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Patch for emergehelp.py.
emergehelp.py-long-options.patch (text/plain), 93.19 KB, created by
Alexander Winston
on 2003-08-29 22:20:24 UTC
Patch for emergehelp.py.
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Alexander Winston
2003-08-29 22:20:24 UTC
93.19 KB
>--- emergehelp.py 2003-08-27 04:04:47.000000000 -0400 >+++ emergehelp.py.new 2003-08-27 04:03:43.000000000 -0400 >@@ -1,2079 +1,361 @@ > #!/usr/bin/env python2.2 > # Copyright 1999-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc. > # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 >-# $Header: /home/cvsroot/gentoo-src/portage/bin/emerge,v 1.224 2003/08/21 01:01:26 carpaski Exp $ >- >-import os >-os.environ["PORTAGE_CALLER"]="emerge" >+# $Header: /home/cvsroot/gentoo-src/portage/bin/emergehelp.py,v 1.16 2003/08/16 07:28:22 carpaski Exp $ > >-import sys,emergehelp,xpak,string,re,commands,time,shutil,traceback,atexit,signal >-from stat import * >+import os,sys > from output import * > >-import portage >-if (not sys.stdout.isatty()) or (portage.settings["NOCOLOR"] in ["yes","true"]): >- nocolor() >- >-if portage.settings.has_key("PORTAGE_NICENESS"): >- try: >- os.nice(int(portage.settings["PORTAGE_NICENESS"])) >- except Exception,e: >- print "!!! Failed to change nice value to '"+str(portage.settings["PORTAGE_NICENESS"])+"'" >- print "!!!",e >- >-#Freeze the portdbapi for enhanced performance: >-portage.portdb.freeze() >- >-# Kill noauto as it will break merges otherwise. >-while 'noauto' in portage.features: >- del portage.features[portage.features.index('noauto')] >- >- >-spinner="\|/-\|/-" >-spinpos=0 >-#number of ebuilds merged >-merged=0 >-params=["selective", "deep", "self", "recurse", "empty"] >-actions=[ >-"clean", "config", "depclean", "help", "info", "inject", "prune", >-"regen", "rsync", "search", "sync", "system", "unmerge", "world" >-] >-options=[ >-"--buildpkg", "--buildpkgonly", >-"--changelog", "--columns", >-"--debug", "--deep", >-"--digest", >-"--emptytree", "--fetchonly", >-"--getbinpkg", "--getbinpkgonly", >-"--help", "--noconfmem", >-"--nodeps", "--noreplace", >-"--nospinner", "--oneshot", >-"--onlydeps", "--pretend", >-"--quiet", "--resume", >-"--searchdesc", "--selective", >-"--skipfirst", >-"--update", "--upgradeonly", >-"--usepkg", "--usepkgonly", >-"--verbose", "--version" >-] >- >-shortmapping={ >-"b":"--buildpkg", "B":"--buildpkgonly", >-"c":"--clean", "C":"--unmerge", >-"d":"--debug", "D":"--deep", >-"e":"--emptytree", >-"f":"--fetchonly", >-"g":"--getbinpkg", "G":"--getbinpkgonly", >-"h":"--help", >-"i":"--inject", >-"k":"--usepkg", "K":"--usepkgonly", >-"l":"--changelog", >-"n":"--noreplace", >-"o":"--onlydeps", "O":"--nodeps", >-"p":"--pretend", "P":"--prune", >-"q":"--quiet", >-"s":"--search", "S":"--searchdesc", >-"u":"--update", "U":"--upgradeonly", >-"v":"--verbose", "V":"--version" >-} >- >-myaction=None >-myopts=[] >-myfiles=[] >-edebug=0 >- >-# process short actions and options >-tmpcmdline=sys.argv[1:] >-#tmpcmdline.extend(portage.settings["EMERGE_OPTS"].split()) >-cmdline=[] >-for x in tmpcmdline: >- if x[0:1]=="-"and x[1:2]!="-": >- for y in x[1:]: >- if shortmapping.has_key(y): >- if shortmapping[y] in cmdline: >- print >- print "*** Warning: Redundant use of",shortmapping[y] >- else: >- cmdline.append(shortmapping[y]) >- else: >- print "!!! Error: -"+y+" is an invalid short action or option." >- sys.exit(1) >- else: >- cmdline.append(x) >- >-# process the command arguments >-for x in cmdline: >- if not x: >- continue >- if len(x)>=2 and x[0:2]=="--": >- if x in options: >- myopts.append(x) >- elif x[2:] in actions: >- if x[2:]=="rsync": >- #print >- #print red("*** --rsync has been deprecated.") >- #print red("*** Please use '--sync' instead.") >- x="--sync" >- if myaction: >- if myaction not in ["system", "world"]: >- myaction="--"+myaction >- print >- print red("!!!")+green(" Multiple actions requested... Please choose one only.") >- print red("!!!")+" '"+darkgreen(myaction)+"' "+red("or")+" '"+darkgreen(x)+"'" >- print >- sys.exit(1) >- myaction=x[2:] >- else: >- print "!!! Error:",x,"is an invalid option." >- sys.exit(1) >- elif (not myaction) and (x in actions): >- if x not in ["system", "world"]: >- #print red("*** Deprecated use of action '"+x+"'") >- if x=="rsync": >- #print red("*** Please use '--sync' instead.") >- x="sync" >- #else: >- #print red("*** Please use '--"+x+"' instead.") >- if myaction: >- print >- print red("!!!")+green(" Multiple actions requested... Please choose one only.") >- #print red("!!! '")+darkgreen("--"+myaction)+"' "+red("or")+" '"+darkgreen("--"+x)+"'" >- print red("!!! '")+darkgreen(myaction)+"' "+red("or")+" '"+darkgreen(x)+"'" >- print >- sys.exit(1) >- myaction=x >- elif x[-1]=="/": >- # this little conditional helps tab completion >- myfiles.append(x[:-1]) >- else: >- myfiles.append(x) >- >-if (myaction in ["world", "system"]) and myfiles: >- print "emerge: please specify a package class (\"world\" or \"system\") or individual packages, but not both." >- sys.exit(1) >- >-# Always create packages if FEATURES=buildpkg >-# Imply --buildpkg if --buildpkgonly >-if ("buildpkg" in portage.features) or ("--buildpkgonly" in myopts): >- if "--buildpkg" not in myopts: >- myopts.append("--buildpkg") >- >-# Also allow -S to invoke search action (-sS) >-if ("--searchdesc" in myopts) and (not myaction): >- myaction = "search" >- >-if ("--getbinpkgonly" in myopts) and not ("--usepkgonly" in myopts): >- myopts.append("--usepkgonly") >- >-if ("--getbinpkgonly" in myopts) and not ("--getbinpkg" in myopts): >- myopts.append("--getbinpkg") >- >-if ("--getbinpkg" in myopts) and not ("--usepkg" in myopts): >- myopts.append("--usepkg") >- >-# Also allow -K to apply --usepkg/-k >-if ("--usepkgonly" in myopts) and not ("--usepkg" in myopts): >- myopts.append("--usepkg") >- >-# Also allow -U to apply --update/-u >-if ("--upgradeonly" in myopts) and not ("--update" in myopts): >- print ">>> --upgradeonly implies --update... adding --update to options." >- myopts.append("--update") >- >-# Also allow -l to apply --pretend/-p >-if ("--changelog" in myopts) and not ("--pretend" in myopts): >- print ">>> --changelog implies --pretend... adding --pretend to options." >- myopts.append("--pretend") >- >-# Set so that configs will be merged regardless of remembered status >-if ("--noconfmem" in myopts): >- portage.settings["NOCONFMEM"]="1" >- >-# Set various debug markers... They should be merged somehow. >-if ("--debug" in myopts): >- portage.settings["PORTAGE_DEBUG"]="1" >- portage.debug=1 >- >- >-def emergelog(mystr): >- if "notitles" not in portage.features: >- xtermTitle(mystr) >- try: >- mylogfile=open("/var/log/emerge.log", "a") >- mylogfile.write(str(time.time())[:10]+": "+mystr+"\n") >- mylogfile.flush() >- mylogfile.close() >- except Exception, e: >- if edebug: >- print "emergelog():",e >- pass >- >-def emergeexit(): >- """This gets out final log message in before we quit. As it overrides >- any other atexit's we have setup, we need to call them ourself.""" >- #portage.portageexit() >- emergelog(" *** terminating.") >- if "notitles" not in portage.features: >- xtermTitleReset() >-atexit.register(emergeexit) >- >-def emergeexitsig(signum, frame): >- emergeexit() >- sys.exit(100+signum) >-signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, emergeexitsig) >+def shorthelp(): >+ print >+ print >+ print bold("Usage:") >+ print " "+turquoise("emerge")+" [ "+green("options")+" ] [ "+green("action")+" ] [ "+turquoise("ebuildfile")+" | "+turquoise("tbz2file")+" | "+turquoise("dependency")+" ] [ ... ]" >+ print " "+turquoise("emerge")+" [ "+green("options")+" ] [ "+green("action")+" ] < "+turquoise("system")+" | "+turquoise("world")+" >" >+ print " "+turquoise("emerge")+" < "+turquoise("sync")+" | "+turquoise("info")+" >" >+ print " "+turquoise("emerge")+" "+turquoise("--resume")+" ["+green("--pretend")+" | "+green("--skip-first")+"]" >+ print " "+turquoise("emerge")+" "+turquoise("help")+" [ "+green("system")+" | "+green("config")+" | "+green("sync")+" ] " >+ print bold("Options:")+" "+green("-")+"["+green("bcCdDefhikKlnoOpPsSuUvV")+"] ["+green("--once-only")+"] ["+green("--forget-configuration")+"]" >+ print " ["+green("--columns")+"] ["+green("--no-spinner")+"]" >+ print bold("Actions:")+" [ "+green("clean")+" | "+green("depclean")+" | "+green("inject")+" | "+green("prune")+" | "+green("regen")+" | "+green("search")+" | "+green("unmerge")+" ]" >+ print > >-def countdown(secs=5, doing="Starting"): >- if secs: >- print ">>> Waiting",secs,"seconds before starting..." >- print ">>> (Control-C to abort)...\n"+doing+" in: ", >- ticks=range(secs) >- ticks.reverse() >- for sec in ticks: >- sys.stdout.write(red(str(sec+1)+" ")) >- sys.stdout.flush() >- time.sleep(1) >+def help(myaction,myopts,havecolor=1): >+ if not havecolor: >+ nocolor() >+ if not myaction and ("--help" not in myopts): >+ shorthelp() > print >- >-def getportageversion(): >- try: >- profilever=os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(os.readlink("/etc/make.profile"))) >- except: >- profilever="unavailable" >- glibcver=[] >- for x in portage.vardbapi(portage.root).match("glibc"): >- xs=portage.pkgsplit(x) >- if glibcver: >- glibcver+=","+xs[1]+"-"+xs[2] >- else: >- glibcver=xs[1]+"-"+xs[2] >- if glibcver==[]: >- glibcver="unavailable" >- >- gccout=commands.getstatusoutput("`which gcc` -dumpversion") >- if gccout[0]: >- print "!!! No gcc found. You probably need to 'source /etc/profile' to update" >- print "!!! the environment of this terminal and possibly other terminals also." >+ print " For more help try 'emerge --help' or consult the man page." > print >- gccver="[unavailable]" >- else: >- gccver="gcc-"+gccout[1] >- >- unameout=commands.getstatusoutput("uname -r")[1] >- >- return "Portage " + portage.VERSION +" ("+profilever+", "+gccver+", glibc-"+glibcver+", "+unameout+")" >- >-def help(): >- # Move all the help stuff out of this file. >- emergehelp.help(myaction,myopts,havecolor) >- >-# check if root user is the current user for the actions where emerge needs this >-if ("--pretend" in myopts) or (myaction=="search"): >- if not portage.secpass: >- if portage.wheelgid==portage.portage_gid: >- print "emerge: wheel group membership required for \"--pretend\" and search." >- print "emerge: wheel group use is being deprecated. Please update group and passwd to" >- print " include the portage user as noted above, and then use group portage." >- else: >- print "emerge: portage group membership required for \"--pretend\" and search." >- sys.exit(1) >-elif "--version" in myopts: >- print getportageversion() >- sys.exit(0) >-elif "--help" in myopts: >- help() >- sys.exit(0) >-elif portage.secpass!=2: >- if myaction in ["search", "help", "info"]: >- pass >- elif (not myaction) and (not myfiles): >- pass >- elif ("--pretend" in myopts) and (myaction in ["world","system","clean","prune","unmerge"]): >- pass >- else: >- print "myaction",myaction >- print "myopts",myopts >- print "emerge: root access required." >- sys.exit(1) >- >-if not "--pretend" in myopts: >- emergelog("Started emerge on: "+time.strftime("%b %d, %Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())) >- myelogstr="" >- if myopts: >- myelogstr=string.join(myopts, " ") >- if myaction: >- myelogstr+=" "+myaction >- if myfiles: >- myelogstr+=" "+string.join(myfiles, " ") >- emergelog(" *** emerge "+myelogstr) >- >-#configure emerge engine parameters >-# >-# self: include _this_ package regardless of if it is merged. >-# selective: exclude the package if it is merged >-# recurse: go into the dependencies >-# empty: pretend nothing is merged >-myparams=["self","recurse"] >-add=[] >-sub=[] >-if "--update" in myopts: >- add.extend(["selective","empty"]) >-if "--emptytree" in myopts: >- add.extend(["empty"]) >- sub.extend(["selective"]) >-if "--nodeps" in myopts: >- sub.extend(["recurse"]) >-if "--noreplace" in myopts: >- add.extend(["selective"]) >-if "--deep" in myopts: >- add.extend(["deep"]) >-if "--selective" in myopts: >- add.extend(["selective"]) >-if myaction in ["world","system"]: >- add.extend(["selective"]) >-elif myaction in ["depclean"]: >- add.extend(["empty"]) >- sub.extend(["selective"]) >-for x in add: >- if (x not in myparams) and (x not in sub): >- myparams.append(x) >-for x in sub: >- if x in myparams: >- myparams.remove(x) >- >-def update_spinner(): >- global spinner, spinpos >- if sys.stdout.isatty() and not ("--nospinner" in myopts): >- sys.stdout.write("\b"+spinner[spinpos]) >- spinpos=(spinpos+1)%8 >- sys.stdout.flush() >- >-# search functionality >-class search: >- >- # >- # class constants >- # >- VERSION_SHORT=1 >- VERSION_RELEASE=2 >- >- # >- # public interface >- # >- def __init__(self): >- """Searches the available and installed packages for the supplied search key. >- The list of available and installed packages is created at object instantiation. >- This makes successive searches faster.""" >- self.installcache = portage.db["/"]["vartree"] >- >- def execute(self,searchkey): >- """Performs the search for the supplied search key""" >- global myopts >- self.searchkey=searchkey >- self.packagematches = [] >- if "--searchdesc" in myopts: >- self.searchdesc=1 >- self.matches = {"pkg":[], "desc":[]} >- else: >- self.searchdesc=0 >- self.matches = {"pkg":[]} >- print "Searching... ", >- if self.searchkey=="*": >- #hack for people who aren't regular expression gurus >- self.searchkey==".*" >- if re.search("\+\+", self.searchkey): >- #hack for people who aren't regular expression gurus >- self.searchkey=re.sub("\+\+","\+\+",self.searchkey) >- self.searchre=re.compile(self.searchkey.lower(),re.I) >- for package in portage.portdb.cp_all(): >- update_spinner() >- package_parts=package.split("/") >- masked=0 >- if self.searchre.search(package_parts[1]): >- if not portage.portdb.xmatch("match-visible",package): >- masked=1 >- self.matches["pkg"].append([package,masked]) >- elif self.searchdesc: # DESCRIPTION searching >- full_package = portage.portdb.xmatch("bestmatch-visible",package) >- if not full_package: >- #no match found; we don't want to query description >- full_package=portage.best(portage.portdb.xmatch("match-all",package)) >- if not full_package: >- continue >- else: >- masked=1 >- try: >- full_desc = portage.portdb.aux_get(full_package,["DESCRIPTION"])[0] >- except KeyError: >- print "emerge: search: aux_get() failed, skipping" >- continue >- if self.searchre.search(full_desc): >- self.matches["desc"].append([full_package,masked]) >- self.mlen=0 >- for mtype in self.matches.keys(): >- self.matches[mtype].sort() >- self.mlen += len(self.matches[mtype]) >- >- def output(self): >- """Outputs the results of the search.""" >- print "\b\b \n[ Results for search key : "+white(self.searchkey)+" ]" >- print "[ Applications found : "+white(str(self.mlen))+" ]" >- print " " >- for mtype in self.matches.keys(): >- for match,masked in self.matches[mtype]: >- if mtype=="pkg": >- catpack=match >- full_package = portage.portdb.xmatch("bestmatch-visible",match) >- if not full_package: >- #no match found; we don't want to query description >- masked=1 >- full_package=portage.best(portage.portdb.xmatch("match-all",match)) >- else: >- full_package=match >- catpack=portage.pkgsplit(match)[0] >- if full_package: >- try: >- desc, homepage = portage.portdb.aux_get(full_package,["DESCRIPTION","HOMEPAGE"]) >- except KeyError: >- print "emerge: search: aux_get() failed, skipping" >- continue >- if masked: >- print green("*")+" "+white(match)+" "+red("[ Masked ]") >- else: >- print green("*")+" "+white(match) >- myversion = self.getVersion(full_package, search.VERSION_RELEASE) >- >- mysum = [0,0] >- mycat = match.split("/")[0] >- mypkg = match.split("/")[1] + "-" + myversion >- >- mydigest = portage.db["/"]["porttree"].dbapi.finddigest(mycat+"/"+mypkg) >- >- try: >- myfile = open(mydigest,"r") >- for line in myfile.readlines(): >- mysum[0] += int(line.split(" ")[3]) >- myfile.close() >- mystr = str(mysum[0]/1024) >- mycount=len(mystr) >- while (mycount > 3): >- mycount-=3 >- mystr=mystr[:mycount]+","+mystr[mycount:] >- mysum[0]=mystr+" kB" >- except Exception, e: >- if edebug: >- print "!!! Exception:",e >- mysum[0]=" [no/bad digest]" >- >- if "--quiet" not in myopts: >- print " ", darkgreen("Latest version available:"),myversion >- print " ", self.getInstallationStatus(catpack) >- print " ", darkgreen("Size of downloaded files:"),mysum[0] >- print " ", darkgreen("Homepage:")+" ",homepage >- print " ", darkgreen("Description:"),desc >- print >+ elif not myaction: >+ shorthelp() > print >- # >- # private interface >- # >- def getInstallationStatus(self,package): >- installed_package = self.installcache.dep_bestmatch(package) >- result = "" >- version = self.getVersion(installed_package,search.VERSION_RELEASE) >- if len(version) > 0: >- result = darkgreen("Latest version installed:")+" "+version >- else: >- result = darkgreen("Latest version installed:")+" [ Not Installed ]" >- return result >- >- def getVersion(self,full_package,detail): >- if len(full_package) > 1: >- package_parts = portage.catpkgsplit(full_package) >- if detail == search.VERSION_RELEASE and package_parts[3] != 'r0': >- result = package_parts[2]+ "-" + package_parts[3] >- else: >- result = package_parts[2] >- else: >- result = "" >- return result >- >- >-#build our package digraph >-def getlist(mode): >- if mode=="system": >- if portage.profiledir: >- pfile=portage.profiledir+"/packages" >- else: >- print "!!! No profile directory; system mode unavailable." >- sys.exit(1) >- elif mode=="world": >- pfile=portage.root+"var/cache/edb/world" >- try: >- myfile=open(pfile,"r") >- mylines=myfile.readlines() >- myfile.close() >- except OSError: >- print "!!! Couldn't open "+pfile+"; exiting." >- sys.exit(1) >- except IOError: >- #world file doesn't exist >- mylines=[] >- mynewlines=[] >- for x in mylines: >- myline=string.join(string.split(x)) >- if not len(myline): >- continue >- elif myline[0]=="#": >- continue >- elif mode=="system": >- if myline[0]!="*": >- continue >- myline=myline[1:] >- mynewlines.append(myline.strip()) >- return mynewlines >- >-def genericdict(mylist): >- mynewdict={} >- for x in mylist: >- mynewdict[portage.dep_getkey(x)]=x >- return mynewdict >- >-olddbapi=None >-class depgraph: >- >- def __init__(self,myaction,myopts): >- global olddbapi >- self.missingbins=[] >- self.myaction=myaction >- self.virts=portage.getvirtuals("/") >- self.digraph=portage.digraph() >- self.orderedkeys=[] >- #the following is so we have an empty vartree (used in emerge update calculations) >- self.fakedbapi=portage.fakedbapi() >- #self.fakedbapi.cpv_inject("sys-libs/glibc-2.3") >- self.outdatedpackages=[] >- self.mydbapi={} >- if "empty" in myparams: >- #for --update, we want to rebuild an entire empty tree of dependencies, and then we won't merge was is already merged. >- self.mydbapi["/"]=self.fakedbapi >- else: >- self.mydbapi["/"]=portage.db["/"]["vartree"].dbapi >- if portage.root!="/": >- if "empty" in myparams: >- self.mydbapi[portage.root]=self.fakedbapi >- else: >- self.mydbapi[portage.root]=portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi >- >- if "--usepkg" in myopts: >- try: >- portage.db["/"]["bintree"].populate(("--getbinpkg" in myopts), ("--getbinpkgonly" in myopts)) >- except ValueError, e: >- sys.stderr.write(red("!!! Failed to get all metadata: "+str(e)+"\n")) >- sys.exit(1) >- >- def create(self,mybigkey,myparent=None,addme=1): >- """creates the actual digraph of packages to merge. return 1 on success, 0 on failure >- mybigkey = specification of package to merge; myparent = parent package (one depending on me); >- addme = should I be added to the tree? (for the --onlydeps mode)""" >- #stuff to add: >- #SLOT-aware emerge >- #IUSE-aware emerge >- #"no downgrade" emerge >- #print "mybigkey:",mybigkey >- >- jbigkey=string.join(mybigkey) >- if self.digraph.hasnode(jbigkey+" merge") or self.digraph.hasnode(jbigkey+" nomerge"): >- #this conditional is needed to prevent infinite recursion on already-processed deps >- return 1 >- >- update_spinner() >- >- mytype,myroot,mykey=mybigkey >- >- # select the correct /var database that we'll be checking against >- vardbapi=portage.db[myroot]["vartree"].dbapi >- >- merging=1 >- # this is where we add the node to the list of packages to merge >- if addme: >- # if the package is already on the system, we add a "nomerge" >- # directive, otherwise we add a "merge" directive. >- if mytype=="blocks": >- # we've encountered a "blocks" node. We will totally ignore this >- # node and not add it to our digraph if it doesn't apply to us. >- if myparent and (self.mydbapi[myroot].match(mykey) or vardbapi.match(mykey)): >- # otherwise, encode parent information where we would normally >- # write "(no)merge" and continue: >- parenttype,parentroot,parentkey,mergeme=string.split(myparent) >- mykexp=portage.dep_expand(mykey,self.mydbapi[myroot]) >- pakexp=portage.dep_expand(parentkey,self.mydbapi[myroot]) >- myrealkey=portage.dep_getkey(mykexp) >- parealkey=portage.dep_getkey(pakexp) >- if myrealkey!=parealkey: >- mybigkey.append(myparent.split()[2]) >- self.digraph.addnode(string.join(mybigkey),myparent) >- # since our blocks doesn't match any installed packages, >- # it doesn't apply to us and we can ignore it. >- return 1 >- if not myparent: >- # command-line specified or part of a world list... >- if ("self" not in myparams) or (("selective" in myparams) and vardbapi.cpv_exists(mykey)): >- # the package is on the system, so don't merge it. >- merging=0 >- elif ("selective" in myparams) and vardbapi.cpv_exists(mykey): >- merging=0 >- else: >- #onlydeps mode; don't merge >- merging=2 >- if merging==1: >- mybigkey.append("merge") >- else: >- mybigkey.append("nomerge") >- >- # whatever the case, we need to add the node to our digraph so >- # that children can depend upon it. >- self.digraph.addnode(string.join(mybigkey),myparent) >- if ("deep" not in myparams) and (not merging): >- return 1 >- elif "recurse" not in myparams: >- return 1 >- >- edepend={} >- if mytype=="binary": >- mypkgparts=portage.catpkgsplit(mykey) >- tbz2name = string.split(mykey, "/")[1]+".tbz2" >- if portage.db[portage.root]["bintree"].isremote(mykey) and ("--pretend" in myopts): >- # It's remote, and we have the info already. In pretend, >- # we don't want to be downloading the tbz2's. >- #if not portage.db[portage.root]["bintree"].remotepkgs.has_key(mypkgparts[1]): >- # sys.stderr.write("\nThere are no packages available to satisfy "+str(mykey)+"\n\n") >- # sys.exit(1) >- edepend = portage.db[portage.root]["bintree"].remotepkgs[tbz2name] >- edepend["DEPEND"] ="" >- edepend["RDEPEND"]=string.join(string.split(edepend["RDEPEND"])," ") >- edepend["PDEPEND"]=string.join(string.split(edepend["PDEPEND"])," ") >- edepend["CDEPEND"]=string.join(string.split(edepend["CDEPEND"])," ") >- edepend["SLOT"] =string.strip(edepend["SLOT"]) >- else: >- if portage.db[portage.root]["bintree"].isremote(mykey) or \ >- tbz2name in portage.db[portage.root]["bintree"].invalids: >- # Get the tbz2 >- if not portage.db[portage.root]["bintree"].remotepkgs.has_key(tbz2name): >- sys.stderr.write("\nThere are no packages available to satisfy "+str(mykey)+"\n\n") >- sys.exit(1) >- portage.db[portage.root]["bintree"].gettbz2(mykey) >- mytbz2=xpak.tbz2(portage.db[portage.root]["bintree"].getname(mykey)) >- edepend["DEPEND"] ="" >- edepend["RDEPEND"]=string.join(mytbz2.getelements("RDEPEND")," ") >- edepend["PDEPEND"]=string.join(mytbz2.getelements("PDEPEND")," ") >- edepend["CDEPEND"]=string.join(mytbz2.getelements("CDEPEND")," ") >- edepend["REBUILD"]=string.join(mytbz2.getelements("REBUILD")," ") >- edepend["SLOT"] =mytbz2.getfile("SLOT",mypkgparts[2]) >- elif mytype=="ebuild": >- try: >- #edepend=portage.portdb.aux_get(mykey,["DEPEND","RDEPEND"]) >- for x in ["DEPEND","RDEPEND","PDEPEND","REBUILD"]: >- edepend[x]=string.join(portage.portdb.aux_get(mykey,[x]), " ") >- except (KeyError,IOError): >- print "emerge: create(): aux_get() error on",mykey+"; aborting..." >- sys.exit(1) >- mydep={} >- mp=string.join(mybigkey) >- >- if myroot=="/": >- mydep["/"]=edepend["DEPEND"]+" "+edepend["RDEPEND"] >- if not self.select_dep("/",mydep["/"],myparent=mp): >- return 0 >- else: >- mydep["/"]=edepend["DEPEND"] >- mydep[myroot]=edepend["RDEPEND"] >- if not self.select_dep("/",mydep["/"],myparent=mp): >- return 0 >- elif not self.select_dep(myroot,mydep[myroot],myparent=mp): >- return 0 >- >- if edepend.has_key("PDEPEND") and edepend["PDEPEND"]: >- # Post Depend -- Add to the list without a parent, as it depends >- # on a package being present AND must be built after that package. >- if not self.select_dep(myroot,edepend["PDEPEND"]): >- return 0 >- >- return 1 >- >- def select_files(self,myfiles): >- "given a list of .tbz2s, .ebuilds and deps, create the appropriate depgraph and return a favorite list" >- myfavorites=[] >- for x in myfiles: >- if x[-5:]==".tbz2": >- if not os.path.exists(x): >- if os.path.exists(portage.settings["PKGDIR"]+"/All/"+x): >- x=portage.settings["PKGDIR"]+"/All/"+x >- elif os.path.exists(portage.settings["PKGDIR"]+"/"+x): >- x=portage.settings["PKGDIR"]+"/"+x >- else: >- print "\n\n!!! Binary package '"+str(x)+"' does not exist." >- print "!!! Please ensure the tbz2 exists as specified.\n" >- sys.exit(1) >- mytbz2=xpak.tbz2(x) >- mykey=mytbz2.getelements("CATEGORY")[0]+"/"+os.path.basename(x)[:-5] >- if not self.create(["binary",portage.root,mykey],None,"--onlydeps" not in myopts): >- return (0,myfavorites) >- elif not "--oneshot" in myopts: >- myfavorites.append(mykey) >- elif x[-7:]==".ebuild": >- mykey=os.path.basename(os.path.abspath(x+"/../.."))+"/"+os.path.basename(x)[:-7] >- if not self.create(["ebuild",portage.root,mykey],None,"--onlydeps" not in myopts): >- return (0,myfavorites) >- elif not "--oneshot" in myopts: >- myfavorites.append(mykey) >- else: >- mykey=portage.dep_expand(x,portage.portdb) >- # select needs to return 0 on dep_check failure >- try: >- self.mysd=self.select_dep(portage.root,mykey,arg=x) >- except Exception, e: >- print "\n!!! Problem in",mykey,"dependencies." >- print "!!!",e >- sys.exit(1) >- >- if not self.mysd: >- return (0,myfavorites) >- elif not "--oneshot" in myopts: >- myfavorites.append(mykey) >- >- self.missingbins=0 >- if "--usepkgonly" in myopts: >- for x in self.digraph.dict.keys(): >- xs=string.split(x," ") >- if (xs[0] != "binary") and (xs[3]=="merge"): >- if self.missingbins == 0: >- print >- self.missingbins+=1 >- print "Missing binary for:",xs[2] >- >- # We're true here unless we are missing binaries. >- return (not self.missingbins,myfavorites) >- >- def is_newer_ver_installed(self,myroot,pkg,pkgver): >- "if there is a version of pkg installed newer than pkgver, return it" >- vardbapi=portage.db[myroot]["vartree"].dbapi >- >- myslot=portage.portdb.aux_get(pkgver,["SLOT"])[0] >- alleb=portage.portdb.xmatch("match-all",pkg) >- while alleb: >- cand=portage.portdb.xmatch("bestmatch-list",pkg,mylist=alleb) >- if not cand: >- break >- curslot=portage.portdb.aux_get(cand,["SLOT"])[0] >- if (curslot==myslot) and vardbapi.cpv_exists(cand): >- # installed, is this package newer? >- if portage.pkgcmp(portage.catpkgsplit(pkgver)[1:], portage.catpkgsplit(cand)[1:]) < 0: >- return cand >- break >- alleb.remove(cand) >- >- def select_dep(self,myroot,depstring,myparent=None,arg=None): >- "given a dependency string, create the appropriate depgraph and return 1 on success and 0 on failure" >- if "--debug" in myopts: >- print >- print "Parent: ",myparent >- print "Depstring:",depstring >- if not arg: >- #processing dependencies >- mycheck=portage.dep_check(depstring,self.mydbapi[myroot]) >- if not mycheck[0]: >- return 0 >- mymerge=mycheck[1] >- else: >- #we're processing a command-line argument; unconditionally merge it even if it's already merged >- mymerge=[depstring] >- if "--debug" in myopts: >- print "Candidates:",mymerge >- for x in mymerge: >- if x[0]=="!": >- #add our blocker; it will be ignored later if necessary (if we are remerging the same pkg, for example) >- myk=["blocks",myroot,x[1:]] >- else: >- #We are not processing a blocker but a normal dependency >- myeb_pkg=None >- if ("--usepkg" in myopts): >- myeb_pkg=portage.db[portage.root]["bintree"].dep_bestmatch(x) >- >- myeb=None >- if ("--usepkgonly" not in myopts): >- myeb=portage.portdb.xmatch("bestmatch-visible",x) >- >- if (not myeb) and (not myeb_pkg): >- if not arg: >- xinfo='"'+x+'"' >- else: >- xinfo='"'+arg+'"' >- if myparent: >- xfrom = '(dependency required by '+green('"'+myparent.split()[2]+'"')+red(' ['+myparent.split()[0]+"])") >- alleb=portage.portdb.xmatch("match-all",x) >- if alleb: >- if "--usepkgonly" not in myopts: >- print "\n!!! "+red("all ebuilds that could satisfy ")+green(xinfo)+red(" have been masked.") >- if myparent: >- print "!!! "+red(xfrom) >- else: >- print "\n!!! "+red("There are no packages available to satisfy: ")+green(xinfo) >- print "!!! Either add a suitable binary package or compile from an ebuild." >- else: >- print "\nemerge: there are no masked or unmasked ebuilds to satisfy "+xinfo+"." >- return 0 >- >- if "--debug" in myopts: >- print "ebuild:",myeb >- print "binpkg:",myeb_pkg >- >- if myeb and myeb_pkg: >- myeb_s = portage.catpkgsplit(myeb) >- myeb_s = [myeb_s[0]+"/"+myeb_s[1], myeb_s[2], myeb_s[3]] >- myeb_pkg_s = portage.catpkgsplit(myeb_pkg) >- myeb_pkg_s = [myeb_pkg_s[0]+"/"+myeb_pkg_s[1], myeb_pkg_s[2], myeb_pkg_s[3]] >- >- if portage.pkgcmp(myeb_s, myeb_pkg_s) > 0: # eb is newer than pkg >- myeb_pkg = None >- else: >- myeb = None >- >- if "--upgradeonly" in myopts: >- # Check that there isn't a newer version of this package already installed >- cand=self.is_newer_ver_installed(myroot,x,myeb) >- if cand: >- myeb=cand >- >- if myeb: >- myk=["ebuild",myroot,myeb] >- elif myeb_pkg: >- myk=["binary",myroot,myeb_pkg] >- else: >- sys.stderr.write("!!! Confused... Don't know what I'm using for dependency info. :(\n") >- sys.exit(1) >- >- #if "--usepkg" in myopts: >- # #If we want to use packages, see if we have a pre-built one... >- # mypk=portage.db["/"]["bintree"].dbapi.match(x) >- # if myeb in mypk: >- # #Use it only if it's exactly the version we want. >- # myk=["binary",myroot,myeb] >- # else: >- # myk=["ebuild",myroot,myeb] >- #else: >- # myk=["ebuild",myroot,myeb] >- if myparent: >- #we are a dependency, so we want to be unconditionally added >- if not self.create(myk,myparent): >- return 0 >- else: >- #if mysource is not set, then we are a command-line dependency and should not be added >- #if --onlydeps is specified. >- if not self.create(myk,myparent,"--onlydeps" not in myopts): >- return 0 >- >- if "--debug" in myopts: >- print "Exiting...",myparent >- return 1 >- >- >- def altlist(self): >- mygraph=self.digraph.copy() >- dolist=["/"] >- retlist=[] >- for x in portage.db.keys(): >- portage.db[x]["merge"]=[] >- if x not in dolist: >- dolist.append(x) >- while (not mygraph.empty()): >- mycurkey=mygraph.firstzero() >- if not mycurkey: >- print "!!! Error: circular dependencies:" >- print >- for x in mygraph.dict.keys(): >- for y in mygraph.dict[x][1]: >- print y,"depends on",x >- print >- sys.exit(1) >- splitski=string.split(mycurkey) >- #I'm not sure of the significance of the following lines (vestigal?) so I'm commenting 'em out. >- #These lines remove already-merged things from our alt-list >- #if "--update" in myopts: >- # if not portage.db["/"]["vartree"].exists_specific(splitski[2]): >- # portage.db["/"]["merge"].append(splitski) >- #else: >- portage.db[splitski[1]]["merge"].append(splitski) >- mygraph.delnode(mycurkey) >- for x in dolist: >- for y in portage.db[x]["merge"]: >- retlist.append(y) >- return retlist >- >- def xcreate(self,mode="system"): >- global syslist >- if mode=="system": >- mylist=syslist >- else: >- #world mode >- worldlist=getlist("world") >- sysdict=genericdict(syslist) >- worlddict=genericdict(worldlist) >- #we're effectively upgrading sysdict to contain all new deps from worlddict >- for x in worlddict.keys(): >- #only add the world node if the package is: >- #actually installed -- this prevents the remerging of already unmerged packages when we do a world --update; >- #actually available -- this prevents emerge from bombing out due to no match being found (we want a silent ignore) >- if "empty" in myparams: >- if portage.db["/"]["vartree"].dbapi.match(x): >- sysdict[x]=worlddict[x] >- elif portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.match(x): >- #package is installed >- sysdict[x]=worlddict[x] >- else: >- print "\n*** Package in world file is not installed: "+x >- mylist=[] >- for x in sysdict.keys(): >- mylist.append(sysdict[x]) >- >- for mydep in mylist: >- myeb=portage.portdb.xmatch("bestmatch-visible",mydep) >- if not myeb: >- #this is an unavailable world entry; just continue >- continue >- >- if "--upgradeonly" in myopts: >- cand=self.is_newer_ver_installed(portage.root,mydep,myeb) >- if cand: >- myeb=cand >- >- #THIS NEXT BUNCH OF CODE NEEDS TO BE REPLACED TO SUPPORT WORLD ANTI-DEPS >- #if mydep2[0]=="!":, etc. >- if "--usepkg" in myopts: >- mypk=portage.db[portage.root]["bintree"].dep_bestmatch(mydep) >- if myeb==mypk: >- myk=["binary",portage.root,mypk] >- elif "--usepkgonly" in myopts: >- self.missingbins += [myeb] >- myk=["binary",portage.root,myeb] >- #print "mypk:",mypk >- #print "myeb:",myeb >- else: >- myk=["ebuild",portage.root,myeb] >- else: >- myk=["ebuild",portage.root,myeb] >- if not self.create(myk): >- print >- print "!!! Problem with",myk[0],myk[2] >- print "!!! Possibly a DEPEND/*DEPEND problem." >- print >- return 0 >- return 1 >- >- def match(self,mydep,myroot=portage.root,mykey=None): >- # support mutual exclusive deps >- mydep2=mydep >- if mydep2[0]=="!": >- mydep2=mydep[1:] >- >- if mydep[0]=="!": >- #add our blocker; it will be ignored later if necessary (if we are remerging the same pkg, for example) >- myk="blocks "+myroot+" "+mydep2 >- else: >- myeb=portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dep_bestmatch(mydep2) >- if not myeb: >- if not mykey: >- print "\n!!! Error: couldn't find match for",mydep >- else: >- print "\n!!! Error: couldn't find match for",mydep,"in",mykey >- print >- sys.exit(1) >- >- if "--usepkg" in myopts: >- mypk=portage.db[portage.root]["bintree"].dep_bestmatch(mydep) >- if myeb==mypk: >- myk="binary "+portage.root+" "+mypk >- else: >- myk="ebuild "+myroot+" "+myeb >- else: >- myk="ebuild "+myroot+" "+myeb >- >- return myk >- >- def display(self,mylist): >- changelogs=[] >- for x in mylist: >- #print x >- fetch=" " >- >- if x[0]=="blocks": >- addl=""+red("B")+" "+fetch+" " >- resolved=portage.db[x[1]]["vartree"].resolve_key(x[2]) >- print "["+x[0]+" "+addl+"]",red(resolved), >- if resolved!=x[2]: >- if x[3]: >- print red("(\""+x[2]+"\" from pkg "+x[3]+")") >- else: >- print red("(\""+x[2]+"\")") >- else: >- if x[3]: >- print red("(from pkg "+x[3]+")") >- else: >- print >- else: >- if x[3]=="nomerge": >- continue >- >- if ("fetch" in string.split(portage.portdb.aux_get(x[2],["RESTRICT"])[0])): >- fetch = red("F") >- >- #we need to use "--emptrytree" testing here rather than "empty" param testing because "empty" >- #param is used for -u, where you still *do* want to see when something is being upgraded. >- myoldbest="" >- if (not "--emptytree" in myopts) and portage.db[x[1]]["vartree"].exists_specific(x[2]): >- addl=" "+yellow("R")+fetch+" " >- elif (not "--emptytree" in myopts) and portage.db[x[1]]["vartree"].exists_specific_cat(x[2]): >- myoldbest=portage.best(portage.db[x[1]]["vartree"].dbapi.match(portage.pkgsplit(x[2])[0])) >- >- try: >- myoldslot=portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].getslot(myoldbest) >- except: >- myoldslot=None >- mynewslot=portage.portdb.aux_get(x[2],["SLOT"])[0] >- >- addl=" "+fetch >- if (myoldslot==mynewslot) and portage.pkgcmp(portage.pkgsplit(x[2]), portage.pkgsplit(myoldbest)) < 0: >- addl+=turquoise("U")+blue("D") >- else: >- if myoldslot: >- addl+=turquoise("U")+" " >- else: >- addl+=turquoise("U")+blue("-") >- >- if "--changelog" in myopts: >- changelogs.extend(self.calc_changelog( >- portage.portdb.findname(x[2]), >- portage.db["/"]["vartree"].dep_bestmatch('/'.join(portage.catpkgsplit(x[2])[:2])), >- x[2] >- )) >- else: >- addl=" "+green("N")+" "+fetch+" " >- if myoldbest: >- myoldbest=portage.pkgsplit(myoldbest)[1]+"-"+portage.pkgsplit(myoldbest)[2] >- if myoldbest[-3:]=="-r0": >- myoldbest=myoldbest[:-3] >- myoldbest=blue("["+myoldbest+"]") >- >- iuse="" >- if "--verbose" in myopts: >- for ebuild_iuse in string.split(portage.portdb.aux_get(x[2],["IUSE"])[0], " "): >- try: >- if (portage.usesplit.index(ebuild_iuse) >= 0) : >- iuse=iuse+red("+"+ebuild_iuse)+" " >- except ValueError: >- if ebuild_iuse != "": >- iuse=iuse+blue("-"+ebuild_iuse)+" " >- >- xs=portage.pkgsplit(x[2]) >- if xs[2]=="r0": >- xs[2]="" >- else: >- xs[2]="-"+xs[2] >- >- if portage.settings.has_key("COLUMNWIDTH"): >- mywidth=int(portage.settings["COLUMNWIDTH"]) >- else: >- mywidth=130 >- oldlp=mywidth-30 >- newlp=oldlp-30 >- >- if x[1]!="/": >- if "--columns" in myopts: >- myprint="["+x[0]+" "+addl+"] "+darkgreen(xs[0]) >- if (newlp-len(myprint)) > 0: >- myprint=myprint+(" "*(newlp-len(myprint))) >- myprint=myprint+"["+darkblue(xs[1]+xs[2])+"] " >- if (oldlp-len(myprint)) > 0: >- myprint=myprint+" "*(oldlp-len(myprint)) >- myprint=myprint+myoldbest >- myprint=myprint+darkgreen(" to "+x[1])+" "+iuse >- else: >- myprint="["+x[0]+" "+addl+"] "+darkgreen(x[2])+" "+myoldbest+" "+darkgreen("to "+x[1])+" "+iuse >- else: >- if "--columns" in myopts: >- myprint="["+x[0]+" "+addl+"] "+darkgreen(xs[0]) >- if (newlp-len(myprint)) > 0: >- myprint=myprint+(" "*(newlp-len(myprint))) >- myprint=myprint+green(" ["+xs[1]+xs[2]+"] ") >- if (oldlp-len(myprint)) > 0: >- myprint=myprint+(" "*(oldlp-len(myprint))) >- myprint=myprint+myoldbest+" "+iuse >- else: >- myprint="["+x[0]+" "+addl+"] "+darkgreen(x[2])+" "+myoldbest+" "+iuse >- print myprint >- >- mysplit=portage.pkgsplit(x[2]) >- # XXX mysplit _can_ be None.... Why? >- if mysplit and (len(mysplit)==3): >- if "--emptytree" not in myopts: >- if mysplit[0]=="sys-apps/portage": >- if mysplit[1]+mysplit[2]!=portage.VERSION: >- if mylist.index(x)<len(mylist)-1: >- print red("*** Portage will stop merging at this point and reload itself,") >- print red(" recalculate dependencies, and complete the merge.") >- if "--update" not in myopts: >- print darkgreen(" You may avoid the remerging of packages by updating portage on its own.") >- print >- else: >- if mysplit[0]=="sys-apps/portage" and ("--emptytree" in myopts): >- if mysplit[1]+mysplit[2]!=portage.VERSION: >- print red("***")+" Please update portage to the above version before proceeding." >- print " Failure to do so may result in failed or improper merges." >- print " A simple '"+green("emerge -u portage")+"' is sufficient." >- print >- del mysplit >- >- if "--changelog" in myopts: >- print >- for revision,text in changelogs: >- print bold('*'+revision) >- sys.stdout.write(text) >- >- def calc_changelog(self,ebuildpath,current,next): >- current = '-'.join(portage.catpkgsplit(current)[1:]) >- if current.endswith('-r0'): current = current[:-3] >- next = '-'.join(portage.catpkgsplit(next)[1:]) >- if next.endswith('-r0'): next = next[:-3] >- changelogpath = os.path.join(os.path.split(ebuildpath)[0],'ChangeLog') >- try: >- changelog = open(changelogpath).read() >- except: >- return [] >- divisions = self.find_changelog_tags(changelog) >- #print 'XX from',current,'to',next >- #for div,text in divisions: print 'XX',div >- # skip entries for all revisions above the one we are about to emerge >- for i in range(len(divisions)): >- if divisions[i][0]==next: >- divisions = divisions[i:] >- break >- # find out how many entries we are going to display >- for i in range(len(divisions)): >- if divisions[i][0]==current: >- divisions = divisions[:i] >- break >- else: >- # couldnt find the current revision in the list. display nothing >- return [] >- return divisions >- >- def find_changelog_tags(self,changelog): >- divs = [] >- release = None >- while 1: >- match = re.search(r'^\*\ ?([-a-zA-Z0-9_.]*)(?:\ .*)?\n',changelog,re.M) >- if match is None: >- if release is not None: >- divs.append((release,changelog)) >- return divs >- if release is not None: >- divs.append((release,changelog[:match.start()])) >- changelog = changelog[match.end():] >- release = match.group(1) >- if release.endswith('.ebuild'): >- release = release[:-7] >- if release.endswith('-r0'): >- release = release[:-3] >- >- def outdated(self): >- return self.outdatedpackages >- >- def merge(self,mylist): >- returnme=0 >- mymergelist=[] >- >- #check for blocking dependencies >- if ("--fetchonly" not in myopts) and ("--buildpkgonly" not in myopts): >- for x in mylist: >- if x[0]=="blocks": >- print "\n!!! Error: the "+x[2]+" package conflicts with another package." >- print "!!! both can't be installed on the same system together." >- print "!!! Please use 'emerge --pretend' to determine blockers." >- print >- if ("--pretend" not in myopts): >- sys.exit(1) >- >- if ("--resume" in myopts): >- # We're resuming. >- print green("*** Resuming merge...") >- emergelog(" *** Resuming merge...") >- mymergelist=portage.mtimedb["resume"]["mergelist"][:] >- if ("--skipfirst" in myopts) and mymergelist: >- del mymergelist[0] >- else: >- myfavs=portage.grabfile(portage.root+"var/cache/edb/world") >- myfavdict=genericdict(myfavs) >- mysysdict=genericdict(syslist) >- for x in range(len(mylist)): >- if mylist[x][3]!="nomerge": >- # Add to the mergelist >- mymergelist.append(mylist[x]) >- else: >- # Add to the world file. Since we won't be able to later. >- myfavkey=portage.cpv_getkey(mylist[x][2]) >- if (not "--fetchonly" in myopts) and (myfavkey in favorites): >- #don't record if already in system profile or already recorded >- if (not mysysdict.has_key(myfavkey)) and (not myfavdict.has_key(myfavkey)): >- #we don't have a favorites entry for this package yet; add one >- myfavdict[myfavkey]=myfavkey >- print ">>> Recording",myfavkey,"in \"world\" favorites file..." >- if not "--fetchonly" in myopts: >- portage.writedict(myfavdict,portage.root+"var/cache/edb/world",writekey=0) >- >- portage.mtimedb["resume"]["mergelist"]=mymergelist[:] >- >- # We need to yank the harmful-to-new-builds settings from features. >- myorigfeat=portage.settings["FEATURES"] >- myfeat=myorigfeat.split() >- while ("keeptemp" in myfeat): >- del myfeat[myfeat.index("keeptemp")] >- while ("keepwork" in myfeat): >- del myfeat[myfeat.index("keepwork")] >- portage.settings["FEATURES"]=string.join(myfeat) >- >- mergecount=0 >- for x in mymergelist: >- mergecount+=1 >- myroot=x[1] >- pkgindex=2 >- if x[0]=="blocks": >- pkgindex=3 >- y=portage.portdb.findname(x[pkgindex]) >- if not "--pretend" in myopts: >- print ">>> emerge ("+str(mergecount)+" of "+str(len(mymergelist))+")",x[pkgindex],"to",x[1] >- emergelog(" >>> emerge ("+str(mergecount)+" of "+str(len(mymergelist))+") "+x[pkgindex]+" to "+x[1]) >- if x[0] in ["ebuild","blocks"]: >- if ("--fetchonly" in myopts) or (x[0]=="blocks"): >- retval=portage.doebuild(y,"fetch",myroot,edebug,("--pretend" in myopts),fetchonly=1) >- if retval: >- print >- print "!!! Fetch for",y,"failed, continuing..." >- print >- returnme=1 >- continue >- elif "--buildpkg" in myopts: >- #create pkg, then merge pkg >- emergelog(" === ("+str(mergecount)+" of "+str(len(mymergelist))+") Cleaning ("+y+")") >- retval=portage.doebuild(y,"clean",myroot,edebug) >- if retval: >- sys.exit(1) >- portage.settings["FEATURES"]=myorigfeat # Put back flags. >- emergelog(" === ("+str(mergecount)+" of "+str(len(mymergelist))+") Compiling/Packaging ("+y+")") >- retval=portage.doebuild(y,"package",myroot,edebug) >- if retval: >- sys.exit(1) >- #dynamically update our database >- if "--buildpkgonly" not in myopts: >- portage.db[portage.root]["bintree"].inject(x[2]) >- mytbz2=portage.db[portage.root]["bintree"].getname(x[2]) >- emergelog(" === ("+str(mergecount)+" of "+str(len(mymergelist))+") Merging ("+y+")") >- retval=portage.pkgmerge(mytbz2,myroot) >- if retval==None: >- sys.exit(1) >- else: >- emergelog(" === ("+str(mergecount)+" of "+str(len(mymergelist))+") Cleaning ("+y+")") >- retval=portage.doebuild(y,"clean",myroot,edebug) >- if retval: >- sys.exit(1) >- portage.settings["FEATURES"]=myorigfeat # Put back flags. >- emergelog(" === ("+str(mergecount)+" of "+str(len(mymergelist))+") Compiling/Merging ("+y+")") >- retval=portage.doebuild(y,"merge",myroot,edebug) >- if retval: >- sys.exit(1) >- #dynamically update our database >- elif x[0]=="binary": >- #merge the tbz2 >- mytbz2=portage.db[portage.root]["bintree"].getname(x[2]) >- emergelog(" === ("+str(mergecount)+" of "+str(len(mymergelist))+") Merging Binary ("+y+")") >- retval=portage.pkgmerge(mytbz2,x[1]) >- if retval==None: >- sys.exit(1) >- #need to check for errors >- if "--buildpkgonly" not in myopts: >- portage.db[x[1]]["vartree"].inject(x[2]) >- myfavkey=portage.cpv_getkey(x[2]) >- if (not "--fetchonly" in myopts) and (myfavkey in favorites): >- myfavs=portage.grabfile(myroot+"var/cache/edb/world") >- myfavdict=genericdict(myfavs) >- mysysdict=genericdict(syslist) >- #don't record if already in system profile or already recorded >- if (not mysysdict.has_key(myfavkey)) and (not myfavdict.has_key(myfavkey)): >- #we don't have a favorites entry for this package yet; add one >- myfavdict[myfavkey]=myfavkey >- print ">>> Recording",myfavkey,"in \"world\" favorites file..." >- emergelog(" === ("+str(mergecount)+" of "+str(len(mymergelist))+") Updating world file ("+y+")") >- portage.writedict(myfavdict,myroot+"var/cache/edb/world",writekey=0) >- >- if ("noclean" not in portage.features) and (x[0] != "binary"): >- emergelog(" === ("+str(mergecount)+" of "+str(len(mymergelist))+") Post-Build Cleaning ("+y+")") >- retval=portage.doebuild(y,"clean",myroot,edebug) >- if retval: >- sys.exit(1) >- >- if ("--pretend" not in myopts) and ("--fetchonly" not in myopts): >- # Clean the old package that we have merged over top of it. >- if portage.settings.has_key("AUTOCLEAN") and (portage.settings["AUTOCLEAN"]=="yes"): >- xsplit=portage.pkgsplit(x[2]) >- emergelog(" >>> AUTOCLEAN: "+xsplit[0]) >- if not unmerge("clean", [xsplit[0]]): >- emergelog(" --- AUTOCLEAN: Nothing unmerged.") >- >- # Figure out if we need a restart. >- mysplit=portage.pkgsplit(x[2]) >- if mysplit[0]=="sys-apps/portage": >- myver=mysplit[1]+"-"+mysplit[2] >- if myver[-3:]=='-r0': >- myver=myver[:-3] >- if myver!=portage.VERSION: >- if len(mymergelist) > mergecount: >- myargv=sys.argv >- myr=0 >- for myra in range(len(myargv)): >- if myargv[myr][0:len("portage")]=="portage": >- del myargv[myr] >- myr-=1 >- if myargv[myr][0:len("sys-apps/portage")]=="sys-apps/portage": >- del myargv[myr] >- myr-=1 >- myr+=1 >- emergelog(" *** RESTARTING emerge via exec() after change of portage version.") >- portage.portageexit() >- os.execv("/usr/lib/portage/bin/emerge", myargv) >- >- if ("--pretend" not in myopts) and ("--fetchonly" not in myopts): >- emergelog(" ::: completed emerge ("+str(mergecount)+" of "+str(len(mymergelist))+") "+x[2]+" to "+x[1]) >- >- # Unsafe for parallel merges >- del portage.mtimedb["resume"]["mergelist"][0] >- >- emergelog(" *** Finished. Cleaning up...") >- >- # We're out of the loop... We're done. Delete the resume data. >- if portage.mtimedb.has_key("resume"): >- del portage.mtimedb["resume"] >- >- if ("--pretend" not in myopts): >- if ("--fetchonly" not in myopts): >- if (mergecount>0): >- portage.env_update() >- >- #by doing an exit this way, --fetchonly can continue to try to >- #fetch everything even if a particular download fails. >- if "--fetchonly" in myopts: >- if returnme: >- print "\n\n!!! Some fetch errors were encountered. Please see above for details.\n\n" >- sys.exit(returnme) >- else: >- sys.exit(0) >- >-def unmerge(unmerge_action, unmerge_files): >- candidate_catpkgs=[] >- global_unmerge=0 >- >- if not unmerge_files or "world" in unmerge_files or "system" in unmerge_files: >- if "unmerge"==unmerge_action: >- print >- print bold("emerge unmerge")+" can only be used with specific package names, not with "+bold("world")+" or" >- print bold("system")+" targets." >- print >- return 0 >- else: >- global_unmerge=1 >- >- localtree=portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"] >- # process all arguments and add all valid db entries to candidate_catpkgs >- if global_unmerge: >- if not unmerge_files or "world" in unmerge_files: >- candidate_catpkgs.extend(localtree.getallnodes()) >- elif "system" in unmerge_files: >- candidate_catpkgs.extend(getlist("system")) >- else: >- #we've got command-line arguments >- if not unmerge_files: >- print "\nNo packages to unmerge have been provided.\n" >- return 0 >- for x in unmerge_files: >- arg_parts=x.split('/') >- if arg_parts[-1][-7:]!=".ebuild": >- #possible cat/pkg or dep; treat as such >- candidate_catpkgs.append(x) >- elif unmerge_action in ["prune","clean"]: >- print "\n!!! Prune and clean do not accept individual ebuilds as arguments;\n skipping.\n" >- continue >- else: >- # it appears that the user is specifying an installed ebuild and we're in "unmerge" mode, so it's >- # ok. >- if not os.path.exists(x): >- print "\n!!! The path '"+x+"' doesn't exist.\n" >- return 0 >- absx=os.path.abspath(x) >- spabsx=absx.split("/") >- if absx[:12]!="/var/db/pkg/" or len(spabsx)!=7: >- print spabsx >- print absx >- print "\n!!!",x,"is not inside /var/db/pkg; aborting.\n" >- return 0 >- candidate_catpkgs.append("="+spabsx[4]+"/"+spabsx[5]) >- >- if "--pretend" in myopts: >- print darkgreen("\n>>> These are the packages that I would unmerge:") >- >- pkgmap={} >- numselected=0 >- for x in candidate_catpkgs: >- #cycle through all our candidate deps and determine what will and will not get unmerged >- mymatch=localtree.dep_match(x) >- if not mymatch and x[0] not in "<>=~": >- #add a "=" if missing >- mymatch=localtree.dep_match("="+x) >- if not mymatch: >- print "\n!!! Couldn't find match for",white(x) >- continue >- mykey=portage.key_expand(portage.dep_getkey(mymatch[0]),portage.db["/"]["vartree"].dbapi) >- if not pkgmap.has_key(mykey): >- pkgmap[mykey]={"protected":[], "selected":[], "omitted":[] } >- if unmerge_action=="unmerge": >- for y in mymatch: >- if not y in pkgmap[mykey]["selected"]: >- pkgmap[mykey]["selected"].append(y) >- numselected=numselected+len(mymatch) >- else: >- #unmerge_action in ["prune", clean"] >- slotmap={} >- for mypkg in mymatch: >- if unmerge_action=="clean": >- myslot=localtree.getslot(mypkg) >- else: >- #since we're pruning, we don't care about slots and put all the pkgs in together >- myslot=0 >- if not slotmap.has_key(myslot): >- slotmap[myslot]={} >- slotmap[myslot][localtree.dbapi.cpv_counter(mypkg)]=mypkg >- for myslot in slotmap.keys(): >- counterkeys=slotmap[myslot].keys() >- counterkeys.sort() >- if not counterkeys: >- continue >- counterkeys.sort() >- pkgmap[mykey]["protected"].append(slotmap[myslot][counterkeys[-1]]) >- del counterkeys[-1] >- #be pretty and get them in order of merge: >- for ckey in counterkeys: >- pkgmap[mykey]["selected"].append(slotmap[myslot][ckey]) >- numselected=numselected+1 >- #ok, now the last-merged package is protected, and the rest are selected >- if global_unmerge and not numselected: >- print "\n>>> No outdated packages were found on your system.\n" >- return 0 >- >- if not numselected: >- print "\n>>>",unmerge_action+": No packages selected for removal.\n" >- return 0 >- >- for x in candidate_catpkgs: >- for y in localtree.dep_nomatch(mymatch[0]): >- if y not in pkgmap[mykey]["omitted"] and \ >- y not in pkgmap[mykey]["selected"] and \ >- y not in pkgmap[mykey]["protected"]: >- pkgmap[mykey]["omitted"].append(y) >- >- for x in pkgmap.keys(): >- if global_unmerge and not pkgmap[x]["selected"]: >- #avoid cluttering the preview printout with stuff that isn't getting unmerged >- continue >- print "\n "+white(x) >- for mytype in ["selected","protected","omitted"]: >- print string.rjust(mytype,12)+":", >- if pkgmap[x][mytype]: >- for mypkg in pkgmap[x][mytype]: >- mysplit=portage.catpkgsplit(mypkg) >- if mysplit[3]=="r0": >- myversion=mysplit[2] >- else: >- myversion=mysplit[2]+"-"+mysplit[3] >- if mytype=="selected": >- print red(myversion), >- else: >- print green(myversion), >- else: >- print "none", >- print >- >- print "\n>>> Packages in",red("red"),"are slated for removal." >- print ">>> Packages in",green("green"),"will not be removed.\n" >- >- if "--pretend" in myopts: >- #we're done... return >- return 0 >- #the real unmerging begins, after a short delay.... >- >- if portage.settings["CLEAN_DELAY"]: >- secs=string.atoi(portage.settings["CLEAN_DELAY"]) >- else: >- secs=5 >- countdown(secs, ">>> Unmerging") >- >- for x in pkgmap.keys(): >- for y in pkgmap[x]["selected"]: >- print ">>> Unmerging "+y+"..." >- emergelog("=== Unmerging... ("+y+")") >- mysplit=string.split(y,"/") >- #unmerge... >- retval=portage.unmerge(mysplit[0],mysplit[1],portage.root,unmerge_action not in ["clean","prune"]) >- if retval: >- emergelog(" !!! unmerge FAILURE: "+y) >- else: >- emergelog(" >>> unmerge success: "+y) >- #run ldconfig, etc... >- portage.env_update() >- if not numselected: >- return 0 >- else: >- return 1 >- >- >-def post_emerge(retval=0): >- auxpat=re.compile('^([^-]*)(-\d+)?\.info(-\d+)?(\.gz)?') >- os.chdir("/") >- global myopts >- print >- if "--pretend" in myopts: >- sys.exit(retval) >- >- emergelog(" *** exiting successfully.") >- root=portage.root >- >- infodirs=[] >- infodirs.extend(string.split(portage.settings["INFOPATH"], ":")) >- infodirs.extend(string.split(portage.settings["INFODIR"], ":")) >- >- if os.path.exists("/usr/bin/install-info"): >- regen=0 >- for z in infodirs: >- if z=='': >- continue >- inforoot=root+z >- if os.path.isdir(inforoot): >- try: >- infomtime=os.stat(inforoot)[ST_MTIME] >- except: >- infomtime=0 >- >- if not portage.mtimedb.has_key("info"): >- portage.mtimedb["info"]={} >- if portage.mtimedb["info"].has_key(inforoot): >- if portage.mtimedb["info"][inforoot]==infomtime: >- pass >- else: >- portage.mtimedb["info"][inforoot]=0 >- regen+=1 >- else: >- regen+=1 >- >- if not regen: >- print " "+green("*")+" GNU info directory index is up-to-date." >- else: >- print " "+green("*")+" Regenerating GNU info directory index..." >- >- icount=0 >- badcount=0 >- for z in infodirs: >- if z=='': >- continue >- inforoot=root+z >- if portage.mtimedb["info"].has_key(inforoot): >- if portage.mtimedb["info"][inforoot]!=0: >- continue >- try: >- os.rename(inforoot+"/dir",inforoot+"/dir.old") >- except: >- pass >- >- if not os.path.isdir(inforoot): >- continue >- for x in os.listdir(inforoot): >- aux=auxpat.search(x) >- if not aux: >- continue >- auxgroups=aux.groups() >- if not (auxgroups[1] or auxgroups[2]): >- myso=commands.getstatusoutput("/usr/bin/install-info --dir-file="+inforoot+"/dir "+inforoot+"/"+x)[1] >- if myso!="": >- badcount=badcount+1 >- if "--verbose" in myopts: >- print myso >- icount=icount+1 >- #update mtime so we can potentially avoid regenerating. >- portage.mtimedb["info"][inforoot]=os.stat(inforoot)[ST_MTIME] >- >- if badcount: >- if "--verbose" not in myopts: >- print " "+yellow("*")+" Processed",icount,"info files:",badcount,"errors; run with "+green("emerge --verbose")+" to view errors." >- else: >- print " "+yellow("*")+" Processed",icount,"info files;",badcount,"errors." >- else: >- print " "+green("*")+" Processed",icount,"info files." >- >- if portage.settings["CONFIG_PROTECT"]: >- #number of directories with some protect files in them >- procount=0 >- for x in string.split(portage.settings["CONFIG_PROTECT"]): >- if os.path.isdir(x): >- a=commands.getstatusoutput("cd "+x+"; find . -iname '._cfg????_*'") >- if a[0]!=0: >- print " "+red("*")+" error scanning",x >- else: >- files=string.split(a[1]) >- if files: >- procount=procount+1 >- print " "+yellow("* IMPORTANT:")+"",len(files),"config files in",x,"need updating." >- if procount: >- #print " "+yellow("*")+" Type "+green("emerge --help config")+" to learn how to update config files." >- print " "+yellow("*")+" Type "+green("emerge --help config")+" to learn how to update config files." >+ print turquoise("Help (this screen):") >+ print " "+green("--help")+" ("+green("-h")+" short option)" >+ print " Displays this help; an additional argument (see above) will tell" >+ print " emerge to display detailed help." > print >- sys.exit(retval) >- >-# general options that should be taken into account before any action >-if "--debug" in myopts: >- edebug=1 >- >-if myaction in ["sync","rsync"] and (not "--help" in myopts): >- if "--pretend" in myopts: >- print "emerge: the \"sync\" action does not support \"--pretend.\"" >- sys.exit(1) >- >- emergelog(" === rsync") >- myportdir=portage.settings["PORTDIR"] >- if myportdir[-1]=="/": >- myportdir=myportdir[:-1] >- if not os.path.exists(myportdir): >- print ">>>",myportdir,"not found, creating it." >- os.makedirs(myportdir,0755) >- syncuri=string.rstrip(portage.settings["SYNC"]) >- os.umask(0022) >- if syncuri[:8]=="rsync://": >- if not os.path.exists("/usr/bin/rsync"): >- print "!!! /usr/bin/rsync does not exist, so rsync support is disabled." >- print "!!! Type \"emerge net-misc/rsync\" to enable rsync support." >- sys.exit(1) >- mytimeout=180 >- if portage.settings.has_key("RSYNC_TIMEOUT"): >- try: >- mytimeout=int(portage.settings["RSYNC_TIMEOUT"]) >- except: >- pass >- mycommand="/usr/bin/rsync -rlptDvz --progress --stats --delete --delete-after --timeout="+str(mytimeout)+" --exclude='distfiles/*' --exclude='local/*' --exclude='packages/*' " >- if portage.settings.has_key("RSYNC_EXCLUDEFROM"): >- if os.path.exists(portage.settings["RSYNC_EXCLUDEFROM"]): >- mycommand=mycommand+" --exclude-from "+portage.settings["RSYNC_EXCLUDEFROM"] >- else: >- print "!!! RSYNC_EXCLUDEFROM specified, but file does not exist." >- mycommand=mycommand+" "+syncuri+"/* "+myportdir >- print ">>> starting rsync with "+syncuri+"..." >- exitcode=portage.spawn(mycommand,free=1) >- try: >- maxretries=int(portage.settings["RSYNC_RETRIES"]) >- except: >- maxretries=3 #default number of retries >- retries=1 >- while (exitcode not in [0,1,2,3,4,11,14,20,21]) and (retries<=maxretries): >- print "\n\n>>> Starting retry %d of %d"% (retries,maxretries) >- time.sleep(11) >- retries=retries+1 >- exitcode=portage.spawn(mycommand,free=1) >- if (exitcode>0): >- print >- if exitcode==1: >- print darkred("!!!")+green(" Rsync has reported that there is a syntax error. Please ensure") >- print darkred("!!!")+green(" that your SYNC statement is proper.") >- print darkred("!!!")+green(" SYNC="+portage.settings["SYNC"]) >- elif exitcode==11: >- print darkred("!!!")+green(" Rsync has reported that there is a File IO error. Normally") >- print darkred("!!!")+green(" this means your disk is full, but can be caused by corruption") >- print darkred("!!!")+green(" on the filesystem that contains PORTDIR. Please investigate") >- print darkred("!!!")+green(" and try again after the problem has been fixed.") >- print darkred("!!!")+green(" PORTDIR="+portage.settings["PORTDIR"]) >- elif exitcode==20: >- print darkred("!!!")+green(" Rsync was killed before it finished.") >- else: >- print darkred("!!!")+green(" Rsync has not successfully finished. It is recommended that you keep") >- print darkred("!!!")+green(" trying or that you use the 'emerge-webrsync' option if you are unable") >- print darkred("!!!")+green(" to use rsync due to firewall or other restrictions. This should be a") >- print darkred("!!!")+green(" temporary problem unless complications exist with your network") >- print darkred("!!!")+green(" (and possibly your system's filesystem) configuration.") >- print >- sys.exit(exitcode) >- elif syncuri[:6]=="cvs://": >- if not os.path.exists("/usr/bin/cvs"): >- print "!!! /usr/bin/cvs does not exist, so rsync support is disabled." >- print "!!! Type \"emerge dev-util/cvs\" to enable CVS support." >- sys.exit(1) >- cvsroot=syncuri[6:] >- cvsdir=os.path.dirname(myportdir) >- if not os.path.exists(myportdir+"/CVS"): >- #initial checkout >- print ">>> starting initial cvs checkout with "+syncuri+"..." >- if not portage.spawn("cd "+cvsdir+"; cvs -d "+cvsroot+" login",free=1): >- print "!!! cvs login error; exiting." >- sys.exit(1) >- if os.path.exists(cvsdir+"/gentoo-x86"): >- print "!!! existing",cvsdir+"/gentoo-x86 directory; exiting." >- sys.exit(1) >- if not portage.spawn("cd "+cvsdir+"; cvs -z0 -d "+cvsroot+" co gentoo-x86",free=1): >- print "!!! cvs checkout error; exiting." >- sys.exit(1) >- if cvsdir!=myportdir: >- portage.movefile(cvsdir,portage.settings["PORTDIR"]) >- sys.exit(0) >- else: >- #cvs update >- print ">>> starting cvs update with "+syncuri+"..." >- sys.exit(portage.spawn("cd "+myportdir+"; cvs -z0 -q update -dP",free=1)) >- else: >- print "!!! rsync setting: ",syncuri,"not recognized; exiting." >- sys.exit(1) >- if os.path.exists(myportdir+"/metadata/cache"): >- print "\n>>> Updating Portage cache... ", >- os.umask(0002) >- if os.path.exists(portage.dbcachedir): >- portage.spawn("rm -Rf "+portage.dbcachedir,free=1) >- try: >- os.mkdir(portage.dbcachedir) >- os.chown(portage.dbcachedir, os.getuid(), portage.portage_gid) >- os.chmod(portage.dbcachedir, 06775) >- os.umask(002) >- except: >- pass >- mynodes=portage.portdb.cp_all() >- for x in mynodes: >- myxsplit=x.split("/") >- if not os.path.exists(portage.dbcachedir+"/"+myxsplit[0]): >- os.mkdir(portage.dbcachedir+"/"+myxsplit[0]) >- os.chown(portage.dbcachedir+"/"+myxsplit[0], os.getuid(), portage.portage_gid) >- os.chmod(portage.dbcachedir+"/"+myxsplit[0], 06775) >- mymatches=portage.portdb.xmatch("match-all",x) >- for y in mymatches: >- update_spinner() >- try: >- ignored=portage.portdb.aux_get(y,[],metacachedir=myportdir+"/metadata/cache") >- except: >- pass >- portage.spawn("chmod -R g+rw "+portage.dbcachedir, free=1) >- sys.stdout.write("\b\b ...done!\n\n") >- sys.stdout.flush() >- >- portage.portageexit() >- reload(portage) >- mybestpv=portage.portdb.xmatch("bestmatch-visible","sys-apps/portage") >- mypvs=portage.best(portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.match("sys-apps/portage")) >- >- if(mybestpv != mypvs): >+ print turquoise("Actions:") >+ print " "+green("clean")+" ("+green("-c")+" short option)" >+ print " Cleans the system by removing outdated packages which will not" >+ print " remove functionalities or prevent your system from working." >+ print " The arguments can be in several different formats :" >+ print " * world " >+ print " * system " >+ print " * /var/db/pkg/category/package-version, or" >+ print " * 'dependency specification' (in single quotes is best.)" >+ print " Here are a few examples of the dependency specification format:" >+ print " "+bold("binutils")+" matches" >+ print " binutils- and binutils-" >+ print " "+bold(">binutils-")+" matches" >+ print " binutils-" >+ print " "+bold("sys-devel/binutils")+" matches" >+ print " binutils- and binutils-" >+ print " "+bold("sys-devel/binutils-")+" matches" >+ print " binutils-" >+ print " "+bold(">sys-devel/binutils-")+" matches" >+ print " binutils-" >+ print " "+bold(">=sys-devel/binutils-")+" matches" >+ print " binutils- and binutils-" >+ print " "+bold("<sys-devel/binutils-")+" matches" >+ print " binutils-" >+ print " "+bold("<=sys-devel/binutils-")+" matches" >+ print " binutils- and binutils-" > print >- print red(" * ")+bold("An update to portage is available.")+" It is _highly_ recommended" >- print red(" * ")+"that you update portage now, before any other packages are updated." >- print red(" * ")+"Please do so and then update "+bold("ALL")+" of your configuration files." >+ print " "+green("depclean") >+ print " Cleans the system by removing packages that are not associated" >+ print " with explicitly merged packages. Depclean works by creating the" >+ print " full dependency tree from the system list and the world file," >+ print " then comparing it to installed packages. Packages installed, but" >+ print " not associated with an explicit merge are listed as candidates" >+ print " for unmerging."+turquoise(" WARNING: This can seriously affect your system by") >+ print " "+turquoise("removing packages that may have been linked against, but due to") >+ print " "+turquoise("changes in USE flags may no longer be part of the dep tree. Use") >+ print " "+turquoise("caution when employing this feature.") > print >-elif myaction=="regen": >- emergelog(" === regen") >- #regenerate cache entries >- print "Regenerating cache entries... ", >- sys.stdout.flush() >- mynodes=portage.portdb.cp_all() >- for x in mynodes: >- mymatches=portage.portdb.xmatch("list-visible",x) >- if not "--quiet" in myopts: >- print "processing",x >- for y in mymatches: >- try: >- foo=portage.portdb.aux_get(y,["DEPEND"]) >- except: >- print "\nerror processing",y+", continuing..." >- print "done!" >-# HELP action >-elif "config"==myaction: >- emergelog(" === config") >- print >- print "Currently, \'config\' is a help option only." >- print >-# INFO action >-elif "info"==myaction: >- unameout=commands.getstatusoutput("/bin/uname -mrp")[1] >- print getportageversion() >- print "=================================================================" >- print "System uname: "+unameout >- >- output=commands.getstatusoutput("`which distcc` --version") >- if not output[0]: >- print str(string.split(output[1],"\n",1)[0]), >- if "distcc" in portage.features: >- print "[enabled]" >- else: >- print "[disabled]" >- >- output=commands.getstatusoutput("`which ccache` -V") >- if not output[0]: >- print str(string.split(output[1],"\n",1)[0]), >- if "ccache" in portage.features: >- print "[enabled]" >- else: >- print "[disabled]" >- >- if "--verbose" in myopts: >- myvars=portage.settings.keys() >- else: >- myvars=['GENTOO_MIRRORS', 'CONFIG_PROTECT', 'CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK', >- 'PORTDIR', 'DISTDIR', 'PKGDIR', 'PORTAGE_TMPDIR', 'PORTDIR_OVERLAY', >- 'USE', 'COMPILER', 'CHOST', 'CFLAGS', 'CXXFLAGS','ACCEPT_KEYWORDS', >- 'MAKEOPTS', 'AUTOCLEAN', 'SYNC', 'FEATURES'] >- myvars.sort() >- for x in myvars: >- print x+'="'+portage.settings[x]+'"' >- #print portage.settings.keys() >- print >-# SEARCH action >-elif "search"==myaction: >- if not myfiles: >- print "emerge: no search terms provided." >- else: >- searchinstance = search() >- for mysearch in myfiles: >- try: >- searchinstance.execute(mysearch) >- except re.error, comment: >- print "\n!!! Regular expression error in \"%s\": %s" % ( mysearch, comment ) >- sys.exit(1) >- searchinstance.output() >-elif "inject"==myaction: >- if not myfiles: >- print "emerge: please specify at least one cat/pkg-ver to inject." >- sys.exit(1) >- if "--pretend" in myopts: >- print "emerge: the \"inject\" action does not support \"--pretend.\"" >- sys.exit(1) >- for x in myfiles: >- if x[0] in [">","<","=","!"]: >- print "!!! '"+x+"' is an invalid specification." >- print "!!! Must be 'category/package-version' with no other symbols." >- print >- continue >- mycps=portage.catpkgsplit(x) >- if (not mycps) or (mycps[0]=="null"): >- print "!!!",x,"is not a specific cat/pkg-version, skipping..." >- continue >- if portage.db["/"]["vartree"].exists_specific(x): >- print "!!! Not injecting",x+"; Package already exists." >- else: >- portage.db["/"]["vartree"].dbapi.cpv_inject(x) >- print ">>> Injected",x+"." >- emergelog(" === inject: "+x) >-elif "unmerge"==myaction or "prune"==myaction or "clean"==myaction: >- if 1==unmerge(myaction, myfiles): >- post_emerge() >- >-elif "depclean"==myaction: >- # Kill packages that aren't explicitly merged or are required as a >- # dependency of another package. World file is explicit. >- >- print >- print red("*** WARNING ***")+" : DEPCLEAN CAN SERIOUSLY IMPAIR YOUR SYSTEM. USE CAUTION." >- print red("*** WARNING ***")+" : (Cancel: CONTROL-C) -- ALWAYS VERIFY ALL PACKAGES IN THE" >- print red("*** WARNING ***")+" : CANDIDATE LIST FOR SANITY BEFORE ALLOWING DEPCLEAN TO" >- print red("*** WARNING ***")+" : UNMERGE ANY PACKAGES." >- print red("*** WARNING ***")+" :" >- print red("*** WARNING ***")+" : USE FLAGS MAY HAVE AN EXTREME EFFECT ON THE OUTPUT." >- print red("*** WARNING ***")+" : SOME LIBRARIES MAY BE USED BY PACKAGES BUT ARE NOT" >- print red("*** WARNING ***")+" : CONSIDERED TO BE A DEPEND DUE TO USE FLAG SETTINGS." >- print red("*** WARNING ***")+" :" >- print red("*** WARNING ***")+" : Packages in the list that are desired may be added" >- print red("*** WARNING ***")+" : directly to the world file to cause them to be ignored" >- print red("*** WARNING ***")+" : by depclean and maintained in the future. BREAKAGES DUE" >- print red("*** WARNING ***")+" : TO UNMERGING AN ==IN-USE LIBRARY== MAY BE REPAIRED BY" >- print red("*** WARNING ***")+" : MERGING *** THE PACKAGE THAT COMPLAINS *** ABOUT THE" >- print red("*** WARNING ***")+" : MISSING LIBRARY." >- print >- if not "--pretend" in myopts: >- countdown(10, ">>> Depclean") >- emergelog(" >>> depclean") >- >- mydepgraph=depgraph(myaction,myopts) >- syslist=getlist("system") >- worldlist=getlist("world") >- >- print "Calculating",myaction,"dependencies ", >- if not mydepgraph.xcreate("world"): >- print "\n!!! Failed to create deptree." >- sys.exit(1) >- print "\b\b ... done!" >- >- if ("--usepkgonly" in myopts) and mydepgraph.missingbins: >- sys.stderr.write(red("The following binaries are not available for merging...\n")) >- for x in mydepgraph.missingbins: >- sys.stderr.write(" "+str(x)+"\n") >- sys.stderr.write("\nThese are required by '--usepkgonly' -- Terminating.\n\n") >- sys.exit(1) >- >- alldeps=mydepgraph.digraph.allnodes() >- myvarlist=portage.vardbapi(portage.root).cp_all() >- >- if not syslist: >- print "!!! You have no system list. Cannot determine system from world." >- if not worldlist: >- print "!!! You have no world file. Cannot determine explicit merges." >- if not myvarlist: >- print "!!! You have no /var/db tree. This is a problem." >- if not alldeps: >- print "!!! You have no dependencies. Impossible. Bug." >- >- if not (syslist and worldlist and myvarlist and alldeps): >+ print " "+green("info") >+ print " Displays important portage variables that will be exported to" >+ print " ebuild.sh when performing merges. This information is useful" >+ print " for bug reports and verification of settings. All settings in" >+ print " make.{conf,globals,defaults} and the environment show up if" >+ print " run with the '--verbose' flag." > print >- sys.exit(1) >- >- reallist=[] >- for x in alldeps: >- myparts=portage.catpkgsplit(string.split(x)[2]) >- if not myparts: >- sys.stderr.write( >- red("!!! There appears to be a problem with the following package:\n")+ >- red("!!! "+str(string.split(x)[2])+"\n\n")+ >- "!!! Please ensure that blocking/conflicting packages are not merged."+ >- "!!! 'emerge -p "+str(string.split(x)[2])+"\n\n") >- if "--pretend" not in myopts: >- countdown(15, "*** Continuing") >- continue >- >- catpack=myparts[0]+"/"+myparts[1] >- if catpack not in reallist: >- reallist.append(catpack) >- >- cleanlist=[] >- for x in myvarlist: >- if x not in reallist: >- if x not in cleanlist: >- cleanlist.append(x) >- >- for x in syslist+worldlist: >- myparts = portage.catpkgsplit(x) >- if myparts: >- if myparts[0][0] in ('<','>','='): >- myparts[0] = myparts[0][1:] >- if myparts[0][0] in ('<','>','='): >- myparts[0] = myparts[0][1:] >- catpack=myparts[0]+"/"+myparts[1] >- else: >- catpack=x >- if catpack in cleanlist: >- cleanlist.remove(catpack) >- >- #print "\n\n\nCleaning: " >- #for x in cleanlist: >- # print x >- #print >+ print " "+green("inject")+" ("+green("-i")+" short option)" >+ print " Add a stub entry for a package so that Portage thinks that it's" >+ print " installed when it really isn't. Handy if you roll your own" >+ print " packages. Example: " >+ #NOTE: this next line *needs* the "sys-kernel/"; *please* don't remove it! >+ print " "+bold("emerge inject sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-2.4.19") >+ print >+ print " "+green("prune")+" ("+green("-P")+" short option)" >+ print " "+turquoise("WARNING: This action can remove important packages!") >+ print " Removes all older versions of a package from your system." >+ print " This action doesn't always verify the possible binary" >+ print " incompatibility between versions and can thus remove essential" >+ print " dependencies from your system." >+ print " The argument format is the same as for the "+bold("clean")+" action." >+ print >+ print " "+green("regen") >+ print " Causes portage to check and update the dependency cache of all" >+ print " ebuilds in the portage tree. This is not recommended for rsync" >+ print " users as rsync updates the cache using server-side caches." >+ print " Rsync users should simply 'emerge sync' to regenerate." >+ print >+ print " "+green("search")+" ("+green("-s")+" short option)" >+ print " searches for matches of the supplied string in the current local" >+ print " portage tree. The search string is a regular expression." >+ print " A few examples: " >+ print " "+bold("emerge search '^kde'") >+ print " list all packages starting with kde" >+ print " "+bold("emerge search 'gcc$'") >+ print " list all packages ending with gcc" >+ print " "+bold("emerge search ''")+" or" >+ print " "+bold("emerge search '.*'") >+ print " list all available packages " >+ print >+ print " "+green("unmerge")+" ("+green("-C")+" short option)" >+ print " "+turquoise("WARNING: This action can remove important packages!") >+ print " Removes all matching packages without checking for outdated" >+ print " versions, effectively removing a package "+bold("completely")+" from" >+ print " your system. Specify arguments using the dependency specification" >+ print " format described in the "+bold("clean")+" action above." >+ print >+ print turquoise("Options:") >+ print " "+green("--build-package")+" ("+green("-b")+" short option)" >+ print " tell emerge to build binary packages for all ebuilds processed" >+ print " (in addition to actually merging the packages. Useful for" >+ print " maintainers or if you administrate multiple Gentoo Linux" >+ print " systems (build once, emerge tbz2s everywhere)." >+ print >+ print " "+green("--build-package-only")+" ("+green("-B")+" short option)" >+ print " Creates binary a binary package, but does not merge it to the" >+ print " system. This has the restriction that unsatisfied dependencies" >+ print " must not exist for the desired package as they cannot be used if" >+ print " they do not exist on the system." >+ print >+ print " "+green("--changelog")+" ("+green("-l")+" short option)" >+ print " When pretending, also display the ChangeLog entries for packages" >+ print " that will be upgraded." >+ print >+ print " "+green("--columns") >+ print " Display the pretend output in a tabular form. Versions are" >+ print " aligned vertically." >+ print >+ print " "+green("--debug")+" ("+green("-d")+" short option)" >+ print " Tell emerge to run the ebuild command in --debug mode. In this" >+ print " mode, the bash build environment will run with the -x option," >+ print " causing it to output verbose debug information print to stdout." >+ print " --debug is great for finding bash syntax errors as providing" >+ print " very verbose information about the dependency and build process." >+ print >+ print " "+green("--deep")+" ("+green("-D")+" short option)" >+ print " When used in conjunction with --update, this flag forces emerge" >+ print " to consider the entire dependency tree of packages, instead of" >+ print " checking only the immediate dependencies of the packages. As an" >+ print " example, this catches updates in libraries that are not directly" >+ print " listed in the dependencies of a package." >+ print >+ print " "+green("--empty-tree")+" ("+green("-e")+" short option)" >+ print " Virtually tweaks the tree of installed packages to only contain" >+ print " glibc, this is great to use together with --pretend. This makes" >+ print " it possible for developers to get a complete overview of the" >+ print " complete dependency tree of a certain package." >+ print >+ print " "+green("--fetch-only")+" ("+green("-f")+" short option)" >+ print " Instead of doing any package building, just perform fetches for" >+ print " all packages (main package as well as all dependencies.) When" >+ print " used in combination with --pretend all the SRC_URIs will be" >+ print " displayed multiple mirrors per line, one line per file." >+ print >+ print " "+green("--get-binary-package")+" ("+green("-g")+" short option)" >+ print " Using the server and location defined in PORTAGE_BINHOST, portage" >+ print " will download the information from each binary file there and it" >+ print " will use that information to help build the dependency list. This" >+ print " option implies '-k'. (Use -gK for binary-only merging.)" >+ print >+ print " "+green("--get-binary-package-only")+" ("+green("-G")+" short option)" >+ print " This option is identical to -g, as above, except it will not use" >+ print " ANY information from the local machine. All binaries will be" >+ print " downloaded from the remote server without consulting packages" >+ print " existing in the packages directory." >+ print >+ print " "+green("--forget-configuration") >+ print " Portage keeps track of files that have been placed into" >+ print " CONFIG_PROTECT directories, and normally it will not merge the" >+ print " same file more than once, as that would become annoying. This" >+ print " can lead to problems when the user wants the file in the case" >+ print " of accidental deletion. With this option, files will always be" >+ print " merged to the live fs instead of silently dropped." >+ print >+ print " "+green("--no-dependencies")+" ("+green("-O")+" short option)" >+ print " Merge specified packages, but don't merge any dependencies." >+ print " Note that the build may fail if deps aren't satisfied." >+ print >+ print " "+green("--no-replace")+" ("+green("-n")+" short option)" >+ print " Skip the packages specified on the command-line that have" >+ print " already been installed. Without this option, any packages," >+ print " ebuilds, or deps you specify on the command-line *will* cause" >+ print " Portage to remerge the package, even if it is already installed." >+ print " Note that Portage won't remerge dependencies by default." >+ print >+ print " "+green("--no-spinner") >+ print " Disables the spinner regardless of terminal type." >+ print >+ print " "+green("--once-only") >+ print " Emerge as normal, but don't add packages to the world profile for" >+ print " later updating. This prevents consideration of this package" >+ print " unless this package is depended upon by another package." >+ print >+ print " "+green("--dependencies-only")+" ("+green("-o")+" short option)" >+ print " Only merge (or pretend to merge) the dependencies of the" >+ print " specified packages, not the packages themselves." >+ print >+ print " "+green("--pretend")+" ("+green("-p")+" short option)" >+ print " instead of actually performing the merge, simply display what" >+ print " ebuilds and tbz2s *would* have been installed if --pretend" >+ print " weren't used. Using --pretend is strongly recommended before" >+ print " installing an unfamiliar package. In the printout, N = new," >+ print " U = updating, R = replacing, B = blocked by an already installed" >+ print " package, D = possible downgrading. --verbose causes affecting" >+ print " use flags to be printed out accompanied by a '+' for enabled" >+ print " and a '-' for disabled flags." >+ print >+ print " "+green("--quiet")+" ("+green("-q")+" short option)" >+ print " Effects vary, but the general outcome is a reduced or condensed" >+ print " output from portage's displays." >+ print >+ print " "+green("--resume") >+ print " Resumes the last merge operation. Can be treated just like a" >+ print " regular merge as --pretend and other options work along side." >+ print " 'emerge --resume' only returns an error on failure. Nothing to" >+ print " do exits with a message and a success condition." >+ print >+ print " "+green("--search-description")+" ("+green("-S")+" short option)" >+ print " Matches the search string against the description field as well" >+ print " the package's name. Take caution as the descriptions are also" >+ print " matched as regular expressions." >+ print " emerge -S html" >+ print " emerge -S applet" >+ print " emerge -S 'perl.*module'" >+ print >+ print " "+green("--skip-first") >+ print " This option is only valid in a resume situation. It removes the" >+ print " first package in the resume list so that a merge may continue in" >+ print " the presence of an uncorrectable or inconsequential error. This" >+ print " should only be used in cases where skipping the package will not" >+ print " result in failed dependencies." >+ print >+ print " "+green("--update")+" ("+green("-u")+" short option)" >+ print " Updates packages to the best version available, which may not" >+ print " always be the highest version number due to masking for testing" >+ print " and development." >+ print >+ print " "+green("--upgrade-only")+" ("+green("-U")+" short option)" >+ print " Updates packages, but excludes updates that would result in a" >+ print " lower version of the package being installed. SLOTs are" >+ print " considered at a basic level." >+ print >+ print " "+green("--use-package")+" ("+green("-k")+" short option)" >+ print " Tell emerge to use binary packages (from $PKGDIR) if they are" >+ print " available, thus possibly avoiding some time-consuming compiles." >+ print " This option is useful for CD installs; you can export" >+ print " PKGDIR=/mnt/cdrom/packages and then use this option to have" >+ print " emerge \"pull\" binary packages from the CD in order to satisfy" >+ print " dependencies." >+ print >+ print " "+green("--use-package-only")+" ("+green("-K")+" short option)" >+ print " Like --use-package above, except this only allows the use of binary" >+ print " packages, and it will abort the emerge if the package is not" >+ print " available at the time of dependency calculation." >+ print >+ print " "+green("--verbose")+" ("+green("-v")+" short option)" >+ print " Effects vary, but the general outcome is an increased or expanded" >+ print " display of content in portage's displays." >+ print >+ print " "+green("--version")+" ("+green("-V")+" short option)" >+ print " Displays the currently installed version of portage along with" >+ print " other information useful for quick reference on a system. See" >+ print " "+bold("emerge info")+" for more advanced information." >+ print >+ elif myaction in ["rsync","sync"]: >+ print >+ print bold("Usage: ")+turquoise("emerge")+" "+turquoise("sync") >+ print >+ print " 'emerge sync' tells emerge to update the Portage tree as specified in" >+ print " The SYNC variable found in /etc/make.conf. By default, SYNC instructs" >+ print " emerge to perform an rsync-style update with rsync.gentoo.org." >+ # Available" >+ #print " sync methods are rsync and anoncvs. To use anoncvs rather than rsync," >+ #print " put 'SYNC=\"cvs://:pserver:cvs.gentoo.org:/home/cvsroot\" in your" >+ #print " /etc/make.conf. If you haven't used anoncvs before, you'll be prompted" >+ #print " for a password, which for cvs.gentoo.org is empty (just hit enter.)" >+ print >+ print " 'emerge-webrsync' exists as a helper app to emerge sync, providing a" >+ print " method to receive the entire portage tree as a tarball that can be" >+ print " extracted and used. First time syncs would benefit greatly from this." >+ print >+ print " "+turquoise("WARNING:") >+ print " If using our rsync server, emerge will clean out all files that do not" >+ print " exist on it, including ones that you may have created." >+ print >+ elif myaction=="system": >+ print >+ print bold("Usage: ")+turquoise("emerge")+" [ "+green("options")+" ] "+turquoise("system") >+ print >+ print " \"emerge system\" is the Portage system update command. When run, it" >+ print " will scan the etc/make.profile/packages file and determine what" >+ print " packages need to be installed so that your system meets the minimum" >+ print " requirements of your current system profile. Note that this doesn't" >+ print " necessarily bring your system up-to-date at all; instead, it just" >+ print " ensures that you have no missing parts. For example, if your system" >+ print " profile specifies that you should have sys-apps/iptables installed" >+ print " and you don't, then \"emerge system\" will install it (the most" >+ print " recent version that matches the profile spec) for you. It's always a" >+ print " good idea to do an \"emerge --pretend system\" before an \"emerge" >+ print " system\", just so you know what emerge is planning to do." >+ print >+ elif myaction=="config": >+ outstuff=green("Config file management support (preliminary)")+""" > >- if len(cleanlist): >- unmerge("unmerge", cleanlist) >+Portage has a special feature called "config file protection". The purpose of >+this feature is to prevent new package installs from clobbering existing >+configuration files. By default, config file protection is turned on for /etc >+and the KDE configuration dirs; more may be added in the future. > >- print >- print "Packages installed: "+str(len(myvarlist)) >- print "Packages in world: "+str(len(worldlist)) >- print "Packages in system: "+str(len(syslist)) >- print "Unique package names: "+str(len(reallist)) >- print "Required packages: "+str(len(alldeps)) >- if "--pretend" in myopts: >- print "Number to remove: "+str(len(cleanlist)) >- else: >- print "Number removed: "+str(len(cleanlist)) >+When Portage installs a file into a protected directory tree like /etc, any >+existing files will not be overwritten. If a file of the same name already >+exists, Portage will change the name of the to-be- installed file from 'foo' to >+'._cfg0000_foo'. If '._cfg0000_foo' already exists, this name becomes >+'._cfg0001_foo', etc. In this way, existing files are not overwritten, >+allowing the administrator to manually merge the new config files and avoid any >+unexpected changes. > >- post_emerge() >+In addition to protecting overwritten files, Portage will not delete any files >+from a protected directory when a package is unmerged. While this may be a >+little bit untidy, it does prevent potentially valuable config files from being >+deleted, which is of paramount importance. > >-# "update", "system", or just process files: >-else: >- favorites=[] >- syslist=getlist("system") >- if ("--pretend" in myopts) and not ("--fetchonly" in myopts): >- print >- print darkgreen("These are the packages that I would merge, in order:") >- print >- if ("--resume" in myopts) and portage.mtimedb.has_key("resume"): >- myresumeopts=portage.mtimedb["resume"]["myopts"][:] >- for myopt in myopts: >- if myopt not in myresumeopts: >- myresumeopts.append(myopt) >- myopts=myresumeopts >- mydepgraph=depgraph("resume",myopts) >- if "--resume" not in myopts: >- myopts+=["--resume"] >- else: >- if ("--resume" in myopts): >- del myopts[myopts.index("--resume")] >- print darkgreen("emerge: It seems we have nothing to resume...") >- sys.exit(0) >+Protected directories are set using the CONFIG_PROTECT variable, normally >+defined in /etc/make.globals. Directory exceptions to the CONFIG_PROTECTed >+directories can be specified using the CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK variable. To find >+files that need to be updated in /etc, type: > >- mydepgraph=depgraph(myaction,myopts) >- if myaction in ["system","world"]: >- print "Calculating",myaction,"dependencies ", >- if not mydepgraph.xcreate(myaction): >- print "!!! Depgraph creation failed." >- sys.exit(1) >- print "\b\b ...done!" >- else: >- if not myfiles: >- print "emerge: please tell me what to do." >- help() >- sys.exit(1) >- #we don't have any files to process; skip this step and exit >- print "Calculating dependencies ", >- retval,favorites=mydepgraph.select_files(myfiles) >- if not retval: >- print "\n!!! Error calculating dependencies. Please correct." >- sys.exit(1) >- print "\b\b ...done!" >+# find /etc -iname '._cfg????_*' > >- if ("--usepkgonly" in myopts) and mydepgraph.missingbins: >- sys.stderr.write(red("The following binaries are not available for merging...\n")) >+You can disable this feature by setting CONFIG_PROTECT="-*" in /etc/make.conf. >+Then, Portage will mercilessly auto-update your config files. Alternatively, >+you can leave Config File Protection on but tell Portage that it can overwrite >+files in certain specific /etc subdirectories. For example, if you wanted >+Portage to automatically update your rc scripts and your wget configuration, >+but didn't want any other changes made without your explicit approval, you'd >+add this to /etc/make.conf: > >- if mydepgraph.missingbins: >- for x in mydepgraph.missingbins: >- sys.stderr.write(" "+str(x)+"\n") >- sys.stderr.write("\nThese are required by '--usepkgonly' -- Terminating.\n\n") >- sys.exit(1) >+CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK="/etc/wget /etc/rc.d" > >- if ("--pretend" in myopts) and ("--fetchonly" not in myopts): >- if ("--resume" in myopts): >- mydepgraph.display(portage.mtimedb["resume"]["mergelist"]) >- else: >- mydepgraph.display(mydepgraph.altlist()) >- else: >- if ("--buildpkgonly" in myopts): >- if not mydepgraph.digraph.hasallzeros(): >- print "\n!!! --buildpkgonly requires all dependencies to be merged." >- print "!!! Cannot merge requested packages. Merge deps and try again.\n" >- sys.exit(1) >+etc-update is also available to aid in the merging of these files. It provides >+a vimdiff interactive merging setup and can auto-merge trivial changes. > >- if ("--resume" in myopts): >- favorites=portage.mtimedb["resume"]["favorites"] >- mydepgraph.merge(portage.mtimedb["resume"]["mergelist"]) >- else: >- portage.mtimedb["resume"]={} >- portage.mtimedb["resume"]["myopts"]=myopts >- portage.mtimedb["resume"]["favorites"]=favorites >- if ("--digest" in myopts) and not ("--fetchonly" in myopts): >- for pkgline in mydepgraph.altlist(): >- if pkgline[0]=="ebuild" and pkgline[3]=="merge": >- y=portage.portdb.findname(pkgline[2]) >- retval=portage.doebuild(y,"digest",portage.root,edebug,("--pretend" in myopts)) >- mydepgraph.merge(mydepgraph.altlist()) >+""" >+ print outstuff > >- if portage.mtimedb.has_key("resume"): >- del portage.mtimedb["resume"] >- if portage.settings["AUTOCLEAN"] and "yes"==portage.settings["AUTOCLEAN"]: >- print ">>> Auto-cleaning packages ..." >- unmerge("clean", ["world"]) >- post_emerge()
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