The following steps explain how to setup Lx-Office ERP using a local Postgresql server for user authentication and data storage. For less common settings (e.g. using a remote Postgresql server or using LDAP for authentication) please read INSTALL.txt file in /usr/share/doc/${PN}-${PVR}) 1. Add to following lines to /var/lib/postgresql/data/postgresql.conf: listen_addresses = 'localhost' default_with_oids = on 2. In /var/lib/postgresql/data/pg_hba.conf, make sure only password authenticated access is allowed for databases 'lxerp_auth' and 'lxerp': local all lxerp_auth password host all lxerp_auth password host all lxerp_auth ::1/128 password local all lxerp password host all lxerp password host all lxerp ::1/128 password 3. Create database user 'lxoffice' (which will only be used by Lx-Office itself): # su - postgres $ createuser -d -P -a -e lxoffice (Note: This creates a new superuser. If you want to use a less powerful user with Lx-Office, please read the documentation.) 4. Add the following configuration settings to your apache config: AddHandler cgi-script .pl Alias /lx-erp/ ${VHOST_ROOT}/${VHOST_APPDIR}/ Options ExecCGI Includes FollowSymlinks Order Deny,Allow Deny from All 5. In ${VHOST_ROOT}/htdocs/${VHOST_APPDIR}/config/, set a password for the Lx-Office administrator and configure the database connection settings: $self->{admin_password} = 'myadminpassword' $self->{DB_config} = { 'host' => 'localhost', 'port' => 5432, 'db' => 'lxerp_auth', 'user' => 'lxoffice', 'password' => 'the password you entered in step 3.', }; 6. Reload Apache and restart Postgresql: # /etc/init.d/apache2 reload # /etc/init.d/postgresql restart 7. Create required databases, tables and a user: 1) Open http://${VHOST_HOSTNAME}/${VHOST_APPDIR}/ in a browser 2) Log in using the Lx-Office admin password you defined in in step 5. 3) Follow the instructions (i.e. click on "Datenbank anlegen" and on "Tabellen anlegen") 4) Click on "Datenbankadministration" 4.1) Click on "Datenbank anlegen" 4.2) In field "Datenbank anlegen" enter: lxerp 4.3) Select a 'Kontenplan' in drop-down menu "Kontenplan anlegen" 4.4) Click on "Weiter", and if successful, on "Weiter" again 5) (Optional) Click on "Datenbankadministration" 5.1) (Optional) Click on "Datenbank aktualisieren" 6) (Optional) Create a new group by clicking on "Gruppen bearbeiten" 7) Click on "Benutzer erfassen" 7.1) In field "Datenbank" enter: lxerp 7.2) In field "Benutzer" enter: lxoffice 7.3) In field "Passwort" enter: (the password you entered in step 3.) 7.4) Enter the rest of the user properties 7.5) Click on "Speichern" to create the specified user 7.6) Don't mind if there's an error message, just browse to the admin page again at http://${VHOST_HOSTNAME}/${VHOST_APPDIR}/ 8) Click on "Gruppen bearbeiten" and add the user you created to the group you (optionally) created in step 6) or to the group "Vollzugriff". In order to do this, select the group in the list and click on "Bearbeiten". In the next screen, select the user in the list and click on "Zu Gruppe hinzufuegen". Then click on "Zurueck" (2x). 8. Congrats! You may now start using Lx-Office! Just browse to http://${VHOST_HOSTNAME}/${VHOST_APPDIR}/ and log in as the user you created in step 7)