(08:34:37) prefs: Reading /home/chatellier/.purple/prefs.xml (08:34:37) prefs: Finished reading /home/chatellier/.purple/prefs.xml (08:34:37) dbus: okkk (08:34:37) plugins: probing /usr/lib64/pidgin/convcolors.so (08:34:37) plugins: probing /usr/lib64/pidgin/ticker.so (08:34:37) plugins: probing /usr/lib64/pidgin/timestamp.so (08:34:37) plugins: probing /usr/lib64/pidgin/spellchk.so (08:34:37) plugins: probing /usr/lib64/pidgin/relnot.so (08:34:37) plugins: probing /usr/lib64/pidgin/gtkbuddynote.so (08:34:37) plugins: probing /usr/lib64/pidgin/musicmessaging.so (08:34:37) plugins: probing /usr/lib64/pidgin/pidginrc.so (08:34:37) plugins: probing /usr/lib64/pidgin/timestamp_format.so (08:34:37) plugins: probing /usr/lib64/pidgin/xmppconsole.so (08:34:37) plugins: probing /usr/lib64/pidgin/markerline.so (08:34:37) plugins: probing /usr/lib64/pidgin/notify.so (08:34:37) plugins: probing /usr/lib64/pidgin/iconaway.so (08:34:37) plugins: probing /usr/lib64/pidgin/gestures.so (08:34:37) plugins: probing /usr/lib64/pidgin/history.so (08:34:37) plugins: probing /usr/lib64/pidgin/extplacement.so (08:34:37) plugins: probing /usr/lib64/purple-2/ssl-gnutls.so (08:34:37) plugins: probing /usr/lib64/purple-2/ssl.so (08:34:37) plugins: probing /usr/lib64/purple-2/psychic.so (08:34:37) plugins: probing /usr/lib64/purple-2/libicq.so (08:34:37) plugins: probing /usr/lib64/purple-2/log_reader.so (08:34:37) plugins: probing /usr/lib64/purple-2/libirc.so (08:34:37) plugins: probing /usr/lib64/purple-2/pidgin-libnotify.so (08:34:37) plugins: probing /usr/lib64/purple-2/liboscar.so (08:34:37) plugins: /usr/lib64/purple-2/liboscar.so is not usable because the 'purple_init_plugin' symbol could not be found. Does the plugin call the PURPLE_INIT_PLUGIN() macro? (08:34:37) plugins: probing /usr/lib64/purple-2/libmsn.so (08:34:37) plugins: probing /usr/lib64/purple-2/libsimple.so (08:34:37) plugins: probing /usr/lib64/purple-2/libmyspace.so (08:34:37) plugins: probing /usr/lib64/purple-2/buddynote.so (08:34:37) plugins: probing /usr/lib64/purple-2/libxmpp.so (08:34:37) util: Reading file xmpp-caps.xml from directory /home/chatellier/.purple (08:34:37) plugins: probing /usr/lib64/purple-2/newline.so (08:34:37) plugins: probing /usr/lib64/purple-2/offlinemsg.so (08:34:37) plugins: probing /usr/lib64/purple-2/ssl-nss.so (08:34:37) plugins: probing /usr/lib64/purple-2/perl.so (08:34:37) plugins: probing /usr/lib64/purple-2/libyahoo.so (08:34:37) plugins: probing /usr/lib64/purple-2/libjabber.so (08:34:37) plugins: /usr/lib64/purple-2/libjabber.so is not usable because the 'purple_init_plugin' symbol could not be found. Does the plugin call the PURPLE_INIT_PLUGIN() macro? (08:34:37) plugins: probing /usr/lib64/purple-2/libaim.so (08:34:37) plugins: probing /usr/lib64/purple-2/statenotify.so (08:34:37) plugins: probing /usr/lib64/purple-2/idle.so (08:34:37) plugins: probing /usr/lib64/purple-2/autoaccept.so (08:34:37) plugins: probing /usr/lib64/purple-2/joinpart.so (08:34:37) plugins: probing /usr/lib64/purple-2/dbus-example.so (08:34:37) prefs: /purple/status/scores/offline changed, scheduling save. (08:34:37) prefs: /purple/status/scores/available changed, scheduling save. (08:34:37) prefs: /purple/status/scores/invisible changed, scheduling save. (08:34:37) prefs: /purple/status/scores/away changed, scheduling save. (08:34:37) prefs: /purple/status/scores/extended_away changed, scheduling save. (08:34:37) prefs: /purple/status/scores/idle changed, scheduling save. (08:34:37) prefs: /purple/status/scores/offline_msg changed, scheduling save. (08:34:37) util: Reading file accounts.xml from directory /home/chatellier/.purple (08:34:37) util: Reading file status.xml from directory /home/chatellier/.purple (08:34:37) certificate: CertificateVerifier x509, singleuse requested but not found. (08:34:37) certificate: CertificateVerifier singleuse registered (08:34:37) certificate: CertificatePool x509, ca requested but not found. (08:34:37) certificate: CertificateScheme x509 requested but not found. (08:34:37) certificate/x509/ca: Lazy init failed because an X.509 Scheme is not yet registered. Maybe it will be better later. (08:34:37) certificate/x509/ca: Init failed, probably because a dependency is not yet registered. It has been deferred to later. (08:34:37) certificate: CertificatePool ca registered (08:34:37) certificate: CertificatePool x509, tls_peers requested but not found. (08:34:37) certificate: CertificatePool tls_peers registered (08:34:37) certificate: CertificateVerifier x509, tls_cached requested but not found. (08:34:37) certificate: CertificateVerifier tls_cached registered (08:34:37) prefs: /purple/logging/format changed, scheduling save. (08:34:37) prefs: /purple/logging/format changed, scheduling save. (08:34:37) prefs: /purple/proxy/type changed, scheduling save. (08:34:37) prefs: /purple/proxy/host changed, scheduling save. (08:34:37) prefs: /purple/proxy/port changed, scheduling save. (08:34:37) prefs: /purple/proxy/username changed, scheduling save. (08:34:37) prefs: /purple/proxy/password changed, scheduling save. (08:34:37) certificate: CertificateScheme x509 requested but not found. (08:34:37) certificate: CertificateScheme x509 registered (08:34:37) stun: using server (08:34:37) prefs: /pidgin/conversations/placement changed, scheduling save. (08:34:37) prefs: purple_prefs_connect_callback: Unknown pref /pidgin/conversations/im/show_protocol_icons (08:34:37) gtkblist: added visibility manager: 1 (08:34:37) docklet: created (08:34:37) util: Reading file blist.xml from directory /home/chatellier/.purple (08:34:37) plugins: Loading saved plugin /usr/lib64/pidgin/history.so (08:34:37) plugins: Loading saved plugin /usr/lib64/purple-2/ssl-nss.so (08:34:37) plugins: Loading saved plugin /usr/lib64/pidgin/relnot.so (08:34:37) plugins: Loading saved plugin /usr/lib64/purple-2/ssl.so (08:34:37) pounce: Error reading pounces: L'ouverture du fichier « /home/chatellier/.purple/pounces.xml » a échoué : Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type (08:34:37) ui_main: Failed to load the default window icon (scalablepx version)! (08:34:37) Session Management: ICE initialized. (08:34:37) Session Management: Connecting with no previous ID (08:34:37) Session Management: Handling new ICE connection... (08:34:37) done. (08:34:37) Session Management: Connected to manager (GnomeSM) with client ID 117f000001000120711807700000096100007 (08:34:37) Session Management: Using pidgin as command (08:34:37) dbus: Need to register an object with the dbus subsystem. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.) (08:34:37) dbus: The signal "gtkblist-unhiding" caused some dbus error. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.) (08:34:37) account: Connecting to account ZZZ/Portable (08:34:38) connection: Connecting. gc = 0xaa66d0 (08:34:38) dns: DNS query for 'YYY' queued (08:34:38) account: Connecting to account XXX/Portable (08:34:38) connection: Connecting. gc = 0xaa96c0 (08:34:38) dnssrv: querying SRV record for _xmpp-client._tcp.jabber.fr (08:34:38) Session Management: Received first save_yourself (08:34:38) dns: Created new DNS child 30257, there are now 1 children. (08:34:38) dns: Successfully sent DNS request to child 30257 (08:34:38) Session Management: Received save_complete (08:34:38) dnssrv: found 0 SRV entries (08:34:38) dns: DNS query for 'jabber.fr' queued (08:34:38) dns: Got response for 'YYY' (08:34:38) dnsquery: IP resolved for YYY (08:34:38) proxy: Attempting connection to (08:34:38) proxy: Connecting to XYZ:5223 with no proxy (08:34:38) proxy: Connection in progress (08:34:38) dns: Created new DNS child 30259, there are now 1 children. (08:34:38) dns: Successfully sent DNS request to child 30259 (08:34:38) docklet: embedded (08:34:38) dns: Got response for 'jabber.fr' (08:34:38) dnsquery: IP resolved for jabber.fr (08:34:38) proxy: Attempting connection to (08:34:38) proxy: Connecting to jabber.fr:5222 with no proxy (08:34:38) proxy: Connection in progress (08:34:38) proxy: Connected to jabber.fr:5222. (08:34:38) jabber: Sending: (08:34:38) jabber: Sending: (08:34:38) proxy: Connected to XYZ:5223. (08:34:38) jabber: Recv (132): (08:34:38) jabber: Recv (324): DIGEST-MD5CRAM-MD5 (08:34:38) jabber: Sending: (08:34:38) jabber: Sending (ssl): (08:34:38) jabber: Sending (ssl): (08:34:38) jabber: Recv (50): (08:34:38) jabber: Sending (ssl): (08:34:38) jabber: Recv (ssl)(151): (08:34:38) jabber: Sending (ssl): echatellier (08:34:38) jabber: Recv (ssl)(131): (08:34:38) jabber: Recv (ssl)(273): DIGEST-MD5CRAM-MD5 (08:34:38) jabber: Sending (ssl): (08:34:38) jabber: Recv (ssl)(191): echatellier499471C95A9 (08:34:38) jabber: Sending (ssl): echatellierPortable0f0b741310decc63dec38b7a53f0aa90e137f0f6 (08:34:38) jabber: Recv (ssl)(308): bm9uY2U9InBxS3VFVS9qTFVSM3pjeldNOWFtY0l1NDBhUm9vK0pTZjlyME1WUHU2OTg9IixyZWFsbT0iamFiYmVyLmZyIixxb3A9ImF1dGgsYXV0aC1pbnQsYXV0aC1jb25mIixjaXBoZXI9InJjNC00MCxyYzQtNTYscmM0LGRlcywzZGVzIixtYXhidWY9MTAyNCxjaGFyc2V0PXV0Zi04LGFsZ29yaXRobT1tZDUtc2Vzcw== (08:34:38) jabber: decoded challenge (181): nonce="pqKuEU/jLUR3zczWM9amcIu40aRoo+JSf9r0MVPu698=",realm="jabber.fr",qop="auth,auth-int,auth-conf",cipher="rc4-40,rc4-56,rc4,des,3des",maxbuf=1024,charset=utf-8,algorithm=md5-sess (08:34:38) jabber: decoded response (230): username="XXX",realm="jabber.fr",nonce="pqKuEU/jLUR3zczWM9amcIu40aRoo+JSf9r0MVPu698=",cnonce="d2db25ab1207118078d2936986",nc=00000001,qop=auth,digest-uri="xmpp/jabber.fr",response=5c9e19e5e5d5df4d61bce981b2b10888,charset=utf-8 (08:34:38) jabber: Sending (ssl): dXNlcm5hbWU9ImNlcmljMzUiLHJlYWxtPSJqYWJiZXIuZnIiLG5vbmNlPSJwcUt1RVUvakxVUjN6Y3pXTTlhbWNJdTQwYVJvbytKU2Y5cjBNVlB1Njk4PSIsY25vbmNlPSJkMmRiMjVhYjEyMDcxMTgwNzhkMjkzNjk4NiIsbmM9MDAwMDAwMDEscW9wPWF1dGgsZGlnZXN0LXVyaT0ieG1wcC9qYWJiZXIuZnIiLHJlc3BvbnNlPTVjOWUxOWU1ZTVkNWRmNGQ2MWJjZTk4MWIyYjEwODg4LGNoYXJzZXQ9dXRmLTg= (08:34:38) jabber: Recv (ssl)(39): (08:34:38) jabber: jabber_actions: have pep: NO (08:34:38) connection: Activating keepalive. (08:34:38) jabber: Sending (ssl): (08:34:38) jabber: Sending (ssl): (08:34:38) jabber: Recv (ssl)(120): cnNwYXV0aD03ZTkxNWZmMjRhNDRiYzc2YmMwMjI1ZGUyMjA3ODE0YQ== (08:34:38) jabber: decoded challenge (40): rspauth=7e915ff24a44bc76bc0225de2207814a (08:34:38) jabber: Sending (ssl): (08:34:38) jabber: Recv (ssl)(51): (08:34:38) jabber: Sending (ssl): (08:34:38) jabber: Recv (ssl)(418): (08:34:38) jabber: Sending (ssl): (08:34:38) jabber: Sending (ssl): (08:34:38) jabber: Sending (ssl): (08:34:38) jabber: Recv (ssl)(131): (08:34:38) jabber: Recv (ssl)(137): (08:34:38) jabber: Sending (ssl): Portable (08:34:38) jabber: Recv (ssl)(522): (08:34:38) jabber: Sending (ssl): (08:34:38) jabber: Sending (ssl): (08:34:38) jabber: attempt to send presence before roster retrieved (08:34:38) jabber: Recv (ssl)(134): XXX/Portable (08:34:38) jabber: Sending (ssl): (08:34:38) jabber: Recv (ssl)(114): (08:34:38) jabber: jabber_actions: have pep: NO (08:34:38) jabber: jabber_actions: have pep: NO (08:34:38) connection: Activating keepalive. (08:34:38) jabber: Sending (ssl): (08:34:38) jabber: Sending (ssl): (08:34:38) jabber: Recv (ssl)(224): Not Implemented (08:34:38) jabber: Recv (ssl)(623): (08:34:38) jabber: Sending (ssl): (08:34:38) jabber: Sending (ssl): (08:34:38) jabber: Sending (ssl): (08:34:38) jabber: Sending (ssl): (08:34:38) jabber: Sending (ssl): (08:34:38) jabber: Sending (ssl): (08:34:38) jabber: Sending (ssl): (08:34:38) jabber: Sending (ssl): (08:34:38) jabber: Sending (ssl): (08:34:38) jabber: Recv (ssl)(517): (08:34:38) jabber: Recv (ssl)(122): (08:34:38) jabber: Recv (ssl)(713): (08:34:38) jabber: Sending (ssl): (08:34:38) jabber: Sending (ssl): (08:34:38) jabber: attempt to send presence before roster retrieved (08:34:40) dbus: Need to register an object with the dbus subsystem. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.) (08:34:40) dbus: The signal "drawing-tooltip" caused some dbus error. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.) (08:34:41) dbus: Need to register an object with the dbus subsystem. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.) (08:34:41) dbus: The signal "blist-node-extended-menu" caused some dbus error. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.) (08:34:41) dbus: Need to register an object with the dbus subsystem. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.) (08:34:41) dbus: The signal "conversation-extended-menu" caused some dbus error. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.) (08:34:41) dbus: Need to register an object with the dbus subsystem. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.) (08:34:41) dbus: The signal "blist-node-extended-menu" caused some dbus error. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.) (08:34:41) dbus: Need to register an object with the dbus subsystem. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.) (08:34:41) dbus: The signal "conversation-extended-menu" caused some dbus error. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.) (08:34:41) prefs: /pidgin/conversations/toolbar/wide changed, scheduling save. (08:34:41) dbus: Need to register an object with the dbus subsystem. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.) (08:34:41) dbus: The signal "conversation-displayed" caused some dbus error. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.) (08:34:42) util: Writing file prefs.xml to directory /home/chatellier/.purple (08:34:42) util: Writing file /home/chatellier/.purple/prefs.xml (08:34:42) util: Writing file accounts.xml to directory /home/chatellier/.purple (08:34:42) util: Writing file /home/chatellier/.purple/accounts.xml (08:34:42) util: Writing file blist.xml to directory /home/chatellier/.purple (08:34:42) util: Writing file /home/chatellier/.purple/blist.xml (08:34:45) dbus: Need to register an object with the dbus subsystem. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.) (08:34:45) dbus: The signal "blist-node-extended-menu" caused some dbus error. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.) (08:34:45) dbus: Need to register an object with the dbus subsystem. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.) (08:34:45) dbus: The signal "conversation-extended-menu" caused some dbus error. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.) (08:34:48) jabber: Sending (ssl): (08:34:48) jabber: Recv (ssl)(178): (08:34:48) jabber: Sending (ssl): (08:35:30) prefs: /pidgin/conversations/toolbar/wide changed, scheduling save. (08:35:30) dbus: Need to register an object with the dbus subsystem. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.) (08:35:30) dbus: The signal "blist-node-extended-menu" caused some dbus error. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.) (08:35:30) dbus: Need to register an object with the dbus subsystem. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.) (08:35:30) dbus: The signal "conversation-extended-menu" caused some dbus error. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.) (08:35:32) dbus: Need to register an object with the dbus subsystem. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.) (08:35:32) dbus: The signal "blist-node-extended-menu" caused some dbus error. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.) (08:35:32) dbus: Need to register an object with the dbus subsystem. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.) (08:35:32) dbus: The signal "conversation-extended-menu" caused some dbus error. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.) (08:35:36) util: Writing file prefs.xml to directory /home/chatellier/.purple (08:35:36) util: Writing file /home/chatellier/.purple/prefs.xml (08:35:36) jabber: Recv (ssl)(279): dnd (08:35:36) blist: Updating buddy status for jpravillion@gmail.com (XMPP) (08:35:38) jabber: Sending (ssl): (08:35:46) jabber: in jabber_si_xfer_cancel_send (08:35:48) dbus: Need to register an object with the dbus subsystem. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.) (08:35:48) dbus: The signal "blist-node-extended-menu" caused some dbus error. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.) (08:35:48) dbus: Need to register an object with the dbus subsystem. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.) (08:35:48) dbus: The signal "conversation-extended-menu" caused some dbus error. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.) (08:35:51) jabber: Sending (ssl): (08:36:08) jabber: Sending (ssl): (08:36:08) jabber: Recv (ssl)(124): (08:36:09) dbus: Need to register an object with the dbus subsystem. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.) (08:36:09) dbus: The signal "blist-node-extended-menu" caused some dbus error. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.) (08:36:09) dbus: Need to register an object with the dbus subsystem. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.) (08:36:09) dbus: The signal "conversation-extended-menu" caused some dbus error. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.) (08:36:13) jabber: Sending (ssl): (08:36:13) jabber: Sending (ssl): sdfssdfs (08:36:13) jabber: Sending (ssl): (08:36:15) dbus: Need to register an object with the dbus subsystem. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.) (08:36:15) dbus: The signal "blist-node-extended-menu" caused some dbus error. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.) (08:36:15) dbus: Need to register an object with the dbus subsystem. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.) (08:36:15) dbus: The signal "conversation-extended-menu" caused some dbus error. (If you are not a developer, please ignore this message.) (08:36:38) jabber: Sending (ssl): (08:36:38) jabber: Recv (ssl)(124): (08:36:39) jabber: Recv (ssl)(178): (08:36:39) jabber: Sending (ssl): (08:36:39) jabber: Recv (ssl)(105): (08:36:41) jabber: Recv (ssl)(1201): (08:36:41) jabber: Sending (ssl): (08:36:41) jabber: Recv (ssl)(193): (08:36:41) jabber: Recv (ssl)(318): sdfssdfs (08:36:41) jabber: Recv (ssl)(190): (08:36:42) jabber: Recv (ssl)(575): (08:36:51) jabber: Recv (ssl)(245): 1 (08:36:51) blist: Updating buddy status for glandais@XYZ (XMPP) (08:36:51) jabber: Recv (ssl)(343): 1 (08:36:51) blist: Updating buddy status for glandais@XYZ (XMPP) (08:36:51) jabber: Recv (ssl)(224): (08:36:51) jabber: Sending (ssl): (08:36:51) jabber: Recv (ssl)(224): (08:36:51) jabber: Sending (ssl): (08:36:51) jabber: Recv (ssl)(224): (08:36:51) jabber: Sending (ssl): (08:36:51) jabber: Recv (ssl)(224): (08:36:51) jabber: Sending (ssl): (08:36:51) jabber: Recv (ssl)(225): (08:36:51) jabber: Sending (ssl): (08:37:25) prefs: /pidgin/filelocations/last_save_folder changed, scheduling save. (08:37:25) jabber: Sending (ssl): http://jabber.org/protocol/bytestreams (08:37:25) jabber: Recv (ssl)(1201): (08:37:25) jabber: Recv (ssl)(371): http://jabber.org/protocol/bytestreams (08:37:25) network: Listening on port: 42970 (08:37:25) network: Couldn't create UPnP mapping (08:37:25) network: Couldn't create UPnP mapping (08:37:25) stun: using server (08:37:25) jabber: Sending (ssl): (08:37:25) jabber: Recv (ssl)(306): (08:37:25) dns: DNS query for '' queued (08:37:25) dns: Created new DNS child 30369, there are now 1 children. (08:37:25) dns: Successfully sent DNS request to child 30369 (08:37:25) dns: Got response for '' (08:37:25) dnsquery: IP resolved for (08:37:25) proxy: Attempting connection to (08:37:25) proxy: Connecting to dc7aea1890b3237e85a5c59ac9da82261c060c2e:0 via using SOCKS5 (08:37:25) socks5 proxy: Connection in progress (08:37:25) jabber: in jabber_si_xfer_bytestreams_send_connected_cb (08:37:25) socks5 proxy: Connected. (08:37:25) jabber: in jabber_si_xfer_bytestreams_send_read_cb (08:37:25) jabber: reading those first two bytes (08:37:25) jabber: in jabber_si_xfer_bytestreams_send_read_cb (08:37:25) jabber: reading the next umpteen bytes (08:37:25) jabber: checking to make sure we're socks FIVE (08:37:25) jabber: going to test 1 different methods (08:37:25) jabber: testing 0 (08:37:25) socks5 proxy: Able to read. (08:37:25) jabber: in jabber_si_xfer_bytestreams_send_read_again_cb (08:37:25) jabber: reading the first 5 bytes (08:37:25) jabber: in jabber_si_xfer_bytestreams_send_read_again_cb (08:37:25) jabber: reading umpteen more bytes (08:37:25) stun: using server (08:37:25) s5: reallocing from 4 to 5 (08:37:25) s5: reallocing from 5 to 19 (08:37:25) s5: reallocing from 19 to 21 (08:37:25) jabber: Sending (ssl): (08:37:25) jabber: Recv (ssl)(258):