# Copyright 1999-2001 Gentoo Technologies, Inc. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, v2 or later # Maintainer: Sean Mitchell # /space/gentoo/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/skel.build,v 1.11 2001/12/06 22:12:34 drobbins Exp S=${WORKDIR}/${P} DESCRIPTION="ezmlm-idx is an add-on to ezmlm, a qmail-based mailing list manager." SRC_URI="http://gd.tuwien.ac.at/infosys/mail/qmail/ezmlm-patches/ezmlm-0.53.tar.gz http://gd.tuwien.ac.at/infosys/mail/qmail/ezmlm-patches/${P}.tar.gz" HOMEPAGE="http://www.ezmlm.org" DEPEND="mysql? ( >=mysql ) postgres? ( >=postgresql )" # Run-time dependencies, same as DEPEND if RDEPEND isn't defined: RDEPEND=">=net-mail/qmail" src_unpack() { # This is a bit of a pain, since due to DJB's license we need to grab the original # ezmlm and patch it. In keeping with the spirit of ezmlm- idx's INSTALL, we'll # just unpack ezmlm and then rename it to the ${P}. Then we untar the new stuff # over it and patch. cd ${WORKDIR} unpack ezmlm-0.53.tar.gz mv ezmlm-0.53 ${P} unpack ${P}.tar.gz cd ${S} echo "Applying ezmlm-idx-0.40 patch..." patch < idx.patch # since we can't do this from option in a a configure script, we'll # have to set the target dirs, which get compiled in. echo "Setting ${S}/conf-bin to /usr/bin" echo "/usr/bin" > ${S}/conf-bin echo "Setting ${S}/conf-man to /usr/man" echo "/usr/man" > ${S}/conf-man } src_compile() { if [ "`use mysql`" ] ; then emake mysql || die fi if [ "`use postgres`" ] ; then emake pgsql || die fi emake || die emake man || die } src_install () { # since there's no configure we'll have to manually create our target # directory structure and then copy everything there. echo "Changing directory to ${S}" cd ${S} mkdir ${D}/usr mkdir ${D}/usr/bin mkdir ${D}/usr/man mkdir ${D}/usr/man/man1 mkdir ${D}/usr/man/man3 mkdir ${D}/usr/man/man5 cp ezmlm-accept \ ezmlm-archive \ ezmlm-issubn \ ezmlm-glconf \ ezmlm-make \ ezmlm-mktab \ ezmlm-manage \ ezmlm-send \ ezmlm-request \ ezmlm-reject \ ezmlm-return \ ezmlm-warn \ ezmlm-weed \ ezmlm-list \ ezmlm-clean \ ezmlm-cron \ ezmlm-limit \ ezmlm-store \ ezmlm-split \ ezmlm-moderate \ ezmlm-sub \ ezmlm-unsub \ ezmlmrc \ ezmlmglrc \ ezmlmsubrc \ ezmlm-idx \ ezmlm-check \ ezmlm-gate \ ezmlm-tstdig \ ezmlm-get \ ${D}/usr/bin cp *.1 ${D}/usr/man/man1 cp *.3 ${D}/usr/man/man3 cp *.5 ${D}/usr/man/man5 dodoc BLURB CHANGES INSTALL LICENCE.TXT README THANKS TODO VERSION dodoc *.idx }