# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: $ # cvahldieck 2007-04 inherit eutils DESCRIPTION="Nagios Grapher - Daemon and CGIs for getting quite pretty charts out of nagios" HOMEPAGE="http://www.nagiosexchange.org/NagiosGrapher.84.0.html/" SRC_URI="http://de.geocities.com/fencheltee84/nagios/nagios-grapher-1.6.1_rc3.tar.gz \ http://de.geocities.com/fencheltee84/nagios/nagios-grapher-1.6.1_rc3-r1.gentoo-patchset.tar.gz" LICENSE="GPL-2" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~x86" IUSE="" DEPEND=">=dev-perl/GDGraph-1.43 >=dev-perl/Image-Imlib2-1.13 >=dev-perl/XML-NamespaceSupport-1.09 >=dev-perl/XML-SAX-0.14 >=dev-perl/XML-Dumper-0.81 >=dev-perl/URI-1.3.5 >=dev-lang/perl-5.8.7-r3 >=net-analyzer/rrdtool-1.2.6-r1 >=media-gfx/imagemagick- >=net-analyzer/nagios-2.5 >=dev-perl/Calendar-Simple-1.17" RDEPEND="${DEPEND}" pkg_setup() { enewgroup nagios enewuser nagios -1 /bin/bash /dev/null nagios } src_unpack() { unpack ${A} cd ${WORKDIR} cd files ln -s 1.6.1_rc3-r1 ${PVR} cd .. epatch files/${PVR}/collect2.pl.diff epatch files/${PVR}/config.layout.diff epatch files/${PVR}/configure.ac.diff epatch files/${PVR}/ngraph.ncfg.in.diff } src_compile() { cd ${WORKDIR} cp files/${PVR}/nagios-grapher.in . autoconf ./configure --with-layout=gentoo --with-ng-interface=pipe || die "./configure failed" cd ${WORKDIR}/contrib/fifo_write/C gcc fifo_write.c -o fifo_write cd ${WORKDIR}/contrib/udpecho gcc udpecho.c -o udpecho } src_install() { cd ${WORKDIR} insinto /etc/nagios/ doins cfg/ngraph.ncfg insinto /usr/nagios/share/images doins dot.png graph.png exeinto /usr/nagios/sbin doexe sbin/graphs.cgi sbin/rrd2-graph.cgi sbin/rrd2-system.cgi exeinto /usr/nagios/contrib doexe bin/collect2.pl bin/fifo_write.pl contrib/fifo_write/C/fifo_write contrib/udpecho/udpecho exeinto /etc/perl doexe lib/NagiosGrapher.pm exeinto /etc/perl/NagiosGrapher doexe lib/NagiosGrapher/HTML.pm exeinto /etc/perl/NagiosGrapher/Hooks cd lib/NagiosGrapher/Hooks doexe Generic.pm ImageGraphTest.pm RRDUpdateTest.pm SrvExtTest.pm SrvExtWriteHostextInfo.pm cd ${WORKDIR} exeinto /etc/init.d doexe nagios-grapher cd doc dodoc ABOUT AUTHORS CHANGELOG CONFIG INSTALL LAYOUT VERSION docinto examples cd examples dodoc README TIPS cd advanced dodoc linux-disk-usage.cfg linux-load.cfg net-ping.cfg openvpn-clients.cfg cd ../basic dodoc linux-procs.cfg linux-swap.cfg linux-users.cfg net-ldap.cfg } pkg_postinst() { einfo einfo "To complete the installation you have to make sure" einfo "nagios and nagios-grapher understand each other." einfo einfo "So please check the following lines in '/etc/nagios/nagios.cfg':" einfo " process_performance_data=1" einfo " service_perfdata_command=process-service-perfdata" einfo einfo "You should also define the following within your nagios config:" einfo " define command { " einfo " command_name process-service-perfdata " einfo " command_line echo -e '\$HOSTNAME\$\\\t\$SERVICEDESC$\\\t\$SERVICEOUTPUT$\\\t\$SERVICEPERFDATA\$' > /var/nagios/rw/ngraph.pipe" einfo " }" einfo einfo "Don't forget to add nagios-grapher to your favorite runlevel." einfo "To do this please type: 'rc-update add nagios-grapher default'" einfo einfo "Just in case: the docs are located in /usr/share/doc/${PF}" einfo }