Configuring search environment for revdep-rebuild Checking reverse dependencies... Packages containing binaries and libraries broken by a package update will be emerged. Collecting system binaries and libraries... using existing /root/.revdep-rebuild.1_files. Collecting complete LD_LIBRARY_PATH... using existing /root/.revdep-rebuild.2_ldpath. Checking dynamic linking consistency... using existing /root/.revdep-rebuild.3_rebuild. Assigning files to ebuilds... using existing /root/.revdep-rebuild.4_ebuilds. Evaluating package order... using existing /root/.revdep-rebuild.5_order. All prepared. Starting rebuild... emerge --oneshot =media-sound/vorbis-tools-1.1.1-r3 =app-cdr/cdrdao-1.2.1-r1 =net-p2p/amule-2.1.3 =dev-cpp/libgnomecanvasmm-2.12.0 =dev-cpp/libgnomemm-2.12.2 =dev-cpp/libgnomeuimm-2.12.0 .......... Calculating dependencies ..... .. emerge: there are no ebuilds to satisfy "=dev-cpp/libgnomecanvasmm-2.12.0". revdep-rebuild failed to emerge all packages you have the following choices: - if emerge failed during the build, fix the problems and re-run revdep-rebuild or - use -X or --package-names as first argument (trys to rebuild package, not exact ebuild) or - set ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~" and/or /etc/portage/package.unmask (and remove /root/.revdep-rebuild.5_order to be evaluated again) or - modify the above emerge command and run it manually or - compile or unmerge unsatisfied packages manually, remove temporary files and try again (you can edit package/ebuild list first) To remove temporary files, please run: rm /root/.revdep-rebuild*.?_*