EGIT_REPO_URI="git://" inherit eutils flag-o-matic git DESCRIPTION="An advanced network manager with event based script execution" HOMEPAGE="" SRC_URI="" LICENSE="GPL-2.0" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~x86 ~amd64" IUSE="debug wifi X" RDEPEND=">=x11-libs/qt-4.3.2 sys-apps/dbus wifi? ( >=net-wireless/wpa_supplicant-0.6.0 ) wifi? ( >=net-wireless/wireless-tools-29 )" DEPEND="${RDEPEND} sys-kernel/linux-headers >=dev-libs/libnl-1.0_pre6-r1 sys-devel/bison sys-devel/flex" S=${WORKDIR}/${EGIT_PROJECT} pkg_setup() { if ! built_with_use x11-libs/qt dbus ; then eerror "Nut requires >=qt4.3.2 to be built with dbus" die "rebuild x11-libs/qt with the dbus USE flag" fi if ! qmake --version | grep -i qt4 ; then eerror "qmake does not point to qmake-qt4" die "Install qmake-qt4 and set symlinks correctly" fi enewgroup netdev } src_unpack() { #check version: if [ "$PV" != 9999 ]; then EGIT_TREE="v${PV}" fi git_src_unpack epatch "$S"/gentoo/files/gentoo_linux_headers.diff || die } src_compile() { cd "${S}" config_defines = "" config_release = "" if use debug; then config_release="debug" else config_release="release" config_defines="$config_defines QT_NO_DEBUG_OUTPUT" fi if ! use wifi; then config_defines="$config_defines LIBNUT_NO_WIRELESS QNUT_NO_WIRELESS" fi if ! use X; then #Patch we don't need libnutclient,libnutwireless and qnut sed --in-place -e :a -e "s/libnutwireless\|libnutclient\|qnut//;ta" fi qmake -recursive -Wall "CONFIG+=$config_release" "DEFINES+=$config_defines" make || die } src_install() { make INSTALL_ROOT="${D}" install || die exeinto /etc/init.d/ newexe "${S}"/gentoo/nuts.init nuts dodir /etc/nuts insinto /etc/nuts/ newins "${S}"/docs/config.example nuts.config.example exeinto /etc/nuts/ newexe "${S}"/nuts/dispatch dispatch dodir /etc/nuts/events dodir /etc/nuts/events/all dodir /etc/nuts/events/default insinto /etc/nuts/events/all newins "${S}"/gentoo/start_avahi start_avahi newins "${S}"/gentoo/ntp-date ntp-date newins "${S}"/gentoo/autoswitch_netcards autoswitch_netcards insinto /etc/dbus-1/system.d/ newins "${S}"/debian/nuts-dbus.conf nuts-dbus.conf doman "${S}"/debian/*.1 } pkg_postinst() { elog "Nuts' config file is located at /etc/nuts/nuts.config." elog "Edit this file to your needs." elog "An example config file can be found at /etc/nuts.config.example." elog "" elog "You have to be in the group netdev in order to use qnut" elog "If you want to use the wpa_supplicant backend as unprivileged user," elog "you have to set control rights in your wpa_supplicant.conf accordingly:" elog "i.e. ctrl_interface_group=netdev" elog "" elog "To start nuts add nuts to your default runlevel:" elog "rc-update add nuts default" elog "" elog "nuts as well as qnut support event based script execution" elog "Have look at /etc/nuts/dispatch to see how to write your own (server) scripts and where to put them." elog "For qnut, please have a look at the man page" elog "" elog "Known bugs:" elog "Qnut/cnut will use 99% cpu if you are not allowed to access nuts' dbus interface." elog "This will be fixed in qt-4.4" elog "Configuring networks is not fully tested. Please make a back-up before you activate wpa_supplicant's config write feature." }