# scam-backscatter configuration file # This file should be in the /etc/mail directory # # # Define the domain which you want to protect against backscatter # and the IP address of the internal mail server # Only one BackSMTPServer setting is allowed with the ALLDOMAINS feature. BackSMTPServer: BackAddrDomain:example.net # These two settings are not required with the USEMAILERTABLE feature # as the mapping of BackAddrDomain to BackSMTPServer is read in from # the mailertable file. Mailertable:/etc/mail/mailertable # The following entry is optional. It should be used if the backend # mail server is running on a non-standard port. # Scam-backscatter will use tcp port 25 by default. BackSMTPPort:25 # Define timeouts # Once Scam-backscatter verification finds a valid email addresses, # it gets cached. The default expiry value is 86400 seconds. BackValidAddrExp:86400 # Invalid email addresses are also cached by scam-backscatter. # The default expiry value is 3000 seconds. BackInvalidAddrExp:3000 # When BackAddrSubdomain is set to yes, Scam-backscatter will # verify subdomain email addresses (user@mail.example.net) as # well if example.net is listed as a domain to be verified. # This default value is no. BackAddrSubdomains:Yes # The BackList setting points to the file where the list of valid # and invalid recipient addresses is read from at startup and saved # to at shutdown. BackList:/var/spool/scam/backscatter.txt # SMTP timeouts, in seconds # Determines the time to wait for a connection to the backend SMTP server. TimeoutSMTPconnect:2 # Determines the time to wait for a reply from the backend SMTP # server after sending a SMTP command. TimeoutSMTPreply:3 # Bypass the back scatter # BackSkipDaemon:MSA # BackSkipDaemon:MSA-v6 BackSkipVerify: BackSkipVerify: BackSkipVerify: # If your configuration file has one or more BackSkipDaemon settings, # add the MSA daemon as it is only automatically included when the # setting is not defined.