Dear David, Thank you for contacting At this time, we do not offer the products referenced at these links as products you can customize with us. However, I believe these are wonderful ideas and have passed them along to our merchandising team. You are more than welcome to make the product suggestions on our community forums as well. I have listed the link below for your convenience. Also, you can begin adding products we do offer to your shop by following these easy steps. 1. Log into your Café account. 2. Click on the “Your Shops” tab. 3. Click on the “Section /Products” link for the shop you want to add products to. 4. Press the “Add Products” button. This will direct you to the product list where you can select all the products available for you to choose from. 5. After selecting your product(s), and returning to the Products page, you can begin customizing your products by check marking/ selecting the item and choosing an option from the “Make Changes To” drop down menu. I hope this information has been helpful! If there is anything else I can do for you please let me know. We hope we have answered all of your questions. If not, please chat with us now.(Mon-Fri) Best Regards, Crystal R. Support Associate (877) 809-1659 Toll-Free (402) 517-4480 Local/International 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM Monday - Saturday (EST) ---------------Original Message--------------- Question: I am helping the Gentoo Foundation with their store; I am trying to obtain information on the process involved to add some products. We would like to add case badges like this; also laptop sleeve's like; With some type of Gentoo Logo