#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # # Zac Medico # import sys, os try: from portage.versions import pkgcmp, pkgsplit from portage.dep import dep_getkey, dep_opconvert, paren_reduce, use_reduce except ImportError: # backward compat for <=portage-2.1.2 from portage_versions import pkgcmp, pkgsplit from portage_dep import dep_getkey, dep_opconvert, paren_reduce, use_reduce if not hasattr(__builtins__, "set"): from sets import Set as set # python-2.3 compat combination_test_data = [ ("|| ( a b c d || ( e f ) )", 6), ("|| ( a b c d || ( e f g || ( h i ) ) )", 9), ("|| ( a b c )", 3), ("|| ( ( a b ) ( c d || ( e f ) ) )", 3), ("a b c d || ( e f ) || ( i j k ) || ( l m n o )", 24) ] def test_combinations(): failures = 0 for depstring, expected_count in combination_test_data: deps = paren_reduce(depstring) deps = use_reduce(deps, uselist=[]) deps = dep_opconvert(deps) combinations = expand_combinations(deps) if len(combinations) != expected_count: failures += 1 print "depstring: %s" % depstring print "combinations: %s" % str(combinations) print "expected %s combinations, got %s" % \ (expected_count, len(results)) if failures != 0: return 1 print "success" return os.EX_OK def expand_combinations(deps): if not deps: return [] if deps[0] == "||": ret = [] for element in deps[1:]: if isinstance(element, list): if element: variables = expand_combinations(element) if variables: ret.extend(variables) else: ret.append([element]) if len(deps) == 1: return [] return ret constant_deps = [] variable_deps = [] for element in deps: if isinstance(element, list): if element: variables = expand_combinations(element) if variables: if len(variables) > 1: variable_deps.append(variables) else: constant_deps.append(variables[0]) else: constant_deps.append(element) if not variable_deps: return [constant_deps] # Cover all possible combinations of indexes for variable deps, analogous # to a set of combinations such as { 000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, ... } # where the number of possibilities may differ from one variable dep to # the next. ret = [] choice_indexes = [] var_total = len(variable_deps) for x in xrange(var_total): choice_indexes.append(0) var_index = 0 while True: if choice_indexes[var_index] >= len(variable_deps[var_index]): # Bring it back into bounds. choice_indexes[var_index] -= 1 var_index += 1 if var_index >= var_total: break for i in xrange(var_index): choice_indexes[i] = 0 choice_indexes[var_index] += 1 # Check to see if incrementing it has put it out of bounds. continue else: # Choice_indexes are in bounds. Always try to increment the least # significant index (0) first, and let the boundary checks correct # when necessary. var_index = 0 comb = constant_deps[:] for i in xrange(var_total): comb.extend(variable_deps[i][choice_indexes[i]]) ret.append(comb) choice_indexes[var_index] += 1 return ret def cmp_pkgs(cpv1, cpv2): return pkgcmp(pkgsplit(cpv2), pkgsplit(cpv1)) def expand_new_virtuals(mydb, deps): ret = [] for x in deps: if isinstance(x, list): ret.append(expand_new_virtuals(mydb, x)) continue elif x == "||" or x.startswith("!"): ret.append(x) continue cp = dep_getkey(x) if not cp.startswith("virtual/"): ret.append(x) continue pkgs = [] for cpv in mydb.match(x): # only use new-style matches if cpv.startswith("virtual/"): pkgs.append(cpv) if not pkgs: ret.append(x) continue pkgs.sort(cmp_pkgs) choices = ["||"] for cpv in pkgs: depstring = " ".join(mydb.aux_get(cpv, ["DEPEND", "RDEPEND", "PDEPEND"])) uselist = mydb.aux_get(cpv, ["USE"])[0].split() depstring = paren_reduce(depstring) depstring = use_reduce(depstring, uselist=uselist) depstring = dep_opconvert(depstring) virtual_deps = expand_new_virtuals(mydb, depstring) if virtual_deps and virtual_deps[0] != "||": choices.append(["="+cpv] + virtual_deps) else: choices.append(["="+cpv, virtual_deps]) ret.append(choices) return ret def get_available_pkg_combinations(mydb, deps): deps = expand_new_virtuals(mydb, deps) atom_combs = expand_combinations(deps) pkg_combs = ["||"] for atom_comb in atom_combs: unsatisfied = False pkg_comb = [] for atom in atom_comb: if atom.startswith("!"): continue avail_pkgs = mydb.match(atom) if not avail_pkgs: unsatisfied = True break if len(avail_pkgs) == 1: pkg_comb.append("="+avail_pkgs[0]) else: avail_pkgs.sort(cmp_pkgs) pkg_comb.append(["||"] + ["="+cpv for cpv in avail_pkgs]) if unsatisfied: continue pkg_combs.append(pkg_comb) pkg_combs = expand_combinations(pkg_combs) return pkg_combs def get_installed_combinations(depstring, slot_atoms): import portage myroot = portage.settings["ROOT"] uselist = portage.settings["USE"].split() vardb = portage.db[myroot]["vartree"].dbapi deps = paren_reduce(depstring) deps = use_reduce(deps, uselist=uselist) deps = dep_opconvert(deps) combinations = get_available_pkg_combinations(vardb, deps) for i in xrange(len(combinations)): pkg_comb = combinations[i] for j in xrange(len(pkg_comb)): cpv = pkg_comb[j].lstrip("=") if slot_atoms: pkg_comb[j] = "%s:%s" % \ (dep_getkey(cpv), vardb.aux_get(cpv, ["SLOT"])[0]) else: pkg_comb[j] = cpv return combinations def show_installed_combinations(depstring, filter_virtuals, slot_atoms): combinations = get_installed_combinations(depstring, slot_atoms) shown_combinations = set() for x in combinations: atoms = list(set(x)) atoms.sort() if filter_virtuals: atoms = [atom for atom in atoms \ if not atom.startswith("virtual/")] atoms = tuple(atoms) if atoms in shown_combinations: continue shown_combinations.add(atoms) print " ".join([atom.lstrip("=") for atom in atoms]) if __name__ == "__main__": description = "Show all possible combinations of installed " + \ "packages that satisfy a given dependency string." usage = "usage: %s [options] " % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser(description=description, usage=usage) parser.add_option("--show-virtuals", action="store_false", dest="filter_virtuals", default=True, help="show new-style virtuals") parser.add_option("--show-versions", action="store_false", dest="slot_atoms", default=True, help="show exact versions instead of slot atoms") parser.add_option("--test", action="store_true", dest="test", default=False, help="test the combinations logic") options, args = parser.parse_args() if options.test: retval = test_combinations() elif len(args) != 1: parser.print_usage() retval = 1 else: retval = show_installed_combinations(args[0], options.filter_virtuals, options.slot_atoms) sys.exit(retval)