.\" Process this file with .\" groff -man -Tascii gcc-config.8 .\" .\" TODO: .\" - profile kann als Zahl oder Name uebergeben werden .\" - TARGET-VER -> TARGET VER .TH GCC-CONFIG 8 "Gentoo Linux" "2007" "GCC-CONFIG" .SH NAME gcc-config \- Change or show current cc/gcc profile .SH SYNOPSIS .BI "gcc-config [options] [profile] .SH DESCRIPTION This program changes or shows the current (GNU) C compiler \fIprofile\fP. In general, a profile comprises the \fBCHOST\fP (aka target platform) and the version of the C compiler, e.g. i686-pc-linux-gnu-3.4.6 Only root is allowed to change the current profile. .SH ARGUMENTS Whenever an option allows the parameter \fIprofile\fP you may specify it by its complete \fIprofile name\fP (e.g. i686-pc-linux-gnu-3.4.6) or by the number provided through the gcc-config's parameter \fB-l\fP. .SH OPTIONS .TP .BI "-O, --use-old" Use the old \fIprofile\fP if one was selected. .TP .BI "-f, --force" Make sure all config files are regenerated. .TP .BI "-p, --use-portage-chost" Only set to given profile if its \fBCHOST\fP is the same as that set for portage in \fI/etc/make.conf\fP or one of other portage config files (see \fBFILES\fP below). .TP .BI "-c, --get-current-profile" Print currently used C compiler profile. .TP .BI "-l, --list-profiles" Print a list of available C compiler profiles. The currently used is marked by a green asterisk. Available cross-compilers are marked by a cyan asterisk. .TP .BI "-S, --split-profile [profile name]" Split profile name into its components comprising the TARGET and compiler VERSION. .TP .BI "-E, --print-environ" Print environment that can be used to setup the current C compiler profile, or a specified one. .TP .BI "-B, --get-bin-path [profile]" Print path where binaries of the given/current profile are located. .TP .BI "-L, --get-lib-path [profile]" Print path where libraries of the given/current profile are located. .TP .BI "-X, --get-stdcxx-incdir" Print path where C++ compiler include files of the given/current profile are located. .TP .BI "-h, --help" Print short help information and exit. .TP .BI "-V, --version" Print gcc-config's version and exit. .SH ENVIRONMENT .TP .B "ROOT" .RS Specifies another ROOT directory for searching profile configuration files (see \fBFILES\fP below). .RE .SH FILES .TP .BR \fI/etc/profile\fP Configuration setup for the environment of Bourne-shell derivative login shells. .TP .BR \fI/etc/make.conf\fP Contains current CHOST configuration. .TP .BR \fI/etc/env.d/05gcc\fP Main configuraiton of the currently used profile. .TP .BR \fI/etc/env.d/05gcc-*\fP PATH and ROOTPATH of the currently used profile. .TP .BR \fI/etc/env.d/gcc/config\fP Contains the currently used C compiler profile. .TP .BR \fI/etc/env.d/gcc/\fP Directory containing all profiles. .TP .BR \fI/etc/init.d/functions.sh\fP Helper functions to analyze the system environment. .TP .BR \fI/etc/ld.so.conf\fP Paths to system-wide libraries. .SH NOTES Changing your current C compiler profile to a new major version may result in an inconsistendly build Gentoo installation. Consider to rebuild all your Gentoo packages with "emerge -e world" if you finally change to a new major version. .SH REPORTING BUGS Please report bugs via http://bugs.gentoo.org/ .SH AUTHORS Mike Frysinger .SH SEE ALSO .BR emerge (1), .BR env-update (1). .TP For building a cross compiler the Gentoo-way see \fIhttp://dev.gentoo.org/~vapier/CROSS-COMPILE-HOWTO\fP.