# This is the transmission-daemon config file # Default settings are commented, uncomment and adapt as needed # Allowed IP addresses. #allowed= # Enable peer blocklists (yes or no) #blocklist=no # Directory to watch for new .torrent files (empty string to disable) #watch_dir= # Where to look for configuration files #config_dir=/var/transmission/config # RPC port #port=9091 # Require authentication (yes or no) #auth=no # Set username for authentication (only used when auth=yes) #username= # Set password for authentication (only used when auth=yes) #password= # Where to save downloaded data #download_dir=/var/transmission/downloads # Port for incoming peers #peerport=51413 # Enable portmapping via NAT-PMP or UPnP (yes or no) #portmap=no # Maximum overall number of peers #peerlimit_global=240 # Maximum number of peers per torrent #peerlimit_torrent=60 # How to encrypt peer connections (required, preferred, tolerated) #encryption=preferred # Where to listen for peer connections (ipv4 address) #bind_address_ipv4= # Where to listen for peer connections (ipv6 address) #bind_address_ipv6= # Where to listen for RPC connections #rpc_bind_address= # Misc. settings # Location of pidfile #pidfile=/var/run/transmission.pid # Location of logfile # (Note: works only on systems with sys-apps/openrc, leave unset otherwise) #logfile= # Run daemon as another user (username or username:groupname) # (Note: works only on systems with sys-apps/openrc, leave unset otherwise) #runas_user=