.\" Copyright (c) 2007 Maik Messerschmidt. .\" .\" This file may be copied under the conditions described .\" in the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License, which can be found at: .\" http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/legalcode .\" .TH SPL2C 1 2007-01-25 "Programming" .SH NAME spl2c \- The Shakespeare Programming Language Compiler .SH SYNOPSIS .B spl2c < .I inputfile > .I outputfile .SH DESCRIPTION spl2c compiles code written in the Shakespeare Programming Language into c-code, which than can be compiled by gcc (or any c-compiler). The c-code produced by spl2c must be linked with libspl.a, which is provided with the spl2c compiler. .SH RETURN VALUES spl2c returns 0 on success and 1 on failure. .SH EXAMPLES In this example, we first compile the hello world program from spl to c and then compile it with gcc into a binary. On my system I also need to link against the math-libary (libm.a), because it is used in libspl.a and not included by default: .P .PD 0 $ spl2c < hello.spl > hello.c .P $ gcc -o hello hello.c -lspl -lm .P $ ./hello .P Hello World! .PD 1 .P You can find examples within your doc-directory (ussually /usr/share/doc/spl-VERSION/examples). .SH SEE ALSO .PD 0 For a language descriptions see: .P http://shakespearelang.sourceforge.net/ .P http://people.csa.iisc.ernet.in/sreejith/frontends/spl/spl.htm .PD 1 .SH HISTORY This manual page was written by Maik Messerschmidt for the spl-1.2.1 ebuild in Gentoo-Linux.