# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: $ inherit eutils DESCRIPTION="ConvertAll is a unit conversion program. Units can be combined with multiplication and division operators and can be squared, cubed, etc. The interface allows the units to be typed or selected from lists and the conversions can be made in both directions. Non-linear units (such as temperatures and gauge sizes) are supported. The unit data file can be easily modified to add additional units. ConvertAll is based on the PyQt library." HOMEPAGE="http://convertall.bellz.org" SRC_URI="http://download.berlios.de/convertall/${P}.tar.gz" RESTRICT="nomirror" LICENSE="GPL" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="x86 amd64" IUSE="" DEPEND=">=x11-libs/qt-4.3 >=dev-lang/python-2.3 >=dev-python/PyQt4-4.3.3" RDEPEND="${DEPEND}" src_unpack() { unpack ${A} cd ${S} } src_install() { einfo "This program does not need to be configured. Portage is instead installing this application." python install.py -p ${D}\usr || die "install failed" dodoc README }