# Copyright 1999-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, v2 or later # $Header:$ S="${WORKDIR}/${P}" DESCRIPTION="ccbench is a benchmark for c-compilers and various optimization options." SRC_URI="http://www.rocklinux.net/people/clifford/ccbench/${P}.tar.bz2" HOMEPAGE="http://www.rocklinux.org/ccbench.html" LICENSE="GPL-2" DEPEND="" KEYWORDS="x86" SLOT="0" IUSE="" src_install () { # use Gentoo-like defaults sed -i 's|\*\.c -o bench\.bin|/usr/share/ccbench/\*\.c -o bench\.bin|' ccbench # add -pipe sed -i 's|try "" -fforce-addr|&\n\ttry "" -pipe|' ccbench # undo sed permission change chmod a+x ccbench insinto /usr/share/ccbench doins *.[ch] insinto /usr/sbin insopts -m755 doins ccbench # Install documentation. dodoc README }