# Copyright 1999-2002 Gentoo Technologies, Inc. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, v2. # Maintainer: Chris Houser <chouser@gentoo.org> # Author: Defresne Sylvain (keiichi) <kamisama@free.fr> (based on Chris Houser's ebuild) # /space/gentoo/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-util/arch/arch-1.0_pre5.ebuild,v 1.1 2002/02/07 04:33:06 chouser Exp P="${P//_/}" S="${WORKDIR}/${P}/src/=build" DESCRIPTION="revision control system ideal for widely distributed development" SRC_URI="ftp://regexps.com/pub/src/arch/${P}.tar.gz" HOMEPAGE="http://www.regexps.com/#arch" DEPEND="sys-apps/diffutils sys-apps/fileutils sys-apps/findutils sys-apps/gawk sys-apps/sh-utils sys-apps/tar sys-apps/textutils sys-apps/util-linux sys-apps/debianutils sys-devel/make sys-devel/patch" src_unpack() { local t unpack "${A}" mkdir -p "${P}/src/=build" # patch arch to install its scripts in /usr/share/arch # instead of /usr/libexec/arch (there is only shareables scripts). t="${P}/src/build-tools/Makefiles/rules.mk" cp ${t} ${t}.orig sed 's:/libexec:/share:g' ${t}.orig > ${t} || die "Patch failed for $t" } src_compile() { # configure ../configure --prefix="/usr" \ --with-posix-shell="/bin/bash" \ --with-sendmail="/usr/sbin/sendmail" || die "configure failed" # build emake || die "emake failed" } src_install () { local name # install make install prefix="${D}/usr" \ || die "make install failed" # make symlinks relative instead of absolute for name in ${D}/usr/share/arch/arch/*; do name="`readlink ${name} | sed 's:^.*/usr/share/arch/::'`" if [ "${name}" ]; then ln -sf "../${name}" "${D}/usr/share/arch/arch/${name#*/}" assert "Fixing symlink for ${name} failed" fi done # get some docs cd ${WORKDIR}/${P} dodoc =NEWS =README COPYING dohtml docs/html/* } pkg_postinst() { echo "Tom Lord's 'arch' command has been renamed upstream to 'larch'" echo "to stop collision with 'arch' command." }