# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: $ inherit eutils toolchain-funcs DESCRIPTION="Consed: a genome sequence finishing X11 program (editor, autofinish, autoreport, autoedit, and align reads to reference sequence)" HOMEPAGE="http://bozeman.mbt.washington.edu/consed/consed.html" # FIXME: change the SRC_URI based on the ARCH # available files: # consed_linux32bit.tar.Z # consed_linux64bit.tar.Z # consed_linux_itanium.tar.Z SRC_URI="x86? ( consed_linux32bit.tar.Z ) amd64? ( consed_linux64bit.tar.Z )" # this is the sourcecode of consed apllication but no other tools are here # SRC_URI="sources.tar.Z" LICENSE="phrap" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~x86 ~amd64" IUSE="" DEPEND="" RDEPEND="dev-lang/perl >=sci-biology/phrap-1.080721 >=sci-biology/phd2fasta-0.990622" S="${WORKDIR}" RESTRICT="fetch" pkg_nofetch() { einfo "Please visit http://bozeman.mbt.washington.edu/consed/consed.html and obtain the file" einfo "consed_linux32bit.tar.Z or consed_linux64bit.tar.Z or" einfo "consed_linux_itanium.tar.Z and optionally also sources.tar.Z and put it in ${DISTDIR}" einfo "The sources.tar.Z is at the moment not utilized by this ebuild as" einfo "they lack some header file new.h" einfo einfo "In addition, you may download from your registered IP address also fixes from" einfo "http://bozeman.mbt.washington.edu/consed/distributions/17.0/current_beta/phredPhrap" einfo "and additional tools from" einfo "http://bozeman.mbt.washington.edu/consed/distributions/17.0/current_beta/filter454Reads.perl" einfo "http://bozeman.mbt.washington.edu/consed/distributions/17.0/current_beta/add454Reads.perl" einfo "and the ebuild will place them into scripts/" einfo "There will be two consed* binaries installed. One statically linked" einfo "and one dynamically linked against libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3 from" einfo "authors. Finally, a soflink to the static binary will be created" einfo "in your installation layout as /usr/bin/consed" } src_compile() { cd scripts # zap the following three lines from the perl file phredPhrap and insert one # pointing to a Gentoo place in /usr/share/phred/phredpar.dat #$szPhredParameterFile = $szConsedHome . "/lib/phredpar.dat"; ##$szPhredParameterFile = "/usr/local/common/lib/PhredPar/phredpar.dat"; ##$szPhredParameterFile = "/usr/local/etc/PhredPar/phredpar.dat"; ln -s phredPhrap polyphredPhrap pwd cd .. # Cannot compile from sources because some file named new.h is missing. When that is fixed # we should make sure the results on 32 platforms are same as on 64bit. # einfo "Please test whether -DX86_GCC_LINUX works also on amd64 platforms, probably yes" # einfo "but how about other targets?" # once we download the sources fix the Makefile in them # sed -i "s/#LXFLAGS= -DX86_GCC_LINUX/LXFLAGS= -DX86_GCC_LINUX ${CFLAGS}/" Makefile # make -f makefile_linux32bit || die "make -f makefile_linux32bit failed" # compile additional utilites cd misc # co not overwrite /usr/bin/phd2fasta as user should install the updated # version distributed always separately sci-biology/phd2fasta-20080822 # cd phd2fasta # make # cd .. cd mktrace/ sed -e "s/^CC= cc/CC = $(tc-getCC)/" \ -e 's/^CFLAGS= -g//' -i Makefile make cd .. cd 454/ $(tc-getCC) ${CFLAGS} sff2phdball.c -o sff2phdball $(tc-getCC) ${CFLAGS} sff2scf.c -o sff2scf cd ../ } src_install() { ln -s consed_linux32bit consed newenvd "${FILESDIR}"/consed 21consed|| die "Failed to install env file." dobin consed consed_linux32bit consed_linux32bit_dyn misc/454/sff2phdball misc/454/sff2scf misc/mktrace/mktrace scripts/phredPhrap scripts/polyphredPhrap scripts/*.perl contributions/*.perl for i in {README,17.0_announcement}.txt ; do dodoc ${i} done dodir /usr/share/consed-bin/examples insinto /usr/share/consed-bin/examples doins -r standard polyphred autofinish assembly_view 454_newbler align454reads align454reads_answer solexa_example solexa_example_answer selectRegions selectRegionsAnswer }