# Copyright 1999-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: $ inherit cvs inherit flag-o-matic # fails with -O3 replace-flags "-O3" "-O2" DESCRIPTION="A small window mananger based on aewm++" HOMEPAGE="http://www.pekwm.org/" LICENSE="GPL-2" KEYWORDS="x86" SLOT="0" IUSE="" DEPEND="dev-util/pkgconfig virtual/x11" ECVS_SERVER="babblica.net:/usr/local/cvs" ECVS_MODULE="babblica/pekwm" ECVS_USER="anoncvs" ECVS_TOP_DIR="${DISTDIR}/cvs-src/${PN}" S="${WORKDIR}/${ECVS_MODULE}" MY_PN="${PN/-cvs}" pkg_setup() { einfo "Note: this ebuild will replace your x11-wm/pekwm installation" } src_compile() { confopts="--sysconfdir=/usr/share" confopts="${confopts} --enable-pcre" confopts="${confopts} --enable-harbour" confopts="${confopts} --enable-xinerama" econf ${confopts} || die "configure failed" emake || die "compile failed" } src_install() { exeinto /usr/bin doexe src/pekwm insinto /usr/share/${MY_PN}/themes/minimal doins data/themes/minimal/*.xpm data/themes/minimal/theme insinto /usr/share/${MY_PN} cd ${S}/data doins autoproperties config keys menu mouse start cd ${S} doman docs/pekwm.1 dodoc AUTHORS INSTALL LICENSE NEWS PACKAGERS README* ROADMAP TODO \ ChangeLog* docs/pekwmdocs.txt dohtml docs/pekwmdocs.html }