# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: $ inherit eutils linux-info linux-mod FILE="rtl8187_linux_26.1010.zip" DESCRIPTION="Driver for the RTL8187 wireless chipset" HOMEPAGE="http://www.realtek.com.tw" SRC_URI="${FILE}${FILE}" LICENSE="GPL-2" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="x86" IUSE="" DEPEND="app-arch/unzip" S=${WORKDIR}/rtl8187_linux_26.1010.0622.2006 MODULE_NAMES="ieee80211_crypt-rtl(net:${S}/ieee80211) ieee80211_crypt_wep-rtl(net:${S}/ieee80211) ieee80211_crypt_tkip-rtl(net:${S}/ieee80211) ieee80211_crypt_ccmp-rtl(net:${S}/ieee80211) ieee80211-rtl(net:${S}/ieee80211) r8187(net:${S}/beta-8187)" BUILD_TARGETS=" " MODULESD_R8187_ALIASES=("wlan0 r8187") pkg_setup() { if ! kernel_is 2 6 ; then eerror "This driver is for kernel version 2.6 or greater only!" die "No kernel version 2.6 or greater detected!" fi linux-info_pkg_setup linux-mod_pkg_setup # Needs NET_RADIO in kernel, for wireless_send_event local CONFIG_CHECK="NET_RADIO CRYPTO CRYPTO_ARC4 CRC32 !IEEE80211" local ERROR_IEEE80211="${P} requires the in-kernel version of the IEEE802.11 subsystem to be disabled (CONFIG_IEEE80211)" check_extra_config BUILD_PARAMS="KSRC=${KV_DIR}" } src_unpack() { unpack ${A} cd "${S}" unpack ./stack.tar.gz unpack ./drv.tar.gz edos2unix beta-8187/r8187_core.c || die edos2unix beta-8187/r8187.h || die cp -f ieee80211/readme ieee80211.txt rm -f beta-8187/*~ sed -i \ -e 's/void rtl8225z2_rf_set_mode(struct net_device *dev) ;/void rtl8225z2_rf_set_mode(struct net_device *dev) ;\nvoid rtl8185_rf_pins_enable(struct net_device *dev);/' \ beta-8187/r8180_rtl8225.h || die sed -i \ -e 's/void rtl8187_set_rxconf/void rtl8180_set_mode(struct net_device *dev,int mode);\nvoid rtl8187_set_rxconf/' \ beta-8187/r8187.h || die sed -i \ -e 's:::g' \ ieee80211/* beta-8187/* || die sed -i \ -e 's/\, struct pt_regs \*regs//' \ -e 's/dev->get_wireless_stats = r8180_get_wireless_stats/dev->get_stats = r8180_get_stats/' \ -e 's/\*r8180_get_wireless_stats/\*r8180_get_stats/' \ beta-8187/{r8180_wx.c,r8187_core.c,tags} || die sed -i \ -e 's/.get_wireless_stats = r8180_get_wireless_stats/.get_wireless_stats = r8180_get_stats/' \ beta-8187/r8180_wx.c || die sed -i \ -e 's/r8180_get_wireless_stats/r8180_get_stats/' \ beta-8187/tags || die # From http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-531488.html # Fixes bug of chopping off the ESSID's last character sed -i \ -e 's/len = ((wrqu->essid.length-1) < IW_ESSID_MAX_SIZE) ? (wrqu->essid.length-1) : IW_ESSID_MAX_SIZE/len = ((wrqu->essid.length) < IW_ESSID_MAX_SIZE) ? (wrqu->essid.length) : IW_ESSID_MAX_SIZE/' \ ieee80211/ieee80211_softmac_wx.c || die "sed ieee80211_softmac_wx.c failed" einfo "Ignore the 'ieee80211* undefined' warnings." } src_install() { linux-mod_src_install dodoc *.txt wlan0* beta-8187/{authors,changes,readme} } pkg_postinst() { linux-mod_pkg_postinst elog "You may want to add the following modules to" elog "/etc/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.6" elog elog "The module itself: r8187" elog "WEP and WPA encryption: ieee80211_crypt-rtl" elog "WEP encryption: ieee80211_crypt_wep-rtl" elog "WPA TKIP encryption: ieee80211_crypt_tkip-rtl" elog "WPA CCMP encryption: ieee80211_crypt_ccmp-rtl" elog "For the r8187 module: ieee80211-rtl" }