To setup your instance of Concrete CMS you have to do the following: 1) Setup a MySQL database for Concrete CMS, e.g. on the commmand line: mysql -u root -p At the MySQL prompt execute the following commands: CREATE DATABASE concretecrm; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON concretecms.* TO 'concrete'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'thisshouldbeasecurepassword'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; 2) Point your browser to http://${VHOST_HOSTNAME}/${VHOST_APPDIR} and follow the instructions of the web installer. 3) If you have installed danish (da), german (de) or french (fr) localisation files, include one of the following in the newly created config file in ${VHOST_ROOT}/${VHOST_APPDIR} define('LOCALE', 'xx_XX') where xx_XX is one of da_DK, de_DE or fr_FR