lower than your MPD setting. # Default: 30 #mpd_timeout= # Set scroll mode. The spelling centred is also accepted. # Default: centered #scroll= # Set song progression mode to manual, linear or random. # Manual progression means 'stop after the currently playing song'. #playmode= # Set how many seconds before resetting the statusbar text. # Default: 3 #resetstatus= # FIELDS: # Available fields are: # num, file, artist, artistsortname, albumartist, albumartistsortname, # title, album, track, time, date, year, name, genre, composer, performer, # disc, comment # Fields by which to sort the library. # You can specify multiple fields, separated by space. See fields above. # Default: track disc album albumartistsortname #sort= [field [...]] # Columns to show in the list. See fields above. # Default: artist track title album length #columns= [column [...]] # Status strings. # Defaults: ??, |>, ||, [] #status_(unknown|play|pause|stop)= # If set, the mouse is active. # Only preliminary support exists at this stage. # Default: off #mouse= # TOPBAR: # Available variables to put in the topbar: # librarysize, listsize, queuesize, livequeuesize, # time_elapsed, time_remaining, progresspercentage, progressbar, # playstate, volume, repeat, repeatshort, random, # randomshort, mute, muteshort, manual, manualshort, # bitrate, samplerate, bits, channels # All fields below can also be used. # Conditionals (if-else) are supported. Currently available conditionals: # ifcursong, ifplaying # See the defaults below for how conditionals are used. # The topbar syntax allows free customization of the top area of # the display. The best way to understand the syntax is to take a # look at the defaults: # set topbar1_left=%time_elapsed% %playstate% %time%%ifcursong% # (%progresspercentage%%%)%endif% # set topbar1_center=%ifcursong%%artist%%endif% # set topbar1.right=Vol: %volume%%% Mode: %muteshort%%repeatā€ # short%%randomshort%%manualshort% # set topbar2_center=%ifcursong%==> %title% <==%else%No current # song%endif% # set topbar3_left=%listsize% # set topbar3_center=%ifcursong%%album% (%year%)%endif% # set topbar3_right=Q: %livequeuesize% # If set, the topbar is visible. # Default: on #topbar.visible= # Whether or not to draw borders on the topbar window. # Default: on #topbar.borders= # Modify what is displayed in the topbar. # The spelling centre is also accepted. # See topbar above for format syntax, available fields and defaults. #topbar[1-99].(left|center|right)=